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TTC #1 AL Buddies 2016 Newcomers Welcome

DH crunched the numbers and agreed! We actually both came up with the same number to offer independently! We will likely still be outbid though so hoping that letter seals the deal! The highest offer is already 10k above asking 😁
That's great. If you do get it then at least you'll both be comfortable with how much you paid. Try not to stress out waiting for the call weds/thurs. The waiting is the worst isn't it (like we don't know about waiting around for things to happen that are out of our control!!)
les, i did make one on ff yesterday (had just been writing it down in a journal). but I'm not at all happy with it. just doesn't look consistant n reliable :dohh: so I'm just gonna start over next month correctly! my temp today did rise a tad. sorry I'm not more helpful this round for ya'll n myself!

I'm just gonna take it that i did ovulate n start the waiting game! i'll look into getting my insurance together again n pay a visit to my doc just incase. she did tell me to try for a yr before asking for help but i refuse!

best of luck on ur bidding war!!
posted my chart anyway, but i feel something is off to me! idk if i did it right or didn't input enough info..? any thoughts?
Richiees we can't see it!! I think you have to change the sharing settings in FF?
So, I have to tell you guys (because I am NOT going to make this a big deal to my husband as he gets tired of my symptom spotting shenanigans) but I was walking back down the hallway to my office today and had a sudden ... I mean like 2-3 seconds, of really sharp pains in my lower abdomen. Made me wince.

I am 9dpo and NOT getting my hopes up too high, but it's not a feeling I have every month for sure.:dohh:
Mel - I had a feeling like that my first cycle TTC around 6 DPO and it turned out to be a bfn. Just sharing so you can moderate those hopes, but I'm still rooting and cheering over here that it means something different for you!!! ❤️
Les - Fx for the house. Sounds stressful but at least they gave the option to have bids come in and it wasn't outright that you were overbid. It's definetly a plus that you and your husband are on the same page with your latest bid. Good luck. Hope the letter helps seal the deal. You are an excellent writer so it definetly couldn't hurt.

Mel - good luck. Hope it's a positive sign for you. Everybody's body is different and we are due for some good news on this thread!!

mrs u. - that's frustrating your temps and opks aren't lining up how you'd anticipated. But relearning about your cycles shouldn't take too long. And if you are off a bit on the prediction as long as you BD in the window then it doesn't matter too much the exact date you ovulate. Good luck as you enter the TWW.

Richeesmom - these ladies are charting pros. So if you can get the chart to show they can definetly help you to understand it. Good luck this month.
Richees - If you select the "sharing" tab and then get code, you can copy and paste the bbCode in your signature here and that should do the trick.

Thanks all for the well wishes. Things are looking promising! Looks like we're one of just two offers with 20% down. I'm starting to think that we're one of the stronger buyers in a pool of similar offers. If that's the case, we have such a good shot! :happydance:

...and once again darn these soaring hopes! Could you imagine a house and a BFP in the same week this birthaversary month? It would be the best ever!
So I think I'm 2dpo :dohh: My temps at 1&2dpo are almost indentical to my pre mc cycles. When I put a temp in for tomorrow I got CHs at cd12. Annoyed though! I wanted to bd the day before ov, but whatever, it's done now. At least this cycle should be a day shorter and I know this is a possibility for next cycle. (Not hopeful whatsoever, although I'll still be testing!!!)

Mel - fx for you!! I was like Leson, I would have stabbing pains in all my bfn cycles but nothing on the bfp! My body drives me mad sometimes. Are you going to be testing or waiting it out?
les - good luck eek!!!! hope you get BOTH of the things you want this month! :hugs::hugs:

mel - good luck and I hope that is a sign for you! In the past year, I've had every pregnancy symptom imaginable in the TWW - it's maddening. and Wooster! I have a number of friends that went there (that I met after college). I also went to school in Cleveland. I wonder if he will pick it! Keep us posted on their journey - hoping they are safe and sound now. :hugs:

bronte - one more test left and then it's going to be go time for you before you know it! hooray!!! :happydance::happydance:

mrsu - 2 dpo woo hoo :happydance: welcome to the TWW. I love when I O early, I know it's silly but I get so excited about those one or two days can shave off lol

richiees - If you figure out how to post your chart, we would be happy to look at it for you!

