*The lucky thread - 4 BFPs already!* Anyone else due to OV 22,23,24th Jan?

Thanks steph and beximus, it really does help so much. I agree I should try and do something to keep my mind off preg just for a bit. It's just relentless at the moment. The doc will probably section me tomorrow if I carry on like this!! X
Yeah, I can't eat much cause I've been so nervous. Felt nauseous and lightheaded this morning (in the middle of dealing with my son) and his tantrums just made me feel more sick. I think the nausea came on in the first place because I had a light breakfast. I had a empty stomach nauseous feeling. Then when I get stressed it just creates this sick/stress cycle that is hard to stop. But I know that I need to follow my advice somehow and I know we will all get through this uncertain time!! Munchkin hope your Dr appt tomorrow gives you some reassurance. I have to wait til next Thurs for mine!
By the way, does anyone ever feel a little bit of pressure down there sometimes? I don't know, it could just be my imagination or just me putting my focus there thats creating this pressure feeling-- does this make sense??
Yes steph I have, like a big pinch! I think that's perfectly normal! I've got over my massive drama a bit now, think it's done me good. Told oh about u lovely ladies, he says we should write a book! I'm back to normal levels of paranoia now at least! Thanks for all your support! X
Ha! Yes, a book! Great idea. We'll call it The Daily Chronicles of the Neurotic Pregnant Woman LOL... Okay sorry, I'll only speak for myself when I say I'm neurotic!! :wacko: But yes, it is cool that we will have all of these posts documenting our progress through this journey! Surely there must be something we can do with it... hehe

I just woke up from a nap and have a bit of a tummy ache. I hate when you take a nap thinking it'll make you feel better and you only feel worse after. Gosh, why does it feel like this is so slow, I can't believe we're not even 5 weeks yet! I feel weird even saying I'm pregnant, and then they ask how many weeks... ummm 4 1/2? I gotta put that 1/2 in there, to at least make it seem a little longer!! Haha... you know, like when kids have to say all the increments... 3/4, 7/8's LOL Can't wait to say 4 and 7/8's weeks! :haha:

Hey Munchkin, you said you worked in radio? What kind of station is it? I'm a music fanatic... used to intern at several different stations... didn't really hang with it because I didn't want to be on the promotions end of it. But I did get the chance to DJ at my college station, and I also have a Live365 station that I run. 80's music!! Even though it's just a hobby for me and make no money from it, I love it.

Okay, going to try to eat some dinner, but my stomach has been so testy lately, never know whether to eat or not, to sleep, or do anything!!

You ladies have a great day!! :hugs:
Hey steph, I know what you mean about the 4 1/2 weeks bit. I reckon co I ovulated on cd20 the doctor will date me at 5 weeks and something today which will be nice, although I'll know I'm 6 days behind! I've just got up stupidly early cos I couldn't sleep and oh does this thing where both our hands make a heart shape together, it's really sweet but he did it this morning and it started me crying! What a muppett! I work for the BBC so no adverts, I'm a journalist in local radio stations around here, writing news, producing programmes and making packages. I love it but REALLY wish I was still in my slacker job at the local council now, would just ve taking constant sickys! I know what u mean about food, starving hungry then can't face anything , then can only eat a little bit. Hope u get a good sleep x
Awwwww munchkin,bless you!! I hope u are ok now. U may feel that ur symptoms are going,but ur 1 big symptom hasn't.....emotions!!! Hang in there today honey!! The docs will put ur mind at rest!!

Hi Steph and Bex :-) hope u guys are good too.

I slept much better last night and my oh gave me some major cuddles in the night which helped. I tried the chamomile tea,I think it's the way forward ;-)

Like the book idea,it would be a good seller!

Hey girls,I forgot to tell u......my friend is a midwife and she put me at 5 weeks today??!! I know,I don't get it either? Don't understand y it's that far gone. I don't think I'll change my ticker until I have actually been my midwife. How exciting!!!

I think I'm more positive today. Have a good 1 guys xxx
Hiya Steph, Ava, Munchkin and all the other lovely ladies who seem to have gone quiet for now :(

The dating thing- I was confused too, so asked the doc and googled a bit and doesn't it work something like this
CD1-6= week 1 (i.e one week pregnant)
CD7-13= week 2
CD14-20=week 3
CD21-27=week 4
CD 28+ = week 5?
So I am 4wks 4days today but my doc said 5wks when I saw him yesterday...
A bit like saying that from 0mths to 11months is the first year of your life in Chinese age calculations? So I am currently 34 in those terms and 35 next Wednesday, but in western terms I am currently 33 and 34 next Wednesday.
Funnily enough I prefer the latter way of thinking for my age and the former for my baby's development age :)
Munchkin- your job sounds so interesting! Hope your PMA is up again today and the doc reassures you. :hugs:
Steph-wow you dabble in the radio/music thing too, brilliant, maybe you can both set up a neurotic pregnant woman's radio station together or something ;)
Ava- glad you're more positive too, those OH cuddles obviously helped! :)

AFM- I'm trying to get in to see the dentist today, as rather helpfully I developed a toothache yesterday and I think it's an abscess that I've had in the past. So I should go get it treated to avoid infection. On the plus side dental care is free in pregnancy apparently- so in a way, maybe good timing?!

