Jump - I just can't believe how badly you have been treated. It makes me angry some people have no empathy or compassion. How are you feeling at the moment? I know it's a stupid question and I hated it when people asked me, but now people have stopped asking it's even harder!
yeah, i am dreading dealing with them at all anymore.

but will try to be semi-pleasant, because my husband sees them all the time. his office is 2 doors down from OB in the tiny hospital. me being a jerk would only make things awkward for him and i don't want to make him hate work any more than he already does.
i feel okay. just okay. it's not as all consuming as it was, but in the mornings, or the evenings, i get sad without warning.
when it happened, my husband sent out an email to the coworkers of his that knew we were expecting (basically all his friends on base...all "my" friends are people i knew before we got married and moved on base) basically saying, we are still reeling and will need time and understanding. we are each dealing with it in our own way and "my wife would prefer if you don't bring it up, though she may bring it up with you at a later date" because the last thing i wanted was people to bring it up unexpectedly in conversation. i would have just lost it and needed some sense of normalcy when i did venture out of the house. so, that meant all the "i'm so sorrys" and "it wasn't the right times" and "everything happens for a reasons" never got to me (which is probably a good thing) but it also means the ball is now in my court about talking about it, if i want anyone to acknowledge it.
i don't know if it's better that way, because it does set me up to possibly feel like no one remembers or cares or seems to care how i am doing...but i also am glad that it means conversations about losing babyjump are all on my own terms. a few friends know and one of them was SO annoying asking EVERY day, "how are you feeling" and i told her the answer doesn't really change from day to day (aka still sh*tty) but i would let her know when it did. she hasn't texted in about a week. feel a little bad that maybe i was harsh, but it was rough for a week or so there.
sorry, i have rambled on and on
how are you?! do you think that getting pregnant so soon after a loss is helpful to you, in terms of moving forward? i want to get pregnant again so much, but almost feel like waiting until march (brother's wedding in september, in the states. i refuse to miss it because i'm too pregnant to fly.) is probably good for my mental/emotional well being. but i also think not getting pregnant makes me dwell a bit on having lost.

thoughts? how has the counseling gone? i'm sort of debating looking into it...it might help get all my thoughts in order...?
also, do you have the test all wrapped and ready??