The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Wow, I had to catch up! Welcome Mrs Mel!

Poppie: I am trying to get DH to get ready but it's hard. First off, he's a big baby and won't take vitamins. I have to buy him the adult gummy vitamins, and he only takes them sometimes. Plus he smokes cigarettes, and I want him to quit. He doesn't have any desire to quit. I'm hoping he will change his mind once I explain that when I am pg and after the baby comes, he will have to change and shower before being around us. I've read that 2nd and 3rd hand smoke can contribute to SIDS.

Also, I really need to start temping I guess. I stopped my BCP at the end of February and had my withdrawal bleed. I had a 28 day cycle exactly and had my first period off the pill. If my periods stay the same, I am due to ovulate tomorrow. I keep having negative OPK's, and I'm not having any fertile CM. I know I'm freaking out over nothing, since cycles usually are screwy after coming off the pill. But the thoughts keep running through my head, like what if I don't ovulate?
Ahh poppie you will be so close to me! I live near Philly!! xDDD And I love NYC. If you've never been before, you'll love it. Enjoy your visit! xo

As for my OH, he does not smoke but I'm trying to encourage him to be more active, cut back on the beer - he doesn't drink a lot, really, but still - and I bought him vitamins that he doesn't want to take, but does. He texts me to say, "Mom I took my damn vitamin." Brat. lol! So that's pretty much it - I have yet to see pre-conception vitamins for males at the store here, but his vitamins have all the needs, I believe, so it should be covered.

Welcome back to all those who found us and read back all the past few pages. We do tend to fly through things here, eh? ;)


I love my June Bugs. You ladies are awesome!
Oh, and Jess? I worry all the time that I'm not going to ovulate either. Maybe temping would help ease your fears, as you suggested? We can be worrywarts together, it's all good. ;) <3
My OH is taking them and working out more and eating healthy plus helping to save as well. Sounds like you have it all sorted there a NY baby aww would be cool if it happened x
Thanks swan! I did buy a BBT thermometer, I just haven't used it. I can't remember to do it! The problem is, my alarm goes off, so I have to get up and turn it off. You aren't supposed to temp after moving. I guess I will have to try anyway.

I'm sorry, I do a lot of worrying. But that's why I love it on B&B. My only real friends besides my family are my coworkers. But the closest one to my age is in her upper 40's. I don't have anyone close to my age that is in the same place in life as me. Probably because there aren't a ton of 23 year olds who have settled down and are ready to start a family!

Thanks to everyone for listening to me! I just need to tell it to someone, iykwim?
Jess - don't worry (lol) I am a worrier too.

Swan - I saw PA in your location but didn't twig that it meant Pennsylvania :dohh: we are really really looking forward to it. Hoping to check out the sights in Philly when we're there, I'm also really keen to go to Sesame Place, I'm such a big kid and love Sesame Street! Will just have to see if we have time.

Thanks for the info on your OH's vitamins and stuff. We went to the Dr this morning for our flu-vacs for our OS trip (I was so brave!) and I asked the Dr about the vitamins for men, she recommends them. He was taking just a general mens multi-vitamin but she says the pre-conception ones have more good stuff for the baby making. There's a new one here called Menevit so I'm going to get him onto them asap. Another good thing, my Dr was pleased with my blood pressure readings I did from home over the past 10 days so i don't have to go on meds again :)

I'm also about to vent something - found out that my niece (husband's sister's daughter) is pregnant and due in Oct. I'm devastated, which I totally shouldn't be but we're so close, I want to be the one pregnant in the family. I doubt her's was planned but of course if she wants any support (we hardly see her anyway as she lives interstate) we'll be there but still, I never thought I'd be like that and here I am, jealous as all hell. :( sigh... just gotta remember - not long to go, not long to go, not long to go.... HURRY UP JUNE!!! :brat:
I'm also about to vent something - found out that my niece (husband's sister's daughter) is pregnant and due in Oct. I'm devastated, which I totally shouldn't be but we're so close, I want to be the one pregnant in the family. I doubt her's was planned but of course if she wants any support (we hardly see her anyway as she lives interstate) we'll be there but still, I never thought I'd be like that and here I am, jealous as all hell. :( sigh... just gotta remember - not long to go, not long to go, not long to go.... HURRY UP JUNE!!! :brat:

I totally know how you feel !! I just found out 2 days ago that my NIECE is PG also....she's an immature 19 !!! I wanted this to be my time in the family, not anyone else's.....she is due at the end of November, so if things go well for me, we will be PG together. *sigh* i wanted it to be just me... is that so selfish of me ??? All my siblings, all 7 of them all have children (most of them grown) and so I'm the last and wanted it to be just my time...