Big :hug: to you all,

Bex x
Hi bex. Sorry you've got tooth ache, but as u say it's probably good timing. I'm feeling more positive, I've decided to throw a sicky today I just need rest and not to be on this roller coaster for a minute! It's naughty but hey! Off to doc's in a min then home to the sofa. Yay!! If anyones got 'what to expect before you're expecting' p160-162 on mood swings and depression is really good, explains everything!
Are any of u ladies having loads of cm?? Not helping with 'af alert' panics!! X
Well doc's was good and bad. Asked specifically for a female dr and they gave me the 1 male in the surgery! He's fine but v straight forward and u just tell him what u want. If it had been a woman I'd have probably told get how I've been feeling. Lots better now though, he's dated me at 5 wks 1 day which is a bit of a lie cos I ovd cd20 not 14 but hey ho, means I'll get scan 6 days earlier! 1st midwife appt 8th march, should ve about 9 wks officially. Sooo hope me and bean make it!! He gave me a pack with forms and info, all feeling more real now!! How are u ladies? X
Hey girlies-I'm confused about the dating thing too actually. I don't get that I'm 5 weeks,but glad :-)

Whoo hoo munchkin-it's all about pulling a sneaky sicky ;-) hope the docs goes ok. Let us know how u get on. I'm fed up a little,as my doc doesn't see u,they just trust that your test is right and book you straight in with the midwife for 8weeks :-( gotta wait ages.

I defo have cm and loads of it!! (sorry tmi)

PLUS-a woman at work said something about my bbs today(not nasty) and said they look huge. My normal size is a 32ff anyways,so u can imagine that I'm not looking forward to them growing more. They are bursting out of my bra already and there are just no words for the soreness of them AND the nipples!! Bloody joys eh??!! All worth it xxx
Wicked hun-glad u feel better :-) I'm 1day behind u then.

Hope all our beans are sticky sticky :-)

Hi ladies!!

I can see you´ve been very busy around here with your little beans :winkwink:.

I'm ok. My af is very shy and not making a full appearance. I've been asking in the babybump app in my iPhone other ladies in the same situation and it could be normal after mc. So I've decided to wait until Monday and book an appointment with my GP to check if everything is normal or not.

Munchkin you better relax a little bit as your nerves are not good for you and particularly for your little one. Don't stress yourself about what may happen or not. There no reason why things should not be ok with you but relaxxxxxx!:coffee:(hot chocolate)

Ava I'm afraid is quite common what you're going through with your doctor. At the beginning there is nothing they can do for you at all apart from blood tests, blood pressure and check your medical history. The scan won't happen until about 12-14 weeks and the reason is they need to measure the baby to be able to tell you exactly how far you are in your pregnancy and your exact EDD.

Steph I understand how hard it's at the beginning with all the symptoms and another child demanding your attention (I'm not even counting the husband). It'll get better as the days and weeks pass.

Bex you seemed to be well in control of the situation. Well done girl!! That's the proof that different women different experiences.

Well, sorry for my loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnng post but it's been many days and I wanted to say something to all of you. I'm hoping I didn't forget anybody.

Look after yourselves ladies. And keep posting your feelings and thoughts. I'll try to advise you whenever possible based on my own experiences but when is pregnancy related, sometimes depends on the individual pregnancy. I have two children, as you know, and both pregnancies were different and unique in themselves.

See you!!!

Thanks Madrid-much appreciated for your advice:-)

Sorry to hear of your experience,it must be a nightmare. Keep us informed of how u get on.

Yeah thanks Madrid, hope u get some news soon x I've had a lovely relaxed afternoon and feel sooo much better! I think it was the initial excitement followed by sleep deprivation and a MASSIVE surge of hormones. Going out fOr a meal with oh tonight, loping forward to it! Now I just need to ban the use of google!!
Hi Madrid!

Great to hear from you again!
Sorry, you're still up in the air with AF. Hope the doc can shed some light on it.

Thanks for your comment- but I have to admit, I'm not as in control as you think! Today I've had a really bad day emotionally and every tiny AF type feeling or flood of CM has made me think the :witch: has arrived and run to the loo panicking :(

Apart from that no other symptoms except headachey and tiiiiiirrrrrreeeed, so I had to go get another digi just to reassure myself see the word 'pregnant' again...sigh...I'm sure it's just because I am tired and in pain from my tooth, which turned out to be an abcess and a bit infected :( :( :( I had to take a couple of paracetamol yesterday which might have been playing on my mind

The dentist 'released' it and cleaned it out and dressed it with a bit if antiseptic, but didn't want to do anything else as I'm up the duff ;) Recommended some antiseptic/antibacterial mouthwash and prescribed some safe antibiotics for me to take in case it doesn't calm itself down naturally over the next couple of days.

