TTC #1 AL Buddies 2016 Newcomers Welcome

I'm so sorry Aayla :hugs::hugs::hugs:. That must be so tough. I hope they can figure it out. It seems so unfair. Why would our bodies do these things? Right??? So frustrating!

I have such regular ovulation, but it does me no good with such low levels. I really, really hope that progesterone works for me. I also feel like stepping away from the temping and opks, but I will need to know when I O so I can determine when to start progesterone. I'll probably stop during AF and then again after I confirm O next cycle. I really wish AF would just show already.

I know we're all a bit down, but I still believe that happier times are ahead for us all. I can't wait until this is all behind us and we're sharing pregnancy and baby moments instead. We got this :thumbup:
aayla, I'm sorry luv!! if it is possible that they can up ur dose for next cycle then cool. but if not, maybe soy iso won't hurt to try....if ur comfortable.?

les, yes, better times to come!
Aayla - sorry hun. We do all we can and if our bodies won't cooperate it must be so frustrating. Really hope they can work something out for you soon.

Les - af will be here in a couple of days right? You're almost there and the next cycle will hopefully be filled with new hope once you've got your meds. X

Richiees - yep I get that. I'm the same. If my temp is good then it's a good day, if not that's it it's ruined the day already. It's mad that we let it do that. Maybe you could try temping for a few days before and after o - once you get your CHs stop?

Bronte - fx for Tuesday and the news isn't too bad. Hopefully it's something you can work around or remedy quickly.

Thanks for all the advice girls. DH and I chatted last night. We're not going to stop TTC. Neither of us want to really. DH also feels it won't help and it would make things more stressful going back to it - I hadn't thought about that but I think he's right. Instead we're going to pull each other up and onwards. Not give in to it - the lack of motivation in all other areas. I'm also going to stop behaving like I'm TTC. For me it's too much to stop drinking coffee/wine, to fear exercise, to try and eat the right foods at the right time in my cycle to try and help things. I'm going to stop temping, maybe do opks for a cycle or two just to make sure it doesn't change. But I need to stop planning around things too. For example my mum and I are planing a few girly days at the end of June and my first thought was 'I'll be at the end of the TWW, can I move it so I can drink?' I'm not going to move it, and I will drink. Not sure if I'll manage all this, I'm kind of an all or nothing type person, but I'm going to give it my best shot!

(Yes I am awake at 5am on a Saturday, courtesy of a little meowing fluff ball!)
I'm not sure if they can up the dose. I have only found one post on a thread on abother board that had someone up to 12.5mg. I did find a study where they looked at higher doses up to 12.5mg.

My thought is that my cold affected my ovulation. I am hoping it is delayed and my temps will reflect that. But if not I hope they will do one more cycle to see and if that is also anovulatory then move the dose up.
:flower: Hi kitty (and MrsU), good morning! I'm about to climb into bed with three furballs and DH. I think I'm right in that exact same headspace especially now that I feel like progesterone was the culprit of my MMC. I need to get back to exercising, and not stress over a drink now and again. DH and I need to have a little getaway this summer, and I have to stop planning my life around this. I'm getting so excited to move and start my garden and woodworking. I asked my brother for an ice cream churn (as a belated bday gift) so I can start adding some delicious ice creams to my desserts like they do on masterchef Australia. I tried a lemon curd marscapone ice cream by hand the other week and boy was it a pain! Just like making puff pastry from scratch so much waiting and out of the freezer/ thanks! I've completely neglected planning for my DH's bday on Sunday, but I want to bake something amazing for him. We're hiking tomorrow morning but I think I can pull something together after that. Happy weekend all!!! <3
Mrs U: I agree with your plan. You have to live your life. Many women have the motto drink until pink. Basically drink until you see the 2 pink lines. You can eat and drink whatever you want basically. The baby doesn't get stuff from your blood directly until about 8 weeks when the umbilical cord is fully formed.

So having a glass of wine (or 2 or 3) and some sushi is not going to harm anything. Especially so very early on.

Relaxing and enjoying life is the way to go. Less stress for sure.
Les and mrs u - I'm so excited for you ladies and I really feel like you will be less stressed if not temping as much or putting life on hold. We did that for awhile and as soon as we switched our mindset that we needed to start living our life again it was much easier. This is so unpredictable and you can't plan life around something that's not here yet. It just makes it so much worse when it doesn't come then. I know it's hard to not think about it as much. But just try to stay busy and naturally you'll think about TTC less. You got this ladies.

Les - so excited the move is coming up. You are definetly going to be busy with that for awhile. The ice cream sounds yummy. Hope your husband has a nice birthday.

mrs u - I think a trip away will do wonders and I don't think you need to worry about a small drink here or there either.

Aayla - hope they get it worked out. Fingers crossed it was just the cold and you'll ovulate fine next month.

