*The lucky thread - 4 BFPs already!* Anyone else due to OV 22,23,24th Jan?

Awwww bless you. It must be hard, but u r right-ur mum will know and will be proud. I understand about u not mentioning too. That would be a little difficult.

It's nice u spoke to ur friend. My oh works manic hours,not like me who works 8.40-4.30. So not had much time to really have a good goss. The latest he gets in is 9,half9 but iv been exhausted.lol as u know....! We are going out for a valentines meal on Friday anyway,so will have a natter :-)

Iv been in bed over an hour already.lol

That thread sounds good-might have a look.

Aw ladies, I was determined not to tell anyone but OH, Mum and Best Friend, but so far I have had work colleagues and a college tutor guess- yes I must look knackered mustn't I?! I'm no good at lying so I just said- 'you know what 'it's VERY early days' but yes I am'.
And I think actually saying it has helped me start to accept it. I'm just praying little sproglet sticks or I'll have to explain...

Munchkin- I'm sure you're Mum does know and is watching over you and your bean for extra protection.

Ava- I don't know about the sores, but it might well be thrush, it can be a common thing in pregnancy. If it keeps bothering you, I'd go and get it checked out though.

How are the rest of you lovely ladies? You've been very quiet today.

Well, I am totally exhausted so I have to go to bed but I'll catch up with you tomorrow afternoon/evening.

Big :hugs: bump buddies and soon to join us ladies!

Bex x
Aww thanks ladies! Bex I woulnt worry too much about people knowing, if something bad did happen what they all think would be the last thing on your mind, and like you say, talking about it helps make it real and somehow less fragile! I'm so paranoid I've been googling mc stuff again :( made me feel better actually to know the real rates aren't as bad as I thought!
Also I'm trying something out, every time I get panicky I'm going to try and say 'I'll enjoy every moment I've got with this little one'. I'll let u know how it goes, might help? Feeling far calmer already.
Bed soon. PLEASE let me sleep!
Hi there everyone, just catching up on all the posts! Couldn't get here this morning. I feel a bit alone in that I'm sleeping when most of you ladies are chatting/posting on here! So when I always check back, a lot has happened! I actually have to go to an appt right now (not ob/gyn yet-- that one is next week!) but I will come back on here in a few hours to catch up (when you'll be sleeping- LOL) Glad everyone is hanging in there though!!
Hi! How did everyone sleep? I'm about to go to bed now, I've been so exhausted and have to take the chance to sleep when I can. Saw my chiropractor today and he said my body was so tweaked and locked up! No wonder I've been feeling crappy. He fixed me up good and I feel so much better. I think I'll sleep better tonight, my body is so much more relaxed. The cramps and loose BM's are gone, now it's just back to MAJOR bloated and gassy! Everything I eat tends to sit in my stomach and stay there. It's like, I get really hungry and then once I eat I stay full for a while. And then the gas pains-- the worst!!! As far as emotions, I am sooo sensitive to everyone and if someone has an attitude with me about something it really bothers me so much that I want to cry. I'm normally sensitive and take things personally, but now it's over the top!

About telling people, my feeling is that sometimes it's easier to tell strangers than it is to tell people close to you. I've ended up telling more strangers than I have family and friends-- I have so many doctors and professionals I see (acupuncturist, naturopath, etc) so of course I need to tell them. And then others in the office find out. But then you know that the news won't likely spread from there! The only people close to me that know are my hubby and 2 close friends... Plan on telling my mom soon though. But I don't really want to tell any other family members just yet, there is just too much of a emotional connection and chance for gossip. But, even so, I wouldn't worry too much about it-- if people know, they know.

Munchkin- Do you think you might be able to tell your boss? He might have a little more compassion and understand why you've been more emotional lately? If you don't know him very well, it might be even easier? You can just ask him to keep it to himself, and he probably won't really care about telling anyone anyway. Sometimes keeping something so monumental like this inside just creates this huge bubble that you feel is about to burst-- in the form of crying, bitching, frustration, you name it! As I'm slowly telling people (no matter who they are) I feel like I'm letting a little air out each time-- decompressing-- and I feel better. And it's all settling in and becoming more real.

Well, I'm off to bed for the night. Hope all you ladies have a lovely day tomorrow, and hoping things just continue to get better!
Hi steph, really glad you're feeling a bit better. And thanks for the advice about my boss. If it happens again I think I should just tell him! I slept better last night, got up a few times but managed to get to sleep again til about 7. Not enough sleep for me normally still though!! Steph I reckon all the bm's are the body having a damn good clear out. I've never pooed and weed so much in my life!
I'm eating little and often cos I can't eat much in one go, might help steph? Doc's tomorrow. Do u reckon I could ask for them beta things to check everythings ok? Paranoia continues! Still in bed but feeling a bit icky... I wonder what madness today will bring me and the little bean?
Have a good day Ava and bex x and hope you have a good sleep steph x
INSOMINIA!!!!! what is going on.iv been awake since 3.30 and I still have work :-( I'm
Close to tears this morn.

Stay strong munchkin,googling stuff will make u stress more.

Steph,we are all with u Hun,don't feel alone :-) u are one of us and we r all "bump buddies" :-)

I'm worried as to when to tell my boss? She's lovely and I'm really close to her,but scared!! My 1st appointment is 4th. Do u think I should wait until then?

