*The lucky thread - 4 BFPs already!* Anyone else due to OV 22,23,24th Jan?

Thanks Ava!
Oh and I keep forgetting to say thank you to you for your support over the in-laws thing. Much appreciated. :friends:

Bex x

Ps with you on the toilet habits, never know what to expect on the BM front. But there's always pee and GAS!!! (tmi sorry) :haha:
Ava the choc things mental! I went for a mcdonalds on my way home too, v bad but just wanted meat!! I'm v excited about your scan, I reckon I'll book one next week for week 8 too, far too long to wait til nhs scan. Using the excuse were going away in march abroad so need to know it's all ok! V exciting.
Awwww bless u Bex! No worries, I totally understand though and I know how alone you can feel when it's in laws. It's difficult, as you can't row it out or say it to oh because they r his family and he loves them. Stay strong hun.

Ooohhhh ladies!! I so want a scan at 8!! Don't think we will though?? Trying to save extra hard at the moment and every bit of saving counts (even though it would be nice) will try and see!!! Whoooo!

Morning ladies! Ava don't worry about the scan, I've been wondering whether to anyway and If you don't it'll be even more exciting at the proper scan!! After telling my gran yesterday my oh wants to tell his parents. But they're really religious and I think he's quite scared of admitting he's even had sex! (he's 39!) and he wants to go over and do it all formally, which is nice but terrifying! I'd muchrather just slip it out over the phone and play it down 'it's v early' etc. Oh and we're not married either!
Also he's got a sister who's great but quite matriarchal and she's been trying for her second for about 5 years after lots of miscarriages. She's now due in may and I don't want her to think were stealing her thunder?? My family are quite alternative and so mch simpler!
I'm still in bed cos working latex this week but I'm absolutely floored with tiredness. Didn't sleep too well and my tummys all over the place. Bleurgh!!
How are u other ladies?
Oh munchkin, I know what u mean. It is a lovely thought that your oh wants to do that, but it's much easier playing it down. Plus,it must be hard about his sister. She should be happy for you to be fair :-)

This is a hard time right now and I emotions are all over the place?!

It's nice to just have a little lie in. Try and rest as much as u can xxx
Yeah i've just suddenly gone really sleepy! Working lates isn't helping i don't think.

OH has proper wound me up today. We've got two cats that i had before we got together, but he feeds them, treats them like his own etc. Anyway, the house we're in is listed so it's a right faff to put in a cat flap so we've got a cat litter tray which i always used to empty. Of course i'm not doing it now and OH knew he'd have to take it over but so far he's only done it when i've really nagged at him and with a beligerent look on his face, and he emptys it and leaves it out without putting a new liner/litter in. We both work full time and I do do the majority of housework, he empties the dishwasher sometimes and hoovers. So i'm not being petty, i just didn't want to get up this morning and find the litter tray strewn in the middle of the kitchen! I think it's just a bit half hearted and shows he doesn't really think he should have to do it. He's done that twice now so i'm definitely having a word tonight!!

He even suggested a mask so i could do it myself last night!! Cheeky git!

I'm trying REALLY hard not to constantly go on about how rough i feel now i'm preggers, tired, worried etc, will have to deal with getting fat, stretch marks, varicose veins blah blah cos i wouldn't have it any other way but COME ON DO YOUR BIT!!

But he is absolutely wonderful when i'm emotional, worried and mental. Really supportive and lovely. And i won't have to go back to work after the baby unless i want to, and we've got a lovely house and no mortgage and i love him a lot...

Phew i feel better now!

Thanks girls!

I see your point munchkin!! He should understand that it's a risk to change the litter tray. We have a cat too, but she doesn't have a litter tray. She just goes out when she needs it. He works shifts, so it works.

I'm hoping not to go back to work too,but not sure??!! We don't own our own house which is a bit difficult and I suppose we should have bought one before we thought if this :-(

Sorry for tmi, but last night (after u know what) it really hurt, had cramps quite bad. It worried me. I know it's safe, but should I mention it to
My midwife? Xxx
I wouldn't worry Ava, in what to expect it says no normal pregnancy can be effected by sex. If it doesn't go off in a couple of days or you're worried it would do no harm to get in touch with midwife, I'm sure people call her for less!! I'm still getting mild af cramps every now and again, scary, and I'm totally off sex!!
Hiya Ladies,

Sorry for my absence yesterday- twas my birthday and I was unfortunately not feeling too great (although I am also happy with my pregalicious symptoms!). The MS had kicked in now and it hurts to swallow as my glands are up, although I don't have a sore throat in the conventional way.
Think my body is going through all my previous weak spots and sort of giving them a clean out- left lower back, wisdom tooth, left knee and now my throat have all had a 'moment's and then felt much better?!

