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TTC #1 AL Buddies 2016 Newcomers Welcome

MrsU- I think being positive definitely helps your body, but I do agree, it gives you harder to fall if the results aren't what you were hoping for.

Les- That's great that you O'd right on the 15, your cycles seem to be 100% back to normal right? Crossing my fingers the TWW doesn't drive you mad! I know mine is.

Bee-woohoo for 6DPO, I think I'm 5 so I'm right behind you. I honestly don't feel good about this cycle at all. I don't think we timed it right. It's ok though, I already have a plan for next cycle and hopefully my fertility monitor will have learned my cycle.

Bronte-it is SO annoying. I can't tell what is going on down there. Even when I first started TTC I didn't really feel O pains until after my D&C. Now I feel them leading up to O, during O, and then bad for about 3-4 days after. I hope my body calms down as time progresses.

This is a general question. Does anyone know when it makes sense to see a doctor about next steps with TTC. I tried from June-September (got my BFP that cycle) had my MMC in November. Let my cycle calm down Dec/Jan and started trying again in February. So since my MMC I've tried 3 months (including this one which I think I am out). Just wondering when I can call my doc without sounding crazy.:dohh:
Les and mrs u - I think it's virtually impossible not to get your hopes up. You can try and stay as distracted as you can, but just the fact that you are planning for a child and have no idea when it might come, makes you have some expectations and hope. Good luck girls. Les, that is quite the temp drop. Not too much longer before you can test.

Bee - not too much further until the 22nd. Exciting!

AFM - work is keeping me busy right now, so that's good. It's my busiest time of the year. I'm sure I'll have more tests coming up, but I don't have anything scheduled right now. Just in limbo and waiting, which is never fun. Our Spain trip isn't until the first and second week in June, so that will be a nice distraction. Also, still trying to lose weight, but I've had 4 events at work this week and all of them have had sweets and goodies, which is my biggest weakness. But overall, I'm resisting the majority of it, so that's good.
MrsU - I agree some hope is good, but I feel like there's a happy medium. I hate when I feel them soaring like now. I just want to have that reasonable 20% hope 😆

Mel - I'm actually not on track at all! The three cycles before my BFP I O'd on cd12 and my cycles were just 22 days. These post-MMC cycles are looking more like my cycles right after coming off of bcp...and those were all BFNs. Maybe that thought can help squash these soaring hopes 😄

Bronte - That's great you're resisting. Always so hard when it's around at the office. I constantly have parents offering me sweets when I visit for supervision. I do pretty good turning it down, but sometimes I cave. I figure moderation is the key anyway. Complete deprivation just makes it more valuable...and I'm a behavior scientist so you can trust me on that one!
Melissa - I hope it calms down for you too. If it doesn't, I'd definitely talk to your doctor at some point. In terms of when to get help, the standard guideline (and one at least in my area the RE and OBGYN follow pretty strictly) are TTC for 1 year or 6 months if you are over 35 years old. However, if you have concerns about anything in particular they will probably get you in sooner. To be honest, they will be less worried about your case though since you have conceived before, so they know you are ovulating. To me it sounds like you have a few months of trying before you even need to worry about anything. I know it's super hard, though.

Les - good to hear the behavior scientist says it's okay to have sweets every once in awhile :) It's definitely about moderation for me. I did the 21 day fix and did excellent on my eating during that time, so this is kind of a cheat week for me anyway (within reason), then I'm gearing up for another cycle of it next Monday. Should be fun.
Mel - I agree with bronte. I'm now 34. When I started TTC, my PCP and ob told me to give it at least 6 months. I caught my sticky bean on cycle 6. I had the same concern after the MMC so I asked my ob, and she said that they know something is working now and that this resets the clock. This new ob said to give it another year, but if I do that I'll be 35. I'm going to give it my best for another 6 cycles and if we're still trying by then go in and ask for more testing.
melissa - I could write you an entire saga to answer that question lol! so basically I just went through this recently. My docs did want me to wait a year from when I began trying AGAIN. but due to my extreme situation (was prepped for a hysterectomy and given 3 doses of methotrexate which is a chemotherapy drug), I did not trust waiting that long. I was too worried that something had gone wrong during/after the pregnancy that was preventing pregnancy from happening.

