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**The Lucky Thread**

I feelk so enormous that if I keep growing at this rate they won't let me on the plane! I found this website


and it says i am average, but I don't know....you read about all these women who only put on 4 pounds or something!!! How is that possible??!!! xx
I feelk so enormous that if I keep growing at this rate they won't let me on the plane! I found this website


and it says i am average, but I don't know....you read about all these women who only put on 4 pounds or something!!! How is that possible??!!! xx

I'm average too. I saw a woman at church who is due around the same time as me and she's much bigger, so I'm holding on to that thought (horrible of me!) whenever I feel like a fatty.

Are you girls exercising? I've been trying to walk on my treadmill for 20-30 minutes a day.

We are supposed to have a severe blizzard tonight here. I'm wondering whether our power will go out--if so I'm hoping it will be around the kids bedtime. :haha:

Oh, and I finished the quilt. I'll have to post pictures of it this week!
Wow Sophia, hope the storm is not too heavy duty!!! Well done for finishing the quilt too!

I was at the hospital for a check up today and my boy is hanging around in there breech. Hope he turns by my next appointment!! other than that, all is good. xx

Forgot to get my maternity grant form though!!!
Well, the blizzard wasn't much. We got 6" of snow...they didn't even cancel school today. But its really cold out there today!

Karen, he has lots of time to turn! I bet he will turn by your next check up. Will you be able to deliver him breech if he sticks, or will you have to have a c-section for that? It seems like here they usually do a C-section if the baby is breech.
Yeah, I would go for a c section - I have been reading bits and pieces and it seems quite risky, especially for a first timer. I think they offer to try to turn it for you (yikes!) but the midwife says that often they just pop back to breech!...just hope he turns!! xx
Well girls, I'm 27 weeks today!!!! I'm so thrilled I've made it this far.

But like clockwork I'm in 3rd trimester now and the nausea is coming back, my back hurts, and my hips are starting to hurt! Grrrrrr.....not thrilled.

This morning we cleaned & organized the basement, getting ready to get that room finished so DH can move office and I can have a nursery!! YAY!
Hey all,

hope you are doing well.....I have lower back ache and have taken to grunting involuntarily...nice!! Growing out of current maternity clothes and loathed to get any bigger ones:wacko:

I have my first ever snow day...school closed...hooray!!! :happydance: Was half way there through the snow before I found out though!! Hopefully I will find out tomorrow, before I set off, whether it is going to be closed or not.

Sophia, you are getting so organised! My spare room is still full of junk and I can't seem to muster up the stream to tackle it! School is taking all my energy....considering going on maternity sooner than I intended, just to give myself some time to get organised! I will see!!

Take care in the snow xx
Oooh, a snow day! Enjoy it!! We hardly ever get snow days here, unless the snow is so bad that the plows/busses can't get through. My kids were disappointed when we got about a foot last week and school still carried on as usual.

How is everyone doing? I'll be 28 weeks tomorrow, that feels like a milestone to me!

We've been playing "guess the bump" a lot, and it seems like this baby is ALL knees and elbows!

I don't feel organized! I feel so slow and clumsy, like it takes me 3x as long to get anything done! I've been packing up to move boxes of books to a shelf downstairs and its like the bending is so annoying and I can't lift anything, so I'm constantly asking DH to come help out. Oh well, eventually it will all be done!

We had some sad news this week. My Dh's nephew that he grew up with, who was the best man in our wedding, took his own life on Monday night. He had been suffering from severe depression, OCD, and social anxiety for a long time. So this week has kind of turned to crap with all the related arrangements. The funeral will be Saturday.
I am so sorry Sophia about your awful news. The poor man must have been in a very bad place - sometimes no amount of intervention, love or caring can shift the darkness. I have a history of depression in my own family, with some awful events having taken place through the years. No matter how bad things get, nothing prepares you for that loss. I'm sure you have a strong family to see you through this tough time.

"A child, more than all other gifts
That Earth can offer to declining man,
Brings hope with it, and forward looking thoughts," Wordsworth.