I have a nice meal planned with friends on Friday and will be breaking the news to my brother who lives nearby beforehand- I may just greet him with 'Hey Uncle George!':haha: But will have to pretend I'm on antibiotics to everyone else about why I'm not drinking.
The on Saturday we're off up to York to see my family and tell my other two siblings- then everyone else can wait til after the NHS scan 'safe date'.

Hope you're all doing ok?

Big :hug:

Bex x

Ava as for the cramps after BD- as far as I understand it's normal and as long as not continuing, increasing and accompanied by blood it's ok. But I don't suppose it would hurt to chat to your midwife.

I just this minute had an NHS letter through for a dating/nuchal scan on 4th April- when I'd be 12+1. Earlier than the doc thought, but I'm still glad I've got the early private scan booked.
Wow Bex sounds like you're having a lovely busy time of it! I do hope you feel better soon. I can't wait for the weekend and some more sleep but in a v good mood today after my lush lie in. Went looking at bras today in M & S. I'm a 36 D usually and i think i need a bit more support, and i'm already starting to burst out of my bras, can only fit in a few. I really don't want to buy a new one til i really have to though cos it might not last me long! Not sure whether to go for a normal one with better support and no bones or a proper maternity one cos i'm bound to get through a few more sizes before October? Hmmm.

Steph how are you getting on? x
Ladies i'm getting really paranoid again :( At work and i just got a nasty twinge followed by feeling a bit dizzy and AF cramps and a general wierd feeling 'down there'. Just something doesn't feel right :( i've been really positive the last few days but feeling like it's all over again, had no bleeding yet and the cramps aren't really bad, just uncomfortable. Booo.
Thanks for asking Munchkin. I hope that those weird feelings for you went away by now?! I'm doing better overall, those crazy cramps and BM's are gone, but getting weird twinges and aches every now and then, dizzy and lightheaded, and still a bit paranoid about making sure everything is okay. I'm trying to convince myself that it's all just normal stuff. In fact, I rescheduled the dr's appt I was supposed to have today, because I didn't think I needed it as I wasn't having the cramps/bm's anymore... I figured, what would they really do this early anyway?? I decided to get the confidence to wait until they would normally see their patients which is 8-10 weeks, and I scheduled for March 10. I just want to assume that everything is just fine, going to the doc early just might make me more paranoid and impatient. They don't even do the scan (here it is called a transvaginal us) until 8 weeks, maybe 12. I actually am seeing a midwife (which is not the norm here in the US, most of us see ob/gyn's) and I am excited to experience that, as I know they will be more holistic in their care (I plan to give birth naturally like last time). So as a midwife, she may actually not want to do the scan until 12 weeks. That is fine-- I guess!! I need to remember that in most parts of the world (and for all of you) getting a scan at 8 weeks is not the norm! I've also heard bad things about doing an u/s, or more specifically a transvaginal u/s) too early and how the sound waves can negatively affect the fetus or cause miscarriage. Not to scare any of you, I'm sure it's just me reading into anything that could go wrong! I'm sure the risk is very minimal. Wow, I am so much more paranoid this time around!!

Speaking of paranoid, my LO has had the flu the last couple days, high fever & vomiting (which is why I haven't been come around to the boards) and on top of worrying about him, I was so worried about catching it myself. Although I'm doing so many things to keep my immune system strong, there is only so much you can do with that as there are things I would normally take that are contraindicated in pregnancy. I heard that it is not the flu itself that is dangerous to the baby, but it is a high fever that can do harm, especially if it's not easily controlled. So just hoping, praying, fx'd that this virus passes through this household without me getting sick...

Hope everyone else is doing ok!

Bex, good luck telling everyone!! I am TRYING to wait and it is sooo hard.

Ava, I hope your cramps post-"you know what" are all gone!! I heard that it can be normal, as our cervix and fluid can be different during pregnancy which may cause those feelings, but it shouldn't harm or interfere with baby.
Hi stepph. Yes everyone is quiet! I think bex is away spreading the news. I'm good, feeling worryingly good and happy and settling into this pregnancy lark! How are u? X
Hey girls,

Sorry havnt been on. I had the blackest cloud above me this weekend :-( felt so down. I'm feeling a lot better this morn though.

