TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

View attachment 234347 This is a homemade cake that I made for the 4th....thought I would share it with you all. It is a yellow pound cake with cream cheese frosting all from scratch. sorry, if the quality of the pic is bad..I spilled a glass of wine on my lap top.....stupid, I know.

Yummy.....How did you do the red and blue bits?

I used blueberries for the the stars and raspberries for the stripes. I got the recipe from food network. :)
My 4 always make me feel better when down so I knew Kirby would help your mood :thumbup:

And sending many cyber :hugs: from me and my 4 dogs :hugs:
Hello ladies... just wanted to pop by and give all you sad, angry or pissed off ladies a massive hug! And all you happy preggers ladies a massive hug.... in fact everyone can have one!! LOL ((hug))...

Skye you look gorgeous and your bump is clear to see now! How great!

How is Lava doing? All still going well I hope... and Lynn too... and I hear Never has a BFP too! Congratulations ladies!

I am sorry I have been away a bit. Is still hard being on here a lil, though I think of you all the time xx
newmarriedgal - oh my. I am so sorry! I hope this may turn out to be a blessing in disguise for you and your new family! :hugs:

omm - huge :hugs: and doggie smoochies from my pair of jack russell terrors! I don't really have any advice for you except be gentle with yourself. this whole TTC or NTNP lark is soooo stressful and sometimes men are just dolts! - big loves xx
Oh ladies you all make me feel so much better! I'm sure we will be ok but boy was it shocking to get that news! on the plus side - I can now take a nap mid-day and I feel much better now! You are all right, everything happens for a reason and I'm hoping God knows I will be able to take much better care of myself and little poppy now that I can rest away from the stress of work.

Today is DH's birthday! He is now officially 55! I'm treating him to dinner out at a fancy steak house (just hoping I can keep the food down, let alone fit into my dress - things are shifting! :haha:)

OMM - I want you to know that I cried because you were crying at home depot! Damn hormones! :haha: But on the matter of your OH - I'm so sorry. men can be such dummies sometimes! Charlie tried that with me (getting frisky during AF before we officially started trying, but let's be real here, I've been trying since the wedding) and when I got upset he told me he thought it would take stress off me and we could enjoy things when we know there was no chance, no stress. I seriously just stared at him silently for about 4 minutes before turning around and leaving the room. He quietly crept back to me with his tail between his legs knowing that was one of the stupid things he says sometimes! :wacko: Not trying to brush off your feelings though hon, sometimes they can be SO ANNOYING!

much love to you all who support me and each other every day and in every way. what the hell would I do without my girls...I do NOT want to know! :hugs:
Omm, so sorry about what happened and am praying things are worked out between the two of you. :hugs:

AFM: A bit perturbed. In the beginning of our visit with Perinatal Center, their sonographer was crappy. She gave us very bad sono pics and only gave us one. She also told us "we don't do 3d or 4d when asked".

I've been looking for a 3d or 4d place to have Amelia's sono mid 3rd trimester for a keepsake for her later on...also, They help to see EVERYTHING so if there WAS a hole in her heart, we'd see it. Every Dr.'s office that does them says you have to be an actual patient. While every specialty sonogram office is over 2 hours away. :wacko: I finally called the office we've been having our sono's at ((off location)) since the crappy sonographer and come to find out....Perinatal Center performs 3 and 4D scans. :growlmad::wacko:

Why is it that they are being nasty about performing 3 and 4D scans?! Honestly it makes no sense if we are will to pay out of pocket. So friday after the regular off site scan, we see the Perinatologist and I'm going to ask her for the 4D scan and have HER make the recommendations to the jerk in her sonographer practice. All I want is a stinkin picture close up of my baby and her little facial expressions. Is that REALLY too much to ask for some reassurance after a second trimester loss?!:dohh::shrug:

Okay, I'm off my soapbox of hormonal emotions. :wacko:
Hi Ladies,

quick update today - I lost my job today. I was a contractor and the company (a financial one) has been going through some hard times and they laid off 35 people today....many of them have been with the company for over 20 years too! ugh. charlie and I have some decisions to make, I hope we can swing me being a stay at home mom but we need to figure that out.