Stay strong, espeically on Saturday. xx
Sophia so sorry to read your sad news. Hope everything goes as well as can be hoped at the funeral. Karen your words are beautiful x
Thanks girls! Things are going well, I have my moments. Dh is taking it hard though, they were very close. I'm getting to spend lots of time with my IL's who I don't really care for...bleh. Tomorrow will be a long day no doubt. Today DH is with his family and I'm just running kids to school and doing laundry and such. It's nice to have a break from all the emotional upheaval.

28 weeks today! This feels like a big milestone to me, I'm 7/10 of the way there!

How is everyone else doing?
Hi every1.. sorry about your sad new sophia....its just awful ( esp at this time of yr)

well i will be 27weeks tomorrow,and i must admit the weeks are passing by nice and quickly now...

I have my Anti-D injection at the hosp in 2 weeks time.... and i have sent away my Gov Health in Preg Grant form so hopf £190 will be in my acc SOON
Glad you're doing ok Sophia. x

Kathleen I got my £190! They put it in only 2 weeks after I sent the form! so of course I went shopping! ha ha, only for boring stuff though like breast pads and cotton wool! I have lots of stuff now though, although mainly been doing it on the internet! cot matress arrived today and cot should be here next week! eek feels a bit real now!

I still think time is moving soooo slowly! Had my 28 week app on thurs and there was a really really dense student midwife there and she couldn't find the heartbeat. luckily i didn't panic as I'd literally just felt baby kick! my midwife then told the student off for looking for the heartbeat in the baby's bottom lol!

Karen your baby is breach right? what did they say what the chances of it moving are? Mine is back to back which is the same as my DD and it was a horrendous labour :-( the midwife said it will move but they said that with DD too...

how is the snow for everyone? it has cleared up here now yay! Still was minus 4 today though grrr!

I have my Anti-D injection at the hosp in 2 weeks time.... and i have sent away my Gov Health in Preg Grant form so hopf £190 will be in my acc SOON

Feeling stupid to ask, but what is Anti-D?

Glad you're doing ok Sophia. x

Kathleen I got my £190! They put it in only 2 weeks after I sent the form! so of course I went shopping! ha ha, only for boring stuff though like breast pads and cotton wool! I have lots of stuff now though, although mainly been doing it on the internet! cot matress arrived today and cot should be here next week! eek feels a bit real now!

I still think time is moving soooo slowly! Had my 28 week app on thurs and there was a really really dense student midwife there and she couldn't find the heartbeat. luckily i didn't panic as I'd literally just felt baby kick! my midwife then told the student off for looking for the heartbeat in the baby's bottom lol!

Karen your baby is breach right? what did they say what the chances of it moving are? Mine is back to back which is the same as my DD and it was a horrendous labour :-( the midwife said it will move but they said that with DD too...

how is the snow for everyone? it has cleared up here now yay! Still was minus 4 today though grrr!


No new snow but we are supposed to get some this weekend. The stuff that's been on the road for a week is finally melting off today.

How nice to get grants! I wish we had that here.

My baby is head down, but she's turned sideways, so her shoulder puts pressure on my sciatic nerve, and her feet are always kicking my ribs on one side only. I know she can still move around at this point because sometimes she still does flips and things, but she always settles back into this one position
Dont know too much about Anti D,but its because im Resus - blood type... and if the baby is resus +, our bloods might mix and cause antibodies.... or something like that..

Snow is HORRENDOUS here... its been snowing for over 1 week.......and we have about 17" of snow on the ground......

Luckily i have been able to get to work and stuff, but the first few days was major CABIN FEVER as i couldnt get out at all! schools were off so it was hard entertaining my daughter all day long.....

27weeks today!!
Hi all, hope you are all doing fine. I cannot believe I am nearly 29 weeks. It is getting so close.

I went for anti-d today...was there for 2 hours as there was a skeleton staff and the anti-d hadn't been sent up because the porters hadn't got in with the snow...blah..de...blah.... It was fine...a little bit sore but nothing compared to what's coming, ha ha!!!

Baby has seemingly turned...hooray. The midwife just said that he felt head down now but she didn't go into any detail.