I read the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility". The author is basically the godmother of charting. 2 things she said in the book really stuck with me. 1 - if it's been a year and you have not or are not in the middle of a sustainable pregnancy, seek help. this went against my docs telling me to wait a year from July instead of a year from March. 2 - if you are charting and timing intercourse PERFECTLY for 4 cycles without a bfp, talk to a doc. It could be nothing, but she really believes that if you know when you O and time it perfectly, it should not take beyond 4 cycles. I know now that this is a controversial point - I had posted on another thread and some girls didn't like hearing that which I understand. But for me PERSONALLY, it really resonated. I gave it 8 cycles of charting (double what she said) then pushed my docs.

everything starts off really slow and easy - a hormone blood panel, a seme analysis - things that are really no big deal and could have super easy fixes. so that is more her point. It really made me feel better having those tests done - just felt like someone was listening to me.

in the end, my ob was very reluctant to give me a referral "that soon", yet when I went for my first appt at the RE she was like why didn't you come sooner after the trauma your body went through? so it just goes to show the disconnect between the ob and the specialist.

I guess my point with all of this is - do what makes YOU feel better. a lot of women hate the idea of seeking help. for me, I was ready for it 3 months in! I'm so glad I pushed my doctors and I feel SO much better about things now. :hugs::hugs:
bee- Completely makes sense. I conceived on the 4th cycle of trying but, as you know, it ended in a MMC. I don't know if I just am not timing it right now or what. I've only been trying again since February (which even that cycle wasn't back to my normal 30 days/ovulation day 17). So I guess I'll give it a little time, I am just really type A and really impatient! :blush:

Les-Yea, I feel like that's pretty much what my doctor said... it restarts when I started trying again after my miscarriage. I don't know though.

I am have a really tough time emotionally this month. I've been down in the dumps almost every day, to the point of not working out my normal days, which is not normal form. :nope: I guess some months are just like that.
Mel :hugs: so sorry you've been down, but yes I think that will just happen sometimes. I've had a lot of trouble getting back to my exercise routine since my MMC. I just find that I'm so worried about every little thing and how it might affect TTC. Really hoping this backpacking trip will bring some light and freshness back into my life. What sort of workouts do you do?
:hugs::hugs: Mel. Sorry you're feeling low. I think these emotions will creep back in from time to time. I also haven't done any exercise since my MMC. I just can't find the motivation, but now I'm in my fertile week I'm too scared to do anything until af anyway - apart from walking.

Going back to the doc thing, I know it's different between our 2 countries but if you want to see a doctor around the 12 month mark (from when you initially started TTC) then do that. I'd do whatever makes you feel better. I've already decided that if I'm not pregnant by October then I'll be going to a doctor (that'll be 12 cycles) although they'll probably send me away here. I wasn't aware they 'reset the clock' if you have a mc. Doesn't sound right to me, it wasn't exactly successful!

Anyway, makes me sad thinking about that. I had a terrible nights sleep last night, so my temp is up. And the time I did actually fall asleep I had a horrible dream about me and DH splitting up. I never have nice dreams about him - think he gets a bit offended sometimes :haha: also had a fairly dark opk this morning, darker than I would expect for cd9! But cm in on track with normal ov. I'll just keep testing!

TFI Friday girls :happydance:
Les-I usually do cardio (2 or so miles around a lake by my house) and then resistance band training. I typically focus on arms/back, legs/glutes, abs/core at least once a week for each. I average about 125lbs but after my miscarriage dropped to about 120 and then back up to 130 when I started eating (and maybe over eating) again. I'm trying to get back to my normal weight. What kind of work outs do you do? That backpacking trip sounds amazing!!!

Mrs U- I know it's hard to get motivation. My doctor told me as long as I am not doing anything I haven't done in the past it should be fine. But I tend to worry no matter what.:wacko:

I think we will try through July and if it hasn't happened by then, I will go back to her.
Mel - That sounds great! I also dropped 5lbs in the weeks after my MMC (I hadn't gained any while pg), but I'm back to my usual now. I used to run half marathons pretty regularly (with yoga for crosstraining), but I basically didn't ovulate at all while running. I quit last year before TTC since you know Oing is pretty key to the whole TTC thing 😆. I suppose I could have just cut down instead, but I wanted to build more muscle anyways. I switched over to these HIIT/Yoga/Dumbbell workouts on fitnessblender.com. I was doing those pretty regularly (and loving them) on up until the MMC, and now I can't bring myself to get back to it. I worry I did too much. DH and I walk most days in the morning with our coffee). It's not much but it's something and something I will be comfortable continuing into pregnancy. My plan is to get back into the routine but to just do the weights for muscle building.
So my opk was lighter today - yey! Thinking about it I don't think I've done one as early as cd9 before so maybe that always happens?! I was attempting to explain it to DH last night incase we had to adjust bding. He said 'isn't it a bit soon to get a positive pregnancy test, we've only had sex once!' :dohh: honestly I must have tried to explain ovulation and how a cycle works so many times!!! If only we could get a positive hpt this early eh! :rofl:
may i join ladies :flower:

I'm very new, just became a member a few days ago. i had been lurking since dec tho. iv been ttc my 2nd, since my son (born nov 23rd) passed away within the hr after labor. (full term) :cry: i know its very soon but I'm crazy desperate for another (not replacing, just to love n fill my empty arms).

anyway, so here i am! took us 2yrs 9mths of ntnp for our son. god willing it doesn't take as long again! so got my 2nd +opk today, and using preseed for the first time! its our 4th cycle. i got right to it as soon as pp af came back. of course still grieving while ttc but i need to do this. iv had insane baby fever since i found out i was pregnant last yr!

high hopes, lots of prayers but not holding my breath!
RichieesMom, I am so incredibly sorry for the loss of your son. That had to be so incredibly hard to go through. I'm impressed you have the courage to get back at TTC so soon but it sounds like it's the right choice for you and helping your grieving process. Fx you have success soon.
Richiees - Of course you can join! I'm so very sorry for your loss :hugs:. I think I can understand that feeling of needing to forge ahead even though you're still grieving. Hopefully TTC speed the process up and you're holding healthy baby #2 before you know it...but of course your first will alway be here in your heart.

MrsU - So very happy the opk went negative again. I thought it would! So strange how we're going through so many of the same things! Looks like you are gearing up to O now though! Fx that little egg is super strong and catches the best little spermy in the sea! 😆

AFM: 3 DPO and just twiddling my thumbs over here waiting to test. My birthday backpacking was amazingly beautiful (link to photos in my journal). It was spring incarnate and I loved every second, even the sore feet after 😄. We also just put an offer in on a dream house. They already have 2 offers, and they're supposed to sit down and decide tomorrow. We came in slightly over asking (I'm just so sick of losing houses I love) and our condo is just a week away from closing so fx they pick us!!! That would definitely be a good distraction for the week.
Les - your photos for your backpacking trip looked gorgeous. So glad you had a great time. How exciting you put an offer in on a house. Fx for you.
bronteforever, thank u doll. there really isn't any words to describe the enormous pain in my soul, but i tell everyone this...gods plan is better than mine! i know he's fine, iv seen him many times in my dreams! as well as his future baby sister! super weird bcuz we want another boy, so thats what i have in my head, boy, boy, boy lol. but iv seen a baby girl who looks just like her brother in my sleep, twice! hey ill take her!

lesondemavie, thank u very much for ur kind words :) i reeeeally hope my time is cut short by actually "trying" this time. should be 1dpo tomorrow IF i have a temp spike in the am (last +opk and O pain was yesterday) soooo here i go again!

fx and lots of prayers for us all!
Hi richeesmom - I am so so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine the kind of heartbreak you have had to endure. I also understand wanting to get back to TTC again. Fx it happens quickly for you :hugs:

Leson - wooooo about the house! Is it the one you were telling me about a few weeks back? Needed quite a bit of work? We had to put a higher offer in on the house we have, but it was worth every penny, we love it! Fx for you, so exciting! Your trip looks so beautiful. Just gorgeous pics. And ahhh you're in the tww! I shall be joining you in a couple of days. Had a very +opk this morning so I'm hoping for ov tomorrow not today! I need to keep busy, I have a feeling this one is going to drive me mad!!!

Bee - hope you're doing ok and keeping yourself busy! Xx
Richees - Hooray another tww buddy! Hope you get that little girl soon! ❤️

MrsU - No, it's a different house on the same street. This one is completely landscaped and has wood floors and window finishings. We wouldn't have to do a thing. It's gorgeous, but more expensive. DH has a hard time spending, so it took some convincing, but it's still in budget and he could see us there so the offer went in and we should know by tomorrow. Glad you'll be joining us all in the tww soon. I'm already wishing I could fast forward to this weekend!
thank u miss unicorn, appreciate u doll.

les, no temp spike today :nope: I'm stressing out already! hopefully by tomorrow morning, then i can be in the ttw! well, my normal temp (sorry, i don't chart on here) is 97.8-98.0. this morning it was 98.2. n for no reason at all (so dumb) i stayed in bed about 15 more mins, temped again (again, idk y!). n it was back at 98.0 so i guess tomorrow morning i will know for sure. ugh pleeeezz be higher tomorrow!

i didn't realize temping could be so stressful! this is my first month doing it. maybe i just discovered I'm not ovulating very much, which could be y it took so long to conceive before (or I'm just being overly paranoid :wacko:)? fml, n i can't even see me doc yet due to no insurance at the moment. will work on that next week.

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