The crappy thing is trying to get a job when you are pg. I know there are jobs to protect women out there, but in this bad economy, who would hire a person who needs to work from home most days (due to other medical issues too!) and is a high risk pregnancy, and will have to go on leave in 8 or so (possibly earlier) months??? :nope:

a part of me thinks that maybe if I didn't tell my boss i would be safe - not that I blame my boss, but he told me he had to tell his boss and it went up the managers from there.

oh well.....a new chapter of my life is starting, maybe this will be the best thing that can happen to us - i'll just try to stay positive! :shrug:

So sorry to hear this NMG- I hope that you and your DH can sort something out. Try not to worry-I always think that things turn put alright in the end! Thinking of you, A xxx
Ladies, i am a bit sad today, i love my DH very much, but he keeps blowing me off for DTD, ok i get it, i have a way higher sex drive than he does, which is odd considering its usually the other way around, anyway, i guessed that i would be ovulating, but have been unable to get him to do anything, he just keeps telling me tomorrow, well last night was the straw that broke the camels back, he turned me down yet again, and he knows that i have been going nuts for a couple days now. I just rolled over and went to sleep, and he knew i was mad, then he says "I could be persuaded" and i said i am tired of persuading you. I feel like i am constantly hounding him, i did this with my ex too, and i am tired of feeling like a puppy looking for a pat on the head, i am done and that is what i told him, i love him very much, and i wont leave him, but i am done with chasing him, i have no idea why i am so emotional, but that is not helping either. When he left for work he was all in the mood, and i told him forget about tonight, i wont be in the mood, i dont want pitty sex, i want him to want to be with me, but i guess his cell phone is more important. Sigh........... Defiantly no babies for us, we cant even manage to DTD, and i think i ovulated last night, my left ovary was really hurting yesterday, and last night i coughed and omg i was in so much pain, it went away today, so i am assuming that i ovulated, another wasted month. Sorry to unload on you ladies, but i knew you would all understand. And WTF is up with all the emotions with me, if i just ovulated i should not be this way, the past couple days i have been so grumpy, and now today i am all weepy, same thing with the fat day this past weekend, i was all upset and in tears, ugh stupid body is going whacky!!

Oh OMM, so sorry to hear this, it sounds as if you are hormonally sensitive, and we all get like this. We don't know whether we are coming or going.. It sounds as if your DH doesn't want to let you down by saying that you could 'be persuaded', but you don't want to have to persuade anybody to have sex with you, you want them to be as 'up for it' as you! Hmmm... this is ripe for misunderstanding and hurt feelings. Guess it would be a good idea to have a chat about this when you're not feeling as emotional, and explain to him exactly how you feel, and see if you can come to some compromise. The worst thing for us is that we are racing against the biological clock and each month we have only a few days to conceive. This means that the pressure is horrendous. As an aside, it occured to me earlier on as I am on CD 9 (I think?) that I'm not remotely bothered about timing sex to coincide with ovulation this month, as my treatment is about to start. The relief is indescribable!

Perhaps he is feelin pressured to perform at this time, and that you want him for his swimmers and not for him??? Anyway, my advice, tell him exactly how you feel and how his behaviour makes you feel. I'm sure he will be understanding and realise how bad you feel about the whole thing!

Hang on in there and I hope you get it sorted!
Lots of love,
P.S. I ADORE your avator pics. I absolutely love labradors. Mine, Cindy, died in April-I was distraught. They are the sweetest creatures!
Omm, so sorry about what happened and am praying things are worked out between the two of you. :hugs:

AFM: A bit perturbed. In the beginning of our visit with Perinatal Center, their sonographer was crappy. She gave us very bad sono pics and only gave us one. She also told us "we don't do 3d or 4d when asked".

