The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Well I got a call from my dr today... I had asked if we could try a couple of rounds of clomid... guess what!...! She gave us the go ahead to try a couple of rounds before the very expensive hsg test! :) yay... I've been in a great mood all day! Follicle scan is 204 dollars each round but it is far better than the 1000 dollar+ hsg test!

Im 2 dpo. Hoping and praying that I will get a bfp this month and wont need the clomid.
Afterall, I would love to boost the morale of the VR WAG group and bring some hope to the thread! :)

Thats great hun....Good luck and baby dust to you!! I hope the clomid can finally help you get yoour BFP!!! :dust: :dust::dust: :dust:
Ababytogether - it could be the count is lower due to your DH not ejaculating for the two weeks. I've heard that to maintain count, men need to ejaculate every few days. Remember that a SA is only a snapshot of what is happening at that particular point and that the numbers can change on a day to day basis. SA results are ALWAYS lower than the actual amount as a man will have a smaller ejaculate through masturbation than he would through intercourse.
Ttcpostvr - great news about the clomid! But PMA!! You won't need it! You'll get your BFP in another 10 days.

Is anyone else having problems with BnB? They've added a new mobile part to the boards and as I spend most of the time replying on my phone, it's really frustrating!! Sorry if I've missed anyone's posts - not being rude but I just can't see some of them :(

Babydust to you all!!
Great news ttcpostvr, hopefully you won't need it though!

Glad to hear all your test results are coming back fab wannabe :laugh2:

Chatty, there's a thread about the new look BnB in the announcements section. I'm sure I read something about how to change the layout.

I had some random bleeding last night. I didn't tell DH because he wouldn't :sex: if he knew :rofl: It's not normal for me, and it happened a couple of months ago too. It was a fair bit, not just spotting, not sure if I need to get it looked into or not :wacko:
Thanks Sapphire! That's better! Much prefer the desktop version to the mobile one.

I'm busy packing for holiday! Can't wait! 10 days with just me and DH somewhere hot and sunny. I'll be Oving right in the middle too ;) I wonder if this month will be THE month? If not, then at least I will have destressed and recharged the batteries ready for more ttc-iness. :)

Thanks Sapphire! That's better! Much prefer the desktop version to the mobile one.

I'm busy packing for holiday! Can't wait! 10 days with just me and DH somewhere hot and sunny. I'll be Oving right in the middle too ;) I wonder if this month will be THE month? If not, then at least I will have destressed and recharged the batteries ready for more ttc-iness. :)


I hope you have a wonderful and fun trip!!! :thumbup:
Well im not having a very good week :-( the :witch: has been quite painful this week :cry: DH went into work tuesday and was told not to go in the next day, the company has gone bankrupt he had no warning that anything was going on so we are now skint and we go on holiday next saturday, but its my birthday today and im determand to try and enjoy it, just gutted the :witch: is still here so me and DH cant :sex: lol hope all you lovely ladies are all well. :dust: to you all xx
Well im not having a very good week :-( the :witch: has been quite painful this week :cry: DH went into work tuesday and was told not to go in the next day, the company has gone bankrupt he had no warning that anything was going on so we are now skint and we go on holiday next saturday, but its my birthday today and im determand to try and enjoy it, just gutted the :witch: is still here so me and DH cant :sex: lol hope all you lovely ladies are all well. :dust: to you all xx

One of my very good friends lost her job due to similar circumstances in may. They had been ttc for 3 years with no luck. June she found out she was pg. July she started a new job! They are expecting a little boy, named Wyatt, in february!

Fx everything worlds out this perfectly for you. She was so upset they weren't going to be able to try. (They say when you forget about trying... that is when it will happen. BAM! Pregnant!

God will take care of you in his own perfect timing. He will all of us!
Well girls, DH had his SA this morning and he had "performance anxiety" because it was done in the DR's office because we are an hour away from the DR's office so it would of been to difficult to try to do it at home. He said they had porn movies in the room and the wall paper had naked ladies on the walls...LOL...I have never seen wall paper like that before. DH thought it might of come from the 1970's...LOL...:haha: He also said he had a hard time because he could hear nurses walking back and forth and talkings, so it was a struggle, but he was successful. He also got paranoid because he said the ceiling had a tile pushed over and he thought he was being video taped or something, so he got all paranoid that he was being watched....:haha: He abstained for 5 days before the SA, but he didnt feel like he produced that much this time...So now we have to wait for the results and I am hoping he has good :spermy: numbers.....

