Hi Bex- So sorry you have to deal with the tooth infection! Which tooth is it? Hopefully not a wisdom tooth? That must be hard to deal with on top of everything else. I remember hearing somewhere that pregnancy can increase the risk of tooth infections/abcesses. Don't know why though...

I know what you mean about not getting around to posting here, I've been so tired too. If you guys don't see me for a while, I'm probably catching up on sleep! Or in the bathroom LOL
Ava, about the dating thing, that one is kind of tricky. Most docs will always go by the date of your last period, which we know, most of us do not ovulate on day 14! I know that I ovulated on the CD 21 (I'm sure of that), so when I called to make an appt and they asked me when the first day of my last period was, I said January 3rd, then said "BUT I know I ovulated on the 24th." I did the same thing with my first pregnancy, so then they calculated it the right way. Some docs take your word for it, others don't, so it just depends. But, part of me wanted to just go with what the docs came up with so that I could pretend to be further along!
Also, what Bex was saying about the Chinese age calculations, some people would say, even though we are 4 weeks and however many days, that we are in the 5th week. And next week, the 6th week. And so on. So, I guess it's however you want to look at it, or word it. But, if we all ovulated on the 24th (me and Bex) and 25th (Ava and Munchkin) then we are 4 wks/5 days and 4 wks/4 days respectively (by the time you guys read this post).
With my first pregnancy, I was seen for the first time at 8 weeks to do the ultrasound. I was okay with that, for some reason, I think because I was feeling good and not having any doubts about anything being wrong. I was so positive about it. This time around I'm a little more paranoid, so waiting 8 weeks seems forever. So when I called to make an appt, I insisted I wanted to come in earlier to be checked out (whatever that means) because I had been having the cramps and diarrhea. But I know it would be too early to do an ultrasound and see a heartbeat (the earliest would be 6 weeks), so maybe they'll do a blood test or something, just to check my hcg levels. Never had that done first time around. I'm also seeing a new OB/GYN so this time, everything is new for me. Going next Thursday.
Munchkin- Soooo glad you are feeling better! I hope I can get to the same place! I woke up a ton last night, had some cramps/diarrhea again, had to go to the bathroom, and I don't know, but might be just anxiety related. But I just haven't been sleeping well. I am usually not one to wake up at night or in the early hours of the morning!
Madrid- Thanks for the advice, I know, it's hard to keep up with my son and be pregnant at the same time. I do hope it gets easier when some of the symptoms let up though. Good luck to you, let us know what you find out at your dr's appt.
I'm off to bed, g'night girls!!