The big freeze is making life very difficult. Tommorrow all the schools are closed again but teachers are being made to get to school!!! Makes no sense at all, seeing as lots live on the other side of the city from where they teach. One 59 year old teacher from my school walked home 7 miles uphill in the snow on Monday..my friend was stuck in her car for 8 hours.....Glasgow just wouldn't shut the schools even though the traffic was deadlocked by lunch time and the new snow fall was over a foot. We had to did cars out of the carpark. It is hell!!
Anyway. my head has told me to stay at home tomorrow...hooray!!! I am not one to play the pregnancy card but this is a definate bonus!
Dont know too much about Anti D,but its because im Resus - blood type... and if the baby is resus +, our bloods might mix and cause antibodies.... or something like that..

Snow is HORRENDOUS here... its been snowing for over 1 week.......and we have about 17" of snow on the ground......

Luckily i have been able to get to work and stuff, but the first few days was major CABIN FEVER as i couldnt get out at all! schools were off so it was hard entertaining my daughter all day long.....

27weeks today!!

Ok, gotcha on the anti-D. I think it might be called something else here, but I'm not sure. My blood type is rhesus positive, so I've never had to worry about it.

Congrats on 27 weeks!!

Hi all, hope you are all doing fine. I cannot believe I am nearly 29 weeks. It is getting so close.

I went for anti-d today...was there for 2 hours as there was a skeleton staff and the anti-d hadn't been sent up because the porters hadn't got in with the snow...blah..de...blah.... It was fine...a little bit sore but nothing compared to what's coming, ha ha!!!

Baby has seemingly turned...hooray. The midwife just said that he felt head down now but she didn't go into any detail.

The big freeze is making life very difficult. Tommorrow all the schools are closed again but teachers are being made to get to school!!! Makes no sense at all, seeing as lots live on the other side of the city from where they teach. One 59 year old teacher from my school walked home 7 miles uphill in the snow on Monday..my friend was stuck in her car for 8 hours.....Glasgow just wouldn't shut the schools even though the traffic was deadlocked by lunch time and the new snow fall was over a foot. We had to did cars out of the carpark. It is hell!!
Anyway. my head has told me to stay at home tomorrow...hooray!!! I am not one to play the pregnancy card but this is a definate bonus!

Glad you get to stay home! Sounds like you gals are having some crazy weather! It's been warmer here (45F) but I think we are in for another storm later in the week.

Can you believe how little time we have left? Once the holidays are over, it won't be long and then we will have our LO's in our arms! Hooray for this being such a lucky thread!

I'm heading out with the kids tonight to the HS girls basketball game. My nephew (brother of the one who died last week) is coaching, so we are going to go out and say hello. Not my cup of tea, but DH is out of town and he thinks it would be nice if we went. I'm just waiting on DS to get his homework done and then we are off, we will probably eat some kind of horrible junk food at the game, so I don't have to cook dinner either!
Have you girls dug yourselves out of all the snow yet?

My 29 week visit was yesterday. She keeps telling me how perfectly I'm doing, like I can take personal credit for my BP or urine, lol, but its so uplifting.

I asked whether I should have a birth plan in place in case of transfer. She said if I need a transfer she'd come along and advocate for me--BUT that she's only ever had to transfer 3 multiparas! One was an attempted VBAC that wasn't going well, one was a woman with a previous forceps delivery, and the third the woman decided she was uncomfortable not birthing in hospital.

Baby is head down and "perfectly positioned" to come out. The hip/groin pain she thinks is ligaments.

How is everyone doing? It seems like we haven't heard from Alina for a while?
yes it has been a while... hope everything is ok for her?

i cant really believe how quick the weeks are going by now. 0 - 12 weeks DRAGGED.. now they weeks are passing by nicely!

need to get my finger out and order our pram... we have most other things sorted, but just havent went and bougth our pram.

We got our £190 grant in our bank acc - so that was quick....!
Hey girls I'm here :) glad everything ok with everyone! I'm at that stage where I've started to swell! I had bad water retention with dd and have already had to take my wedding rings off and my legs are massive! Can't believe I still have 10 weeks to go! Will post a bump pic tomo I am huge!

On the positive side we put the cot up today so except for some tidying the nursery is done! And we paid the balance of the pushchair so that should come in at the beginning of January! Only got to pick up a swing and new monitor and we are all set! X

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