TTC #1 AL Buddies 2016 Newcomers Welcome

Km - sorry it's been (as is) so tough for you. I guess in a way it's comforting to hear from other people in similar situations, it's why we're on this site, but at the same time it's not because it's just awful. How come it is your last cycle of clomid? Are you only allowed to be on it a certain amount of time?

I do this every cycle because I hate it. I hate how my life is and has been since the MMC. I don't think I'll be someone who can go on for years TTC. I obsess too much, it takes over and I'm not prepared to live like this for years on end. And NTNP will never work because of that. At the moment I'm thinking if it hasn't happened by the end of this year I'm throwing in the towel and going back on the pill, and won't TTC again. Even waiting till then feels like a long time but I feel I owe it to myself and DH to give it over a year. Not sure how he feels but he's not exactly happy anymore either.
Mrs U - I'm so sorry you got another BFN. Hugs. That sucks. So wish it will happen soon for you. And the TWW are the worst. Because it's being in amplified limbo. You are already stressed about when it might happen and then on top of it you get to question if it's going to be this month or not. It really is the worst. You are stronger then you think. I really really hope it doesn't take you very long at all. But I will say as time went on for me it got a bit easier. It's sad because you come to expect the negative which means you don't focus on it nearly as much and means you don't want to buy pregnancy tests. Really the more you go in this process. Honestly the easier it gets. At least that's been my take. Granted it's annoying it's taking so long but you slowly accept it and get back to living your life more and more. Then if it doesn't happen naturally you can always entertain assisted conception. Normally there are a ton of easier fixes that can be done that might just do the trick. So basically really really hope it doesn't come to that. But you will be amazed what you can put yourself through and what you can endure. I promise it gets easier eventually. You are already sounding like month by month it's getting a bit easier. Getting back into your fitness routine again will help as well I think. You can do this!!

Km - so sorry this is your last Clomid cycle. Really hope this works for you then. Since they put you on that does that mean you aren't ovulating at all or do they know exactly what your issue might be? I need to catch up on your story.
I feel like throwing in the towel so much. Especially during the tww. I hate that body could be playing tricks on me and maybe I am not pregnant. Last cycle I got loads of squinter grey lines on frers and af came right on time. Loads of symptoms too.

My friend gave me a couple of tests so of course I used them. BFN. What is funny is I think I see a squinter on the hospital issued one which is 20 Miu but the frer is blank.

So now I have to wait a few more days.
So sorry Aayla. It is early still. Hang in there. I could have sworn I was pregnant several months as well. The mind is a funny thing when you want something bad enough. If you can hold out longer to test again that really might help. Trying to squint to see a line I think makes it worse. Lighting can trick your mind. I look at images all day at work and if you stare at something long enough you can pretty much see anything you want. It's not healthy to do that. So take two steps back from it if you can. I know it's so hard. If you are pregnant you are pregnant and if you aren't then you aren't. No amount of peeing is going to change that. It sounds like it's only making it worse. Hugs and hang in there.
Km - sorry it's been (as is) so tough for you. I guess in a way it's comforting to hear from other people in similar situations, it's why we're on this site, but at the same time it's not because it's just awful. How come it is your last cycle of clomid? Are you only allowed to be on it a certain amount of time?

I do this every cycle because I hate it. I hate how my life is and has been since the MMC. I don't think I'll be someone who can go on for years TTC. I obsess too much, it takes over and I'm not prepared to live like this for years on end. And NTNP will never work because of that. At the moment I'm thinking if it hasn't happened by the end of this year I'm throwing in the towel and going back on the pill, and won't TTC again. Even waiting till then feels like a long time but I feel I owe it to myself and DH to give it over a year. Not sure how he feels but he's not exactly happy anymore either.

I feel exactly like this just before AF every cycle but by the time she's gone I'm ready to try again. TWW is not good for mental health. You dream of positives and get repeatedly let now. Don't give up just yet. How old are you if you don't mind me asking?