So I had my HSG dye test after his appointment. I did eat breakfast although I probably should of eaten a little bit more. I took some really strong RX pain meds that I had left over from when I had my gall bladder surgery and an anti-anxiety medication to keep me calm. So I was pretty drowsy, but I could still feel my nervse getting the best of me. I felt when they put this cleaning antiseptic stuff in there a few times, and it was unpleasent but not to bad. Than the real pain came when they pushed the dye in, I felt alot of pressure and like huge heavy cramps coming in long waves. I was crying out in agony, and the DR told me to take deep breathes, which helped a little bit. So when I was crying out in pain the DR would slow down on the dye and than she would push again. So after the procedure I got super dizzy, and got really hot and broke out in a cold sweat, I was seeing stars, felt like I might pass out and I had to ask the nurse to hand me the trash bucket and I threw up in it. They had me sit there for a few minutes and put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me into another room so I could lay down for a few minutes. The nurse brought me a juice box and some crackers to eat. So in conclusion I did not like the HSG, even though it only last a few minutes the pain when they were pushing in the dye was pretty bad, like severe cramps that last really long. DH wasnt allowed to be in the X-ray room because of the radiation.

The nurse said that it was normal to feel faint after and that I am not the only person that threw up after so that made me feel better. I think the pain, my nerves, the meds I took before the procedure and lack of food made me end up feeling pretty sick. Thank goodness DH was with me, and he sat with me after the procedure in the room after well i got myself together and he drove me home and also drove me to the appointment. I am glad that he was with me.

So the good news, One of my tubes is open and the dye flowed through and spilled out like it should. But the other tube hardly had any dye running through it, I could sort of see where it started to go through but never made it to the end. So the DR said it may be because the tube spasmed and stopped the dye from going through or of course I know it may be blocked. I also have one medium size lump and than one smaller one below it in my uterus that was able to be seen when my uterus was filled with dye.

So the DR wants me to come back in on Monday afternoon for another test. This one isnt supposed to be as difficult and it uses a Saline solution and a sonogram. It is called a "Saline Sonohysterography." It will give the DR a better look at the bumps in my uterus and I think it may be able to unblock the other tube as well....I am going to research the procedure to get more info on what it shows and I also want to research what the lumps could be on the side of my uterus....

So on the bright side at least I for sure know that one tube is open. The DR did mention me maybe needing surgery to fix whatever the issue is but of course I wont know for sure until she knows what is going on for sure. I also wonder if maybe the dye didnt flow into the one tube because I was freaking out and in pain, so it wasnt letting the dye flow through, where if i was relaxed than maybe it would of went through, that could be what she meant by it possibly spasming??:shrug:

Here is a picture of my HSG scan, and you can see the bumps on the right side of my uterus... I was able to see the dye start to flow through the other side of the tubes that are blocked but it never made it through to the end....:nope: I also was thinking how great it would be if I was pregnant and the bump on the right side of my uterus wall was a baby?? But I highly doubt it, I have no clue what it could be, I am going to do some internet research to see what the heck it could be...:shrug:
Wannabe, you poor thing, sounds like an ordeal :hugs: It's great news that one of your tubes is clear, even if they can't manage to unblock the other. My mum had one of her tubes removed when she was pregnant with me, and managed to conceive my brother easily. I also have a friend who has one tube due to an ectopic, and has a lovely baby boy. FX that the rest of the results are good, and DH's SA is fantastic! The wallpaper thing made me laugh :haha:

Sorry to hear about your DH's job CJ, I hope it didn't ruin your birthday. Happy Birthday! :cake:
Well im not having a very good week :-( the :witch: has been quite painful this week :cry: DH went into work tuesday and was told not to go in the next day, the company has gone bankrupt he had no warning that anything was going on so we are now skint and we go on holiday next saturday, but its my birthday today and im determand to try and enjoy it, just gutted the :witch: is still here so me and DH cant :sex: lol hope all you lovely ladies are all well. :dust: to you all xx