AFM - AF is brewing. temp is starting to drop. she will be here saturday. I just hope I finally have a cycle with no pre AF spotting. that will make me happy. I'm not surprised this cycle is a bust due to the bad timing of the IUI. I'm very anxious about next cycle. Since AF will start on a weekend, I'll have to call saturday, leave a message, and then wait for their call back on Monday which will be the same day I need to start my meds. I just wanted to go in and sit down and talk to the doc about the plan. See if they want to increase my dosage (they originally wanted me on 5mg femara but I requested the 2.5) to produce more than one egg and increase the chances. and I want to show them my chart and say that we need to have the first ultrasound on CD 12 at the very least. all of this feels very rushed now - eek!
Bee - can you call them Friday and book an appointment for Monday to chat about your plan and explain you'll need to start your meds that day? If af is going to arrive, chances are you'll have a pretty good idea by then? It might not feel quite so rushed then. x
yes that is my plan. they told me not to test until Saturday because of the trigger so I'm wondering if they will shrug me off. they also told me not to temp so saying that my temp is way down might not work either :dohh::haha: but hopefully they listen I mean worse case scenario we could always cancel Monday's appt if we had to!
bee- I think he will be going to Wooster. He likes the idea of a smaller college. He also got into Columbia and TCU but the idea of both overwhelm him. We will see! :)

Les- Fingers crossed on the house! We are about to close on one of our flip houses and the whole process is daunting, even when it isn't a house you live in or house you want. I'll say some prayers that your birthday month is extra special!:happydance:

I broke down and called my doctor about next steps. She was actually very accommodating and recommended that I go in and get blood work done the 2-4 day of my cycle so we can check all my hormone levels. She said that is the first step in the process. So we will see next week when I get them done!:wacko:
that's great melissa! super awesome that they were very accommodating - it can go either way. there are def a lot of very simple tests that can be done to rule things out so good luck to you! :hugs:
Guys I'm having such a rough day and I don't know why. I've been crying on and off for about 4 hours. Maybe it's the shift in hormones post ov, but it's not like me. Although I feel like I don't know who 'me' is anymore. I hate that this has changed me and my outlook on things. I've been trying so hard to not think about it or stress about things. Just really didn't expect this to happen again now. I can't bear the thought of being like this every cycle.
Awww MrsU :hugs: you won't be like this every cycle girl! You and I are sadly on such similar paths. I was right where you are my first cycle back actively trying. The tears took me by surprise. I'm much happier and hopeful this second time around. It's just another phase to move through and past. It is such an odd mix to ache for the baby you lost and the one you hope to have all at once. There are happier times ahead 🌞:hugs2:

Actually come to think of it...it was right around 2-3 DPO for me too. Right when I normally get a spike in anxiety, but instead it was sadness and tears. Definitely in part the hormones messing with me (and you too!).
Thanks Leson. I do remember you having a rough few days, I kept telling myself it's probably normal given that you went through it too. It has taken me by surprise though. All my fears and anxieties seem to have reappeared. Need to pull myself together!
i followed the instruction another woman gave me for posting my chart but for some reason it still isn't showing :growled: dh will have to figure it out for me later. according to it, i am 4dpo.

buuuut my temp has risen n staying up so i assume i did O.

mrs unicorn, i hope u feel better babe :hugs: iv been waking up very emotional the last few days. but i always get this way when the 23rd of every month comes around. my son will be 5mths old in heaven this sat :cry:

head up luv, everything will work out eventually for us all. fx n prayers for all of us hurt but hopeful women!

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