My first appt w/ the mw is on March 10th- I will be 8 1/2 weeks but not sure if they will do the scan on that day. I've heard the mw's like to wait until 10-12 weeks... so we'll see. Can't wait though, seems like it's forever away. Excited to hear the news after all of your scans!!
Question, I have a family get together on Feb 27th, I'm wondering if I should blurt the news then, since everyone will be together... or should I wait for the scan or at least the first appt? I don't know if I can wait til March 10th! And I feel like I have to tell everyone at the same time (my mom is the only family member that knows) or else they'll find out through the gossip. I have a HUGE family-- remarriages, stepsiblings etc etc!