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TTC #1 AL Buddies 2016 Newcomers Welcome

Richees have you tried using opks as well? I find they help a lot even if the temps aren't perfect, might help you to stop stressing a bit. I think I would if I were just temping!
richiee - welcome love. your story is so heartbreaking and I'm so sorry that happened to you. I can't imagine your grief. even though my situation was much different, I was ready to try the day after losing the baby. I just wanted to be pregnant again. I still (a year later) struggle with feelings of guilt, but I know that I will never, ever forget or stop loving my first. charting is a little tough at first - honestly my first two charts weren't that accurate now that I know my cycle in and out (temp-wise). try just going with that exact first temperature. it's silly, but it can change so much in a minute or two. Opening your mouth let's out some hot air, which is probably why it was a bit lower the second time. I guess more than anything, consistency will be the key. I hope you get some answers about your cycles!

les - FX they accept your offer! I do not miss that process at all - ugh. It was so cutthroat when we bought too, and I hated being so rushed all the time. our house was finally the 4th house we put an offer on. It's still a starter home, so I dread going through that process again down the road. especially because DH and I are so different (he doesn't like to spend either) so I'm wishing you all the luck that this is it for you!

bronte - hi :hugs::hugs: thinking of you and hoping that you are keeping busy and doing all the pre-kid things you want to do because I'm thinking you'll be pregnant in 2 months....!

unicorn - hi! yay for approaching o!!! :happydance::happydance: hoping this is your bfp cycle!! :hugs:

melissa - how are you feeling?

I'm 10dpo, 9dpiui. my chart is looking amazing but the doc did say that the femara would make a really good O which in turn would help my progesterone. I still feel super out due to the bad timing so I'm not paying any mind to my chart. just trying to stay focused on looking forward to next cycle.
RicheesMom - I never had success with temping either, but my biggest issue was consistency. I don't work the same time everyday and in turn I never sleep the same amount during the night. I get up frequently, etc. All these things affected my temps and didn't give me a clear picture. It stressed me out too much as well. Others on here it seems to give them peace because of the consistency and control of it. It's totally a personal choice. Keep trying and definitely add on opk's if you can.

Bee - thanks so much. I'm getting excited to start! I still have my Fx for you. Only a few more days till testing time and you'll have your answer. YES!!! If it doesn't work, can you get right back at it or do they require you to wait at least one cycle in between?
mrs. unicorn- i do use opks (first time as well). had a positive opk the 15th n 16th. i deff need more practice with it all, but ill get there!

how much of a spike is normal anyway?

beemeck- thank u so much. I'm sorry too. a loss is a loss. all ur heart n soul is there the second u get that bfp forever.

ill get all my ducks in a row soon enough! already not feeling good about this month, so hurry up May!

brontefoever- consistency, ugh, yes! i haven't been temping at the same time every morning which i read is a big deal. dh gets home around 3-4am from work every night, so sometimes ill temp then (if i remember) or before i get up later in the am. so annoying. i need to set an alarm, but i hate waking him up with the noise (he gets grumpy) lol. but I'm thinking an alarm it is, sorry hubby!
richiees - I would say the different time might be what the problem is! my temp is vastly different from say 3am to 6am! bronte brought up a good point though and it might be more stress than it's worth if your waking time is inconsistent. the first 2 months I temped were a crapshoot of figuring out how everything work, but settled down easily for me since my schedule is consistent. do what works best for you love <3

bronte - I will be jumping head first (actually maybe the other way :blush:) into the next round! I'll start with a saline ultrasound at the end of AF (while taking femara again too) then another IUI (barring any extraordinary results from ultrasound). this time, I will get the timing right!
Welcome Richie! We are so glad you found us and hope you get your BFP as soon as your body is ready!

les- your trip looked AMAZING! So sunny and beautiful!

Bee- I am doing ok. Trying not to stress about get my BFP. 8dpo. I have tons of IC so I do test in the morning just for fun. It's getting to the point now that the BFN doesn't bother me because I kind of anticipate them.

Bronte-Enjoy the next to months pre-baby, because like the others, I have a good feeling about June!

Right now I am just trying to coordinate my mom and brother getting home to The Woodlands (northwest Houston) safely from a college campus tour in Ohio. Their flight is cancelled because Houston is basically underwater. My hopes is that they detour through Dallas and try to relax a little with us. Prayers are welcome :nope:
oh and richiee - if you are using fahrenheit, they say to look for a 0.4 jump for the temp spike. although sometimes I have even less. all you can do at the beginning is put temps in every day and the nice thing is that FF will interpret them for you before you get the hang of it all!
oh no melissa! sending positive vibes your way for sure :hugs: may I ask what college in Ohio?? I went to college in Ohio!
Bee - so exciting you can get started right away again (though we hope that doesn't happen and you get your BFP soon). You'll get the timing perfect this time after having one round and knowing a lot more what to expect. You are much more prepared now.

Melissa - sounds intense for your family to get back. Hope the campus tour went well and they get home safely.

I think almost everyone is in the TWW. We need some positives in the next few months ladies!!

