Hiya Ladies,
Sorry I haven't been on much this weekend, we went to see the in-laws- more later...
Munchkin- I am sooooo excited for you that you've found a local bump buddy (and bonus clarification on your lambing question!) The eating thing is so tricky isn't it. I can't think of much you can take around with you, but I guess get some vegetable crisps, carrot sticks and baby tomatoes, houmous, some grapes etc Then even if you're not feeling like eating much you can nibble on little bits on and off all day?
Madrid- oh I am sorry the

got you, but glad we can be with you in your new build up and 2WW- keep us updated!
Ava- Sounds like you're having a bit of an uncomfortable time with this early preggo malarkey too. I hope you have a better week this week.

Also, I'm with you on the inlaw front, I had a very odd weekend on that front too.
AFM- My wisdom tooth is much better thank you all for your wishes. I don't think I need to take the anti-biotics (although I haven't been to pick them up from Tesco yet-

My symptoms are still very inconsistent, but my bbs are definitely growing and more solid, they're sore late in the evening and I have to take my bra off!
Today, I've woken up with metal mouth and breakfast was hard work as even toast and (decaf) coffee tasted VERY odd

As for the inlaws, well, I should point out that we have always got on really well and never had any problems so this was quite unexpected and hurtful.
We waited to tell them til dinner time, when we raised a (non-alcoholic) glass for my birthday and 'the news'. At first it seemed his Dad was pleased (he's been very ill for the last few years but does keep going in to remission and was happy he might have a grandchild before he gets too ill) and his Mum a bit non-plussed. The in the morning, his Mum seemed more pleased but said his Dad practically accused me of forcing DH into it...Not the actual words used of course, but very very odd implications. After a few very awkward minutes of them trying to say that's not what they meant but they did wonder as they thought Chris wasn't bothered about having children etc, I put my foot down and said. 'Look, we have been together for 10 years, married for nearly three, we've been half way round the world together and seen many things and had many adventures, we're both in our mid- 30s and we'd been discussing it for a LONG time. What we decide to do in our relationship is up to us and having known me for ten years they should know I would NEVER force hubby into anything...'
I tried my best not to burst into tears and made my excuses to leave the breakfast table and go calm myself down. I am aware that I'm quite sensitive and emotional at the moment, but even DH said later it was quite odd.
Things we're better later but not great. Had to spend the whole day at a craft fair with MIL which was not exactly easy.
Oh well, that's my rant over...
Sorry if I've missed anyone.
I need to get dressed as I actually have some work later on today
Catch you all later,
B x