My Beta came back yesterday at 38. They want me back on Monday to check again. I left a message yesterday evening asking if there's anyway they can do it Sunday instead. I'm out of sick days at work and I can't take anything less than half a day off because of the requirements to get a sub. :/
They didn't tell me the progesterone numbers, but I had called because my chest turned bright red, I looked really sunburned. They told me tos top the pills and were calling in suppositories instead. Unfortunately I Found out that no pharmacy within an hour of me has them and no one can get them before Monday night! I learned this too late to talk to the dr again. So I took matters into my own hands, decided the risk of not having the progesterone was worse than the risk of the rash, so I took the pills yesterday anyway. On the positive side: the rash didn't come back. So when I call them today I'm going to ask about continuing on the pills. I think that going without progesterone until Monday night is too risky based on how low my hormones are.
Oh and my insurance doesn't cover anything EXCEPT the pills for progesterone. So I have to pay full out of pocket price ($350). I'm going to apply for an exemption, which I Can do if the version they pay for doesn't work for me, or I have adverse side effects that could be dangerous to my health, but that'll take 72 hours for a decision to be made once I apply for that anyway.
Anyway, that's where I'm at right now I'm really nervous and scared that I'm going to lose this baby.

Today's temp was still high, and AF would have been due today, and she has no signs of showing. So that's giving me hope.