I totally know how you feel !! I just found out 2 days ago that my NIECE is PG also....she's an immature 19 !!! I wanted this to be my time in the family, not anyone else's.....she is due at the end of November, so if things go well for me, we will be PG together. *sigh* i wanted it to be just me... is that so selfish of me ??? All my siblings, all 7 of them all have children (most of them grown) and so I'm the last and wanted it to be just my time...


I am exactly with you there. I am the baby of 4 kids in my family. They are all a lot older than me and have had their kids. I have 4 nieces and 4 nephews ranging in age from 22 (the one who is PG) to 7. My nephew (18) already has a 1 year old! I hate being the last.
I am exactly with you there. I am the baby of 4 kids in my family. They are all a lot older than me and have had their kids. I have 4 nieces and 4 nephews ranging in age from 22 (the one who is PG) to 7. My nephew (18) already has a 1 year old! I hate being the last.

I'm so glad someone knows how I feel !! Yeah I am the "baby" of 8 kids total in our family. And I hate being called the baby, but it is what it is.....
my oldest niece is 28 and she's also trying for a baby !

I hate it !! It also makes me sad that my nieces & nephews are gonna be too old to play with my kid(s), it will have to be their kids that mine plays with !!! oh well.
I'm the biggest worrier in the world!

I've been trying to get hubby a bit healthier too, encouraging him to eat well etc.
Other then that, have been trying to tidy the house to make a bit more space (we have a tiny little house, so need all the room we can make!) I'll start folic acid soon too.

Feel a bit helpless just waiting for June to come, so trying to do as much as I can to make the time fly by :)
I laughed loudly at the question whether DH was taking any supplements! I mentiOned it this morning and he looked at me like I was mad and started beating his chest cave man style, and proclaiming he's got super sperm! To be fair, men in his family seem to get their wives pregnant just by looking at them! I hope we're not the exception to that rule...

I did manage to get him to cut down on booze after Christmas as I told him it can damage sperm. He wasn't drinking loads, but it was a regular couple of beers everynight when he got home from work, and he was using it as a stress release, which isn't so good. Every once in a while is fine but not everyday. That's a habit.
im quite lucky as the OH doesnt drink hardly at all, probs only about 5times a year if that! the ones we have got is satagen (if thats spelt right im not sure) they do a double pack one for the mother and one for the father to be. My other half thinks he has super sperm too lol aint men funny!
Well it's good to hear we've been "trying" to get the guys fit and healthy for the BD in June. My hubby doesn't drink heaps (maybe a couple on the weekend) so that's not much of a problem and he seems ok with getting on the vitamins.

A funny story - when my friend (who is now pregnant) and her husband were trying, he wouldn't BD with her if he'd had any alcohol. He thought it'd compromise his spems and affect the baby. I wanted to say "how do you think the majority of the population was conceived??" - LOL well I thought it was funny anyway :laugh2:
I know exactly what you mean, Jess - I feel so alone in this. One coworker is TTC I think but she recently had a m/c so I don't want to ask and still, don't talk about it much. And none of my friends are even remotely close to wanting to TTC - the few who were are already PG! /: The rest of my coworkers are over 40, my sister just had a baby, so I feel alone. Then I found BNB and I love it here. :) It's a great way to get things off my chest and relate to other women in the same or similar situations.

Oh Poppie you'll have a blast! Granted I've never been to Australia so you may hate it, but I think Philly and NYC are both great cities. :) There's a lot to do in Philly and you'll see a lot of sites. If you like chocolate, there's the Philadelphia Chocolate Tour - a walking tour of local chocolate makers - and it's supposed to be awesome. We want to do a tour soon, just have not gotten that far yet. -_-

I'm giggling over Becca's description of her OH because when I mentioned vitamins, I got a similar look of disdain and skepticism, and he was like, "Yeah I'm in great health, don't need stuff." Yeah okay, no. I bought them and he has subjected himself to taking them but I know he's not happy about it. And guess what?

This girl? She doesn't care, he's taking them anyway. xDD

So sorry to hear about the nieces situation for both of you - twag & poppie - that sucks! I hate when I hear about someone to whom I'm close getting pregnant when they're either irresponsible, were not trying or just am not mature enough for that kind of thing. /: It's really frustrating, because then I fear that oh no, I'll take years to get pregnant or find out I can't have kids or something irrational and way in left field for the fact that I'm not even TTC yet. Bah! <3

FertilityFriend predicts tomorrow as my last day in 'non-fertile' stage. Meaning the big O should come perhaps next week, meaning I'm getting curiouser and curiouser as to whether or not it'll actually happen this month.

Hrmph! I don't want to wait.
ok it's official....I'm addicted to this thread... lol
i'm running late for work but had to log on and take a glance. i will have to read more later....

have a great day everyone !! :flower:
Dodgegirl, I understand. My cousin, who already has one and is 8 years younger than me, is thinking about having another. I just have this feeling like she wants to beat me to it. When she was pregnant with her first, my sister and another cousin were pregnant at the same time.
Hey girls!