AFM - it's my grandmas 90th birthday so about to go to visit. She didn't want a party in anyway. I think she's mad she's still alive and doesn't want to celebrate. She had a stroke over 2 years ago and it's been a big challenge since then. Hopefully she enjoys the visitors today at least.
MrsU - AF is due today maybe tomorrow. Just hoping the witch arrives on time. I think I'm going to stop taking B6 until she does &#128517;

Bronte - Hope your grandma manages to have a good birthday. I'm so sorry to hear about her stroke. I volunteered in a home in high school, and spent a good chunk of time with this lady who just talked about how she wanted to die. It was depressing for sure! My dad's mom just turned 90, and she had a big party. My mom's mom is not far behind, and I have no doubt that she'll want an even bigger bash than what she had for 85. They both still seem to be in good spirits and good health for their age, but they are definitely slowing down. Still I look at them and think gee I'm going to be around a while aren't. Good genes for the women in my family I guess!
Ayala- that has to be frustrating. Hope upping it will help you out.

Good luck to all those taking a break from temping. If it's stressing you out its really not worth it. I think like I heard someone else say you have to live your life. We all want this but it can't consume our happiness. I hope that makes sense. Easier said then done. Hugs to you all!
Bronte - happy 90th to your grandma! I'm sure she'll be delighted to see everyone even if she doesn't want a fuss. My only grandparent left is my grandad who's 80. We celebrated his 80th a month after my 30th. It always amuses /amazes me that there's almost exactly 50 years between us!

Les - hope af does get a wiggle on! Have you done any decorating research/brainstorming for your new place yet?

Star - you are so right. My reason for considering stopping TTC was I wanted my life back. I couldn't bear the thought of feeling like that for the rest of the year (or longer). And yep, easier said than done but I'm going to give it my best shot - I have to!

Thanks for the encouragement girls. It's the right way to go for me for sure. Wish I'd decided to try this ages ago, but guess we gotta go through these things to work it out. I've had a busy day doing all the things to the house that I've been meaning to do for ages (and couldn't find the motivation for) - hanging pictures, planted up some hanging baskets in the yard and picked a colour to paint the kitchen. I'm shattered now and it's only 5pm! Definitely having a glass of wine tonight, that feels good to say!
Oh she had a great time and we managed to sort of give her a party just less overwhelming of one. She still got cake and even wore a birthday sash and tiara. She's doing well but can't walk since the stroke but is pretty much mentally all there. It was the worst that could happen to her because she was so independent before that. She was driving up till then and living in more independent living. Now that she's had to move to the nursing home end and didn't respond to therapy well to regain any mobility, she talks about wanting to die a lot but she jokes about it more than anything and maintains a sense of humor about it. We know she's ready to go though so that's sad. I'm glad she let herself celebrate a bit today. There were over 20 family members there and she handled it well which usually overwhelms her. So I'm glad for that.
mrs u - sounds like a productive day. Yay for enjoying a glass of wine.

Les - hopefully the witch arrives on time. When will you need to start progesterone?
im gonna temp up until the 3rd day of temp spike then stop. then continue once af shows. so one more day!

my mother works in a nursing home. she talks about this one lady who is very much looking forward to passing. her reason, she wants to be with her husband n daughter in heaven already. if i remember correctly, she's in her early nineties too. her first born baby died after birth. she didn't get to hold her daughter. she passed out n then they took her baby to the morge right away. she went on to have twins after that. but she's ready to go. she told my mom that when she sees her daughter she will be an adult. my mom asked how do u know, n she said i just know.

in my culture (I'm mexican), life is not worth living without faith in the lord. i know that when its my turn to transition n be with my son, he won't be a baby like i last saw him. children don't stay children forever. child like, yes. in the way that they r so innocent n loving. but we believe they r gently raised to adulthood so that they may fully experience all that paradise has to offer. who wants to be stuck in a childs body forever!

anyway, that old woman who my mom takes care of looks forward to her transition. as so many elderly do.

i know some of u are not believers so i hope i didnt offend anyone.
no offense here Richiees. We all believe what we believe and so long as no one tries to convert me than it's all good. I am Wiccan but I don't practice much and I no longer believe there is any sort of entity, God or Goddess, looking out for us. But I do believe in reincarnation, spirits/ghosts and that humans are more capable of doing things with their minds than we actually do, aka Magick.

