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TTC #1 AL Buddies 2016 Newcomers Welcome

Les- I know all doctors are different and there is so much info out there, it can be overwhelming. Btw-Soda water and lime got me through the times I cut out drinking completely. I love the taste. I added a little fresh ginger in there sometimes and it changed it up a little! Enjoy date night :happydance:

Bee-Yay! I love having someone to suffer through the 2WW with! Let me know how the scan goes!
Mrs. U. - sending you lots of positive energy. Hopefully you get your BFP. I never see lines on anything, but you are definitely not out of it yet! Good luck! And the no nipple stimulation made me laugh as well. I have to have another prolactin test done since it was supposedly slightly off and I need to get it checked out before I can go onto IVF. If it's abnormal again they have to do an MRI of the pituitary gland. It was just funny because the doctor and several other nurses kept repeating to me over and over not to do any nipple stimulation the night before the test, since it messes up the test results for some reason. I'm like, "okay, got it--no nipples" after the tenth time they mentioned it.

Glad you will all be TWW buddies. I've heard once you start with assisted conception the TWW's get even harder to manage, so that's great you'll have cycle buddies, Bee. It should help!

I have roller derby all weekend (not playing currently, since it was too hard to work into with trying to conceive, so I had to take a break), but I'll be watching and volunteering lots. So here's to a nice, full and eventful weekend for everyone!
So I'm going with bfn because it's doing my head in! No progression on the FRER but a clearer line on the IC. (Pics on the preg tests thread if you wana see) Really fed up of these tests. I don't know why I'm getting stupid faint lines but they are false as the FRER would be obvious by now. Oh well least I can enjoy the weekend and indulge now!!

Les - hope you enjoyed date night!

Bronte - roller derby sounds great fun, even if you aren't playing!!
Date night was absolutely wonderful, but holy hell these cramps are just awful! Worse than ever before. I guess that can be common after mc? I'd say they're even worse than they were my mc cycle. I couldn't sleep last night, but that's just bc I was being stubborn and trying to avoid taking another ibuprofen. Caved and finally fell back asleep around 4 am. Hopefully today is better <3

Happy weekend all! Hope you're out and about and having fun. I think I will try to do some more baking. Date night reminded me of how lucky in love I've been. It doesn't take away the sadness, but it gives me something substantial and positive to focus on instead. Kmfx for us all :dust:
Oh Leson sounds rubbish. I guess I better brace myself for it too. I have plenty of pain killers in still, but like you I hardly ever touch them. Baking sounds good, send us pic somewhere if you can!

Currently, it's 5pm and I'm sat in bed eating a chocolate Easter egg :haha: I had a nap this afternoon, the whole test malarkey thing was so draining :sleep: DH is back later to tonight. He's been away in Europe with work (kinda glad he wasn't here yesterday. I prefer to flap about tests alone!) so we'll be having a lovely roast dinner and chill out tomorrow. X
Oh no. Hope the cramps get better. I will say I noticed a lot of changes after my ectopic. I know part of it was from surgery but I think part of it was just from being pregnant itself. The hormones mess with your body and I don't think you are ever physically the same again. I gained larger boobs and they have never gone back down. But I also now get to deal with some intense ovulation pains and spotting in between periods which I never had before.

Les - wonderful you had a nice date night.

Mrs. U - have fun relaxing. Also where is the lucky place your husband got to go in Europe?
I've noticed my bbs haven't quite got back to their normal size either. Guess they're here to stay, but I don't mind that!

He's in Valencia. He goes all over the place giving papers. It sounds good but he rarely gets to do any sightseeing so he's going to start declining them now.
Yeah, I didn't mind them getting larger either :)

Your husband's job sounds interesting. What kind of papers? But yeah, that would be frustrating to go lots of places and not get to sightsee. My husband and I will actually be in Spain in a few weeks. He has a race there in the beginning of June, so we planned a trip around it. Kind of wishing we'd saved money now if we are doing IVF. But it's already paid for so oh well. We will enjoy it.
He's a university lecturer in history. What does you DH do? Is the race a hobby or his job? That trip will be lovely. I understand what you mean about the money but you'll have a fab time. And who knows, you might not want to travel so far for a while if IVF works straight away!!
Yeah we definitely won't be traveling for awhile after we start IVF, regardless of the outcome. So it will be nice to get one last trip in. My husband also works at a university. He teaches biology (mostly plants, but regardless I think he is going to find the IVF process fascinating just based on what he teaches). The race is just for fun. He started racing duathlon and triathlon events after he had open heart surgery a few years ago to fix a birth defect that went undetected for most of his life. I think racing makes him feel happy to be alive. This will be a fun one too since it's a world championship.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well.
Bronte - I'm glad your DH came through the heart surgery ok, and found such an awesome hobby after. I was running half marathons on a regular basis before TTC, and it is such an amazing feeling. I always dreamed of doing an international race. So cool that he's racing in Spain!
Les - how fun that you did half marathons. I'm not a runner at all and admire anyone that's passionate about it.
I'm not a runner either - wish I was though! I love yoga and anything along those lines. I think I'm going to try and start it again in the hope I'll feel like doing something a bit more aerobic soon - my motivation is still suffering. I was about to start doing the dvds again after Christmas but then I got my bfp and was too scared! It'll be a good distraction for me and I love seeing more tone in my body - at the moment I'm (at least) a stone heavier than this time last year so I'd like to get rid of some of that.