I am so sorry about your DH's job situation and that your AF is being so painful this month.....:hugs::hugs:

I am going to keep you and DH in my thoughts and prayers that things get better for you guys soon....:hugs::hugs:

I hope you can still make the best of your birthday and that you can enjoy your special day. Happy Birthday to you hun...:flower:
CJ- I'm sorry to hear about your DH :hugs:

Wannabeprego my goodness you sure went through a lot. Your Dr didn't give you any pain killers to take before the procedure? When I had mine my Dr had me taking medication three days before the procedure. All I felt was a little pressure and then I just saw the dye go in. Good thing you have one tube open. As far as the SA, remember its not the quantity but the quality. This last time DH thought it wasn't a lot and we found 8 million. My Dr also said that a lot of woman get pregnant after a HSG. Good luck on Monday, hopefully they can open up the other tube.
Well I got a call from my dr today... I had asked if we could try a couple of rounds of clomid... guess what!...! She gave us the go ahead to try a couple of rounds before the very expensive hsg test! :) yay... I've been in a great mood all day! Follicle scan is 204 dollars each round but it is far better than the 1000 dollar+ hsg test!

Im 2 dpo. Hoping and praying that I will get a bfp this month and wont need the clomid.
Afterall, I would love to boost the morale of the VR WAG group and bring some hope to the thread! :)
Great news! It would be awesome if you got prego before the clomid. FX !!! :dust:
Oh wow wannabeprego that sounds like an intense experience... massively good news that 1 tupe is open, like others have said lots of ladies conceive no problem with only 1 tube :) (in fact isn't there a group about that somewhere on this site??) I hope that you don't have to feel that awful again and that everything goes well xx
Thanks girls......:flower:

So now I am obsessing over what the lump could be on the right side of my uterus on my HSG X-ray pics (the triangle black shape is the inside of my uterus and the white bump shape on the right side is what I am talking about)

Of course the thought has crossed my mind that it could be a baby in there and I started a thread to ask girls if i could see their 5 week scan pics in the First Tri section and for opinions on what they think the bump thing could be in my uterus...I did a pregnancy test this morning, and I got a second line on 2 IC's and a faint line on an Answer test, than after I ate breakfast I almost threw up and was over the toilet dry heaving...

here is a link to the thread, any thoughts would be appreciated about what the hell is going on with me...

I also know it could be a fibroid or a long list of other stuff..:wacko::shrug:
Wannabe, I just looked at your thread and I'm so confused! Those tests definitely look positive, but if you were that far along I would have expected them to be darker IYKWIM. The tests I did with Holly got progressively darker on a daily basis, and by that point the test line was darker than the control line. (I was a POAS addict even then :haha:) Having said that though, some women don't get positive tests until well after their period is due. There's a chance that the bleed you had was breakthrough bleeding rather than a true period, it is common - I had 9 days of what I thought was IB and then a small bleed at 5 weeks preggo. As for the lump in your uterus, it could be a sac (which is all you'd see at that point), or as some of the other ladies suggested, thickened uterus. I had a scan at 9 weeks and by that point only a teeny tiny bean was visible. I can't upload it for you because I don't have a scanner. X rays do look totally different to ultrasounds though, so I'm not too sure what to look for. I think the only way you can be 100% sure is to have a blood pregnancy test done at the drs, try and book one in asap.

I so hope that you are pregnant and everything is ok, lots of :dust: to you. x x
@Saphire, thanks for the advice, and the kind words...:flower:

Yeah, I am definatly going to tell my DR about my concerns on Monday and hopefully she will let me go get HCG bloods done so I can know for sure what the heck is going on....:wacko:
Ok, so one of the girls on here asked me to do an OPK and I did just now for the hell of it...and Holy ShIT, it is positive 100%, I am only on CD 11 based on what I thought was my period and I have never ovulated on CD 11, I usually ovulate on CD 14 or 15 and even one time as late as CD 20..But never in the 2 years that I have been tracking my period did I ever ovulate on CD 11....This is nuts...I dont know what the hell to think of it???

Here is the OPK....Any thoughts on what the heck this is girls, Could i be pregnant????

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