TTC #1 AL Buddies 2016 Newcomers Welcome

MrsU - you make me miss the beach! Sounds like a wonderful visit :)

Bronte - good on you for being responsible! What kind of delicious healthy foods did you get?

Les - what a cool thing to do for the parents! I just think that is so great. Sorry you have to work on the weekend, but it sounds like it's for such a good cause! FX for you to join the frenzy.

Aayla - happy anniversary!

Trying - do you have the option of switching docs? Maybe this one isn't the right match for you? I'm not sure how it works in the UK, but that is an awfully long time ttc!

BB - I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It is so heartbreaking. Welcome to our little group. I'm glad you are on the ttc wagon again and I'm sure you will get your rainbow bean soon!

AFM - the OB confirmed an early embryonic failure this month, so I had that BPF for about three days. My cycles have been getting progressively longer (used to be just 28, now have grown from 29, 31, 36, now 38-40 with the bfp) so we are doing whatever testing the insurance will allow. No infertility is covered, so unless I pay out of pocket or get a better job, I'll be stuck on that front. I think it would be nice to go into the therapy field, possibly with veterans, but I'll probably stay practical and take some accounting courses. I can always continue my education later!

Anyway, count me back into the TTC group! I'm really using the next couple of cycles to get some doctor visits in, get a physical, just kind of work on my body and mind and see if there are any issues that need to be dealt with.

Sorry for the lengthy post! Hope everyone's week is going well so far :)
Becca - alot of salads, veggies, and protein. I got real fish this time, so I'm determined to figure out how to cook it. I'm horrible at cooking meats, since I don't really like them. My husband is the primarily cook in our house and is vegetarian. But if I went vegetarian, I'd be even worse at getting protein in and I apparently desperately need protein for my egg quality issues. I've been trying so hard to get more in my diet.

So sorry again about your loss, but I'm happy you are taking some time to get everything checked out a bit more and then moving forward. Hang in there!
Becca: I am sorry about your loss. Spending time on you is always a good thing. I hope you can figure out what may be wrong, hopefully nothing of course. Sometimes the cycle will change. My O date changed after my mc.

AFM: Day 1 off the provera and I'm already cramping. WOO HOO! Af should be here on time. It's always weird to want her here. :haha: But it's so exciting that in a few days I should be back on letrozole and getting my fsh checked and in about 3 weeks we will be doing the IUI.
Becca - I'm so sorry about your loss :hugs: I hope you manage to get some help quickly. Focussing on yourself during that time is a great idea. I don't know if you like this kind of thing but I tried some mindful apps after my MMC to try and give my mind a break. They kind of worked but I now listen to podcasts instead (not mindful) but for me it has the same effect. It's some time for me to focus on something else completely - and lying down with your eyes shut is always nice.

Aayla - eeeeeekkk! So exciting that you're starting IUI this cycle. Sending you all the luck in the world! Xx
Lesondemavie - Thanks for your kind words. They gave me tears in return. The quote in my sig resembles so much how I have been feeling during this process. I'm glad I already feel like the sun is shining again in my life, it's just the rainbow we're wishing for ;)

Becca and Bronte - Thanks for your kind welcome.

This month will be our first actively trying again and I'm actually kind of looking forward to counting down the days again to my O and the anxious tww. Although I tell myself everyday not to get my hopes up too high. I can remember the disappointment all too well I went through during our journey to my first pregnancy.

Today I was reading this blog I sometimes follow and I came across the pregnancy announcement of her second baby. She gave birth to her first just in december and is in her second trimester right now. I couldn't help feeling things I'm not entirely proud of. I usually don't get this feeling with pregnancy announcements, though it always hits me hard. How do you girls cope with our people's pregnancies?
Bronte - yay fish! I can't wait to hear how it goes. Protein is important, but you can get it without meat if you really don't like it - there are legumes and grains like quinoa, etc. I've heard legumes are bad in that they cause inflammation. I dunno, there's so much info out there! I guess meat does make it easier to get that protein, though. Personally I think I might eat too MUCH meat...

Thanks for your comforting words :) I think it's great for me to get tests! I'm wondering about the timing, though. He didn't say anything about certain days, just to go in and get it done.

Ayla - thank you :) My cycle is being a weirdo. I'm strangely fascinated. Yay for AF showing up! I'm glad you'll be able to move on to your goals!

MrsU - thank you! I enjoy the mindfulness meditation, but I haven't found a guided one I like so far. What apps/podcasts do you like?

BB - I'm counting down the days as well! I understand what you mean about not getting your hopes up. Even if I get a BFP I'm kind of ruined now. But I must keep moving forward.