I'm gonna post my story in a minute, will try to be succinct
Right I've been asked a couple of questions now so I'm gonna try to answer them all at once with my story :thumbup:

Prior to getting together with DH I had some symptoms suspicious of PCOS- random weight gain and increasingly irregular periods between the ages of 16 and 19. By 19 I went on the pill to regulate my cycle and take some control over AF in holiday times. I stopped taking the pill (ran out) about 12 months later but didn't have a period for 5 months. And gained 18lb. So I went to the doctor who was suspicious of PCOS. She referred me for a scan but I never got the appointment letter. I go more pill and went back on it. Potential PCOS was always at the back of my mind but I ignored it.

My DH Dayne and I got married 25th July 2014. We knew we wanted to try immediately so I stopped taking the pill 12th July when my packet finished. First AF after this arrived 6 weeks later. Since then I have been charting on FF to keep track of my cycles

My September and October 2014 cycles were weird. I got temp rises, positive OPKs and appeared to have 35-40 day cycles ovulating around days 24-27. I was slightly concerned but took this to mean the pill was still affecting Me. I stopped temping at this stage as it was stressing me out. My December cycle lasted 78 days. In this time I got several faint positives but then nothing beyond that. The doc referred me for an ultrasound for PCOS

February 2015 cycle was 39 days and my temps did not show a clear ovulation pattern but I did get positive OPKs. My LP was 19 days. I decided to start taking soy isoflavones

May-June I had three ovulatory cycles but they were still long and O was still late (days 19-25). By this time we had been TTC completely unless fully so we were sent to a specialist. So I gave up temping from July 2015

Over last summer we had all the testing done
- my hormones were out of whack (can't remember what)
- sperm count and motility fine
- ultrasound showed multiple cysts on my ovaries
- hsg showed two functioning tubes

By September I was on 50mg clomid. This first cycle I ovulated day 19 and my progesterone test was day 21. The doc said I didn't ovulate based on this but I did, just didn't ovulate on time. AF came on time.

October cycle I was on 100mg clomid. Ovulated day 18. Went to day 21 test "you haven't ovulated"....:dohh: I had. But decided next time id just go for tests 7 days after O

November cycle I ovulated day 16, went for progesterone day 23 (guess what, positive, levels were at 68). This cycle was my first BFP (11dpo) but I had a miscarriage at 5 weeks from LMP. Went to the hospital and it was all confirmed.

Started taking clomid the day it was confirmed and ovulated day 18. Didn't bother having bloods. Did the same in January cycle.

Saw my specialist in Feb who gave me 3 more months of clomid (making 9 in total). He said he would see me again in June and look into assisted conception if still no pregnancy. Missed clomid out in March to avoid early pregnancy in Disney world (still ovulated say 18).

April and May I took clomid again, ovulated day 18 and 17 respectively. May cycle I got a BFP 10dpo and continued to get faint BFP until three days after AF was due - chemical. Took a whole to get this confirmed so missed clomid in late May/June cycle (still ovulated but day 22) so now I am taking my last pack this time.

So after two years TTC I am basically waiting to be told I'm having IVF which seems ridiculous as I do ovulate and Dayne is fine but there's a limited time you can take clomid for and I've already passed that :dohh:

Wow. Sorry, this is crazy long!

Ps - I'm 28
Km - thanks so much for sharing. It's nice to get caught up so we can help cheer you on moving forward.

You have been through so much already. Hugs. I wish it wasn't so hard for us ladies. I really hope you don't need IVF. It was really my only assisted conception option since I have no more functional tubes and needed to bypass that area completely. I was super nervous and scared to even get started on that process. But if it comes to that for you, you can totally handle it. It's really not that bad. You have already been through a ton and as soon as we got started it almost felt like a relief that we were finally doing something that's giving us the best possible shot at having a kid. Even if everything aligns perfectly trying naturally can never give you the potential success rate of any given cycle that IVF can. Just because so many things have to be just right to happen. That's all taken out of the equation with IVF.

If they refer you, do you need to get on a waiting list there then? I'm not terribly familiar with the exact NHS system as it relates to IVF since it's completely different here in the states.

Good luck. Hope it doesn't come to that. But if it does we will be here to still help cheer you on. And if you have questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask. I might not know a ton about IVF there but I have learned lots going through this process already.
Km - thanks so much for sharing. It's nice to get caught up so we can help cheer you on moving forward.

