Hiya Lovely Ladies,
Well, I tried twice earlier to post a reply, but my iphone wasn't playing so I had to wait til I could use the parent's computer...
So sorry you're both having OH troubles. I think the fact that they'll have new/extra responsibility to take on makes no sense to them at this early stage as it's all 'down to us' lovely ladies so to speak (brewing a baby...)
I'm sooooo with you on the cat tray thing. Just because I have bought a mask and gloves to do it when he's away doesn't mean that he should do it most of the time normally, but he just thought it was some smell/nausea issue I'm having and being a bit pathetic.
I think I through though when I was offered wine by friends and he whispered in my ear after I declined 'yeah- if we're going to do this pregnant thing we should do it properly'. So when the cat tray issue reared its ugly head I repeated that to him...and then read the section in WTEWYE to him to clarify...
Generally my DH is being lovely, although really happy that he's going to be a Dad one minute, he then suddenly gets all paranoid and says I mustn't get too excited 'just in case as it's still early'... it's all very confusing.
Blokes are odd creatures to be sure, but I think for them, as its something happening external to them they have trouble getting their heads round it and think differently about it all. I guess at the heart of it, they're just trying to protect us from heartache.
Well, having said all of that, he was so happy at my siblings reactions to the news it made him beam from ear to ear. I greeted them both with, 'Hello Aunty/Uncle' and they looked puzzled, then laughed, cried and hugged! So what I needed after last weekend's somewhat lacklustre response from MIL and FIL.
We've had a fabulous weekend with my family and went for a walk over the top of the local 'White Horse' in Kilburn- which was lovely I can't believe how cold it was and how much snow up there! Will this winter never end?!
Today me and Mum (Nanna To Be

) went shopping for a couple of new bras for me as I seem to have already grown out of my normal ones and she managed to sneak in a babygro set and a maternity top for me for my belated birthday prezzie-
SO, that's me, apart from the

more MS (getting really yucky

) and fatigue, everything is ok with me.
How are you all doing?
Bex x