*The lucky thread - 4 BFPs already!* Anyone else due to OV 22,23,24th Jan?

Well ladies, you've been v quiet today! I've had a nice day, just a bit woozy. And tonight we went to some new friends house just down the road, they've had some sheep on our land and have land next to ours, met them when we moved here in September. Anyway, the wife said she wouldn't be able to help with the lambing and it slipped out she's about 7 weeks pregnant! I went bright red and they got it out of us that we are too! So happy, and she's already got one so knows what she's doing! Can't believe it, gonna have a local bump buddy!! X
That's very nice Munchkin! That way you can relate to each other bumps :)

My af arrive in full form today. After so much anxiety I was very relieved to be honest. I'm glad I can move on and I'm looking forward to this cycle. Fx.

Bex I hope you're feeling better today with your tooth. It's awful when you're in pain but cannot take anything.

Take care ladies. I'll keep reading you no matter what!!

Hi Madrid sorry af came but glad too because you're one step closer to the bfp ;) stick with us and you'll be moaning along with the rest of us v soon!
How are the rest of you ladies? Hows the toothache brc?
Ava I hope you're feeling better too, how's the ulcer?
Steph I hope the yuckyness has cleared up x x

I'm feeling really positive still since finding out about my friends baby last night! Although I keep feeling starving hungry, then only being able to eat a small amount, then starving dizzy and weak an hour later!
Anyone else getting this? X
Ooh another thing is I'm starting a week
Of lates tomorrow which means leaving home at noon and getting home about 9.30 or 10. It basically means 2 meals at work, I usually get a break and have access to a kitchen about 5pm but the other meal has to be in
A car or at my desk. I usually munch on sandwiches and sometimes veg pots but I think
I need something a bit more nutritious now, ESP cos I can only eat small bits at a timeand getting sick and dizzy if I don't eat for a couple of hours. Any ideas??
Hey ladies,
So sorry I havnt been on this weekend. I didn't have a very positive weekend. Oh worked the whole time and his mum is a bit of a psycho,so she was doing my head in.lol I love her to bits,but....it's a long story!!!

Feelin a lot better today tho. Did a cheapie this morn and the two lines were equal. It has put me in a good mood :-)

I will be more on form this week ladies :-)

Aww well done Ava, everyones been v quiet to be honest , starting to get worried! I've been generally positive but had a flip last night cos I felt a stabbing pain in my bum and I'm sure I read somewhere it's a sign of an ectopic? But I got myself into a state, decided my symptoms were all gone, and dreamt last night I wiped and found blood. I think I've got to the point where feeling exhausted and bleurgh and hormonal is normal and if I'm not feeling anything else I think I've got no symptoms which I clearly have!!

Been thinking about taking an hpt but thought if it's a good strong line I'll still think something awfuls happening later, and if it's not I'll freak out!!

Madness! Rested loads over the weekend though and a bit more positive now, just got to get my head into work this week!

Lots of hugs to all x
Hiya Ladies,
Sorry I haven't been on much this weekend, we went to see the in-laws- more later...

Munchkin- I am sooooo excited for you that you've found a local bump buddy (and bonus clarification on your lambing question!) The eating thing is so tricky isn't it. I can't think of much you can take around with you, but I guess get some vegetable crisps, carrot sticks and baby tomatoes, houmous, some grapes etc Then even if you're not feeling like eating much you can nibble on little bits on and off all day?

Madrid- oh I am sorry the :witch: got you, but glad we can be with you in your new build up and 2WW- keep us updated!

Ava- Sounds like you're having a bit of an uncomfortable time with this early preggo malarkey too. I hope you have a better week this week. :hugs: Also, I'm with you on the inlaw front, I had a very odd weekend on that front too.

