Ttc #1 Positive thinking buddies, sticking together. (13 BFPs, 2 angels)

Swimmy that's great! So glad! I got an app on my phone called Plant Nanny and you basically get a plant and every time I Drink water I put it on the app and it waters the plant and then the plant grows. Once it's "grown up" I get a new plant. :haha: It's kind of silly but reminds me to drink water. It has a reminder that pops up if I've gone too long without logging in my water.

AFM - AF came so I've started my testing process. Had blood work and an US on CD3. They said my ovaries look good so far. I've got 6-7 follicles on one ovary and 9 on the other. I go in for an HSG test on Tuesday (dye test) To look at my uterus and tubes and make sure there are no blockages or anything, and then go back on CD15 for another US to check ovaries and I think more blood work. DH has his SA on the 12th too. Very busy month for us with testing but hoping to get some answers.
I'm so glad your fluids are up Swimmy! I typically just keep a 2L water bottle at my desk and I've got tick marks on it to show how much I need to drink every hour. That typically gets my needed water in every day :)

This cycle has been a write off because of the LEEP. I'm scheduled to O on Tuesday, but we can only start BDing on Wednesday. It's fine really, because my appointment at the clinic is on CD8 next cycle.
Swimmy - glad to hear everything seems to be okay. I was thinking about you. Keep drinking that water!

Angel - it's funny, I tried App Nanny and it was going great for the first little while, but then it was reminding me at times I really couldn't drink and I HATED seeing the shrivelled leaves and sad face on the plant, so I'd water it so that it wouldn't die (without drinking any water myself). In the end if basically becomes a virtual pet that I was obsessed with, not something that helped me drink, so I had to delete it haha. Still, it's a really neat way of getting people to drink, unless they're weirdos like me.

Abs - good to hear you're in a good place :)
I'm so going to download this app! That is a great way to remind myself lol. I don't want the little plant to die.

Angel - keep us updated on all the lab results. So glad your tubes are clear and 3D labs look good :) Hopefully you get some answers.

abennion - darn timing this cycle :( but sometimes a break is nice.

Jezika - how are you feeling?
Jezika - OMG That's hilarious because I did that just yesterday! :haha: I was like "oh no, it's going to die if I don't drink another cup of water!!" and so I just watered it and didn't drink any extra water! :rofl: Usually it works well for me but yesterday I just couldn't drink another bottle. lol
totally downloaded the app, love it! it gets mad that i don't drink during the day and then drink a ton while im working but at least I'm remembering to drink. Had a nice anniversary the other night. It was so nice to stay at the hotel and they have one of those giant jet tubs that I laid in for over an hour while my DH was in the pool. Only total creepy thing was we were literally the only people booked that night at the hotel lol, so they left the pool open all night for us and sense they had closed the kitchens gave us a free meal ticket for a place down the road. Didn't know how creepy a hotel can be when your the only one there hahaha
It does the same thing to me! I drink most of my water at work but I forget to log it because I am in class so I end up logging 2 or 3 bottles (20iz) at one time during my lunch break and the app gets all "it's dangerous to drink too much". Lol. But at least my plant is happy ;)

I've never been the only one booked in a hotel before! I can imagine it would be really creepy!

Had my HSG test today. Everything is clear and no blocked tubes so that is good! I'm still spotting from it though the cramping finally stopped. It wasn't too horrible but the pain when the dye started was pretty bad for about 30 seconds and then it was just really bad cramping like a bad period. Only lasted maybe 15 mins total.
Angel - Glad the HSG went well and everything is clear. And that's so funny that you have the same experience with Plant Nanny. Don't fall into the same trap as me though - it's a slippery slope! Keep drinking!

Swimmy - Happy belated anniversary! The hotel experience sounds amazing, though I definitely appreciate how creepy it must feel to be the only ones! Still, glad you could relax.

AFM, I'm doing okay. My terrible back pain is gone and so are the sharp ovary/uterus pains. Though now I'm worrying why they're gone! And also worried when my nausea is gone for a bit, but then rue it when it's there. I'm a champ when it comes to finding things to worry about :thumbup:
Angel - my HSG wasn't horrible either, definitely not something I would want done every day lol but tolerable

Jezika - I would drive myself crazy with symptom spotting. I was sure something had gone wrong when I wasn't sick for a few days then BAM i was so sick I couldn't get my head out of a bucket hahaha. Try not to drive yourself to crazy. But i admit now that I can feel her move it drives me crazy when she's bouncing around and then I worry when I can't feel her.
Jezika- we are about a day apart. I really don't have much for symptoms. I feel kind of icky after I eat, most just at night, but nothing too serious. Probably wouldn't even take much notice if I didn't know I was pregnant. My boobs are horrific though, but have been since 1 DPO somehow. Lol. And confirmed all is good, so symptoms don't mean a whole lot usually.
Woo Tiny! Congratulations darling! I hope you have the stickiest of beans and a happy and healthy nine months :)

I guess I'm pretty much left in the dust here now. I'm so happy for all of you wonderful ladies that you got your BFPs and are well on your ways to becoming amazing parents. Two weeks on Tuesday until my first appointment.
Tiny - so happy for you, I already put some knitted stuff aside for you to send you later lol.

abennion - you are not left in the dust :hugs: , I can't wait to hear about your appointment in 2 weeks, and to keep us updated with how your doing!
Going to the fertility doc was the best thing I ever did. 3 years of trying on our own and got pregnant in 2 cycles of seeing them. I know that is faster than most, but really they can be such amazing help.
Thank you both! And how sweet Swimmy!!!