You have been through so much already. Hugs. I wish it wasn't so hard for us ladies. I really hope you don't need IVF. It was really my only assisted conception option since I have no more functional tubes and needed to bypass that area completely. I was super nervous and scared to even get started on that process. But if it comes to that for you, you can totally handle it. It's really not that bad. You have already been through a ton and as soon as we got started it almost felt like a relief that we were finally doing something that's giving us the best possible shot at having a kid. Even if everything aligns perfectly trying naturally can never give you the potential success rate of any given cycle that IVF can. Just because so many things have to be just right to happen. That's all taken out of the equation with IVF.

If they refer you, do you need to get on a waiting list there then? I'm not terribly familiar with the exact NHS system as it relates to IVF since it's completely different here in the states.

Good luck. Hope it doesn't come to that. But if it does we will be here to still help cheer you on. And if you have questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask. I might not know a ton about IVF there but I have learned lots going through this process already.

From my understanding of it...
- you cannot be referred til you hit two years
- after two years they cannot refuse to refer you
- once referred (8th July for me) I should receive the paper works within a week and be at the clinic within 6 weeks
- clinic do tests for one cycle
- talk you through options
- tell you to ring on the first day of your next period once it's been decide to go ahead
- they will tell you that day if you're starting your IVF or if you need to ring next cycle

So all being well I should be starting my first IVF cycle by the end of September but it could be a bit longer
Km - really hope it proceeds quickly for you then. That's actually not too bad at all. It took me about 4 months from first appointment to start time. But a lot of that was waiting due to a trip and getting myself healthier. Plus if they pay for it that's a huge burden lifter. That was a struggle for me personally since mine is all out of pocket and there were a bunch of choices to determine what all we wanted to pay for upfront given the likelihood of how it would proceed. Honestly that's been the hardest part for me. The actual IVF, shots, and stuff haven't been that hard for me to process at all...yet.
Thanks for the pep talk girls. I guess I feel I need an end to it that's in my control. I think I'll feel better then, I'll cope better over the next few months. If I can just cope better I think id be ok never going on bcp again and NTNP if that times comes. I really want to be the person that doesn't feel the urge to poas too. But I'm not there yet. DH said to me 'it won't be like this forever' and I know it won't be but I can't be thinking that it'll end in a pregnancy during the next few months. I'll try my best to chill the f*** out from now on.

Km - that is one long complicated journey. I really hope it doesn't get to IVF for you, but if it does i know Bronte will be able to help you from her experience. And of course we'll all be here to support and cheer you on.

Aayla - sorry the testing is a nightmare. It really is crap. You're still early though, yes?
KM: what a journey. and this is why I love this forum. because i finally have people to talk to that know what this is all about. and yet I wish some days I was the only one because I wouldn't wish this on anyone. FX this cycle of clomid works.

Mrs U: oh yeah. it is still early. I'm only 10dpo today. I expect it will just be like last time and a frer won't be positive until 13dpo. And that's just assuming that I implanted on 6dpo and my hcg was at 1 to start (which, when I get bloods done to check my negatives are always less than 1). So today I am likely only at 4 miu. maybe a tad more. and it won't be until 13dpo that I am around enough to really show a line. I honestly thought I would show sooner as my af is now 4 or 5 days away. Didn't think I would have to wait until I was 2 days prior to af.
Mrs U - it's perfectly fine to feel that way right now. This all sucks and you need to give yourself permission to feel crappy. It's perfectly acceptable and completely normally. We have all wanted to throw the towel in at one point or another. Just know you are not alone and keep going forward. Each step you take it will eventually get easier, that's all I was trying to say. And please feel free to keep talking it out. It makes me feel better that we have all felt this way. In the next few weeks I'm prepared to be a raging b**** since I'm being pumped full of hormones my body isn't used too. I'm going to embrace my inner b****. So if you want to join me you can embrace your inner control freak.
Bronte - it's a huge comfort to hear that it gets easier as time goes on. It really is. I think I have been better as each cycle comes around, just need this end bit to sort itself out! I'm sure it'll come. Thanks for putting up with my stuck record - ness!! And yeah, you make sure you vent all you need to aswell. I imagine there will be such a lot going on hormonally and just plain emotionally for you, especially after all you've been through.

