Ttc #1

babydust - I hear you on the miserable job dislike. I'm a Teacher but DH lived apart for a few years while he was in med school. It was TOUGH. So I finally gave in and took a leave from teaching (sad face*), I started working at a job that I really don't like, and it pays a lot less. But I had to make a sacrifice so we could be together. I quit 2 weeks ago so I am officially DONE!! It's such a relief. It was making me super unhappy, and I dreaded Sunday nights. Sunday blues to the max. I am much happier now. I'm going back to teaching part time for the rest of the year, so I'll have a long commute and we'll be doing a bit of distance but not too bad. I hope you find a job that you love soon, and in the mean time keep your head up and don't let anyone bug you.

nmpjcp - That sounds frustrating, I wish I knew more about those things. But I would go by cm as that is what helped me. I thought I had O'd one day, but then 2 days later my cm told me it was that day, and it was right. It's so frustrating - I wish we could make the TWW a 2 day wait. It's such an emotional roller coaster. You ladies seem like you're handling it much better than I did though. I hope next time I have a much clearer head, and am also super distracted. Although I have a feeling I'll be on here telling you my symptoms instead lol
I work in real estate and I love it. My boss is a pain though. Always screaming and giving attitude. I work overtime for free because I'm on salary. and she always complains when I ask for one of my vacation days! I just asked for monday off and she gave me attitude and a pointless lecture on how I need to ask (which i did) because what if she had something she needed to do on monday. I felt so insulted. I've been here for 2 years and i feel i don't get paid enough for what i do
Oh no :( that's so frustrating. You DID ask her in advance, I'm sorry she lectured you. Some people are good people, they just don't know how to be a good boss or leader. And I hear you on the salary thing, that is really frustrating that you put in all that extra time and it goes unappreciated. That being said, I've always said I should have been a real estate agent or travel agent. I would love that!! :)
real estate is fun. you can always get your license and do it on the side. i'm taking my state exam next month. but i'm also studying social work so i'll be doing both
Oh my! You'll be busy :) and yeah I think I would love to do that one day.
I don't think I could be a real estate agent. I don't have enough patience.

Today I had a mini fit! Why is this taking to looonggggg? :cry::cry:

On the bright side, we got new bedroom furniture today and it's my DH's birthday! I wish I had known making a baby would take so long before, and we would have started earlier, lol. We want 2... Whew idk if I can do this again and it's only cycle 3!:dohh::dohh:

Sunshine, are you still home today? How are you feeling?
I hear ya! I would have started a long time ago too. I want 3! Happy birthday to your hubby! So fun. And so is new bedroom furniture. Maybe it will bring good luck ;)
I love stuff like that!!!

I'm home. Was doing well this morning. Now I'm in some pain, we'll see how it goes. I'm just relaxing in bed, taking it easy. Reading.

Sorry for your mini fit :( things can change overnight. I wish we had a crystal ball that could say when all this would happen. Ahh. Life would be so much less stressful. But I bet we'll look back next year and be like "remember how impatient we were RIGHT BEFORE WE HAD BABIES" lol
I started looking at polls to make myself feel better. 3 months isn't so bad. hahaha.

Also, dinner with the hubby was a success. I surprised him with is fav food and brownies! He might get lucky when he gets off work, but idk. I'm tired. Lol.
Lol nmpjcp that's funny! glad DH had a great night! I love brownies. What did you make for dinner?

Babydust me too!!! I want coffee. DH and I are leaving for our road trip to PA soon, I'll check in tonight. I had a rough time last night but I think I'm officially done my mc. It's sad, but I'm also relieved. Did I tell you guys I saw the babe? I feel so strong. Even though it's sad, I'm glad that I was able to see it. So reAdy to try again!!! I wonder when I can.
Yeah, I've already had my cup for the day. I'm drinking half caf. It's not bad.

