*The lucky thread - 4 BFPs already!* Anyone else due to OV 22,23,24th Jan?

p.s. Munchkin- your scan is a few days after mine- GL! Fx'd we can both post pics of our lovely snuggly beans! xxx
Oh yeah munchkin, that would be nice to read!!

OMG-I totally know what you mean-I think oh and my MIL thinks im making up feeling tired and stuff :-( that's y I'm feeling alone. I suppose it must be hard for them too, but I feel like screaming sometimes.

Bless you-bet u r excited AND don't stress and ring them
Up about that question,honest!! U will see a heartbeat at 8 weeks. I feel like giving u a hug :-)

I think it's normal to be this emotional. I can't even watch stuff without crying. It must have been hard with that funeral as well.

Made a nice dinner 2night. One born every min in bed me thinks :-)

Night night xxx
Oh heyyyyy Bex!! We must have been typing at the same time:-)

Ur weekend seemed really nice :-) u are right about men-VERY weired creatures! Lol I think that it will sink in when we have had our 1st scan. Maybe because we "feel" it, it seems real??!!

Guys,I'm so excited for ur scans:-)

I'm the same really-bbs,moods,tiredness. I have the odd smell that makes me yak,but no major sickness. Do u think I will get it? I CAN'T wait to get my scan xxx
Major MS for me. No vomiting (YET) but nauseous 24/7 and gagging at everything, even when I'm brushing my teeth. I get hungry but then don't want to eat or feel sick thinking about it. And exhausted. I slept all day yesterday. Well, that's me right now. Hope u ladies are doing better.
Oh and BITCHY!!! I just have this need to bitch and complain to OH about every little thing. Maybe it's our way of getting back at them for doing this to us, LOL... Although I don't remember screaming at him during labor, I was so in my own world I could careless what he was doing.
Oh and I feel like if I do shorter posts than it's easier for all of you to read. I feel like my posts were going unnoticed.
Hey Steph :-) sounds like u are feeling a little crappy hun.

I feel sorry for all of our oh's-it seems they are all getting bitched at.lol

I'm the same when it comes to gagging,but I'm not sick. I'm like that this morning :-( sooooo do not want to go to work,just want to sleep all day!!

We will all be as right as rain in a few weeks, can't wait :-)

Have u got the date for your 1st scan date yet Steph?xxx
My first appt w/ the mw is on March 10th- I will be 8 1/2 weeks but not sure if they will do the scan on that day. I've heard the mw's like to wait until 10-12 weeks... so we'll see. Can't wait though, seems like it's forever away. Excited to hear the news after all of your scans!!

Question, I have a family get together on Feb 27th, I'm wondering if I should blurt the news then, since everyone will be together... or should I wait for the scan or at least the first appt? I don't know if I can wait til March 10th! And I feel like I have to tell everyone at the same time (my mom is the only family member that knows) or else they'll find out through the gossip. I have a HUGE family-- remarriages, stepsiblings etc etc!
Heya Steph,
Sorry you're feeling bad :( I've been getting waves of awful ms :sick: too but yours sounds way worse :hugs:
As for the family thing- it's so hard! A big gathering is the perfect set up but, I guess the main question is- who do you want to know? Everyone or just a select few who's support you really value? It would be so lovely to get all that positive reaction/feeling from them all at once tho! ;)
I've told my close family (M,D, MIL, FIL & siblings) but asked that no-one else gets told til after first tri, no Aunts, Cousins & Grandparents yet...
A couple of close friends also know, but not all & sundry.
Will see how I feel after the private scan next week and how difficult it is to keep my mouth shut/cover it up til 12wks! :haha:
That probably wasn't any help at all was it!? Sorry!
Bex x
Hey girls-
I think that it would be a perfect chance to tell,but u may be different to me??!! I just can't keep my mouth shut at all. Not every1 knows,but iv told all my family and my close friends. Iv told the people that I would want to support me if (hate to say it) something does happen. I say do what u feel is right. I personally would.

Hey Bex-hope u r well. I'm similar to u,waves on and off :-(

Hope u r ok munchkin,havnt heard from u in a while xxx
Hi ladies!