It's natural to have feelings you might not be proud of, but I accept the fact that they will surface from time to time. For me, I just sometimes shut it all out. I guess it's a kind of compartmentalizing. Other times, it's just so easy to be happy for them. When I'm sitting there with my SIL and her big belly, I sometimes feel envious, but I also see the chaos she's surrounded by (this pg is #4 for them in as many years) and how hard it is, and know that I want that too, but I want it in my own way, my own style. What they have is different than what I want in so many ways. I'm trying for what we want, and I'm willing to work towards that and know if I switched places with anyone else, I wouldn't be happy with their situation. I guess after the last loss I'm remembering I have a lot of freedom right now that will be gone when we get that sticky bean. It's worth it of course, but I guess what I'm trying to say is I am realizing there is a lot not to take for granted in my life now and to enjoy it while it lasts, before we get to move into that next phase.
Les - what a lovely thing to offer. Must be so nice for the parents just to have a few hours together. I'm sure you'll be exhausted afterwards!! Hope you manage to find some time to relax this weekend.

Aayla - happy anniversary!

Trying - I'm sorry. It must be so frustrating having all the tests come back with nothing. I think I was lucky with that doc, maybe she had experienced a loss herself because I cannot imagine, having been through it, telling someone they have to keeping going for a full year. Especially so in your case. I thought after 2 years they look into IUI / IVF? But I'm guessing it sounds like they are guidelines and ultimately it's up to your doctor? I really hope the acupuncture works, you often here great things about it. I think it'll be relaxing either way!

Hi Mrs Unicorn.
Yeah very frustrating. I was hoping for a cause. Sounds daft but at least then there may have been a treatment for us. Being unexplained is so difficult. I find it hard not knowing why we are having so much trouble.
A year is along time after a MC. It took as 9 months time to conceive again so I am hoping we don't get to that full year. Dealing with secondary infertility on top of all this, well I just don't know how we would get past it. Not worth thinking about. Plus it's only been 6 months so technically still early days.
I think they normally try fertility drugs first eg clomid depending on what the issue is. But IVF wouldn't be great for us anyway is it won't make us less likely to miscarry. Really hoping we get a BFP again before January. Even if we have another loss at least we know our chances and can move onto a different path. It all seems to be trial and error and the moment. Just wish we could conceive quicker. I hate the idea of it taking the best part of a year again just to potentially have the same crappy outcome :wacko:

Sorry if that's a bit ranty. It's best to let these things out I find :thumbup:
Trying - I'm really hoping the acupuncture will work for you as well. I'm going to be starting myself soon to help with egg quality. It's so fascinating to be little tiny needles can help but I'm definetly up for trying it. If nothing else I've heard it's relaxing and I'm sure it will help with circulation. Really hope it helps you!!

Babybows- welcome but at the same time I'm so sorry for your loss. That is a wonderful attitude to have to charish the time you were given. I really hope you have success as you start TTC again.

Les - your event sounds fabulous. So glad it went well. Your work sounds so fascinating and I know how needed it is. I supervise all our volunteering at the library and we currently have two volunteers within the autism spectrum that come once a week with their support staff member. I know how important it is and it's fabulous you give the parents a night out like this.

And thanks for the well wishes. I'd like to be done with this as well!!

Hi Bronte
Oh how exciting!! Glad to hear that you are starting acupunture too!
I said that too, if anything it will help me to relax at least. I havnt gone into it expecting a miracle, just some relaxing for now would help wonders :thumbup:
I have been told that once a week treatment is good for infertility. My Accunpunturist is Zita West affiliated. She sees all of her patients once a week.
When are you starting?
I really hope it helps you too :flower:
Babybows I am so sorry for your loss :hugs: you have come to the right place. I am sure that everyone here agrees that B&B has been a great help!

Becca how are you feeling? So sorry to also hear about your loss :hugs:
In the UK we can't just see another doctor. We have such strict guidelines here. I love the NHS but on some matters it's all a bit slow.
We have to try again for a full year before we can be considered for more testing and treatment to help us conceive.
Hey girls, so so sorry for my absence! Been trying to stay away since dh n I separated :( thought what's the point. We're done ttc. N since the last time I talked to y'all I was waiting on a period that never showed. A chalked it up to stress! BUT being that I just skipped another month (I know, I'm insane) I finally tested. Resulting in 2 huge BFP tests!!!! I was shaking like u wouldn't believe. If I can figure out how to post pics, I will. Just want to thank all of u for being so awesome to me! I will be going back a long ways to catch up on everyone!

Btw, don't know what's gonna happen now with my relationship. I guess time will tell. Buts he's happy regardless.
Hey girls, so so sorry for my absence! Been trying to stay away since dh n I separated :( thought what's the point. We're done ttc. N since the last time I talked to y'all I was waiting on a period that never showed. A chalked it up to stress! BUT being that I just skipped another month (I know, I'm insane) I finally tested. Resulting in 2 huge BFP tests!!!! I was shaking like u wouldn't believe. If I can figure out how to post pics, I will. Just want to thank all of u for being so awesome to me! I will be going back a long ways to catch up on everyone!

