The "never had a second line" Group: 93 members, 18 BFP's, 2 Angel's

sorry to hear that CassieC, hope you're ok, xx

hey sarahj198 - hope you are well prepped for catching the egg :)

TryingFor1 - you can do a SA at home you know. There's some kits on amazon, you should sneakily try it (if he comes on you rather than in you next time just shove some of it into a little dish) - wow that sounds really dodgy reading it back!

Multi vits are good for men, but the annoying thing is that sperm matures every 90 days so as he's quit smoking today you might not see any effect on the sperm for a few months!

If people drugged up to their eyeballs can fall pregnant then surely us healthier ones stand some sort of chance.
Its my first real cycle after coming off cerazette so am unsure cos not twmpes or used opks but I think I ovulated cycle day 13 based on pain and mucus x if no bfp by Xmas I will start temping etc x
I haven't been here in a while. Has anyone gotten a second line yet?
sorry to hear that CassieC, hope you're ok, xx

hey sarahj198 - hope you are well prepped for catching the egg :)

TryingFor1 - you can do a SA at home you know. There's some kits on amazon, you should sneakily try it (if he comes on you rather than in you next time just shove some of it into a little dish) - wow that sounds really dodgy reading it back!

Multi vits are good for men, but the annoying thing is that sperm matures every 90 days so as he's quit smoking today you might not see any effect on the sperm for a few months!

If people drugged up to their eyeballs can fall pregnant then surely us healthier ones stand some sort of chance.

HAHA if it falls to that I might just have to! Well that actually makes me semi happy about the 90 day thing because 90 days ago he was not smoking like he is now! So perhaps those little men are good to go. Lol.

I feel the same way. If people that are all cracked out can get pregnant why is it so hard!?!?! lol
SLH - no bfp's as far as I'm aware, might have to trawl through every users post and make sure their charts are up to date!

TryinFor1 - Ooo so yes you are right, your hubby will have great sperm now, where abouts are you in your cycle?
I am ovulating today or tomorrow!!

I got my a positive OPK this morning! CD14! I really really really hope the clomid makes me ovulate!!!!!!
DH and I only started trying last month. I did a test today at 13DPO and as I sat on the toilet seat looking at that single line I felt like a complete idiot who had 'imagined' all these symptoms over the last two weeks. I didn't really expect that we'd be lucky enough to get a BFP straight off the bat but that single pink line does smart.
For those of you who have been in this position a while, my heart is really going out to you - I love the suggestion on page 1 that only 1 day a month is allowable for moping while the rest of the time we have to be positive. I read somewhere else on this site that 'sticky beans need happy positive mommy tums'.
This site really helps (not least of all because I didn't realise regular lube was such a no-no for sperm!!). On that note, off to buy some pre-seed and looking forward to another month of wonderful BD with hubby.
Sorry I remember you posted that earlier, forgetfulness 1, me 0.

How long are your cycles normally? first round of clomid for me went like this:

usual period length - 50+ days
usual ovulation - around cd40

after clomid though

period length - 37 days
ovulation - cd23

I'm pleased in that I feel like one of the normal girls on BnB (even though I'm far from it with my blood blister)
Hey Edinburgh, I felt like that my first cycle. I didn't realise how hard it would be.

I think today is my mopey day, my spotting has turned into light flow. Looks like I actually ov'ed early this month, shortest cycle ever. Strange, and it's light. I usually have heavy flow.
Edinburgh - welcome to the thread, if you've been trying for 1 day or 1 million years I don't mind added you to the front page - we're all in the same position at the end of the day right?

Yes it's hard when you first start TTC, every little twinge and ache in the 2ww gets you thinking "should I go google that for a potetial BFP"? As a long termer I've recently found that if you tell your mind you must be one of these women who are symptomless in the 2ww it will really help you get through that time much quicker and more positive :)

Good luck with the pre-seed, you should venture out into the main TTC threads, there's girls on there currently telling you how to fall pregnant by using eggwhites, not sure if it sounds safe or not though:S

I've got pre-seed myself and I need to use it more after taking Clomid - it dried up my mucus last cycle so I was doing lots of kegal exercises to help see it better!

TryinFor1 - speaking of, how did you get on with your mucus, did it diminish somewhat?

Allyson11 - oh dear, well at least with a period here you know what stage you are at in your cycle, are you still going to the doctors? looks like agnus shortened your cycles dramatically
Clucky as - yes luteal phase is the time between ov and af. How do you know you're normal, do you use OPK's or temp to confirm? I have a 14 LP and I only know that because I do both those things. One of the number 1 reasons why regular cycled women don't get BFP's is because they assume they must ovulate cd14 (for a 28 cycle) when it doesn't work like that. I would recommend maybe taking a look into researching these extra things to help you pinpoint when your fertile :)

I thought I was pretty alone on the forum before starting this thread, there's just so many women out there who unfortunately miscarry but it's not the same as what we're going through, not the same at all.

aintlifegrand - stupid AF, I hope she doesn't stay around for too long :)

Hey Jess137 - I'll add you to the front page. It's not pathetic to hope for something to happen to a HPT. Hubby reckons now I'm on clomid to buy the expensive hpt's as they're reliable but I figure if IC OPK's can do wonders for me why can't the IC HPT's too?!