Aww Ava, u sound like io did yesterday bless you! If u need a good cry my advice is to just do it! You'll feel much better. And hopefully you'll be so exhausted tonight you'll just crash! Yesterday I drank gallons of water but stopped at about 7 then had a chamomile tea then a small glass of milk before bed and I slept a lot better. Still knackered but sane at least! I think chamomile tea might be the way forward... Drinking gallons of milk too!
I'm so excited about all this, but I wish so much I could stop being so scared of mc and just enjoy it!!
Hope u get through your day ok, take it gently x x x
Thanks hun.iv already cried cus the printer jammed.lol

Might try chamomile tea. I don't like milk tho :-( I havnt liked it for years.

Trying to drink lots of fluids today tho and stay positive.

Speak later xxx
Thanks hun.iv already cried cus the printer jammed.lol

Might try chamomile tea. I don't like milk tho :-( I havnt liked it for years.

Trying to drink lots of fluids today tho and stay positive.

Speak later xxx
Ava I hope u feel a bit
Better later x
I've been doing reAlly well this morning except I've now discovered pretty much any song makes ne cry. I work in local radio. This could be fun !
Well ladies I'm def up the duff! Ran out of a meeting this morning cos thought I was going to throw up. Didn't but was that close!! I'm thinking if I don't feel less paranoid after doc's and by next Monday I think I might go see the councillor I went to see a few years ago. If she could unravel why I'm so worried I'm sure if enjoy all this like I should be x
Awww munchkin. It's embarrassing too. U might be able to get some advice from ur doc. I think it's natural and I'm scared too. I'm sure AF is there but when I run to check,it's not??

Episode and a half today-I snapped a colleague earlier and my boss asked for a work in another office. Before the door was shut,I was crying my eyes out(couldn't speak,shuddering-how embarrassing) I told her and we sat and talked for a while. I feel so much better.phew. I know what u mean about the crying tho!! It maybe a mixture of hormones and tiredness?

Hope ur good xxx
Aww bless u Ava, I'm sure they'll understand I never knew pregnancy was like this! After running out on the meeting this morning my big boss caught me in the Mitch and was really pushing what waswrong so I told her! She was lovely and I feel better but guilty cos not even family know, and what if something happens??
Aww bless u Ava, I'm sure they'll understand I never knew pregnancy was like this! After running out on the meeting this morning my big boss caught me in the Mitch and was really pushing what waswrong so I told her! She was lovely and I feel better but guilty cos not even family know, and what if something happens??
Honestly,don't worry!! I think it's best ur boss knows because they can make sure you r ok and they will understand.
I'm finding it hard to keep secret,but I know it's for the best.
Don't stress that things will happen.just keep Ur chin up.
Iv got some chamomile tea for 2night,I hate the taste, but if it works then hey!!?? I feel like going to bed already :-(
Oh girls I'm going mental. I don't know what to do! After lunch I started feeling much better but now my symptoms have gone, I just dont feel preg anymore. Can't stop crying. I haven't done a test til Monday and it felt so
Wet down below I stopped the car to check. Got doc's appointment tomorrow. I'm so
Oh Munchkin- I wish I could come and give you a hug.
This is all perfectly natural and understandable, with all the statistics and horror stories and suspicions make us so paranoid and we don't enjoy our early moments and think it's something taboo we have to keep to ourselves.
Why? There's no other time you need the support of your friends and family more, no matter what happens!

As long as you have no severe cramps and heavy bleeding together then you're ok.
My symptoms too (apart from tired and emotional) have also subsided.
I've pee'd on sticks everyday just to reasssure myself. Perhaps get some £store or superdrug cheapos to do the same?
Keep calm, stressing out isn't helping you or the baby darling.
Make sure you tell the doc tomorrow exactly how you're feeling so he can help anyway he can.

MASSIVE :hug: darling,

We're right here for you too,

Bex xxx
I'm sorry Munchkin you're feeling this way but totally understandable-- I freak out about every little thing, and when I get stressed I get even more worried that the stress will induce a m/c. But I think what we need to do is have a little faith and know that it is totally normal to feel anxious and paranoid, we are all feeling the same. With emotions heightened like this it is only natural to be so sensitive and paranoid about every little thing. We are in this together, and try to relax, take time to do something that makes you happy and calm, a time when you can just not think about the pregnancy-- as excited as we are, sometimes you need to tale our mind off of things or you'll go crazy. And heaven forbid, don't research or read any statistics. I know it's easy for me to say, right?? But saying these things only helps remind myself as well. Big big big hugs!!! :hugs:
Just had a chat with other half, really hope its just hormones I just feel mental. Thanks so much bex, made me feel loved even if it did make me cry again! I've got a drawer full of ic's I've just not done any cos I'm scared of lines getting lighter or not being preg anymore. It's just terrifying. OH said he knows I'll be ok if the worst did happen and that's all he cares about, and rationally at least we know we can get pregnant but it's just horrifying! So glad I've got you ladies to talk to. Last couple of days I've eaten nothing but sandwiches and toast and fruit cos I'm so tired and can't face anything, had toast tonight knowing I had to eat something but too emotional. Can't be good for me or bean :( I pray it's all ok :(
So I'm officially mental. How are all of you?? X

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