*~ThE OfficiaL ApriL TestinG ThreaD!~* ~ 305 Test Takers & 60 BFP!!

I also got my BFP yesterday at 10dpo! So although didn't make it for the April thread, I made it in the end! My symptoms were few and far between - had slightly sorer nipples than usual and for slightly longer. Day before I tested started getting slight twinges in uterus area. Also just being really tired on a night, though I work as a reception class teacher so i'm always tired, but I went to bed early a couple of times. The only reason I tested again on the evening yesterday was because I'd had a weird stitch pain like i'd been exercising, and had it for a few hours. Thought it was weird so decided it could be pregnancy related. Got the faintest of faint lines on the internet cheapie (which OH still says he can't see) which persuaded me to use the FRER, which was a definate pink line, and then the Clearblue digi to be sure - which said 'pregnant 1-2' so that was pretty definate! :)

I'm over the moon!
It's the meeting with my doctor i'm nervous about. He recommended we should try and solve the vulvadynia before trying for children and we took no notice as I figured it could be years before we sort it out - if ever! So we ignored him. So now i have to face him again and say 'sorry - we didn't listen and got pregnant' haha. Like a naughty school girl! And then gonna have to work out what to do whether he can advise a C-section for us or not... given that birth is obviously gonna be a bit worse for me... but i've heard C-sections they have to insert a catheter which sounds also painful for me... so not sure really! Will see if he has anything to say, but as he knows nothing about vulvadynia, like every other doctor in this stupid country, not sure what's gonna happen. But I don't care at the minute, i'm just on cloud 9!
lol you worry too much..hes a doctor not God..lol..they never gave me a catheter for my c section..hmm.. :shrug:
I do... i've been told I should have a tummy of ulcers by now the amount I worry ;) heehee
It's the meeting with my doctor i'm nervous about. He recommended we should try and solve the vulvadynia before trying for children and we took no notice as I figured it could be years before we sort it out - if ever! So we ignored him. So now i have to face him again and say 'sorry - we didn't listen and got pregnant' haha. Like a naughty school girl! And then gonna have to work out what to do whether he can advise a C-section for us or not... given that birth is obviously gonna be a bit worse for me... but i've heard C-sections they have to insert a catheter which sounds also painful for me... so not sure really! Will see if he has anything to say, but as he knows nothing about vulvadynia, like every other doctor in this stupid country, not sure what's gonna happen. But I don't care at the minute, i'm just on cloud 9!

Hey there, I just wanted to share this with you. I am a Child birth educator so I just wanted you to be informed (no matter what choice you make, but just so ya know you DO having options :D)

"The Delivery and Post-partum Period:
There is no medical reason why a woman with vulvodynia must have a Caesarean section, even if she has had previous vulvar surgery. Each case is individual: if the vulva is heavily scarred, an episiotomy may or may not be needed to prevent tearing. There are women with vulvodynia who go through labor and delivery without any anesthesia at all; however, many women do elect to have at least an injection of local anesthetic directly to the vulva for examinations to determine cervical dilation and for the delivery. Other women prefer to have epidural anesthesia. This type of anesthesia can make labor and delivery much more comfortable and the woman usually retains the ability to walk and does not have the severe headache associated with a full "saddle block". However, it can lengthen the time needed to push the baby out and, in the hands of an overly cautious or inexperienced physician, leads to an increased rate of Caesarean sections. Thus, the decision to have an epidural block must remain with the patient herself.

After the delivery, some women elect to go directly back on medications they had discontinued during the pregnancy. These women should not breast feed because most medications contraindicated in pregnancy can also be excreted in breast milk. Other women stay off medication and try to determine if pregnancy has caused their condition to improve. In some cases improvement is permanent; in others the woman returns to her previous level of pain and function within about 6 months after the delivery. Unfortunately, there is no good way to predict who will improve with pregnancy and who will not or who will become worse."


and my fellow child birth educators were asking about one of their students who has this and this is what people had to say:

Lorrie Leigh I have a vbac student who was talked into cesarean for her first but really wants to try for vbac. Pudendal block is one option we are considering if pushing become too much for her.
4 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Jules Johnstun I just helped (4 handed) catch a baby for a primip with vulvadynia. He birth went swimmingly (pun intended)
4 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Jules Johnstun mom's hands were the other two- I think it was very empowering for her and I don't think she felt any greater sense of pain than any other birthing mama
3 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Ursula Sabia Sukinik I have had 2 moms and both had SVD- spontaneous vag deliveries with midwives. Feel free to email me off line. 1 mom is willing to talk with others.
2 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Heidi Hannen Flight One of my first clients and very dear friends has vulvadynia. She's had two vaginal births (with epidurals and local anesthetic). Says she couldn't imagine how painful it would be to do it naturally. I imagine the local did more for her than the epi during the pushing stage. C-sec seems a little overreactive....

sorry if this was unsolicited but I dont want you to feel like you have to have major surgery if you dont want to :) you do have options ;)
It's broken down to pain of the vulva, but there's different kinds. I have vulvadynia vestibulitis, which means basically that the vestibule to my vagina, if touched (even very lightly with a cotton bud!) causes excrutiating pain. It's caused by overactive nerves in the vestibule. I've read loads on it, and apparently in America there are doctors who will just remove the vestivule. However, in England no-one seems to know much about it and my doctor isn't very helpful as he wants me to see a phsychosexual therapist, which i've tried to explain won't help :( ANyway, it bundles down to basically i've never had sex or worn a tempon! It's just impossible. So obviously birth is a little scary.

I'm still not sure about the birth... I would like to do it naturally, but over in England i'm not sure I have as many options as there are in America. I think I will have to wait till I get a meeting with the maternity department at the hospital and see what's said. But as no-one seems to know what it is, think i'm gonna print off a load of info off the net and take it all with me. Might help?
So can I ask how you got pregnant if you didn't have sex? Did you do AI or something else? Its very interesting and I couldn't imagine having to go through that.
It's definately been interested. Yes we inseminated. We couldn't use a syringe as they were too thick and very painful, so we have had to use a pippette. Take a look at my TTC journal in my sig, it goes into more detail. But we really didn't think we would be able to get pregnant to be honest. It just seemed like a lot to ask, but it's only taken us 3 cycles!
Just goes to show that what's meant to be will always find a way!! :) Congrats Kezz.

You and Asibling are like the poster girls for insemination!! Screw all this :sex: nonsense, lol!!

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