TTC #1 AL Buddies 2016 Newcomers Welcome

Les - try not to put any pressure on yourself, unfortunately it's out of our hands as to when Mother Nature decides to cooperate. Of course I understand it though (I didn't react too well to it) Have you anything nice planned for the weekend?

My mum and auntie are visiting next week so we'll be cleaning the house and tidying up the garden today. Might squeeze in a walk on the beach. Think we're going to go out for lunch tomorrow and go see the new Bourne film. What's everyone else up to?
Mrs U - enjoy the visit from your family. I love that you are close enough that you can just go for a walk on the beach whenever you want. Super jealous.

I need to clean this weekend as well and stock up on all my healthy foods with a trip to the grocery. So...pretty much a boring, "adult-responsibility" weekend.

Good luck to all those still TTC. I'm so pleased we had a huge BFP surge in here this month. We definetly needed that!!

Les - hope the TWW treats you well. Hoping you continue the trend and get your BFP soon as well.

AFM - I'm not technically TTC because I doubt it will happen naturally. But stranger things have happened so while I'm focusing on losing more weight and my health before our next IVF cycle, I will probably throw some closely timed BD sessions in there. Nothing too forced. I started some fertility massage last night and the goal is to look into acupuncture as well. I haven't found anyone locally that seems to focus on fertility acupuncture but I'll need to talk to them further about specifics of what they might be able to do.
I'm working this weekend, so nothing too exciting over here.
I'm working this weekend, so nothing too exciting over here.

Hoping this is your month Les!! Try not to put too much pressure on yourself.

Idk what's going on here.. I've had 3 days after O that are around the same temp. I've never had that before. They're around the same temp they usually are after O but no big fluctuations from day to day. Maybe my hormones are just leveling out, guess we'll see.
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
I've had cycles with flattish temps and in fact my BFP cycle was one so you never know star. Fx! Hope this is your month too.

I should clarify. I'm working, but it should be a fun day. A few times a year, we have a parent day/night out event for free at our clinic. It's really hard for parents of kids with autism to find babysitters and the divorce rate is super high, so on these events they can drop the kids (including siblings) off at the office for the day and go on a date or hang out with friends or do whatever they want. We fill the day with tons of fun activities and yummy food for the kids. It's exhausting, but also really fun. We usually are working so hard with the kids to catch them up with their peers, but on this day we just get to have fun and enjoy their little personalities.

I have tomorrow off, but I'll probably just need some rest after supervising the event.
It's my 5 year anniversary today. Hubby is sleeping most of the day though as he works graveyard tonight :growlmad: but we will be having a nice dinner at home before he has to go to work.

The rest of my time will be spent tidying up the house.
I've had cycles with flattish temps and in fact my BFP cycle was one so you never know star. Fx! Hope this is your month too.

I should clarify. I'm working, but it should be a fun day. A few times a year, we have a parent day/night out event for free at our clinic. It's really hard for parents of kids with autism to find babysitters and the divorce rate is super high, so on these events they can drop the kids (including siblings) off at the office for the day and go on a date or hang out with friends or do whatever they want. We fill the day with tons of fun activities and yummy food for the kids. It's exhausting, but also really fun. We usually are working so hard with the kids to catch them up with their peers, but on this day we just get to have fun and enjoy their little personalities.

I have tomorrow off, but I'll probably just need some rest after supervising the event.

That sounds like a great program!!!! What excactly is your job? I think I've asked before or thought about asking. It sounds interesting.Just curious because I'm a teacher.

I've found some things about flat temps and pregnancy but trying not to get my hopes up.
It's my 5 year anniversary today. Hubby is sleeping most of the day though as he works graveyard tonight :growlmad: but we will be having a nice dinner at home before he has to go to work.

The rest of my time will be spent tidying up the house.
Happy Anniversary!!! Enjoy your dinner!
Ah I see you're in the UK Trying. They do seem to be stricter about not testing until you hit a year with no pregnancy, but MrsU (also in uk) gave it a shot and they agreed. You never know. Here I think it depends somewhat on who your doctor is and how old you are. I'll be 35 next year, so I think I can argue that 6 months ttc after my MMC and 12 months total is plenty. I had my cd21 test back in May and my progesterone level came back at just 3.7ng/ml. They say most MCs are chromosomal chance but by most they mean just about half. The second biggest cause seems to be low progesterone. I've also had DH get an SA (that's private pay here). His numbers were good but motility borderline. I'm on a ton of allergy meds so I don't have the best cm, so I'm playing with that and DH is now on some supplements to see if that helps. Might ask to up my progesterone dosage this cycle as well. We'll see. Thanks for the info on the NK cells. Sounds like acupuncture was a bit cathartic for you so that could be good. Sending hugs your way :hugs:. I totally get what you mean about that dark cloud. You learn to live with it even though you wish you didn't have to.

