Girls, i have updated the front page.
Welcome and best of luck!
I am so sorry
5-a-side, cats in the hospital? That gave me a good laugh!
- maybe you are up the duff
Kendra, hows it going hun. You were the one with the weird brown CM, right? (sorry, having trouble keeping all 150+ girls straight
lol). Maybe it was just IB? or do you think its the
either way
ljo1984- when you give me the go ahead, i'll change it for ya
riggins- i dont know how you wouldn't be knocked up!! I can't wait for you to !!!
Hello Everyone
An update from me, not been on for a while.....
Today I am 3 days late for AF, not tested yet but have some FRERs so might cave and do one today
wanted to wait until I was a week late. One half of me is saying that I am pregnant my AF is never late, but the other half is saying that I don't believe we would have managed to conceive the 1st cycle of trying for our 2nd as our 1st took 5 months. I was on the pill for a couple of months and I am thinking maybe my body is still adjusting from this even though the first time I came off the pill I went straight to 28 day cycles.
Hope you are all good and will be getting those BFP's soon!!
I got pregnant my first cycle off BCPs! (ended in a MC though). They say a women can actually be super fertile the first month off (and may even release more than one egg!). Doesn't happen to all woman but i guess it happens a lot (being fertile) because the body is readjusting so it releases eggs. The first month off is actually one of the best to TTC and actually i know ladies with fertility issues and so the doc puts them on BCPs and then takes them off to help with ovulation.