How r u guys?

Aww ava sorry you've been feeling rubbish. If u need to vent u know where we are x I'm good, had a quiet weekend apart from an argument with oh about the cat litter tray, I've worked out he's asserting his independence cos he's scared of turning into a 'put upon' man. Chance wOuld be a fine thing! He's also still not too well so I'm nit getting any breaks at all!! He'll be fine, he's just adjusting to stuff. It's just annoying when our friends who are preggers come round and tell me how much he's helping her, how much she's giving him grief and he's taking it etc!! Ooh that was nice to let out! I think genetically u go off your oh in the first tri anyway so I'm probably just being hormonal!!
Still no proper morning sickness, just still off my food and low blood sugar etc. I keep waking up bunged up and sneezing which makes my boobs hurt! Lol! Started doing some yoga too yesterday which made me feel pretty good.
So all pretty jolly here in munchkin land today. How is everyone else? Bex did u have a good weekend spreading the news? X
Munchkin-my oh is getting on my nerves so
Much too :-$ I'm so moody and crappy!! Such a bitch :-(

I see your point on the cat litter tray though hun. I feel that oh is not involved enough. Are we expecting too much of them?? What's going on? Are we being too demanding?

Thanks for your advice hun. I may cry.lol

I don't know Ava. I work longer hours than OH and do most of the housework and i suppose in my little brain i thought i'd get some pampering!! Alas not, he's just asserting his maleness even more!
I suspect he thinks i'm making all this feeling crappy and tired up, i reckon he doesn't believe any of it cos there's no bump! To be fair though, he has been feeling crappy himself so we're both demanding attention and neither's giving much at the moment!

Booked in early scan today, going a week next Sat. Will technically be 8 + 2. They sounded really nice on the phone. Thinking of calling them another day and asking what they'll say if they don't find a heartbeat so i can be prepared! I'm feeling really positive today though, moved onto another level of sicky feeling, completely different from last couple of weeks so something must be happening! Been dead teary all morning too. Had to listen to a whole funeral at work and really struggled to keep it together. And a guy at work who's wifes just had a baby wrote a report too about the birth and i only got half way through it and had to run to the loo cos i was sobbing!

If anyone wants it, let me know and i'll PM it. It's a bit long but v sweet.

Hope everyone's ok??


Hiya Lovely Ladies,

Well, I tried twice earlier to post a reply, but my iphone wasn't playing so I had to wait til I could use the parent's computer...

So sorry you're both having OH troubles. I think the fact that they'll have new/extra responsibility to take on makes no sense to them at this early stage as it's all 'down to us' lovely ladies so to speak (brewing a baby...)

I'm sooooo with you on the cat tray thing. Just because I have bought a mask and gloves to do it when he's away doesn't mean that he should do it most of the time normally, but he just thought it was some smell/nausea issue I'm having and being a bit pathetic.
I think I through though when I was offered wine by friends and he whispered in my ear after I declined 'yeah- if we're going to do this pregnant thing we should do it properly'. So when the cat tray issue reared its ugly head I repeated that to him...and then read the section in WTEWYE to him to clarify...

Generally my DH is being lovely, although really happy that he's going to be a Dad one minute, he then suddenly gets all paranoid and says I mustn't get too excited 'just in case as it's still early'... it's all very confusing.
Blokes are odd creatures to be sure, but I think for them, as its something happening external to them they have trouble getting their heads round it and think differently about it all. I guess at the heart of it, they're just trying to protect us from heartache.

Well, having said all of that, he was so happy at my siblings reactions to the news it made him beam from ear to ear. I greeted them both with, 'Hello Aunty/Uncle' and they looked puzzled, then laughed, cried and hugged! So what I needed after last weekend's somewhat lacklustre response from MIL and FIL.

We've had a fabulous weekend with my family and went for a walk over the top of the local 'White Horse' in Kilburn- which was lovely I can't believe how cold it was and how much snow up there! Will this winter never end?!
Today me and Mum (Nanna To Be ;)) went shopping for a couple of new bras for me as I seem to have already grown out of my normal ones and she managed to sneak in a babygro set and a maternity top for me for my belated birthday prezzie- :haha:

SO, that's me, apart from the :holly: more MS (getting really yucky :sick:) and fatigue, everything is ok with me.

How are you all doing?

Big :hug:

Bex x

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