AFM- My wisdom tooth is much better thank you all for your wishes. I don't think I need to take the anti-biotics (although I haven't been to pick them up from Tesco yet- :dohh:).
My symptoms are still very inconsistent, but my bbs are definitely growing and more solid, they're sore late in the evening and I have to take my bra off!
Today, I've woken up with metal mouth and breakfast was hard work as even toast and (decaf) coffee tasted VERY odd :(
As for the inlaws, well, I should point out that we have always got on really well and never had any problems so this was quite unexpected and hurtful.
We waited to tell them til dinner time, when we raised a (non-alcoholic) glass for my birthday and 'the news'. At first it seemed his Dad was pleased (he's been very ill for the last few years but does keep going in to remission and was happy he might have a grandchild before he gets too ill) and his Mum a bit non-plussed. The in the morning, his Mum seemed more pleased but said his Dad practically accused me of forcing DH into it...Not the actual words used of course, but very very odd implications. After a few very awkward minutes of them trying to say that's not what they meant but they did wonder as they thought Chris wasn't bothered about having children etc, I put my foot down and said. 'Look, we have been together for 10 years, married for nearly three, we've been half way round the world together and seen many things and had many adventures, we're both in our mid- 30s and we'd been discussing it for a LONG time. What we decide to do in our relationship is up to us and having known me for ten years they should know I would NEVER force hubby into anything...'
I tried my best not to burst into tears and made my excuses to leave the breakfast table and go calm myself down. I am aware that I'm quite sensitive and emotional at the moment, but even DH said later it was quite odd.
Things we're better later but not great. Had to spend the whole day at a craft fair with MIL which was not exactly easy.

Oh well, that's my rant over...

Sorry if I've missed anyone.

I need to get dressed as I actually have some work later on today :)

Catch you all later,


B x

Stay strong and positive munchkin. It won't be long until our scans!! It seems a long way off,but I think that it may go quick. Fx!!

Awwww bless you Bex!! I totally feel your pain!! I don't blame you for goin mad at them!! You have been together so long,they shouldn't have an issue. If anything,they should be over the moon and ready!!

My MIL is a nightmare. The thing is,we r both strong women and my oh sometimes finds himself In the middle. He's a bit of a mummy's boy and that winds me up something rotten!!grrrrrr! She needs to back off a lot of the time. I'm 25 and oh is 24. She treats us like we are kids (I know we r young,but we r old enough to make responsible choices). AaarrrrAaggghhhh!! Lol

Don't worry about ranting-it's nice to be able to rant amongst bump buddies xxx
Well ladies work's been fun today. Not. Was asked to go out door knocking on the most crime ridden street in Stoke on Trent. On my own. In the dark. I came back and had a word with my big boss cos we needed to do a risk assessment. She's the one that knows i'm preggers and i told her i wasn't happy and wanted someone else to come with me, she said i should go in the light instead and that was it. I was v upset and went, and it was ok but still v dodgy, didn't stay long. Then on my way back got a call to do a live from outside a burning building that's giving off such noxious chemicals the police have asked everyone to keep their windows shut in the area. Brilliant. I love my job but it just doesn't go with being up the duff! Didn't have to go to the building in the end thank god. I'm freelance so don't have a proper contract but i think it's time to do a pregnancy risk assessment with the boss!


Otherwise feeling happy and positive and not ill so all good!
OMG munchkin!! Nightmare!! They shouldn't have made u do those things!! That's a joke.

U live in Stoke on Trent or near by?? I live in Coventry. That's not too far away :-)

My boss said that they will do my risk assessment at 12 weeks. What actually is it?

I know, nightmare! I don't really think i'll get a risk assessment cos i'm freelance but i will talk to my main boss soon i think. If you're not near chemicals or vibration you're probably ok to not have a risk assessment til 12 weeks, it's for things like manual handling, seating positions, shift work etc.

I live just near Burton on Trent, i work in Coventry quite a lot too. I noticed you were there, not far at all!