I´m still reading you. It's great to see how you're enjoying being pregnant; even with the little stresses that come with it.

I'd like to ask for your help if possible regarding bbt. I'm taking my temp every morning at around 7.30 and my doubt is when will I know if I ovulated? I know that the temp rising is a sign but that it mean I should bd that day or that I've already missed the chance? I'm worried about not being able to calculate by my body's changes and if I miss bd the night before the temp rise I'd be out again.

I know some of you were checking your temp last month and it worked so I thought........

Hi Madrid. Basically if your temp goes up (confirmed by 3 cons days of high temps after) you've missed it. In fact the chance of getting preg by sex on ov day (usually day BEFORE temp rise is only 5% so you need to get in early! On my last month of ttc I was temping but only to confirm which day I ovd. I used a cbfm and opks to predict ov. I found the cbfm best cos it gives you a peak before a pos opk so I reckon if u were just using that and bding on peak days you'd have a pretty good chance. I found fertility friend really useful and fun too, I got my bfp on the 2nd month trying. Was timed with military precision after months of charting though ;) still can't believe it! Where are u in your cycle now? X
Hi to you other ladies too! I've been reading your Posts but not had much to say last couple of days. Things lots better with oh, we had a good chat yesterday morning and cleared the air! Feeling generally rubbish in the mornings but fine and nearly normal after lunch! Eating and sleeping better last couple of days thank god! 7 wks tomorrow, how exciting! Feels like a more solid number somehow! And my sis might be up this weekend so I can tell her!! Yay! Decided against telling oh's family on Sunday when they'll all be there, quite relieved really.... Hope youre all ok x x
Hey Madrid-nice to hear from u. Not sure about temping,but glad u got some advice from Munchkin :-)

Glad to hear u and oh have sorted stuff.

I think morning sickness has kicked in(or should I say afternoon) iv been getting so sick at work in the afternoon. Every smell is sending me running to the loo :-$ yuk! I'm not miserable,I'm keeping my head high because I know we have a little bean inside me and it's exciting!!

I'm meant to be 7 weeks tomorrow too which sounds brilliant. Not changing my ticker or anything yet though until iv seen the midwife next fri (so excited). Want to hear it from her that I'm 8 weeks that day.

Have a great day guys xxx
Thank you ladies for your replies. I'm on cd14 today and as my cycles are longer than 28 days I usually O around cd16. My temp has stayed low so far and that's why I was wondering about the peak and what it means exactly. I've gone into fertility friend myself as well and I'm getting my chart with them as well as with Pink Pad on my iPhone. I believe I may be O now due to the symptoms I'm getting so I hope we'll manage the bfp this time, fx'ed.
It´s normal to feel moody and emotional Munchkin and also to argue but the most important thing is what you've done: to speak about it and clear the air.
Ava I'm sorry to hear about your trips to the loo. I never had it so bad with my pregnancies but I guess it must be difficult, particularly when you're working.

Take care ladies
Aww Madrid fx'd fir your bfp :) just keep bding til that temp goes up and then u can relax and know u did everything! I've been up about 4 times in the night to wee, getting silly now, hope it goes off a bit soon! I'm also well into my Ginger beer at the moment. Sipping it through the morning at work really helps! X
Fingers crossed Madrid!! I hope u join us soon with ur BFP!!

Hi munchkin :-) I'm the same. Wee wee wee all through the night. It breaks ur sleep and makes u exhausted!! Iv been drinking lemon and Ginger tea. It's ok I suppose, but my sickness is here to stay I think.

It's less than a week now until my midwife appoint. I'm so excited :-)

Yay for midwife! A week today we should get to see the little bean on a scan, excited but nervous. About 3 this morning I found myself walking through the house in my dressing gown trying to eat a banana but sobbing so much I couldn't! At the time I felt v sorry for myself but looking back it makes me chuckle, what a stereotype of a preggers lady! X
Morning girls :-)
That's exciting about your scan :-) bet u can't wait!!!

I'm am so so tired atm :-( I can't believe I have to work. I could do with a day off.lol

Have a great day xxx

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