I never thought of getting my hubby on vitamins. Maybe I will have to pick him up some Men's vitamins this weekend. I don't think he would have a problem with taking them, in fact I gave him one of my Prenates the other day because he thought he was getting a cold.... He has already agreed to cut back on the beers. He drinks one or two in the evenings. I don't have a problem with that but also have read that doesn't help so...

I am totally in the same boat as you Poppiebug!! I feel like I live in my cousin's shadow and I want my own time to be pregnant - My mom told me recently that my cousin plans on trying for baby#2 soon - My mom doesn't know of our TTC plans - We are keeping it a secret from the the family. Anyways, when she said it my heart just sank. I want to be the one pregnant in the family!!! And I know if she announces it before me I will take it pretty hard.

Anyone happen to watch that show Pregnant in Heels on Bravo on Tuesday??? It was pretty cute, I think I'll keep watching it!!

Beccad - I would have done the same thing regarding the new job...

Today is my b-day and I turned 31. Yuck. I always thought I'd be done having babies by now and I haven't even started yet!! I have been in a pretty yucky mood all day. :(

Like the names you picked Kimberley.

Jess, I only started temping because I am a total worry wart and wanted to make sure that I was indeed OVing!!

Hope y'all are having a great day!!
I know how you feel girls! I found out a few weeks ago that my cousin is pg. From a DRUNKEN ONE NIGHT STAND. Oh, and she's having TWIN GIRLS! She's somewhere around 15 weeks. I was hoping to be the first one to have a baby:( I am trying to be happy for her though. She has been through a lot. Her husband was a former Marine and a police officer. He was killed in the line of duty less than 6 months after they got married. That was a little over a year ago. The guy she is pg by was her sister's husband's best man. So I think it will be good for her.

Sorry to ramble. Thanks for the encouragement guys! You're all awesome!:flower:
Good morning ladies, well it's morning here for me (are there any other Aussies in here??). TFIF! Can't wait for the weekend, I've got some friends coming to stay Saturday and we're heading to an AFL game Saturday afternoon. You probably don't know much about Aussie Rules, but it's just an awesome atmosphere to go to a game and support your team to victory! I support the mighty Carlton Blues!!

Anyways, I'm glad we're all in the same boat when it comes to that whole jealous feeling about others announcing their pregnancies. We're all sooooo close and it will be us soon enough. I'm so glad I can come here and whine about it with people who understand.

Well I was a big brave girl yesterday (am really a big sook), we went and had our flu-vac for our trip overseas, so we wont get sick or swine flu. I also had to go to the dentist for some fillings, which I was totally scared about, but I survived. I'm trying to get all these things done before TTC so I know my health is ok and also making sure things are done in case they can't be done during pregnancy.

My AF is still MIA (42 days since my last one) , I took another preg test this morning, just to be sure because I want to have a few drinks on the weekend. It was a :bfn: and I've really not had any symptoms of being pregnant (or AF coming for that matter) and we haven't done it without a condom so I guess it's just my body fixing itself up after stopping my BCP. My Dr gave me the referral for the blood test, so I will wait another week and see what happens. I really don't want AF as I expect her to be painful and yuk, but I'd like to know my body is getting itself back into routine so we can go at it by the end of June.

HOLY CRAP! I've written an essay this morning. Sorry for the massive post, I'll leave it there for now.

Have a nice day!!
Yay I got the sig working!! :)

Whereabouts in the US are you going to be moving, if you don't mind me asking, Poppie?

Oh we aren't actually moving, we're just visiting. My work is sending me to a conference at the end of June in Philadelphia and we'll stay around for a week in NYC after. My husband is also coming with me (he is able to attend the conference for his work too) so we thought we'd make a little holiday out of it as we've never been overseas together (I've only been to New Zealand for work twice) and we would never have had this opportunity to go if it wasn't for my work paying for most of it. So we decided that we would begin out TTC journey while we're over there. You never know, we may conceive while in NYC! 71 days til we fly out!! I'm very excited about the trip and also the beginning of our TTC journey at the same time :happydance:

A question: What (if anything) have your OH's been doing to get ready for the baby making?? I noticed here in Australia they've just started marketing vitamins for men for pre-conception.

The little trip together to NYC sounds like a great idea!

My DH hasn't been doing too much. I bought multivitamins for both us and he seems to be taking those frequently and I've been uping the amount of vegetables I cook with and serve for meals.

I just got regular multivitamins, they have a great amount of everything so I think they'll do.:thumbup:

An aside, did you know it takes 72 for sperm to be made? so the affects of nutrition and stuff on sperm has to be months in advance. wow! I just read it in a book yesterday.

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