I've been looking for a 3d or 4d place to have Amelia's sono mid 3rd trimester for a keepsake for her later on...also, They help to see EVERYTHING so if there WAS a hole in her heart, we'd see it. Every Dr.'s office that does them says you have to be an actual patient. While every specialty sonogram office is over 2 hours away. :wacko: I finally called the office we've been having our sono's at ((off location)) since the crappy sonographer and come to find out....Perinatal Center performs 3 and 4D scans. :growlmad::wacko:

Why is it that they are being nasty about performing 3 and 4D scans?! Honestly it makes no sense if we are will to pay out of pocket. So friday after the regular off site scan, we see the Perinatologist and I'm going to ask her for the 4D scan and have HER make the recommendations to the jerk in her sonographer practice. All I want is a stinkin picture close up of my baby and her little facial expressions. Is that REALLY too much to ask for some reassurance after a second trimester loss?!:dohh::shrug:

Okay, I'm off my soapbox of hormonal emotions. :wacko:

The worst thing about this is that you're given different information, which seems to happen a lot with health professionals, so then you wonder why they were being so cagey. It makes no sense. If they are having a bad day, that's their problem, so I most definitely urge you to DEMAND that you have these photos and do not take no for an answer. Blooming cheek!

Hope you're feeling okay though, hun-big :hugs: to you!
Hi Lovely ladies! Sorry I have been away for a bit. welcome to all the new ladies! you will love it here! Dwrgi- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!:cake::cake::headspin::drunk::drunk::juggle::juggle::juggle::fool::fool::fool: Skye- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!:cake::cake:juggle :juggle: :fool::fool: Missy- glad your boss is starting to get the picture!!! You really are my soul mom & dad were both born in Eastern Europe. I thought, if I were to adopt, I would try from there. Missy- about the in-laws, I can so relate. Dh's cousins are all younger then me and all have kids! There are 5 cousins, 1 of them has 3 kids her & her husband both do not work and live off the system!, Then we have her sister, who thought if she got pregnant her boyfriend would come back to her, he didn't but he did manage to get another girl pregnant at the same time and is now with her. Two other cousins live out of state, one has two kids and got pregnant with both of them when she was in a mental hospital, her brother has 4 kids, 1 he had when he was 16 and 3 with his current wife. Lastly, their half sister that is in her 20's decided that she would look "cute" pregnant. She complains on FB how she is not getting sleep, how much diapers cost and how she hasn't had a girls night out in sooooo long! Right- so all of them, even the ones out of state will be at a family members house for a bbq this Sunday! NO THANKS! Dh told me he doesn't want to go but my MIL keeps calling & calling saying he better be there.:growlmad: It also happens to be our 7 year anniversary and that is not how we want to spend it. Dwrgi,Macwooly, Missy sorry af showed, she should be here for me on Friday. Yay macwooly for dh's s/a results:thumbup: Tigerlily- sorry about your gp's appt. Hope you get all the blood work sorted. Never- omg, omg congrats on your bfp:happydance::happydance: HappyAuntie-glad your feeling better! Purplelou-:hugs: SKYE- YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL WITH YOU BABY BUMP!!!!!!:hugs::hugs: Hope I didn't forget anybody- I'm sure I did...but had quite a few pages to catch up on!:coffee::coffee: Dh and I did go to Malibu for dinner with friends and it was wonderful and beautiful to sit outside and just chill out and talk...oh and drink:haha::haha: Love to you all...have missed you so much!!!!!! xxxxxxx

Hello Luv! Your posts always make me smile, and I love all the little icons you used! I had a great birthday and was spoilt rotten. My OH and his parents and I stayed at this hotel, which is near my parents. I used to go to the disco there when I was in Sixth Form (aged 16-18), and boy has it changed!

On Saturday we went on the Wet & Wild Adventure trip around Ramsey Island, which is near St. David's. here is the website-it was AMAZING!!

I hope you are okay, hun! The cake looks amazing-bet it was delicious!