Actually feeling excited about af arriving - I know that maybe sounds weird but I'm thinking of it like a reset button. It should be Thursday, fx!
Yoga could be really helpful. It's great relaxation and distraction. Then you could probably switch to prenatal yoga fairly easily. I've heard a lot of people like it and say it helps during pregnancy.
Ah yes, I got a few preggo yoga and workout dvds when I was pregnant so I can switch to those when the time comes I guess.
So AF was down to just spotting all yesterday, and now the witch is back...light, but back. So strange! Keeping me on my toes I suppose. Happy Tuesday all. Lots of love and healing and dust for all.

Clarinet - Thinking of you today :hugs:

Bee - Hope those eggs are plumping up and getting ready for the first (and hopefully only) IUI!

Bronte - Hope you had a great day. Just in one of those fun waiting parts of the cycle now right?

MrsU - I know you're worried about how long this is all going to take :hugs2:. I feel in my gut that your journey will be short again. Lots of love and have faith that you'll be in the second tri with a healthy wiggling baby on the screen before you know it <3

Mel - Fertile window for you now right? Catch that egg girl! And mb throw some romance in there too &#128536;
Les - that's frustrating. AF can be very strange sometimes. Seems like she can't make up her mind.

Mrs. U - how are you doing. Did the witch get you?

I'm in my furtile window so we are trying naturally. However, I'm fairly convinced we are the worst couple at TTC. We place so much pressure on ourselves and forget to have fun with it. I was hoping getting test results back would help to take the pressure off, however, we have somehow remained unrealistically optimistic and probably are worse this cycle than ever. Hopefully we can relax and get some more BDing in. We just got my husbands SA back and of course he's almost perfect. Makes me feel slightly worse this is all my fault and the confirmation of that didn't help. I hate it when I feel that way. Logically I know that's the wrong attitude but I can't get my mind to stop focusing on it. However, this is yet another positive for us that we have a great shot with IVF.
Les - that is annoying. Hope she packs up her bags soon! And thank you :hugs: I really hope it happens for us all soon. We could do with a break!

Bronte - :hugs: it is a positive thing that your DH is ok. I get why it makes you feel worse though, Mother Nature can be so cruel. :hugs: try to focus on the positives it brings to the IVF rather than letting the negatives get to you.

I've been trying out this mindfulness app to help me to 'let go' and accept things are as they are. (I'm new to this kind of stuff but I'll give anything a try!) I'm a terrible obsesser and I don't want this to become more of an obstacle than it needs to be. I don't know if anyone is into this kind of thing but it might be worth a look - les I know you'll probably know a lot more about it than most of us.

No af as of yet. But if o was right and my lp stays the same she should be here tomorrow. I never get warning signs for her normally so I guess we'll wait and see. I did have v strong o pains on the Friday after my +opk on the tues, so it could be later but my temps don't line up with that. I'm hoping that because this has been a long 'cycle' (just look at how massive my chart is :haha:) the next will feel shorter!
Mrs. U. - you aren't out of it yet, then. Are your cycles usually that long? Or do you think it's still something from the MMC? I love the idea of the mindfulness app. I might have to give that a try. I do well when I try relaxation breathing, but it's a challenge for me to stick with it.

Bee - it's getting down to crunch time. Your ultrasound is on Friday, correct? So excited for you!

Clarinet - I also hope you are doing alright. This is my "anniversary" week from when I lost my child/pregnancy and it's always a rough week. I can't even imagine having to deal with a second loss.
hi girls!

les - how fun for af to make another brief appearance! :roll: hopefully this is the last hoorah and then you will be just about in your fertile window again with your quick cycles!

mrsu - conscious mindfulness sounds great. It's def something I am not good at! My background is also in psychology but I can never get out of my own head :dohh: I, too, am obsessed with all things TTC. It's exhausting. I will say it's gotten better as time goes on. I remember the first TWW after my loss. I could hardly do anything! I was so on edge and just miserable playing the waiting game. I do yoga, acupuncture, massages, I had seen a therapist, I go to an infertility support group type thing....and they all help but at the end of the day when you want something so bad, the obsessing just never ends. although it does improve! sending you hugs and looking forward to your next cycle being THE cycle! :hugs::hugs:

bronte - how awesome about your trip to Spain!! so jelly - that's one of our "to-go" spots. There is a chance that we could move to Madrid for DHs work. Although right now this infertility mess is keeping us right where we are. We got asked to go to Marseille in December. The ultimate reason we turned it down was that DH was offered a promotion here instead, but the TTC factor played a very big role too. So enjoy this trip for sure - hopefully an upcoming baby will hinder your travel for awhile after that :winkwink:

yes my ultrasound is friday - thanks so much for cheering me on, ladies! it keeps me (somewhat) sane to be able to discuss all of this nitty gritty stuff in detail. my right ovary was giving me hell last night so I'm feeling okay about everything. just want them to find the right amount of good sized follies - not too many and not too few. I start opks today to make sure I'm not about to O on my own and I really hope they aren't even close to positive! I want things to go as planned and scheduled - I'm over surprises at this point in the TTC journey :haha: I haven't gotten that "good surprise" (BFP) anyway so let's just keep everything as planned!

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