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**The Lucky Thread**

Hey Sophia, I think you look pretty petite! I feel huge compared to that! I will try and take a pic later and put it up. xx

You are sweet...I feel like an elephant!!! DH said that picture makes me look "Skinny" compared to real life, ha ha.

I can't wait to see your picture!

Today is my "V-day"!!!!
well ladies i hope you havent forgot about me.

I feel like my left hand has been cut off.. my internet has been down ( still is) so im using my parents PC...

IM 23weeks today!!! still dragging by.....

Once im online i will upload a pic. Sophia your still very neat i'd say..
well ladies i hope you havent forgot about me.

I feel like my left hand has been cut off.. my internet has been down ( still is) so im using my parents PC...

IM 23weeks today!!! still dragging by.....

Once im online i will upload a pic. Sophia your still very neat i'd say..
Good to hear from you...thought you were a bit quiet!!! The rain is a nightmare isn't it?...I ordered a maternity coat a week ago and it still hasn't arrived. I am walking about with gaping coats...not good:nope:!
One of tomorrow's jobs is to pack away all the clothes that don't fit me for a while so that I can get into my wardrobe without having a hissy fit trying to find something to wear!!! I am not taking kindly to the lack of outfits at all!!

On a brighter note, can't believe the little update strip tells me the baby is 13.5 inches long....so exciting!!!

Is everyone else peeing for Scotland/Wales/ The States?? I am at the loo every 10 mins sometimes....a nightmare at school. Luckily I have a toilet next to my classroom and have entered the guinness book of records for speed weeing. People keep saying it is only going to get worse...colostomy bag???

Still not taken my bump pic...will get to it very soon!! xx
well ladies i hope you havent forgot about me.

I feel like my left hand has been cut off.. my internet has been down ( still is) so im using my parents PC...

IM 23weeks today!!! still dragging by.....

Once im online i will upload a pic. Sophia your still very neat i'd say..

Nice to see you, I was wondering if all was ok.

Thanks...I had 3 people at church pat the bump today, lol. I guess its sticking out there enough!

Good to hear from you...thought you were a bit quiet!!! The rain is a nightmare isn't it?...I ordered a maternity coat a week ago and it still hasn't arrived. I am walking about with gaping coats...not good:nope:!
One of tomorrow's jobs is to pack away all the clothes that don't fit me for a while so that I can get into my wardrobe without having a hissy fit trying to find something to wear!!! I am not taking kindly to the lack of outfits at all!!

On a brighter note, can't believe the little update strip tells me the baby is 13.5 inches long....so exciting!!!

Is everyone else peeing for Scotland/Wales/ The States?? I am at the loo every 10 mins sometimes....a nightmare at school. Luckily I have a toilet next to my classroom and have entered the guinness book of records for speed weeing. People keep saying it is only going to get worse...colostomy bag???

Still not taken my bump pic...will get to it very soon!! xx

Yes, I'm peeing constantly! The "peeing for Scotland" etc phrase isn't something I've heard before. I got a kick out of it so now I'm saying it and my kids now think I'm weird. :happydance:

I'm also having more round ligament pain than ever--it hurts! The babies are going to start growing so much now, its probably going to hurt for awhile.

My glucose tolerance test is on Friday--wish me luck that I pass. Both my other babies were BIG so I'm "high risk" for gestational diabetes.
Yes, I'm peeing constantly! The "peeing for Scotland" etc phrase isn't something I've heard before. I got a kick out of it so now I'm saying it and my kids now think I'm weird. :happydance:

I'm also having more round ligament pain than ever--it hurts! The babies are going to start growing so much now, its probably going to hurt for awhile.

My glucose tolerance test is on Friday--wish me luck that I pass. Both my other babies were BIG so I'm "high risk" for gestational diabetes.

I am delighted to be spreading vulgar phrases accross the miles! Must ask my hubbie if they used that phrase in NY....it's funny but we have known each other 12 years and there are still cultural differences that pop up all the time....yesterday's was putting coleslaw on my ham sandwich...he said that was very "English" (and disgusting!!!).
Good luck with your tests....so many things to think about.

Take care all xx
I am delighted to be spreading vulgar phrases accross the miles! Must ask my hubbie if they used that phrase in NY....it's funny but we have known each other 12 years and there are still cultural differences that pop up all the time....yesterday's was putting coleslaw on my ham sandwich...he said that was very "English" (and disgusting!!!).
Good luck with your tests....so many things to think about.

Take care all xx

Coleslaw on sandwiches is done a lot in the South...especially on BBQ beef or pulled pork. I think its tasty...but on ham I'd probably prefer sauerkraut.

Thank you!! I'm exercising every day and trying to eat healthy to maximize my odds. I do not want to be limited on what I can eat during the holidays--that just seems cruel. :wacko:
im loving roast beef slices and coleslaw on a sandwich!!

i set my mat dates in work today. i finish up on Fri 21/1/11, and officially start my mat leave on 4/3/11.. ( 6weeks of holidays before my mat leave starts)

My 25 wk appt was today--and my glucose tolerance test.