Aayla - fx that bfp shows its face over the next couple of days!! I'll be watching your thread like a hawk.

Km - forgot to say, I'm 30. 31 in September which is frighteningly close! I'd only just turned 30 when we started TTC (right after my skydive I got for my 30th pressie!)
Sorry for the length of this post. I will be on more frequently checking this thread in the future.

Raine - sorry to hear AF came early, like the others said better to have the wait cut short than get your hopes up any more than they usually are. And major congrats on the weight loss! 21lbs is amazing. I think being competitive with others is a great way to do it!

Bronte, I get where you’re coming from on the sweets! Luckily, if I can just have one bit and leave it alone, usually DH will take care of the rest. Yesterday I bought a pie at a local farmer’s market and had one small piece, told him the rest was his. The pie did not last through the evening. I am so envious of that metabolism!

I think Les has a point with calorie tracking. For me, exercise is vital, but I have to be aware of what I’m eating because I have a habit of overdoing it. Always have been an emotional eater. Tracking it makes it harder to go crazy with it. It really does just come down to putting less calories in than you expend, it’s just so HARD to maintain that effort when life throws so many curve balls, and food is always there.

As far as loving your body more, I sometimes struggle with that. One thing I remember is that no matter what size my body has been, I’ve always had issues and thus I need to work on my perceptions rather than hyper focus on what I think I need to fix. When I get down about it, I have to remind myself that I’m really subjecting myself to the unrealistic expectations of a photoshopped pop culture and if it was my job to look like those people and got paid to work out 8 hours a day, I’d be amazing at it. Sadly, I have to work a real job and sit down all day, and so I only fit in my hours as I can.

The first time I lost my weight (weighed more than I do now in high school due to undiagnosed depression), I got down to a size 6 and still had no confidence. It wasn’t until I worked as a hostess at a fine dining restaurant and was forced to be the face of the restaurant I started learning to project that confidence I lacked. In “faking it” I actually did “make it.” Such a strange thing, but I think the reflection of my projected confidence I got from everyone around me in turn assured me that I was actually that confident, and my self esteem went way up. It hasn’t gone down since, except for the odd moment, despite the fact that I’ve at this point gained most of the weight back (factors being leaving my husband in 2011, diet, going off Rxs, mc). I still feel beautiful most of the time. I buy clothes that make me feel good. I get my nails done sometimes, or buy a cool paint that I like and makes me feel pretty. I get my hair done. All the girly things I never felt I deserved. I DO. We all do. It’s not shallow to me, it’s pampering. If I don’t make it to the gym, I at least go on a walk. I do something I’m good at. I remember how when I lived in LA all of the latino guys preferred curvy girls (despite the fact that external factors shouldn’t be the main influence on your self esteem, sometimes it’s nice to be called beautiful!). Sometimes, I look up plus size models and see how confident they look, and they aren’t “normal” body types, which reminds me all women are different, and all beautiful. I try to remember inspirational women in my life. My little sister went through the opposite end of the spectrum with anorexia, and she’s super healthy right now, but still has body issues, so maybe it’s something we can’t get away from, but I think being around other people who have found ways to cope with it can help - just being constantly reminded there are other things in life, as long as you’re living a healthy lifestyle you are doing the best you can and deserve to love yourself, what more can you do?

I’m happy that I’ve stopped my upward swing in weight and can focus on bringing it down now, in a slow, healthy way - no more than 2lb/wk. I prefer weight lifting so I might actually gain first, but it shouldn’t be too much. I was trying to get in my 5 miles a day, but my knees have been injured in the last year and so I can’t cardio with them as much as I used to.

