*The lucky thread - 4 BFPs already!* Anyone else due to OV 22,23,24th Jan?

Sorry Bex didn't mean to be so short, ha! My finger pressed the reply button by accident. Stupid iPhone! Anyway, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one (although not glad you're feeling yucky)... that this is probably normal... I mean I've heard of nausea and constipation but not diarrhea and cramps!! I'll see what the doc says.
Ive made an appointment at the docs on friday but not told them what it's about?? They'll have to see me now! The worst thing i've got is the mood swings, i feel like a crazy lady getting tearful and anxious and then this afternoon this big black cloud came down over me. I'm probably really really tired! Looking forward to the weekend and having a chance for my body to do what it needs to do and get some rest and absorb some of this mentally and physically. Never thought i'd feel anything but total joy and elation after a BFP but the worry never ends!! Welcome to motherhood i suppose!
Munchkin, yes welcome to motherhood! The worry NEVER ends! I've been the total worry wart ever since I got pregnant with DS. Yeah I think part of what is causing these symptoms are the nerves... I know I was so nervous and elated when I found out that it probably had major effect on my digestive system and my sleep. My mind was racing and couldn't sleep because of all the emotions, which totally affected everything else I suppose. I know that when I don't get good sleep or enough sleep my whole system just shuts down!

Last night when I couldn't sleep I just got this overwhelming feeling like I'm not going to be able to do this! Strange how I've wanted another child for so long, but now that it's real I'm worried about how much stress it will be. But of course with the way I feel now, thinking about having another baby is exhausting... I'm sure once I feel better I will feel more capable of doing this!! Hopefully!!

I made my appt for Feb 17... they usually wait til 8 weeks but was able to get in there earlier.

Hope once things settle in for all of us, getting sleep, etc, that we'll feel better!
Just posted a question about my symptoms in the first trimester forum, so hopefully I can hear from other ladies who've experienced this!
Hi again!!

It's so nice to read about your experiences as they remind me of the time when I was like that.

Try to enjoy it even if it's bad at time.

Regarding the animals bit, you need to be very careful with cat litter and avoid changing/clearing their trays altogether as it may contain centain virus that, if you catch it, may harm your unborn baby.

I'm still the same. Waiting for af and I've decided that I won't be testing again until Friday unless it comes before that. Maybe I just miscalculated my ovulation window, I don't know, but I'm not getting obsessed about it any more. If by Monday I have no news either way I'll book an appointment with my GP for a blood test.

The BETA is the test the do to check you hcg levels as they need to increase gradually to help the development of the baby. In your first appointment with your GP they'll probably make the referral to the midwife/antenatal clinic. And in your first appointment there is when you'll have your blood tests and everything apart from your scan.

Take care! :hugs:

Hey girls-
Sorry not been on all day.

Sorry to hear that ur feeling poorly.keep ur chin up!

Munchkin,I'm feelin a little odd like u too.hot,dizzy and a bit sick. Did another test 2night and got another BFP. Still nervous though.

Guys,I'm loving the new thread name :-) xxx
Hey all. It's hard work this being up the duff malarky isn't it?? Steph I really hope you're feeling a bit better, hope u get a decent nights sleep x I am mostly stupidly thirsty and drinking sooo much water, won't help the sleeping thing sadly! I've also become v paranoid about work and everything really! Been having a read of the rough guide to pregnancy and birth which has made ne laugh and cheered ne up, highly recommended!
Had a great chat with oh and worked out I'm so paranoid about miscarriage because his sis has had 3, she's now happily preggers and due in may. He said she had an ectopic which messed everything up for her later pregnancies so feeling a bit less vulnerable now.

Off to bed anyway, hugs and sticky bean dust ladies!
Girls they seem to have moved us? Does it happen automatically when u get a certain number of posts or is it cos of the new name?

How are we all this morning? I've had another terrible nights sleep so being a zombie. I NEVER sleep badly, what's going on?? I stupidly read a thing about early mc statistics on the internet and I've just been going through it all night in my head. Work should be fun today!! Starting to wish I had a simpler job at the moment, there's no time for coasting and I'm already starting to f up cos my minds not on it!!

Hope everyones ok x x
OMG how embarrassing. I haven't been able to stop crying all day. Every time i get in the car i cry. Went to the supermarket and cried cos the lady agreed to give me my cashback in pound coins for parking. Sobbed uncontrollably all the way to work. Arrived at work and my line manager took me to one side to talk about something not v serious that i should have done different and i just sobbed all over him. I said i was having a difficult week, he said if i needed to take time off and i kept saying i was fine. I really don't know him v well and he's quite stuck up, how bloody embarrasing. And now when everyone finds out i'm pg he'll look back on this and think it was all a big mistake rather than a joyful event!!

What a freak. The embarrasment seems to have stemmed the flow a bit though!!
Hey munchkin-seems Ur havin a tough time bless u!!

