Hiya ladies,
Sorry for my neglect yesterday- we had some internet connection problems so couldn't get on for any length of time.
Ava- I know exaclty what you're saying. I keep thinking AF is coming, any slightly strong cramp or feeling of 'wetness' and I rush to the loo in a panic! So far just lots of cm and trapped wind! Wishing lots of sticky

to us new MTB's!!!
Munchkin- I'm exhausted too, can't believe my sleeping pattern has changed already! I'm going to sleep early, waking a lot in the night (yep- pee trips) and waking at 5/6am. Then I'm ready for more sleep by about 10am!
By 4pm I am absolutely dead on my feet.
I also have the stomach empty feeling, but my appetite is all over the place, nothing appeals, and then anything will do!
Oh and my bbs are fine in the morning (well, tender...) but by evening I neeeeed to take my bra off they ache so much.
Yes, so far, the joy of pregnancy it is not, but no massive MS so I should be thankful for that. I know it's very early and my body is adjusting rapidly so, all to be expected I suppose.
I must buy a copy of 'what to expect', but I'm going to see the doc on Thursday so when I have confirmation from him and get midwife/betas and scans sorted, then I'll feel like it's all real and can start to prepare properly!

to you all and GL/Fx'd for those ladies still waiting for their BFPs! xxx
p.s Madrid- how you doing? and
Welcome Mamma Mia!