And you aren't alone, we are still here and there are plenty of women that took a long time, and like Swimmy said, your appointment will be super helpful! Hanrh, who started this thread was here at least 2 years before conceiving her healthy baby! This thread is very lucky, sometimes it just takes some time. Good luck at your appointment!
I called my RE yesterday because I wanted to make sure that there wasn't anything I needed to do for Monday's appointment (wasn't sure if we were doing blood work again or US or what and the bloodwork usually I have to fast for) and they called back to let me know it's just an US To look at my ovaries and my lining. I guess that makes sense that they won't need to check hormones right now until after I O and then they'll probably want to check hormones to make sure Progesterone is staying high etc. I'm glad I called though because I thought my appointment was at 9am but when she called back she mentioned 8:15am in her message! Oops!

Abe - you aren't left in the dust, I'm still here waiting too. :) Like swimmy said, I can't wait to hear about your appointment.

Swimmy - what did your fertility doc do differently that helped you get your BFP ? I'm just wondering what was different.
Congrats Tiny!

And I'm here too! Currently waiting on ttc again because I had a giant cyst on one of my ovaries, so they couldn't give me fertility drugs. So waiting for that to go away so I can ttc again. Then hopefully a BFP with a healthy baby soon!
Angel - our doc ran a lot of tests the first month, checked my lining and tubes. genetic testing, estrogen levels and we went over my temp charts and length of LP. We found my husbands genetic disorder and was told to continue to take the vitamins he had been taking for the 2 months before we saw them, sense they had increased his count by a ton, to hopefully get more sperm without any genetic issues. Our first cycle with them we did 50mg of clomid and did ultrasounds at cd14 to check and see if I was ovulating (our doc doesn't do progesterone levels sense they are not usually accurate). I only had 1 follicle from that and it was on the small side. Next month we did 100mg and I had 2 for sure follicles and 1 possible. I also started vaginal progesterone at that time. They just were so much more compassionate and took time to answer all of our questions. I loved that there were nurses I could come in and talk to go over my results in person if I wanted and there was always a plan in place so we knew what the next step was, there wasn't much of a waiting game. If we have a second baby I will just go strait back to them, no waiting.
Through my OBGYN they just did clomid and checked my progesterone levels afterwards and said I was ovulating even without the clomid. When I told them about spotting during my LP she said that was normal and didn't have anything to do with low progesterone levels ... so I wasted a lot of time getting information that wasn't right. (sorry long note lol) can't wait to hear how your appointment goes!!

Michellebelle - darn! when do they recheck to see if it has gone away? hope it doesn't take too long.
Surprisingly I got a very positive OPK yesterday!! Wasn't expecting that at all! I almost didn't test yesterday, glad I did. In fact I tested, and didn't see much of a line in the first couple minutes so I did some laundry and got caught up cleaning adn forgot about it. Next thing I know I went in to go to the bathroom, saw the stick, picked it up and was shocked to see very dark lines! Tested again in the evening and glaringly positive. Funny though my digi came up negative. :shrug:

Either way, we BD yesterday. My temp dropped today but only by a little so I'm thinking O might be tomorrow, just because my temps are much higher right now than my usual O temps. Going to try to BD today and tomorrow until CM changes.

Swimmy - Thanks for the info. Were you not ovulating before, is that why they gave you clomid? I'm so glad that your RE was so much better! I have the same problem, that my doctor didn't seem to think anything was abnormal and my RE has been amazing. The nurses are always available to answer questions and they answer emails and return phone calls so very quickly! I'll see tomorrow what my lining is and they'll look at my ovaries I think to check for ovulation - depending on now they'll either be able to see if I'm about to or did O. And then I'm not sure what the next step is but I'm sure they'll tell me.
So glad to hear from you michelle! I have been thinking a lot about you lately. Sorry to hear about the cyst. I hope it goes away and you can get back to ttc soon!
Just got back from my US. The nurse said there's a lot of fluid around my ovaries, so I definitely have ovulated. :happydance: I was unsure because of my temp this morning - I had a horrible night sleep and didn't get more than a couple hours of sleep max. :( My lining looks good, measures at 8.5, and I guess they want something >8 so that's also good. I go back in next week Monday for blood draw for progesterone and then make an appointment to meet with the dr to go over all the results from this month's data.

I'm thinking I must have just recently Ovulated because there was a lot of fluid around the ovary. At first she said "oh there's a little fluid you might have ovulated" and then got a better angle and said "oh yeah, there's a ton of fluid there, you've definitely ovulated". But I don't know that for sure. I should have asked if they can tell how long ago the ovulation was based on the fluid amount.

Nurse also gave us "homework". Since we BD yesterday she said to BD again tomorrow, and then 36-48 hours later again. Not sure why 48 hours from tomorrow because I'm pretty sure since I already O'd the egg won't be viable at that point but.... okay.
Angel - hmmm i'm not sure i never have had a scan after I ovulated, so i'm not sure how the fluid level part works. Its great that you got such a strong + hopefully your temp this morning will be even higher!

Our RE went strait for clomid even before we knew if I was ovulating or not sense my LP was shorter he wanted to give me more than 1 egg which gives off more progesterone giving a baby more time to implant. Also started on progesterone 2 days after a + opk. I kind of wish we would have done a scan to see if I ovulated before but even next time I'll probably just go strait for clomid haha

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