I too keep having broken sleep and I constantly feel travel sick :-( I'm waking up every night about 2/3 for the loo and can't sleep again.I keep thinking AF will come-OMG,I need to stop stressing!!

I can't wait for us to be at 12 weeks :) I shouldn't wish the time away,but think I will be less stressed.

Boobs and nipples feel like they have been in a fight.lol

Oh Ava I agree, I am totally paranoid about it all and keep pee-ing on cheapo 99pStore hpts just to reassure myself- lines getting darker so far so that has to be a good thing.
I think I'll get another digi at the weekend to see the numbers go up to the next stage...(hopefully).

Munchkin- hope you're feeling better? I'm all over the place emotionally too so, it must be just another 'thing' we have to go through while our bodies get used to the newness of it all.

Steph- how are you doing?

Madrid- any news?

I'm doing ok, just really tired and having headaches a lot. Waves of nausea, but only mild and my boobs are just a bit tender but they've definitely grown.Oh and I'm sooooo bloated and gassy it's unbelieveable!
I have got a copy of 'What to expect...' so I need to get reading too.
Well, I need another nap I think before class tonight so I'll sign off for now.


Bex x
Hey ladies.

I have to say that if i was on the TTC forum and heard us all having a good moan i'd be a bit peed off so i just want to say i'm SOOO happy to be preg, i just don't really believe it yet and all the hormones are making me irrational and mental!!

Anyway, i'm feeling much better after my v embarrasing crying fit earlier, cringey!! Still v thirsty, feels like my bodies evacuating and washing out everythiing for a fresh start what with the drinking and weeing and BMing and crying!! One massive bonus is i'm a massive sugarholic, eat at least 3 or 4 bars f choc a day, NEVER have a meal without a pudding and i've just realised i've had a kitkat in my bag all day and don't really care, didn't even eat the free cake at work! And didn't have pudding last night or monday night or eat choc at all. Clever body! Now just LEARN TO SLEEP PROPERLY.

Like you Ava last 3 nights i've got up to go to loo at about 1am and just not got back to sleep properly, head spinning waiting for morning. Felt sicky this morning but not to the point where i'd throw up, i always thought i'd relish a bit of morning sickness but feeling like i am now i don't think i'd handle it very well!

Bex hope you enjoyed your nap. I'm keeping well away from HPT's, not done one since monday. My opinion is no news is good news and i'll know about it if everything ends :(

Steph, i really hope you feel a bit better, have you been to the docs yet? I've got a list of questions as long as my arm for the doc on friday.

Hugs and tears,

I just went to the RE yesterday.. all my tests look good, but DH had only 3.8 swimmers on the test.. Is this going to be possible without going IVF/ICSI ??
Hii mamma Mia, I'm afraid i haven't got a clue about this but I'm sure someone else will know! Have u tried a new thread on ttc? X
Sorry Munchkin.. I didn't mean to crash the thread with something from left field!
Thanks I will try that..
Hi Mamma Mia,

I'm afraid I don't know anything about sperm count results either, but sure someone somewhere will. def try posting a new thread and remember to come back and keep us updated.
Bex x
Hi Mamma Mia,

I'm afraid I don't know anything about sperm count results either, but sure someone somewhere will. def try posting a new thread and remember to come back and keep us updated.
Bex x

:hugs: Thanks! :)
Evening guys:-)

Ur right munchkin,I'm happy two-our family are also over the moon,but keeping it quiet to any1 else (just our parents etc)

I'm a little bloated and soooo constipated. I am also worried about a little sore that has come up just at the side of my lady parts(sorry) last night.I think it's thrush,as I can feel it there too :-( do u think this is normal. I might cry of it doesn't clear up!

Sorry for the moan,I'm so tired and I'm ratty.Booooo!!

Hope all u ladies are good xxx
Moan away Ava!

We've not told anyone apart from my best friend yet. Not sure when to tell family, v close to them but my OH's sister had three miscarriages before this pregnancy which is going fine. It's making us both really paranoid for no good reason! My parents both died in my early twenties, missing my mum's making it difficult at the moment but i know at least she knows about the pregnancy! In fact she probably knew before me....!

Dying to tell my gran who i'm really close to but she is quite old and wouldn't want to upset her if anything went wrong. What's everyone else doing?

Had a brill chat with my best friend this evening, sooo nice to talk to someone who knows so i don't have to pretend everything's normal! OH listened to me a lot last night but he's got a cold and done his knees in running so obviously his ailments are far more important!! God love him...

FOund a thread in first tri basically describing my insomnia, getting to sleep fine then waking up at about 1am to use the loo and not getting back to sleep properly, head spining and vivid dreams. Drunk sooo much water today i might try to drink less this evening, might help. Any other ideas? Sadly night nurse is out!!

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