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TTC #1 AL Buddies 2016 Newcomers Welcome

Bee- Even if it was the day after, the hangs around a while! So I would keep as many positive thoughts as you can. How long is your cycle? I honestly don't know when I ovulated :cry: typically day 17, but I tested on Sunday with an IC (day 17) and it was negative. At least I hope :shrug:

My husband and I actually flip houses! It's stressful, fun, frustrating and all of that in between. We also both work for an amazing non-profit, he as a fundraiser and I do recruiting (North Texas Food Bank in Dallas). We have our separate accounts for play money (that's what I bought my contraption in :happydance:) but have joint for the important stuff.

Bronte- I am saying some major prayers for you for June. That is my anniversary month, so I am a little biased, but it's a great time for good things to happen!

Miss U- We are in the same boat with the excessive purchasing of pregnancy tests! My hubs said we need stock in them lol. I still use the internet cheapies for the ovulation testing, but this monitor had to many good reviews to pass up not trying it.
Bee - sending all my positive thoughts your way! You need to keep your spirits up, there's no reason to lose hope yet (and hopefully there will never be a time for that) :hugs: I know you're upset about the timing (I'd be the same, wanting everything done perfectly) but if there wasn't any chance then surely they would have said and done it Friday. Truth is we never really know when conception actually happens. We always assume it's from bding before o, but it could well be after. The cycle we got our bfp was the first time we bd the day after o. It might not have been down to that, but who knows!
Bee - yes, I agree, definitely don't give up hope. I wrote a longer post on your journal, but you are definitely not out of it. It is super hard not to stress about every detail. I know I will be the exact same way when I start assisted conception. But even if this time won't work (which we are all hoping it will), you are that much closer to a positive because they will have worked out some of the issues, know how you respond, and can adjust as needed. These are all positives!

mrs u - getting closer to o time. Good luck!

Les - that's hilarious, glad your husband is more receptive than Chandler when you are sick, but yes doing anything when you don't feel well is a challenge. Good for you, for even being able to keep at it this month.

Melissa - how exciting you flip houses. I'm a huge HGTV fan, so I love any of those shows and think it would be tons of fun. However, it has to be pretty stressful at the same time and I know a ton more goes into it. Still very exciting.
melissa - flipping houses - so cool!! my DH desperately wants to do that. we bought our house right after it was COMPLETELY flipped and since he saw how much money the sellers made, he's been dying to do it. He watches HGTV and he's an engineer with his PE so he claims he can sign off on drawings and such. I just don't have an interest in it and feel like it's a ton of work! so he's looking to start it up with one of his co-workers. I'm at a non profit myself, so lots in common :flower:

I usually O around day 15 to a tee. but since charting, I have o'ed between days 14-18. this cycle I took the fertility drug femara and O'ed CD 13! so this is the earliest yet for me and I'm loving it (besides the bad timing) because it's an extra 1-5 days I don't have to wait :haha:
thanks girls! you know me, always trying to think the worst so I don't get my hopes up. but I am already excited for next cycle. we know how I respond to the meds now and will get the timing perfectly I'm sure. and I'll also have more testing done (saline US) so that makes me excited too in a weird way lol. I know the test won't be fun but might be able to get us some answers! honestly, just glad not to be doing this alone anymore. it's nice to think that my docs are actually waiting on my phone call to tell them if I'm knocked up or not :haha:
have they given you a date to test, or are they leaving you to it?
I can test on the 22nd I believe. I usually start spotting at least a day before AF so my hope is that I won't end up testing at all. the months when I didn't test, I felt so much better about myself somehow. like I didn't get tricked, lol. although I should be saying I hope I DO have to test because AF isn't coming.
Hello ladies.
I'm Amber and newly recovering from a loss. We loss our baby last Friday at 14weeks due to an enlarged bladder. This was our first. I just had my d&e last night. We are also awaiting genetic testing on the tissues as an amnio that day did not work. I'm honored to be invited to this board and hope to find help in moving on.
Hi starlight - I'm so sorry that you have had to join us here on this board. My heart goes out to you. It's such a devastating thing to have to go through but we are all here to help you get through this and find hope once more. Take care of yourself over the next few days and weeks. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Amber- First off, I am so sorry you had to join this board but so thankful you found it! All of us have experience loss, while it might be in different ways, we are probably the closest people you'll talk with that "get it." Feel free to come here anytime you need to vent, ask questions, etc. As you can see we talk about all kinds of stuff :hugs:

That brings me to a question I've been having. So I am either 3-4dpo, and my ovaries have been aching and feeling kind of weird. They were abnormally painful this past ovulation period but they seem to continue on feeling sore and pull-like. Has anyone experienced that? I might give my doctor a call soon.
Thank you both for the warm welcome!! I look forward to getting to know you all.
Welcome amber !! So, so sorry for your loss :( we do all "get it" here so hopefully our understanding and shared journeys can offer you some comfort <3

Melissa, for what it's worth - that happens to me all the time. Today my right ovary is still bothering me at 5dpo and it was indeed the one I ovulated from. I'm not sure exactly what causes this. I do always freak out about a tubal ectopic every month and tell myself if the pain worsens I will go to the doc, but it never does. Hopefully yours eases up too but at least it's been something that I experience too!
Amber - welcome to this group, but so sorry to have you here or that you suffered a loss in general. Feel free to talk about anything you need.