Btw, don't know what's gonna happen now with my relationship. I guess time will tell. Buts he's happy regardless.

Sounds a lot like you're 8+ weeks pregnant. Congrats and make sure you get yourself to the doctors office ASAP
Richieesmom - so good to hear from you. I've been worried about you as well. I'm not surprised to see you are pregnant, since you were so late before. Huge congrats. Hopefully you can get to the OB's soon, since you are pretty far along now. I'm so sorry to hear you have been going through such a rough time lately and that DH and you separated. Sending you lots of hugs. I'm sure that has to be so hard, especially after finding out you are pregnant now. Really hope things calm down a bit for you and you can work something out with him.

Trying - I haven't found an acupuncturists yet, so I don't have a start date. That's my goal next week. This week has been a bit crazy at work so haven't had much time during normal business hours to track one down. We'll see when they can get me in.

Bbows - pregnancy announcements definitely get easier with time to endure. I honestly don't really notice them anymore. But at first, it is really tough to see. Hopefully you can avoid as many as possible and ease back into social media and blogs where they might be more common slowly.

Becca - the reason I'd be a bad vegetarian is I really don't like those protein sources :) That's funny you think you get too much. I guess we are just opposites :)
Awe Richiees I knew it!! That sucks about your relationship though, hopefully you two will work stuff out.

bbows: You did get used to them over time. Sometimes they will come in waves. Suddenly everyone is pregnant and then for awhile no one is. I get twinges of envy now and then but I have found that I am not doing myself any good sitting and wallowing in despair and envy. That's not living life. But at the same time i'm not jumping to go to the baby shower of my cousin's fiance. lol

i have got to the point that I like watching pregnancy announcement videos on youtube. Sometimes to get ideas, sometimes it's nice to see the joy and freak outs. and some I end up following their journey on instagram and FB. Especially those with fertility issues. Knowing I have successful sisters out there is comforting in a way.

But it took 6 years to get me here. not everyone will get to this point.
Richiees - congratulations! I've wondered so many times how you were. So good to hear from you. So sorry you're going through a bad time with your DH. I hope you manage to work things out one way or another. Xx
Hey ladies
Had acupunture session number 2 today. Thankfully no being over emotional but it has made me feel so tired. I had a little nap after and I'm still struggling now to stay awake.
I spoke to her about ttc sex and how I'm finding it difficult and feeling very pressured. She said to me to just have sex every other night whenever I see EWCM. She said that should be sufficient. Also it is better for sperm quality than DTD every day when ovulationg.
She also recommends some prosecco to help me to relax :haha: especially as I can find sex uncomfortable at times due to the stress and frustration. She said that the more relaxed the better.
So we will see how this cycle goes. EWCM will prob appear on Monday or there abouts
Ladies have any of you watched 'The Great Sperm Race' !?
I watched it yesterday and wow!! It really puts things into perspective. I can now see why TTC takes so long. I feel more normal now :thumbup:
I was so fascinated!
It also confronts that BD every day when fertile isn't good for sperm. Also that men should ejaculate every 3 days. So my acupuncturist knows her stuff :thumbup:
Congrats richiees!

Aayla - I hope I get there at some point.

Trying - I was I bio major, so I felt like I already knew way too much going into this. I said to DH this could take a month or a year...never thought it would take more than that though. I definitely agree on the eod bd. After being at this for so long, it's just easier on the both of us, and hopefully better for his swimmers too!

Star - how's the tww treating you.

Aayla and bronte - Glad you're still at it. Would love to see this happen for you both sooner than later. You just never know!

Bbows - how are you doing?

As for me, on to an RE if this cycle is a bust. We'll see how far out the appointment ends up being. Hoping they can squeeze me in soon.
No af, no spotting. Other than some mild cramping and some rushing feelings in my abdomen area, nothing to say she is coming. But it doesn't really matter as we got blind sided by a bill that needed to be paid and it was my weekly pay cheque but we are still a week away from his pay cheque. So over half of mine went to it. After bank fees and such we were left with $69 for groceries. So I can't get my letrozole as it is $55. So I am back on the provera for 5 days to hopefully hold her off
Trying - it is amazing to think about how anyone manages to get pregnant given all the obstacles. Glad your acupuncture went well and I agree that I've heard every other day BD does increase your chances of getting better sperm. For IVF my husband had to BD three days prior to the procedure and no later to produce optimal sperm. But during natural conception I believe every other day is far preferred to increase chances of catching the egg. Good luck!

Aayla - I'm so sorry about your unexpected expenses and that it has to affect your meds this month. That sucks. I hate when money has to come into play with this on what all you can do to have a child. I wish we could just keep going after this IVF procedure too if it fails but just not sure it's the best option with our money.

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