How are you feeling anyway? I've just been looking at a place in Stoke that do an early 8 wk scan for 55 squid. Really considering it. (Life through the lens i think) Then we might be able to tell people earlier which would make me v happy :)
Oh gosh I just wrote a long post and it got deleted!! ERRRR... Anyway, just wanted to say that I'm sorry for being away for quite a bit but with not feeling well, I had to distract myself a little bit from everything. So sorry to hear about all the stuff you guys have been dealing with, with the in-laws, work, etc!!

Bex- So sorry to hear of your frustration with your in-laws. I really don't understand why they would have a problem with you guys having a baby, when you've been together for so long, married for 3 years, only seems like the natural progression?! I guess that maybe for them, it is hard to accept it, hard for them to let go of their "baby" so they are finding excuses (like saying that you forced it on him) to believe that their son is not wanting to "leave" his parents. Now that you two are starting your OWN family, they just need to learn to let go a little. It is no doubt their own feelings they need to work through, and try not to take it personally!

Ava- Sorry to hear about the mess with you MIL too. With your hubby being young, it's probably just more of that need for her to keep her baby and sounds like she is very protective and territorial over him. She has a hard time with accepting that her baby is growing up and you're taking her place, essentially. The relationship with MIL's are so complicated like that. I know my relationship with mine is so weird, but I've learned to just be polite and know that she is the way that she is and she has her opinions, but that's where it ends. A lot of it comes from her own issues and her own feelings in the situation, and I try not to make it mine. I mean, we all have our own issues, right? It's about recognizing what belongs to us and what doesn't. Please don't let anyone damper your excitement right now (and that's to Bex as well)!!

Munchkin- I'd be upset too if my work was taking me to dangerous places! Isn't there something you can do, someone higher up you can complain too? Aren't there laws for this kind of thing? Being that you are freelance, maybe there are certain jobs you can accept and certain ones you just won't? I'm sure there are others that can take these assignments, no? Seems unlawful to put a pregnant woman in danger, you would think they would be afraid to be liable if anything happened.

Anyway, I'm just scooting by, my life is a bit boring in comparison... just dealing with the crampiness, bloatedness... and the eating situation really is tricky... finding I have to snack in little bits throughout the day instead of big meals... Munchkin you might want to try just always carrying crackers or a snack with you (apple, fruits, veggies, nuts, protein bar) so you don't get that empty stomach/ low blood sugar thing going on.

Hoping I can get an ultrasound as early as possible so I can start telling more people. I told my mom and her reaction was less than excited. It made me cry and I was very upset that she didn't react the way I envisioned her to! But I talked to her and everything is okay now. I guess she was just shocked, and a little concerned about me and wanted to make sure I was okay and that I could handle it. I am her baby, so again, it is her issues coming into play as well. Took me some time to realize that though. Bottom line is that only we know what we want and when we want it, and no one can tell us that it's any different!
Morning guys!!

Steph,your advice always seems to put my mind at rest :-) your words are so nice and understanding!! Thank you.

Munchkin-I hope u do get your risk assessment. It should be the law. Yeah-I work in an office environment and there is no need for me to go into the warehouse(downstairs).

Oh right!!! That scan sounds promising!! I may consider that. I wonder if they do one in Coventry? I'll have a look.

I'm feelIng a little crappy this morn,but positive. Woke up with cramps again last night,but I just keep thinking that it's only sticky bean getting stickier :-)

How's every1 feeling 2day?

Morning all. I woke up a bit early this morning but managed to not get up in the night to wee! V exciting. Feeling my usual hungry, empty stomach but can't face anything! Just done the other clear blue digi and it says 3+ weeks now which is reassuring, I did a cheapie too and the lines came up
Straight away. First hpts I've done since the bfp and was a bit nervous so
I'm pleased with that :) mming and ahhing about early scan. Oh says he's up
For it but will it spoil the real scan? How many wks do u usually get that?
Hope everyones ok x x
Morning all!
Munchkin, I did my other digi this morning & got 3+ too! It's lovely isn't it? I keep looking at it :)

As for early scan- I've been thinking along those lines too sometime from week 7. It's £75 upwards for me round here but I think it would put my mind at ease to see something in there!

