i really need a little ray of sunshine this cycle. Things have been a little difficult for us these past few days. We were trying to buy a house and we were approved for a loan, but then they said I wasn't approved and I can't buy anything after 3 months of looking and thinking that we were ok. Now I have to move from my mom's house because she just purchased a house and we don't fit there with her and my sister, plus we need to be alone already. We moved in with her when my dad passed away to help her out, but now it's time for everyone to move on with their normal lives. It's hard being married and living with in laws. I love my mom, but sometimes parents get involved in things and make situations worse. I feel like my DH and I are fight more because of that... Luckily, the place where we were before is available again and we can move back in to our little efficiency for a while until we can buy a house. And today is such a gloomy day in miami. rain and dark clouds, just makes me want to sleep. Hubby is sick and needed me to pick him up at work, but my boss didn't let me leave. I'm kinda tired of bending over backwards for these people and then they treat me like some kind of animal. I would get up and walk away, but i do need my job. i make more money than my husband and we wouldn't be able to live anywhere without my income. ughh.. i want to choke somebody today.
sorry about the tantrum. i needed to vent lol thanks.