Mrs U - so sorry about your BFN :( hugs to you! I’m sure it will happen soon! I’m glad your kitty is better. And yeah, what’s up with the EU Vote? Everyone I know voted the other way!!

aayla - I’ve just read through your journal in the last few days and what a journey you’ve been through so far! I know it must have been so hard, but I have my fx for you too that this is it!! Sorry it’s so frustrating.

km - i hope for your sake you can make it naturally! it seems strange they would go for IVF, but if you do, like bronte said, it takes away many of those factors we worry about. I’ll be following your story!
Very well said Becca. All of it. I'm overweight currently and have been for a lot of my life. But I've been so many different sizes and didn't feel really positive at any of them. But as I've gotten older, life itself has gotten easier to deal with and you just have to do the best you can and focus on what's important to you. I've never cared enough to get my weight down a lot because it's never caused me issues health wise thankfully. But I know that could change and potentially getting pregnant you do want to be healthy for the baby. So I do try. But I slip up every now and then because I'm also an emotional eater and I do get hormonal cravings. So I try not to dwell to much on it and just try again the next day. My husband lost almost 80 pounds and has kept it off for almost 8 years and he still says he feels bigger, even as a guy. So I think no matter what size you are so much of it truly is mental and just learning to like yourself as a whole.

Anyway, good luck on your journey!
IVF does seem a strange route to send me down but the NHS works in weird ways and as I don't have to pay I can't complain so just gonna roll with it

Been proper cranky the last week or so and blamed AF and then In fact cranky is a total understatement. Been depressed, crying over nothing, snapping at everyone over nothing and just generally feeling miserable

Found out today that we have had a small gas leak this week. I actually think it's been going on for months but that I made it worse last weekend when clearing out the cutlery draw which is just below the hob (think I hit the pipe with a spatula trying to shut the draw). Anyway when we were telling my mother in law she said "oh Ye you said you could smell gas when we were doing the kitchen floor (September). So I'm a bit concerned that this has been going on since then and mixing with the air in our house!!

Anyway one of the main signs of exposure to a small amount gas in the home is change in mood (along with headaches, check, depression, check, farigue, check!) so hopefully I'll be feeling a lot better from now!
Km - oh my goodness. How scary a gas leak must be since you can't see it at all. So glad you found it. But that's frightening not to know how long it's been going on.

Hope that helps clear up everything with your symptoms and mood.

And I also wondered why NHS wouldn't opt to do IUIs first. But I'm sure they have their reasons and while IVF I've heard is a bit more taxing because you have more meds and more monitoring, it does have a better success rate. So that's good at least. Good luck!
Km - that is scary! At least you're getting it sorted now. You could always get a carbon monoxide alarm, just for peace of mind in future. We bought some when we bought this house. DH has always been super paranoid about it, he used to freak out that he could smell gas when we lived in a flat with no gas supply - all electric! :haha:

It's interesting to hear what the nhs recommend for you as I live in the uk too. I've heard IVF has a slightly better success rate than IUI so maybe they think it's best to jump to that?

Becca - well said indeed. Luckily I've never had trouble with my weight and, on the whole, have been OK with my body. If we book a holiday I always step up the exercise though. I guess this is the only time I've ever been unhappy with my body. I put on weight when I was pregnant, mainly because of the nausea (I was eating a lot of carbs!). And then we definitely comfort ate after the MMC. I don't hate it or anything but I wouldn't be comfortable putting on a bikini at the moment. But amazingly, the 2lbs I lost at the beginning of the month have stayed off. I'm so pleased, it's given me another boost to pick it all back up again!
So I called a private clinic today to find out how much hormone blood tests cost. They recommended to start with a test for AMH. Does anyone know much about this? I did a bit of googling and I think it's to assess what your egg reserve is like? Bronte did you have anything like this - I read you often have it before IUI/IVF? It's not expensive but they also said to try going through my GP first, although they will do without them. I'm not sure whether to bother, if I'm going to do it I kind of want to get everything tested, then I can either sort something or forget about it all.

I guess I'm having a hard time going into cycle #5 when it was only 3 before. And it is the 5th cycle, I'm not kidding myself anymore. We tried straight after the mmc and the timing was good so....:shrug:
Just called my GP surgery and the next available appointment is in 4 weeks! Ridiculous! Might as well give up on this for now!

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