The U.K. are very strict. Even after my second MC and nearly a year of trying they didn't want to know. Because I am under 35 we have to TTC for a year. I last miscarried at the end of January so me and DH said we will do another 6 cycles and will head straight to the GP if no joy. We would have also been TTC for 2.5 years then so surely they have to do something else!? Just so frustrating that we struggle to stay pregnant and now getting pregnant in the first place takes forever. I wouldn't mind if it took as a long time if we had the guarantee of not miscarrying.
As you are 35 they should investigate after 6 months (that's what they do here). I would definatley try and se wig you can be referred after the 6 month mark.
I have heard a lot about progesterone. My gyne does not believe in it though which really annoyed me. I believe that it could be the problem but they won't do anything.
I have heard that allergy meds can dry up your CM. Have u tried using pre seed? I use it and quite like it as it feels quite natural.
Thank you for your kind words. Strangley I am looking forward to accunpunture again next week. I am also going to have a session of reiki this summer. That's meant to be very relaxing.
Hope you are having a fab weekend :flower:
Raine - congratulations! Wonderful numbers!

Aayla - really hope you get things working with your meds.

Trying - our paths have crossed on here before, but welcome. Sorry if you've answered this before but are you seeing anyone regarding your mc's? I thought they were supposed to get all the testing started after 3? Which I actually think is very cruel, to make someone suffer so many before looking into it. Like leson said, I'm having some done now and I actually haven't been TTC for a full year at all, and I'm at the end of my 5th cycle since the MMC. I may have lucked out with a sympathetic doctor but there's no harm in asking for tests. I didn't actually ask for them, but it was obvious that's what I was after. She also wasn't concerned regarding length of time for anything apart from that I'd been off the bcp since August even though we didn't start TTC till the October.

Hi Mrs unicorn

Yes we have met before a while ago! Congrats on your BFP! Hope you are managing to keep calm :flower:

Yeah we had all the testing including genetics and all came back normal. Baby was healthy no issues, which was very upsetting. So we are completely unexplained. So yeah we are just stuck really. The only thing we have been offered is two weekly scans in the first tri. However we have the whole struggle of getting pregnant again first. That doesn't seem to happen easily since I started having D&Cs.
Anyhow I am hoping that the acupunture will help somehow.
Your doctor must have been super nice as round here you have to have been actively TTC for a year after each loss.
I just keep thinking. Only 6 more cycles and if nothing we can go back. We would have been TTC for 2.5 years then so surely they can't turn us away. Just hoping it doesn't come to that.
Les - what a lovely thing to offer. Must be so nice for the parents just to have a few hours together. I'm sure you'll be exhausted afterwards!! Hope you manage to find some time to relax this weekend.

Aayla - happy anniversary!

Trying - I'm sorry. It must be so frustrating having all the tests come back with nothing. I think I was lucky with that doc, maybe she had experienced a loss herself because I cannot imagine, having been through it, telling someone they have to keeping going for a full year. Especially so in your case. I thought after 2 years they look into IUI / IVF? But I'm guessing it sounds like they are guidelines and ultimately it's up to your doctor? I really hope the acupuncture works, you often here great things about it. I think it'll be relaxing either way!
Hi girls, I've finally decided to join you here.

Two months ago I had a mmc and lost our first little one at 12 weeks. At 8 weeks everything was fine at my first appointment and ultrasound. At my second appointment at 10,5 weeks, our baby seemed to have no heartbeat any more. It presumably stopped at 8,5 weeks. Even though I was scheduled for a d&c two weeks later, I miscarried naturally after 1,5 weeks.

It broke my heart in every possible way. Now 2 months later I cherish every moment we went through, also the hardest parts. I also feel ready to ttc again. My OH and I decided to actively try agan from this month on.

I hope there will be lots of BPS soon for all of us.
BBows - My heart goes out to you. Your story has me a bit teary-eyed here. I know what you mean about cherishing every moment you had. It was such a happy time in our lives. Hope we can all be that happy and beyond again soon. I love the quote in your sig. Honored that you're here for our journies and letting us into yours. Sending love your way :hugs:. There are sunnier days ahead <3

Aayla - Happy anniversary. Fx for that miracle but if not looking forward to your upcoming IUI.

Bronte - I know you've been through the ringer lately. I would love to see that miracle for you as well so that you can be done with all of it. Thinking of you every day <3

Trying - I admire your will so much. It is so true that every cycle is a step closer to that baby.

MrsU, km, raine, bee- hope you and your little beans are all doing well.

Becca - sending more hugs your way girl :hugs: it stinks that it's all we can do in moments like this but do know that we are all thinking for you and wishing you the best.

Star - I'm a clinical psychologist and behavior analyst (BCBA). I primarily work with individuals (kids, teens, and adults) with autism spectrum disorder. I develop and manage programs for in-home, school, clinic, and community programs for a caseload of about 10-12 clients at a time and supervise the staff who work with the kids directly. Forbes actually named the entry-level position in my field as one of the top 10 most rewarding jobs in the nation, and I couldn't agree more. I've also been taking over all training at my company, and I'm hoping for a promotion to director of training in December.