How are you finding the clomid, must admit on my 2nd round I'm not getting the hot flashes as much, hope thats a good thing!

I didn't have any side effects at all that I could tell on my first round. I'm waiting for AF right now, and my dose is going up to 100mg next cycle. I assume that I'll have symptoms with a higher dose, but hopefully not. I do take it at night though, which may be the reason I didn't notice anything.

I have a few IC's left, but I also have a couple FRER's and a couple Clearblue digi's. I have an FSA account and O and pg tests are covered expenses. So as long as I still have money in my FSA account, I can use it to buy tests. Once the money runs out, I'll have to be a lot more conservative with my test usage!

As for CM, I've never had any EWCM. I know what it looks like but I've never had it myself. So I couldn't tell you if the Clomid dried me up or not. But I use PreSeed, and I also take guaifenesin. The egg white thing sort of freaks me out, the risk for infection if you do something wrong worries me.
I wondered if a higher dose would mean double symptoms but I think because the body's already had a round of the stuff it might be thinking to look out for the same pattern and effects again. I've not had much this time round. the hot flashes aren't as obvious to me. Probably sounds daft to say that actually but I like to think if the 2 rounds fail that I'll still be able to have relatively short cycles (I'm dreading the thought of them creeping back up again) :(
TryinFor1 - speaking of, how did you get on with your mucus, did it diminish somewhat?

I dont know to be honest.. I only had some ewcm this morning when I was using the bathroom so I think there is some up there. Lol. My CM that is coming out is like creamy/wet kind of combination.

I dont think I get EWCM since stopping birth control. I actually think I used to get it while ON birth control but it isnt really happening now. We are using conceive plus to help with that but I wish I had some nice fertile stuff! But like I said, there was some this morning. I dont think I can really rely on my CM because there really isnt a lot coming out to go off of..but that doesnt mean there isnt some up there.

My OPKs are still positive. I kinda hope it goes negative soon. Lol.

My days are like

Ovulation: didnt happen after birth control
Cycle days: 115+

WITH CLOMID: (after being jump started with Provera)
Ovulation: seems like it will happen today cd14 or tomorrow, cd15.
Cycle Days: hopefully about 28,29 with a proper lp (which hopefully I will just not have a 28 day cycle and not get af for another nine months!)
Hehe I like how you see yourself as a machine with the jump start comment - it sounds about right though (I do the same).

are you keeping your opk's so you can see the progression? I do, got some from a few cycles ago, locked in a cupboard somewhere!

see I never used BC, I've been natural my whole life. I wish I met hubby sooner as I might have got somewhere by now :(
How old are you? lol if you dont mind me asking!

I am using OPKs every few hours today to keep track of my surge. So far, they are not getting any more negative. I have like 50 of them left though so I am all good. Lol. Last time I surged (didnt ovulate, but still surged) I had a positive OPK for about 28 hours. I can definitely tell which side I am ovulating from! lol. My left side is pretty painful!

You are so lucky you were never on birth control. I wish more than anything I had never ever taken it. But my mom made me when I told her that my BF and I were having sex. *sigh* I will never go back on it though.
I don't mind, I'm 27 and will be 28 in December (god the dreaded 30 is right around the corner).

Glad you know you're ovulating, I didn't think it's possible to surge without ovulating at the end of it though :S

I've never needed to use BC, I've only been with 1 man and thats my hubby :)
Thats so sweet about only being with one man. :)

And yeah it is VERY possible to surge and not ovulate. Because it has happened to me like six or seven times each of which I went to the DR who confirmed I didnt ovulate. Hence the provera and clomid.

I get LH surges and estrogen surges and everything. For some reason my ovaries just wouldnt release the egg. I dont think my body produced enough FSH to release it.
Ah thats pants. We're you charting your temps at the time? I only ask because I use OPK's and get the surge but also temp to confirm ovulation or so I believe -

so my second question is, is it possible to have the temperates dip\increase and opk's to show positive results but infact there's no ovulation whatsoever?!

sorry if that sounds confusing but I've been wondering it for a while now.
I dont chart, I tried but it didnt work. if not :bfp: this cycle (which, positive thinking, there will be) I am gonna start temping vaginally next cycle.

The reason we knew I wasnt ovulating is because AF never showed! lol.
I think when I do get a bfp I will continue to chart even after the day the baby is born. I'm not prepared to kiss goodbye to all that useful info FF taught me, hehe.

So I see you're on the In My Shoes group on FB, when did you join? I used to be on there but it was too much for me

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