Big hugs to you, and to everybody else on here!!
Hello ladies... just wanted to pop by and give all you sad, angry or pissed off ladies a massive hug! And all you happy preggers ladies a massive hug.... in fact everyone can have one!! LOL ((hug))...

Skye you look gorgeous and your bump is clear to see now! How great!

How is Lava doing? All still going well I hope... and Lynn too... and I hear Never has a BFP too! Congratulations ladies!

I am sorry I have been away a bit. Is still hard being on here a lil, though I think of you all the time xx

How lovely of you to drop by to send hugs :flower: Sending some :hugs: back to you :hugs:
Omm, so sorry about what happened and am praying things are worked out between the two of you. :hugs:

AFM: A bit perturbed. In the beginning of our visit with Perinatal Center, their sonographer was crappy. She gave us very bad sono pics and only gave us one. She also told us "we don't do 3d or 4d when asked".

I've been looking for a 3d or 4d place to have Amelia's sono mid 3rd trimester for a keepsake for her later on...also, They help to see EVERYTHING so if there WAS a hole in her heart, we'd see it. Every Dr.'s office that does them says you have to be an actual patient. While every specialty sonogram office is over 2 hours away. :wacko: I finally called the office we've been having our sono's at ((off location)) since the crappy sonographer and come to find out....Perinatal Center performs 3 and 4D scans. :growlmad::wacko:

Why is it that they are being nasty about performing 3 and 4D scans?! Honestly it makes no sense if we are will to pay out of pocket. So friday after the regular off site scan, we see the Perinatologist and I'm going to ask her for the 4D scan and have HER make the recommendations to the jerk in her sonographer practice. All I want is a stinkin picture close up of my baby and her little facial expressions. Is that REALLY too much to ask for some reassurance after a second trimester loss?!:dohh::shrug:

Okay, I'm off my soapbox of hormonal emotions. :wacko:

I am so sorry to hear about your bad experience with the sonographer :hugs: Why can't these people have a little more sensitivity? :nope:

I hope Friday all is sorted for you to get a 4D scan of Amelia :hugs:
OMM....get an electronic toy and use it in front of him! :grr:

And tonight, give Kirby the spot next to you in bed and have him sleep on the sofa! :grr:

newmarriedgal - oh my. I am so sorry! I hope this may turn out to be a blessing in disguise for you and your new family! :hugs:

omm - huge :hugs: and doggie smoochies from my pair of jack russell terrors! I don't really have any advice for you except be gentle with yourself. this whole TTC or NTNP lark is soooo stressful and sometimes men are just dolts! - big loves xx

Awwww thanks honey, and tell your pair of jack russells i said thanks, even if they are terrors lol.
Oh ladies you all make me feel so much better! I'm sure we will be ok but boy was it shocking to get that news! on the plus side - I can now take a nap mid-day and I feel much better now! You are all right, everything happens for a reason and I'm hoping God knows I will be able to take much better care of myself and little poppy now that I can rest away from the stress of work.

Today is DH's birthday! He is now officially 55! I'm treating him to dinner out at a fancy steak house (just hoping I can keep the food down, let alone fit into my dress - things are shifting! :haha:)

OMM - I want you to know that I cried because you were crying at home depot! Damn hormones! :haha: But on the matter of your OH - I'm so sorry. men can be such dummies sometimes! Charlie tried that with me (getting frisky during AF before we officially started trying, but let's be real here, I've been trying since the wedding) and when I got upset he told me he thought it would take stress off me and we could enjoy things when we know there was no chance, no stress. I seriously just stared at him silently for about 4 minutes before turning around and leaving the room. He quietly crept back to me with his tail between his legs knowing that was one of the stupid things he says sometimes! :wacko: Not trying to brush off your feelings though hon, sometimes they can be SO ANNOYING!

much love to you all who support me and each other every day and in every way. what the hell would I do without my girls...I do NOT want to know! :hugs:

Awwww happy birthday to your DH, yea he is the speed limit lol. I sure hope you can have a good time. Now listen poppy you let your mommy and daddy enjoy their birthday celebration, and in about 7 months or so you will be enjoying yours!!