She let me do a finger prick. She said if that came up above 140, they would do a blood draw off the vein. Well, my finger prick came back at 110, so I'm all clear, no blood draw, no Gestational Diabetes! My iron is at 12.2, baby's HB is abt 140, blood pressure is still 100/60, and I've gained SIX pounds since my last appointment. So overall she said my weight gain is spot on where it should be at 25 wks, but if I keep gaining at this rate I think I will be huge. So I'll be watching that more carefully from now on.

We got to take a peek at the baby, and she was sucking on her hand.

I'm measuring 26 wks, and baby is head down--mw said she could still move back to breech, but if they are head down by this point its a good sign for later for some reason.

Are you ladies seeing the doc/mw this week?
im loving roast beef slices and coleslaw on a sandwich!!

i set my mat dates in work today. i finish up on Fri 21/1/11, and officially start my mat leave on 4/3/11.. ( 6weeks of holidays before my mat leave starts)


Yay for maternity leave. I work from home on a freelance basis so will be leaving maternity leave until the last minute, 15th feb but I can just not work for a bit if it gets too much in jan/feb. Nice to see you back on here :)

My 25 wk appt was today--and my glucose tolerance test.

She let me do a finger prick. She said if that came up above 140, they would do a blood draw off the vein. Well, my finger prick came back at 110, so I'm all clear, no blood draw, no Gestational Diabetes! My iron is at 12.2, baby's HB is abt 140, blood pressure is still 100/60, and I've gained SIX pounds since my last appointment. So overall she said my weight gain is spot on where it should be at 25 wks, but if I keep gaining at this rate I think I will be huge. So I'll be watching that more carefully from now on.

We got to take a peek at the baby, and she was sucking on her hand.

I'm measuring 26 wks, and baby is head down--mw said she could still move back to breech, but if they are head down by this point its a good sign for later for some reason.

Are you ladies seeing the doc/mw this week?
Sorry Sophia obviously I can't fathom multiple quotes on my iPhone! Great news on the glucose test, you have the go-ahead to eat in the holidays now! I had my 25w appt on thurs midwife said all was good, measuring spot on for 25w and nice little heartbeat! They don't do the glucose test here I think, next appt is 28w and they do blood then but she didn't say what it was for.

Am away visiting friends this weekend and it's nice to just chill and be looked after!

How is everyone else?
Hey- i had my 24week app yest.

heard HB, coming in at 155bpm....

i also got my Health in pregnancy Grant form, which i should be posting away in the next week or so for the £190 payment.... luckily we UK ppl still get it, as its being withdrawn on 1 Jan 2011.... bloody goverment cuts!
Hey- i had my 24week app yest.

heard HB, coming in at 155bpm....

i also got my Health in pregnancy Grant form, which i should be posting away in the next week or so for the £190 payment.... luckily we UK ppl still get it, as its being withdrawn on 1 Jan 2011.... bloody goverment cuts!

Oh no! Glad you were able to sneak in just in time and get it!!
How is everyone doing? Bumps growing nicely?

Girls, I'm 26 weeks today--one more week until 3rd trimester, and I can't believe it. I'm fighting a wicked cold that won't go away. My bump feels HUGE. My skin is starting to itch too...

I did my kids Christmas clothes shopping and realized next time my kids need clothes I'll be shopping for 3 instead of 2!!

Found this chart and thought it was nice...our babies are having a really good chance of survival now:


21 weeks : 0%

22 weeks : 0-10%

23 weeks : 10-35%

24 weeks : 40-70%

25 weeks : 50-80%

26 weeks : 80-90%

27 weeks : >90%

30 weeks : >95%

34 weeks : >98%
hey congrats on 26wks!

I have a private scan 2morrow to see if im on the blue or pink team!!
Wow Sophia LOVE those statistics! Sorry you're feeling under the weather hope u pick up soon!

Ooh Kathleen how exciting! Post as soon as you know!

Afm mega crazy bad heartburn is meaning I get no sleep and can't drink anything but milk :-( feeling a little sorry for myself tbh! If it doesn't get any better going t have to see if doc can prescribe anything safe


soooooooooo happy, as i wanted another wee girl!

AWCH for the heartburn. Get Gaviscon from your doc/MW asap.....
Congratulations Kathleen on your second wee girl! Girls must be so lovely as everone seems to want another...No one seems to say that about boys....mmmmm...hopefully mine will be a little gentle soul like it's father was when he was a little boy. If he takes after me we are in serious trouble!!!:haha: Is everyone having girls apart from me? I am losing track!! I am going to hosp for a check up on Wednesday...isn't is nice not to worry so much?

On Boxing Day I am flying to the states to visit DH's folks for New Year...so excited! On my return flight, which is Aerlingus, the cut off time for flying is 33 weeks and six days...I will be exactly that! Most people think I am nuts but it is so great to have something to look forward to rather than everyone being drunk apart from me for the second New Year running!!!

We are heading to Rockport, Mass for New Year eve...it so so lovely there..:happydance:

Happy days! xx
Congrats on team pink! Yay! I'm still team yellow so mine could be a boy! That would even it out I guess!

Bought Moses basket and a mobile today, putting up curtains in nursery tomorrow, slowly getting there!

Oh and Christmas in the US sounds amazing! Bet you'll have a lovely time! Both my babysitters (my mum and best friend) are going to Australia for Xmas and new year (separately!) so new year will be a quiet one in for us lol!


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