Third Time Lucky - Fingers Crossed!!!

Congrats Elaine!
Garfie I hope pain subsides soon.

I wasn't realy posting my news as seemed inappropriate after losses but now we have a birth so..
Went for my 5 month (!!) scan on Monday was sure I was having a girl this time all looked good and its another boy!! My DS is coming round to the idea Its a boy as he was positive it was a girl too but he's only three so not too big adeal I don't think! Then I saw two friend yest who both asked if I was sure!? I think I am sonographer seemed pretty confident and we saw something but it was only aside view nota bottom shot so I was a bit confused.
I think this will be our last baby as I don't think I could go thru loss again so I may have another scan in a month or so just for fun of seeing him again so will double check!

Hope everyone else well.

Congrats bagpuss. For some reason I thought this was your first. Didn't realize you had a ds. I think two boys is lovely and will be chuffed if my next is also a little boy. Dis you get a pic of the scan that you can post?
Congrats Bagpuss! Gosh so many boys on this thread! Weirdly another thread I'm on have been mostly girls!

Why did your friends ask if sonographer was sure? I think it's easier to tell defo boy than defo girl.

We have a checkup scan today (a private one) just cos after 2 mcs I want to check all is on track! Will be getting them to double check his bits.......he better be a boy, he has a blue nursery and blue clothes lol!
I don't know why they asked but then I thought hmm and I think I will just get a double check so I can also decorate!! I didn't question it till they said then thought actually I just accepted what she said and saw something on a side view but she didn't do a bum shot like the pics u see online! However I imagine she saw it herself she didn't seem in confident in any way. Xx
Sorry for delayed reply Bagpuss, managed to log myself out and forget my password and it's taken me ages to get around to re-setting it!

Congratulations on having a little boy on the way and all being well! I would be so excited to one day have a little brother for Matthew! Sadly DH is talking about getting a vasectomy, given the problems we had having Matthew, with our losses and then my terrible sickness... personally I would do it all again 10 times over for I am trying to dissuade him- have found out men can have chronic pain afterwards from the build up of sperm so using that argument for now then further down the line we can move onto discussing more children! (he always said he wanted 2 or 3).
Elaine how is motherhood going second time around? xx
Oh Lou, no don't let DH get the snip yet! Give it some time, neither of you can rush into it and I'm sure the more Matthew grows the more you can work on DH ;-)

I agree they're worth the pain, I'd do it again tomorrow!

Lou, lau how are your little ones. Bet you are loving this sunshine.

Lou you migt the hospital wouldnt do vasectomy and you have to sign too. Thats what they did with my friend. They wouldnt do it until lo turned 2 and then they both had to go to counselling.. They had 2 kiddies and she was v v sure no more!! Bet he'll change his mind.
Thanks SATH I didn't know that! That's a huge comfort!
And Matthew is great thank you! Making lots of cute noises and trying his best to crawl! (he can neither fully hold his head up, nor sit up, nor roll over yet....def a boy who wants to run before he can walk!)
Oh no Lou! He can't get the snip... Not yet. I'm sure Matthew would love a little brother or sister and you may have a completely different pregnancy too.

Were already thinking of number 2. I had my six week check up this week and my gyne said we could start ttc as soon as cycle is back - most likely when I stop breast feeding. A bit scary but we want our kids to be close in age.

Hope everyone is well? TGIF!!! Wish me luck - the in laws arrive tomorrow!!
Hi everyone!

Garfie and Mommylov, how are you lades doing? Taking it easy I hope!

SATH, how are you? are you in the 2WW? Fingers crossed for you!

Lou, oh no! Don't let hubby do it! Maybe he will change his mind and then regret it? I would try and persuade him to wait a little longer and see how he feels in a few more months. Sounds like Matthew is doing great!

Manny, can't believe you are thinking about TTC already! You must be really enjoying motherhood! he he!

Elaine, how are you getting on? all settled in?

Cupcake, hope you are keeping well buddy! Can you believe we are three quarters there?

I know I have missed some ladies out but hope you are all well too and enjoying ttc/pregnancy/motherhood!

AFM, I was so excited when I saw the weather forecast and it was saying to expect warm weather for the next while. Discovering however that its not as much fun when preggers and having to work. Roll on mat leave in 3 weeks! Forgot to say bump was measuring bang on when midwife checked so evidently not as big as I feel ;) Antenatal classes start this week, eek!!
Heat plus pregnancy not a good mix I've been in it all day and massive headache and knackered now! Funnily enough our problems seem to have made my oh the opposite he was asking me if we were going to have another the other day!! Not like him he wanted to stop at 1!!! It was me saying well hang on a minute lets have this one first!!! Lol

Wow Manny, thinking of another already! Most people seem to say that 2 close together is tough at first and then great once they get just a little older, so I think it's a good plan! Probably best for us to wait til Matthew is a bit older though and can amuse himself a little and do a bit more for himself though, since I will most likely be vomiting for Britain again! Oh and that small matter of convincing OH! Actually he was saying last night how much responsibility for his parents he felt when his older siblings left home, and I pointed out that if Matthew is an only child he'll probably always feel a huge sense of responsibility for us, especially when we are old and frail (not that we would just expect him to look after us but hopefully we'll bring him up to be a nice boy who cares about us and others!) and wouldn't it be nice if he had someone to share that with...think that's been my most effective argument so far, really got DH thinking!

Twinkle you are really getting there now, fantastic!

Sorry you were feeling rough yesterday Bagpuss, hope today is better!
I'm an only child with older parents and I'm immensely close to them but I do feel a huge responsibility and and very well aware of all they did for me when I grew up. I feel I could never live too far from them for example as there is no one else to help out. I did love being an only child tho and I think it made me a lot more mature than my peers xx
Hi Ladies!!!! :D How is everyone doing??

I just got back from a wonderful vaca with my hubby. Although it really wasnt a "vacation" it was still nice to get away. To not have to think about dr's appts and bloodwork and US's was nice for a week! lol had an appt with my RE this morning and he did an US. Everything looked great and my hcg is now at 24. I had 3 follies on my right and I think 2 on my left and he said that everything seems to me working just fine. We are going to wait one cycle and then start trying next cycle. He wants us to do natural for 3 months and then we will go from there. I will more than likely be on lovenox shots with my next pregnancy as well. From the looks of it, I think I should O within the next week or so but I have no idea what CD I am lol. Oh well, keeping my fingers and toes crossed!
How is everyone. Elaine how are you coping mama of 2 hope.

Manny sounds like you are gonna be busy gonna be one happy little boy all those cuddles.

Twinkle\bagpuss how are you coping in this heat. I love hot weather but even im hot brought a fan yesterday.

Afm accupuncturist started me on some new herbs wondering if they will help. Im sure i have a little blood in cm (soz tmi) gonna start the opks 2mz just to make sure we dont miss that egg.
Hey girls sorry been mia, being a mummy of two is non stop and I haven't had a minute!! Blake is doing amazing and is such a little poppet, I could sit and stare at him day! He takes feeds well and is a little star. Can't believe how much I love my two little boys!

Dh thinks we should stop now but I really think I might want a third!!! Even after all we have been through I can't help but feel a longing for another! Not sure if would be wise financially though!? Have made hubby promise we say never say never at mo and we will see how we feel!

Love to all xxx


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Saw midwife today all good. However when I had my DS I had a tear which didn't heal properly so I had to go backin for an op for reconstruction. Midwife is sending me to see consultant to see if I can have a normal birth or might need a c section!! Eeek!! I hadn't even thought about it and bit worried now. Appt not till sept so bit of a wait to find out :/

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