Camichelle, I'm so sorry you have been through so many losses. I experienced many losses in my previous relationship and it's just heartbreaking and never gets easier. Sending you lots of hugs
Jumpingo, I'm sorry the jogging has hit you really hard lovely. It's so difficult when you are tired & sad for a long time. Be gentle with yourself.
Hanrh, hope you can get in to see your GP soon. Must be so frustrating with work being busy, I know I'd be going nuts! Honestly though, it does look good - especially as you had negatives for 3 weeks before because seems so strange for them to suddenly come back and not be a BFP but I'll quietly keep fingers crossed for you
Loobs - Yay for your temp staying up! I'm glad that you are looking at it positively either way! Really hoping this is your month and glad you have things to keep you busy and away from early testing.
AFM, I'm still sore and on/off bleeding but also getting loads of CM so I don't know what's going on with my body at all. I'm trying to stay relaxed about it and haven't done an OPK or any temping because I think it will only stress me out which won't help.
My best friend is pregnant and found out today the sex of the baby so I did end up crying but thankfully not in front of her and I'm so happy for her but also wishing it would be me as well. She's an inspiration to me though, she went through a lot for this pregnancy and I'm just so glad she is happy and her baby is healthy