My back is still killing me. So bad! It's been since my supposed ovulation on Saturday. I just wanna lie down because that's the only time it doesn't hurt.
I don't know, but it's getting worse. I can't believe that it would be pregnancy related. It started a day or two after ovulation, but I think that was a coincidence. Maybe it's the shoes I've been wearing or my chair at work. I've been doing a lot of sitting. I tried working it out last night, but it just made it worse.

I always have some PMS back pain, but never this bad.

I'm happy today is Friday. This three day weekend is going to be nice. Hopefully I can get a lot done at home.

OAN - I know I'm out this month. I would seriously be shocked if I was pregnant this cycle. I'm ready for next month though. I'm going to start OPKs from the beginning of the month and my DH won't be on his weird evening/night schedule.

How are you ladies doing?
3 day weekend!!!!!! Woot. How come? Do you have today or Monday off? So exciting. Love those.

The chair at work may be doing it. I found my back was very bad when I stated my office job. I was tense and it took quite a while for my back to get better. Try stretching throughout the day. I found it had to remember. But maybe you'll be better at it!

I can't wait either. I will wait a cycle and then try. But I still can't wait! :)))
I'm discovering through this process that I'm not a very patient person. And God keeps testing my heart.

Babysat for one of my pregnant friends this week, went to a baby shower yesterday, watched the nursery at church today, and then heard of yet another friend's pregnancy. Temptation for discouragement seems to come from every direction some days.
I tested today. It's three days until my period but then I realized that since I ovulated on the 10th I'm only like 8doo. Dumb. Anywho. I've had every symptom know to man this cycle. Boobs hurting, pelvic achy, gas, extreme fatigue, back pain, swollen hands and feet, diarhrea, runny nose.... seriously guys. The test was negative though of course. Ill try again if my period doesn't come on Wednesday.

I have a three days weekend because tomorrow is a national holiday. It's Martin Luther king Jr day. I just keep praying please let me be pregnant.

Sydney I understand exactly what you mean! I keep trying to remember that patience is a virtue.
I hear ya ladies. This isn't an easy time at all.

I just found out my SIL is pregnant.

With twins.

I cried myself to sleep and have had a killer headache all weekend :( the most brutal timing of life.

I hope your tests go smoothly. I'm on the mend and reading to move forward. DH is set on waiting until after testing to TTC again. I understand. I'd like to know if it's something that can be prevented next time and hopefully give me my take home baby. We'll see. He's very by the book when it comes to medical care lol. No sex for 2 weeks, doctors visits, blood work etc. so hopefully I'll be testing in Feb. fingers crossed.
nmpjcp-- I hope all those symptoms actually mean something this time! I understand testing early, waiting is soo hard. Just a few more days and you can try again!! :thumbup:

sunshine-- oh goodness. Pregnant with twins? :dohh: I'm so sorry. You've been so tough the last few months with everything going on. I'm glad you're done with MC and can move forward now. Sounds like your DH is very understanding and supportive. Will def be praying for all the tests!

afm-- I finally broke and bought some OPK's for this month, tired of not knowing until after the fact when my temp spikes. I did the first one this morning and got a strong positive!! After seeing negatives on tests for so long, a positive, even on just an OPK, feels really good! I did a little dance in the bathroom and promptly texted my DH the results. :blush:
Syd I'm so happy for your positive opk. I hope this helps give you more accuracy with TTC. You are very patient, so don't underestimate yourself one bit. How are you settling into the new job?

My parents surprised me with a trip to Florida! We leave next Monday. I'm so excited, it's Just what I need! I wish DH could come but I'm still hoping to take him away in April when he gets a break.

I had my scan today to make sure all was cleared out last week. Just waiting for the results. My fingers are crossed and I'm very nervous. Just realized I probably won't be testing in February, but rather in March, but that still leaves hope for a 2015 baby.
I just found out I need to have the d&c anyways as I have retained product. I am devastated. I have had horrible contractions and bleeding for a week and have to go through this anyways. I'm really fighting the urge to just give up right now.

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