I am trying to keep up with you all but I'm sooo tired,

Big hugs to you all,

Bex x

Okelly dokelly well I'd better
Aww bless u bex. I hope you're feeling a bit better now, and your tooths a bit less painful. I think paracetomals fine when preg? Sure nothing to worry about anyway! Thought preg symptoms had gone today but went out for dinner and was sooo hungry, but starter came and it was prawn and salmon cocktail (are we allowed to eat that??) and I had about 2 mouthfuls and went off the idea completely, barely touched main, just drank
Cranberry juice and loads of sparkling water! Been munching today and had good lunch though so not worried. Been dead positive about it all today, both getting v excited! What a difference a day makes....
Hugs bex, you'll feel better soon I promise.
Hugs and food aversions to u all! Xx
Hi Bex- So sorry you have to deal with the tooth infection! Which tooth is it? Hopefully not a wisdom tooth? That must be hard to deal with on top of everything else. I remember hearing somewhere that pregnancy can increase the risk of tooth infections/abcesses. Don't know why though... :shrug: I know what you mean about not getting around to posting here, I've been so tired too. If you guys don't see me for a while, I'm probably catching up on sleep! Or in the bathroom LOL

Ava, about the dating thing, that one is kind of tricky. Most docs will always go by the date of your last period, which we know, most of us do not ovulate on day 14! I know that I ovulated on the CD 21 (I'm sure of that), so when I called to make an appt and they asked me when the first day of my last period was, I said January 3rd, then said "BUT I know I ovulated on the 24th." I did the same thing with my first pregnancy, so then they calculated it the right way. Some docs take your word for it, others don't, so it just depends. But, part of me wanted to just go with what the docs came up with so that I could pretend to be further along!

Also, what Bex was saying about the Chinese age calculations, some people would say, even though we are 4 weeks and however many days, that we are in the 5th week. And next week, the 6th week. And so on. So, I guess it's however you want to look at it, or word it. But, if we all ovulated on the 24th (me and Bex) and 25th (Ava and Munchkin) then we are 4 wks/5 days and 4 wks/4 days respectively (by the time you guys read this post).

With my first pregnancy, I was seen for the first time at 8 weeks to do the ultrasound. I was okay with that, for some reason, I think because I was feeling good and not having any doubts about anything being wrong. I was so positive about it. This time around I'm a little more paranoid, so waiting 8 weeks seems forever. So when I called to make an appt, I insisted I wanted to come in earlier to be checked out (whatever that means) because I had been having the cramps and diarrhea. But I know it would be too early to do an ultrasound and see a heartbeat (the earliest would be 6 weeks), so maybe they'll do a blood test or something, just to check my hcg levels. Never had that done first time around. I'm also seeing a new OB/GYN so this time, everything is new for me. Going next Thursday.

Munchkin- Soooo glad you are feeling better! I hope I can get to the same place! I woke up a ton last night, had some cramps/diarrhea again, had to go to the bathroom, and I don't know, but might be just anxiety related. But I just haven't been sleeping well. I am usually not one to wake up at night or in the early hours of the morning!

Madrid- Thanks for the advice, I know, it's hard to keep up with my son and be pregnant at the same time. I do hope it gets easier when some of the symptoms let up though. Good luck to you, let us know what you find out at your dr's appt.

I'm off to bed, g'night girls!!
Morning guys-

Bless u Bex,it must be awful having tooth ache and going through this too!! I think u can take them,but not aspirin or ibeprophen.

Munchkin,I went for a meal last night too :-) I'm
Not sure if u can eat prawns? I know u can eat salmon if it's cooked,but not smoked salmon Hun. Glad ur feeling better tho!!

Thanks for the advice Steph :-)

I'm am feeling a mess today-I'm feeling sick,my boobs are so sore,I could cry,I'm so tired,my gum is swollen at the back(think it's an ulcer) and I still have that sore part (down there).Booooo.sorry,I'm such a moany git!! I'll get over it later.lol

Have a good day guys,love u all xxx
Bless u steph, hope u feel a bit brighter soon. If it helps at all I've had loads of bm's since preg, and I'm usually a once every other day girl!! Just keep the fluids going and you'll be fine I'm sure, but badger the doc's til you get what u want!!

I'm feeling great this morning, woke up at 6am got horrid indigestion, feel tired, bleurgh, wobbly and ready but so bloody happy I can't believe it!! Got a really warm feeling in my tummy, I think it's the increased blood to the pelvis so I know everythings ok :) watching how to look good naked between housework and having a little weep!

Hugs to all x

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