Religion fascinates me as a subject and I love learning about all the different ones. How they started, grown and evolved and the various rites and practices.

on the fertility front: The clinic called about my results. They are concerned. I explained to them my cycles and what I think happened. Trying to explain why I went for my progesterone test on cd 25 and not 21 was exhausting. They don't seem to believe that I ovulate around cd 19. but I explained that I temp and that's how I know. So they are giving the info to my doc and we will see what he says. 7.5mg is the highest dose they give. He may want me to come in for an ultrasound. I am hoping he allows me one more cycle without a cold to see if I have become resistant to it or it was just an off month. Also by Tuesday I will know what is going on with my temps.

it is possible my weight has contributed to this as well. The more weight you have the less these drugs work and I have gained quite a bit of weight in the last year. I have been struggling to lose it for awhile. If this is the case they may cut me off and if I can't be on letrozole or it doesn't work then I will have to go on the Mirena until I get my weight down to try again.

I don't know what is next if fertility drugs fail. Do I need these drugs for IVF? They have to grow the egg somehow. But alas. IVF is very expensive here...$16,000 for one shot. and they won't do it at my weight. I would need to lose at least 100 lbs.

I hate this limbo. I hate not knowing what the plan is.
i have never heard of wiccan. i will be googling about it. i too like knowing about all other religions n beliefs just out of curiosity. I'm not religious like my family. i don't go to church or anything like that. but i do have full n loving faith in jesus. I'm spiritual. i have my own special relationship with god.

I'm sorry about all of that aayla. just don't give up. things will work themselves out. n u said u didn't ovulate on clomid?
Definetly no offense taken and I find it interesting to hear what people believe. I was raised in a very religious/Christian household but don't really follow much anymore. But I'm so glad you find comfort in it, Richieesmom, and it helps to think about what it would be like to see your son as an adult. Hugs.

Aayla - so sorry you are going through this. Hopefully you get it figured out. I know with IVF the drugs are likely different but I'm not sure in your case. I ovulate but the main drugs I'll be on are Follistim, Menopur, and Ganirelix. There several other ones they try. I know some clinics do want your weight below a certain BMI to help with success, it is expensive, and definitely not for everyone. Really hope you don't have to entertain that idea. I'm also on a Get Fit for Baby in the TTC groups section that's great support since I'm also overweight. I've been doing decent on 21 day fix but definetly have some better days then others.
Be careful about Google. Wicca is a religion that has so many different beliefs and followings. It's a nature religion based on pre-christian paganism. Some Wiccans, like myself, call themselves Witches. others don't. It's the anti-Wiccan pages to be careful of. Most anti-wiccan pages think we worship the devil etc but we don't believe the devil is a thing. The devil is also a Christian concept (not to be compared with demons, which many believe are real) and to believe in the Devil would mean to believe in its opposite God.

some believe in a goddess and a god. Some are just Goddess based. Some worship or follow one specific pantheon like Greek (Zeus, Hera etc) or Egyptian (Isis, Ra etc). Others incorporate them all in their devotions, magick and holidays. Some there is one all powerful spirit and then a goddess and god, then the lower gods of the various pantheos. etc Like I said..many different versions.

I am more than happy to talk about what I personally believe in. While it's not true for all Wiccans/Witches it is what I have prayed over and practiced for 20 years. I don't believe everything I read when it comes to this religion. I have used what works for me and have prayed over things I have found difficult in understanding.
Definetly no offense taken and I find it interesting to hear what people believe. I was raised in a very religious/Christian household but don't really follow much anymore. But I'm so glad you find comfort in it, Richieesmom, and it helps to think about what it would be like to see your son as an adult. Hugs.

Aayla - so sorry you are going through this. Hopefully you get it figured out. I know with IVF the drugs are likely different but I'm not sure in your case. I ovulate but the main drugs I'll be on are Follistim, Menopur, and Ganirelix. There several other ones they try. I know some clinics do want your weight below a certain BMI to help with success, it is expensive, and definitely not for everyone. Really hope you don't have to entertain that idea. I'm also on a Get Fit for Baby in the TTC groups section that's great support since I'm also overweight. I've been doing decent on 21 day fix but definetly have some better days then others.

I LOVE 21 DAY FIX!!! My soul workout and eating plan. I really need to get back on it. When I first did it I lost 8 lbs and 7.5 inches in 21 days and I wasn't exactly perfect. This is why I love hammer and Chisel. The added bonus of lifting weights but combined with 21 day fix. I lost quite a bit of weight in my first couple of weeks doing H&C. I really need to get back to that.
Aayla - I love the eating plan too. It's one of the easiest I've found to follow. I have the app on my phone and just mark off containers when I eat. I don't even measure stuff anymore, just eyeball it. I've heard great things about hammer and chisel but haven't tried it. I also have the PIYO DVDs and mix that one in periodically and my friend let me borrow Cize. I'm usually not a DVD workout person and prefer sports but I'm motivated before IVF and it's the easiest for me to do at this time. Now if people could stop bringing in so many tempting desserts at work, I'd be all set. Good luck.

Oh and I don't know much about Wicca but do know it's often very misunderstood.

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