Things are starting to get real for me. We finally settled on a package (huge decision for us) and are doing 2 fresh cycles and unlimited frozen cycles. Hopefully we won't need them, but I will have more peace of mind paying extra upfront just in case. Now I'm applying to every program I can to try to get cheaper meds, since those things are expensive and I need to start preparing myself or my husband to do injections, which sound awful. Plus, I'm definitely trying to get some relaxation time in there as well. I'm looking for an acupuncturist that specializes in fertility issues to help. Though simply de-stressing is nice as well.
Richees - it took my a couple of cycles to feel confident with opks and getting the timing right etc. Just discovered this cycle I can get a positive at 8am! Like bee said, the spike can vary. I tend to have a slow rise, so smaller steps up over a few days post ov, but it does vary like my last cycle! I guess the most important times are a few days before ov and after so you don't have to set an alarm for the whole cycle.

Mel - that sounds awful. I hope your family make it to you safely.

Bee - been thinking about you the past few days. Keeping everything crossed for you.

Bronte - sounds like your getting everything organised which is very exciting! De-stressing sounds good too. Xx

Fx we get some good news on this thread in the next few days/weeks!!
beemeck and mrs unicorn- ill get the hang of it all soon (i hope)! i do need to start setting an alarm n hold me pee alil longer. i get up at least 3 times thru out the night (weak bladder thanks to my :baby:). all the action thru out the night is a problem i suppose.

melissakate- thanks babe, glad i found everyone too! helps a lot!
Bee- My brother is looking at The College of Wooster. It's a small private school an hour outside of Cleveland. He currently goes to a really small private HS in The Woodlands and wants to maintain that intimacy when transitioning to college. My dad is an engineer and he's thinking that is the direction he will go! So excited for him. I went to Texas A&M which is the opposite of intimate lol. So I can't relate.
Love all my TWWers here! Getting so close fx for that next step (again) ladies!

Bee - I'm so hopeful for your future whether it's this month or next. I just know it's coming soon! Still really hope it's this month <3

Mel - I hope everyone is ok! I heard the flooding is really bad out there. Fx you have a happy distraction soon!

MrsU - Rooting on that O for you. We need another tww buddy!

Bronte - Hooray for getting excited. That sounds like a great package. That Europe trip will be a great hurrah before you're totally preggars :).

Richees - Do you have a chart to share? I'm having a hard time visualizing your pattern. I wake up a few times a night so I just temp every time I wake first thing. It gives me a nice idea of how my temps typically rise over the night so I can adjust if needed, and it helps when unexpected things happen.

Speaking of unexpected things, three temps in a row now I've had a higher temp at 1 am than I do at 4 am. Super weird for me. I've been super hot at 1 am and throwing the blankets off of me, so maybe that's affecting things? I'm plotting the 1 am temp for now without adjusting. I just don't trust the 4 am temp.

Should hear about the house tomorrow. I feel like we would have heard tonight if it was good news, but maybe they're mulling it over. I felt some minor cramping on my right side. Too early for implantation, but can't help but hope that it's a little bean traveling down getting ready to dig in. I feel like my hopes keep soaring and then I kill them and then something else get them up again. Hooray for the rollercoaster of the tww. Fx it's my last for a long while!
Leson you are up too late my love. Hope this bidding war is over soon. They are not nice. Luckily most people frown upon them here so we just had one round of final bids. Fx for you!! Xxx
Thinking I might have o'd yesterday now. Well, actually I don't know what to think! Had a decent temp rise and 3 out of the 4 opks I've done today (yes, I know, complete poas addict) are negative. Maybe the mc has tweaked things a bit. Pre mc I never had any kind of temp rise until after ov, but I had a bit of one last cycle. But then I've got some o pains today :shrug: Feel a bit annoyed that I have to re-learn everything. All my telltale signs have changed! :dohh:
Hmmm yea MrsU hard to say. Your temp is where it was day of O last time. So it could still be today. Best cover your bases! ;)

Oh and also it sounds like it will just be one round of final bids. I was up far too late worrying about it. The email buzzed just as I was nodding off. Now to figure out how to convince DH to offer a bit more :dohh:. I think we'll write a letter about us too...to personalize it. Fx
Yeah I've been trying to figure it out all day but fat lot of good that does! Just going to 'cover all bases' like you say.

oh that's good, one round isn't too bad. Yes, writing a letter is a great idea! Good luck persuading DH. What is with men and not spending money?! I think the only way DH agreed to put up more for this house was that we lost out on 2 before it by not upping our offer enough. It all worked out for the best though. When will you find out? Hopefully they won't keep you waiting too long.
All offers need to be in by 6 pm on Wednesday. They had 6 offers in total and the highest was exactly what I told DH we should offer! I'm guessing we'll hear back on Wednesday night.
eeeek! Good luck! Think I told you before that our offer wasn't the highest, although we didn't know that until after it was accepted, it was still 5K above the asking price! The seller said she picked us as we were very 'gushing' about the house, so I'm thinking you sending a letter could really help!

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