Melissa - I also have horrible ovulation pains now, and prior to my loss I'd never even felt ovulation before. Granted I do think some of mine is related to scar tissue since my ectopic surgery. But as I mentioned before I think after having been pregnant in general your body changes, your hormones change, and you'll start noticing stuff you never noticed before. One of the bad ones for me is ovulation pain and I feel the "pulling" sensation alot. Sometimes mine lasts for up to a week. Usually a few days before ovulation and then a few after. It is annoying.
Hi ladies, just wanted to throw this out there... my company sponsors different employee groups one of which is a women's group. My DH suggested I reach out to them and hesitantly I did. Turns out they have a small informal support group for women who have experienced a loss. I'm going to my first meeting on Friday. Don't know if anyone else's company has these women's groups but I'm so glad I opened up and found out about it. Only a handful of people at work know about my MC but everyone of them has a story of a loved one (mother, sister, wife, best friend) who's experienced a loss. And I just found it so comforting to know all these women have gone on to have wonderful healthy families. Losses like ours touch more people than we probably realize and we don't have to suffer in silence. Support might be closer than we think. Hugs to all! <3
That's wonderful you found a local support group, Jackie. I'm sure they will be able to help and it'll be nice to chat with someone in your area. I definetly suffered in silence for many years and wished I would have joined something like this a long time ago. So it's great you are making yourself vulnerable to get the much needed support we all need.
Glad you made it on over Amber :hugs:. Keep us posted on how you're doing. Chances are if you have a thought or feeling that you're struggling with one or more of us has been there too.

Bee - I should be testing around the same time as you! Blazing positive opk this morning, so I should O either today or tomorrow. I'm hoping today. This is so late for me! Fx we both have fantastic news to share &#128522;. I'm also going to need some massive distractions this tww. My hopes are just soaring &#128517;.

Mel - I sometimes get cramping around the time of O and then twinges and aches throughout the first week of the tww. Hope that's all it is for you. Is it both sides or just one?

Jackie - That's amazing that your work has a group like that. Thank you for reaching out and sharing. It is so very hard to suffer silently, so glad that you won't have to anymore <3

Clarinet if you're checking in, I hope you're getting the time you need to grieve and heal :hugs:

MrsU - My fellow snuggler! Thinking of you always! Hope you and DH are well and finding your footing as you get back to TTC.

Bronte - June will be here before you know it. Any upcoming distractions with derby or otherwise?
Jackie - that's great that you found this group. You can never have too much support, let us know how you get on.

Les & bee - I have high hopes for you guys this cycle. Crossing everything for you both! I'm about a week behind, or at least I'll be testing a week after you at the end of the month, so I'll focus on getting excited for you two!

Mel - I've always had some kind of o pain, even before TTC. Although I never knew what it was then. I also get it before and after o, often it's strongest after o. I did notice when I o'd straight after the mc it was much stronger. Hoping it's not going to be this time as I almost broke and took pain killers.

AFM - back to bding today! Yey! So excited that it's a possibility that I could be pregnant again soon. But also trying to keep a lid on my emotions. It's unlikely to happen so soon so I'm trying to not to get my hopes up. I wish that would actually work for once, I might just give up on that and get all excited each cycle! Started with some o pains today so I'm cracking open the opks just incase. Normally o is cd13 and o pains start around cd9, so the they're a day earlier than normal.
jackie - that's awesome! after researching many options, I finally found a great group through a fertility yoga class I take. there is yoga and discussion and it really, really helped me. there is just something about meeting people IRL that really makes you feel connected. I hope you have the same experience with it! We can now get together and hang out outside of yoga and discuss our troubles.

les - woo hoo! looks like maybe your cycles will be slightly longer after the loss which is probably a good thing! more time for that egg to get nice and plump! :thumbup: glad I have a tww and testing buddy! I plan to wait until the 22nd unless my chart is looking extraordinary in any way.

mrsu - fertile week! woo hoo! :happydance: I hope we can all be in the Jan baby club together !!

bronte - when is spain coming up?? I can't remember! any other testing coming up?? :hugs::hugs:

starlight - sending you big, big hugs! :hugs: the beginning is the toughest time. :cry:

I'm just hanging out at 6dpo. about halfway done! I pretty much will know by 13dpo based on either temps or spotting. staying busy!!
Holy temp drop! Looks like O is today on cd15 afterall...I had one cycle that late after coming off BCP, but not since then. Looks like I will be testing on the 22nd still but it will be 8 DPO and early days then. If this cycle is a no, I'll need to buy another box of opks. I've been just blowing through them lately.

MrsU - If you figure out a way to squash down these hopes, let me know. I feel like I'm mad to be so hopeful when I was so sick this whole time! I have a long way to fall right now if/when AF comes...it won't be pretty.
You know leson, I'm in two minds about whether it's a good thing or not to get our hopes up. Surely being positive and excited is a good thing right? But, like you say, it's further to fall. Maybe because I test early I find that it's more of a gentle let down :shrug:

8 dpo is early to test (not that I'm criticizing, I do that) so keep that in mind when you start testing. Don't let bfn at that stage upset you :hugs:

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