Thanks honey, gotta love the hormones lol, and awwww i know what your dh did was stupid, but so sweet to try and take some pressure off of you. See thats the stupid thing with my DH, when we go for the IUI's he is all ready and on time to do it, but just us, nah something is always taking him away, and then of course me being a woman, i worry that he is not attracted, or that i am not good enough in bed, you know stupid stuff lol. I will be ok, he will be all sweet and very accomodating now lol.
Ladies, i am a bit sad today, i love my DH very much, but he keeps blowing me off for DTD, ok i get it, i have a way higher sex drive than he does, which is odd considering its usually the other way around, anyway, i guessed that i would be ovulating, but have been unable to get him to do anything, he just keeps telling me tomorrow, well last night was the straw that broke the camels back, he turned me down yet again, and he knows that i have been going nuts for a couple days now. I just rolled over and went to sleep, and he knew i was mad, then he says "I could be persuaded" and i said i am tired of persuading you. I feel like i am constantly hounding him, i did this with my ex too, and i am tired of feeling like a puppy looking for a pat on the head, i am done and that is what i told him, i love him very much, and i wont leave him, but i am done with chasing him, i have no idea why i am so emotional, but that is not helping either. When he left for work he was all in the mood, and i told him forget about tonight, i wont be in the mood, i dont want pitty sex, i want him to want to be with me, but i guess his cell phone is more important. Sigh........... Defiantly no babies for us, we cant even manage to DTD, and i think i ovulated last night, my left ovary was really hurting yesterday, and last night i coughed and omg i was in so much pain, it went away today, so i am assuming that i ovulated, another wasted month. Sorry to unload on you ladies, but i knew you would all understand. And WTF is up with all the emotions with me, if i just ovulated i should not be this way, the past couple days i have been so grumpy, and now today i am all weepy, same thing with the fat day this past weekend, i was all upset and in tears, ugh stupid body is going whacky!!

Oh OMM, so sorry to hear this, it sounds as if you are hormonally sensitive, and we all get like this. We don't know whether we are coming or going.. It sounds as if your DH doesn't want to let you down by saying that you could 'be persuaded', but you don't want to have to persuade anybody to have sex with you, you want them to be as 'up for it' as you! Hmmm... this is ripe for misunderstanding and hurt feelings. Guess it would be a good idea to have a chat about this when you're not feeling as emotional, and explain to him exactly how you feel, and see if you can come to some compromise. The worst thing for us is that we are racing against the biological clock and each month we have only a few days to conceive. This means that the pressure is horrendous. As an aside, it occured to me earlier on as I am on CD 9 (I think?) that I'm not remotely bothered about timing sex to coincide with ovulation this month, as my treatment is about to start. The relief is indescribable!

Perhaps he is feelin pressured to perform at this time, and that you want him for his swimmers and not for him??? Anyway, my advice, tell him exactly how you feel and how his behaviour makes you feel. I'm sure he will be understanding and realise how bad you feel about the whole thing!

Hang on in there and I hope you get it sorted!
Lots of love,
P.S. I ADORE your avator pics. I absolutely love labradors. Mine, Cindy, died in April-I was distraught. They are the sweetest creatures!

Thanks honey, see thats the stupid thing with him, if i tell him i am ovulating he is all over me to DTD, but if i dont say anything then he has no interest, its almost like he only wants me for my eggs lol. I know we will work it out, i know he feels really bad about it right now, but i am going to let him hang for a bit, i am not just a baby factory here lol.

And thanks Kirby is actually a flat coat retreiver/newfoundland something lol, i rescued him from a shelter 6 years ago, he was all of 5 weeks old, and only weighed 3lbs, now he is 6 years old and weighs 62lbs, he is the love of my life. He kind of looks like a black golden retreiver in the summer, and more newfoundland in the winter, he builds up so much fur you cannot see his collar or tags lol.

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