CD7 for me. I trying out the glow app this month, along with FF. Glow is supposed to give you your probability of getting pregnant each cycle, but we'll see how it goes. My temp this month is at the lowest it's ever been at this point in my cycle. I don't know whether that's due to cold weather, or the acupuncture combined with my hypo meds. I guess time will tell. Starting my OPKs tomorrow, this will be the last cycle we use them. I'll also start using Preseed this week too.
Michelle- I'm sorry you feel out. Your temps still look great! Maybe this one is just a late bloomer?
Swimmy- maybe a break is exactly what the doctor ordered? I've heard from a lot of women who have said once they stopped trying they ended up with their healthy BFP. I'm hoping that's exactly what happens for you!