AFM - The event yesterday was awesome, and everyone had a blast. All the kids did a great job - just one tantrum during, and several as they left bc they didn't want to go. I arrived home after 9, and was just so tuckered out, but DH and I managed a pretty great BD one more time just in case. I woke up around my usual temp time and then fell right back asleep. I didn't wake up again until 8!!! I never sleep in that late, but I must have needed it. We spent most of today out trying to save our lavender and trimming some of the more wild looking plants. Just relaxing now, and starting to plan a little housewarming for early September. TMI alert - My tummy's been a bit off since yesterday also a bit odd this time in my cycle, but I feel like P has thrown my gut off a bit. Guess we'll see how the next few weeks go. Upping my dose to 200 mg. FX I can join the frenzy soon.
Trying - I'm really hoping the acupuncture will work for you as well. I'm going to be starting myself soon to help with egg quality. It's so fascinating to be little tiny needles can help but I'm definetly up for trying it. If nothing else I've heard it's relaxing and I'm sure it will help with circulation. Really hope it helps you!!

Babybows- welcome but at the same time I'm so sorry for your loss. That is a wonderful attitude to have to charish the time you were given. I really hope you have success as you start TTC again.

Les - your event sounds fabulous. So glad it went well. Your work sounds so fascinating and I know how needed it is. I supervise all our volunteering at the library and we currently have two volunteers within the autism spectrum that come once a week with their support staff member. I know how important it is and it's fabulous you give the parents a night out like this.

And thanks for the well wishes. I'd like to be done with this as well!!
BBows - My heart goes out to you. Your story has me a bit teary-eyed here. I know what you mean about cherishing every moment you had. It was such a happy time in our lives. Hope we can all be that happy and beyond again soon. I love the quote in your sig. Honored that you're here for our journies and letting us into yours. Sending love your way :hugs:. There are sunnier days ahead <3

Aayla - Happy anniversary. Fx for that miracle but if not looking forward to your upcoming IUI.

Bronte - I know you've been through the ringer lately. I would love to see that miracle for you as well so that you can be done with all of it. Thinking of you every day <3

Trying - I admire your will so much. It is so true that every cycle is a step closer to that baby.

MrsU, km, raine, bee- hope you and your little beans are all doing well.

Becca - sending more hugs your way girl :hugs: it stinks that it's all we can do in moments like this but do know that we are all thinking for you and wishing you the best.

Star - I'm a clinical psychologist and behavior analyst (BCBA). I primarily work with individuals (kids, teens, and adults) with autism spectrum disorder. I develop and manage programs for in-home, school, clinic, and community programs for a caseload of about 10-12 clients at a time and supervise the staff who work with the kids directly. Forbes actually named the entry-level position in my field as one of the top 10 most rewarding jobs in the nation, and I couldn't agree more. I've also been taking over all training at my company, and I'm hoping for a promotion to director of training in December.

AFM - The event yesterday was awesome, and everyone has a blast. All this kids did a great job - just one tantrum during, and several as they left bc they didn't want to go. I arrived home after 9, and was just so tuckered out, but DH and I managed a pretty great BD one more time just in case. I woke up around my usual temp time and then fell right back asleep. I didn't wake up again until 8!!! I never sleep in that late, but I must have needed it. We spent most of today out trying to save our lavender and trimming some of the more wild looking plants. Just relaxing now, and starting to plan a little housewarming for early September. TMI alert - My tummy's been a bit off since yesterday also a bit odd this time in my cycle, but I feel like P has thrown my gut off a bit. Guess we'll see how the next few weeks go. Upping my dose to 200 mg. FX I can join the frenzy soon.

Les- wow! You sure have a lot on your plate. But sounds like you love your job. That's great, does sound very rewarding! Hope that promotion works out , sounds like you deserve it!
hi girls!! still following along and rooting for each and every one of you <3

I wanted to add that I did acupuncture and loved it! I did it for 4 months and when it wasn't helping with fertility (at least immediately) I stopped just since it was expensive. but it was relaxing and I felt great during and after my sessions. I did notice that my spotting at the end of my TWW improved, so I do think it was doing things. if my problem was physical with my cervix, then no amount of acupuncture could help that. good luck to the ladies starting it!!

let's keep this BFP frenzy going girls! :happydance:
Bee - how frequently did you do your acupuncture appointments? Same question to you Trying. I'd heard once a week should be sufficient, but just curious.

That's not where I'm going to place most of my efforts either, because of cost. But I don't think it will hurt.
I just did once a month per their recommendation ! They did a health assessment on me when I first started and said since I was super healthy I should only need it monthly
Thanks Bee. Just curious what other places recommend, so when I follow up I can see what they say. Monthly would probably be perfect. I'm assuming in regards to egg quality it's helping with blood flow and circulation, so I am curious what they will recommend for me if I find a place that can do fertility related acupuncture.

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