I know I wont be getting a call from a midwife til week 9 ish and definitely no scan til wk 10 but more like 14 the doc told me so I'm just not sure I can wait that long...;)

BUT I am worried that I'll go for an early scan and they won't see everything & it'll worry me. Must try not to book one too early (even though they'll see you from week 6) for that very reason...

I'm on my phone again at the moment so I'll pop back later on the computer & read everyone's posts properly & reply so I'm sorry if I've missed you for now.

Bigs :hug:

Bex x
Yeah I think the place in stoke only does it fro
8 wks. Technically I'm 6 wks on Friday, although I know I'm 6 days behind but I'm not telling anyone ;) so I could go 2 wks on Friday at 8 weeks, really 7 plus one but should still see a heartbeat which is all that matters!
I'm really relieved after tests this morning. Despite the tests last week, no af and all the symptoms there was a little bit of me that thought I was just making it up :)

Hugs to all x
I totally keep feeling that I'm making it up, but my other hpt put my mind at ease:-) when I did it yesterday,as the colour was draining up,the result line came up before the colour even drained to the test line.lol whoooo!!

I should be 6 weeks on Friday too munchkin. I know I'm 5 weeks tho,but you're right....I'm keeping quiet so I can have my scan earlier :-) I might wait and have my normal scan instead of paying for one. It's sooooo hard though :-(

Yeah it's tricky. After saying we wouldn't tell anyone til after scan i accidentally told my gran this moring, she asked outright so i had to tell her! She's v excited and will start knitting when we say the word! But that's another reason to get the early scan, once you see the heartbeat the chance of MC are substantially reduced so i'd be happy telling the rest of our families too.

I know it's TMI but i've been feeling fine today, hardly icky at all, not too tired, slept well, not peeing too much but i've got THE WORST gas. It's properly painful all over my tummy. And getting really embarrarasing going to the loo all the time. My stomach and bowels are all over the place, haven't had a normal BM since i got BFP. Change in diet might be having an effect. I said before i'm a proper chocaholic and sweet toothed person, couldn't get through an afternoon at work without at least two bars and i'm totally off chocolate. SOmeone opposite me at work had a mug of highlights and it smelt disgusting!!

Really random.
OMG munckin!!! I'm off choc too!! It is random??! Lol iv been havin mad BM. One min I'm struggling and the next, I have the VERY opposite. VERY gassy too like u! I practically live in the toilet atm. Probs because I'm trying to drink more fluids. I NEVER used to drink apart from coffee and alcohol. It's strange, but iv not fancied both since getting a BFP?? That's a good thing :-)

That's nice about ur Gran. My best friend's mum (2nd mum) is on hand to knit!!! Very exciting indeed.

Already in my jarmers (have been since half 5)lol it's nice to chill.

Have a nice eve ladies xxx
Ok- gosh I've done it! :shock:
I've booked an early scan with BabyBond (£99) at 7+1weeks/ week 8 approx on 1st March....oooh errr!
I just can't face waiting til 14weeks. I bet now it's sorted and paid for I'll get an earlier NHS one than that won't I, oh well...

I think it's really ok to tell close family/friends as you need their support whatever happens don't you? I 'm trying not to tell all and sundry cos I just think it's be hard to deal with if anything goes wrong, but as I think I've said in an earlier post- sometimes people just guess and I'm a horrible liar.

I have had some horrid bouts of nausea this afternoon, much worse than before- yippee (a real symptom) and oh noes (a yucky symptom) but it as alleviated by eating something small.

Hope my lovely bumpbuddies are ok? :friends:

How's everyone else doing? Anyone in the 2ww again yet?

Big :hug:

Bex x

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