TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

FM :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

OMM glad you got things sorted and can look forward to your IUI :thumbup:

Just stopping in briefly before heading down to London for the art fair this weekend - shame a monsoon is forecast and it is outside :dohh:

:dust: to everyone, am kind of feeling whatever as I just feel like I am resigning myself to the fact that this won't happen for me, just shouldn't have left it so late :nope:

Thanks honey, i sure hope the monsson holds off so you can enjoy your art fair, you could send a little bit of it this way, we were flooding in May and June and now we are dry as a bone, and we are going into a heat wave, they are talking our temps will be 97 F with a heat index of 120!! Its a good time to have a pool and AC over here thats for sure lol.

Awww honey big hugs to you, please dont give up hope, its all we have, and i really do believe that one day soon your going to get your beautiful sticky bean, dont beat yourself up about waiting, i know its frustrating to hear that everything happens for a reason, but it truly does. :hugs:
FM :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

OMM glad you got things sorted and can look forward to your IUI :thumbup:

Just stopping in briefly before heading down to London for the art fair this weekend - shame a monsoon is forecast and it is outside :dohh:

:dust: to everyone, am kind of feeling whatever as I just feel like I am resigning myself to the fact that this won't happen for me, just shouldn't have left it so late :nope:

Hi Butterfly :hi:

Hang-in there, hun, we all get days when we feel like that, but as we know from so many of the ladies on this site, it is possible. I'm definitely not giving up on you getting your little bean, so take a breather.. you're gonna get there.

I hope you have a great weekend in my home town - lots of sales! And for now, big, squishy :hugs:

C xx
Hey OMM, that's brilliant that you and your OH had a long chat and so good that you've decided on another IUI. It is clear that you know you want to do it, something is driving you on! Let's hope that this will be THE one for you! So very pleased and fingers crossed for you!

Enjoy your weekend hun!
Aw thanks OMM and Tiger, you made me cry (in a nice way) :hugs:

The girls are right-hang on in there! I think we all started off this experience thinking that it would happen straight away and then when it didn't we start to get despondent. Some of us have different issues (hence me 3 and a half years later and still no baban), but we have got to remain positive, and until that day you decide that you have had enough (and let's hope you never get to that point as you will have got your BFP), you have got to believe that it will happen. So, please try and stay strong and remain optimistic-you WILL get pregnant, you WILL, you WILL. Repeat after me!!!

Good luck with the art fair-hope the rain holds off. I think we're getting your monsoon now as it is is bucketing down in South Wales, and I have a husky waiting to go and run!! It is horrible out there!

Take care hun and big hugs to you!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Aw thanks dwrgi, chanting to myself as I sit in my car in the pissing rain hoping the paintings I managed to put out have enough plastic on to protect them as I'm not getting out! Xx
OMM...glad you talked and have now decided to do another IUI :thumbup: the new pic...when do you see your doctor for your results?

Butterfly...hope the rain eases and your paintings are ok and being sold too :thumbup:

Dwrgi...finished marking yet? How are things?

Twinkle, HA, Padbrat, missyT, gingerbread, purplelou, macwooly, FM and everyone else that I have forgotten :wacko:..:hugs:

AFM, had a coulple of pieces of bad news over the last couple of days that have completely thrown me. My friend went for a scan at nine weeks and she has lost both of her twins :cry: another friend has 10cm cysts attached to both ovaries and everything else there and has been told her blood results are abnormal. Please have my friends in your thoughts.

On a positive note...I went for my scan for possible cysts today, pregnancy is in uterus, there was a yolk sac too and I'm measuring right where I should be. Hopefully, little Furry will continue to grow.

Love, :hugs: and :dust:

I'm so sad to hear about your friends. My good friend who was 1 week behind me went for her D&C yesterday and confirmed that she lost twins as well. I am very happy to learn that you had a good scan. I have my next one on Tuesday and don't think they will do an u/s, but I'm hoping things are progressing normally and we will be referred to a maternal/fetal specialist who will do another u/s for us the following week. As stressful as they are, at least I get some (hopefully) positive reassurance that everything is ok. Wish I worried less, but it is hard.

Hope you are having great weather for your art fair, the rain is lifting, and you are selling lots of pieces. Your work is beautiful.

So glad you and your DH had a good chat! It's great that you are on the same page about the IUI. That is exciting news! And maybe it will take the pressure off this month and you can focus on reconnecting without TTC.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Hi ladies! :hi:

Twinks, Holy CATS! They are gorging you all for money. I'm wondering if you can just get it through a website here in the states and it would be cheaper with shipping. :shrug:

Wegmans has always carried food from Scotland, England, Italy, Germany, etc. I LOVE my Aero bars, fizzy pop and spotted dick. :haha: I CAN live without marmite. I don't know how some of you eat that horrifying salty stuff on toast. ((FAINT))

We also have a specialty european market here so I get my stuff there.

FM, I understand darlin. :hugs: I DO hope you are blessed with child sometime soon. Love you to pieces sweetheart! :hug:

Update on our appointment for anyone that wants to know:

FINALLY got some good news. While I'm still funneling above the stitch it's nothing too harsh. I actually GAINED length from 2cm's to 2.5. :happydance: Amelia still isn't cooperating with positioning. She's bum up face down in breach position however everything they could get looks very good. She weight 2.5 lbs and measurements are on track.

I was given permission to do MORE now though not straining too much. :happydance: The stitch combined with 17P is working quite well. Though I could go at any time now...according to the sonogram, the perinatologist is guessing from 34 wks to term. Anyones guess, but she has a high rate of mortality now.

Such good news I could DANCE! :happydance:

Now we wait for the pediatric cardiologist appointment on the 26th where we HOPE they will finally clear here of VSD.

Also wanted to say that the perinatologist put in an order for a facial 3D scan at the office for the next appointment at 32wks. :happydance: This of course is IF she cooperates. So far all her photo's have been fuzzy because she just likes the position she's in. When they try to move her, she kicks back. :haha: Has a little temper our little Amelia. Sorry about the attatchment coming out of the spoiler but I can't figure out how to move it.

Love and :hug: to you all.



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Lava... please do not worry, your friend is going through a tragic and awful experience.... doesn't mean it will happen to you. Stressing will not help or stop the inevitable... so please don't stress dear xx

Rebekah Amelia is gorgoeus xxxx

FM - so am with ya. Lurk away darling... we are here... even if some of us lurk too lol

Butterfly... the rain is a 'mare and here to stay for a while...

Never, Purple, HA, OMM, Mac, DWG, and all you other gorgeous girls xxx
Thank you. So sorry to anyone who didn't want to see her. I tried to post her in the "spoiler" but for some reason couldn't get the image to stay in there.

We haven't gotten good pics of her because she hasn't been cooperating. As you can see, she's got her foot in her face. :rofl: She's kind of like her momma. She's breech with her bum up and her face down so pics have been fuzzy which is why I haven't posted any until now. If she cooperates a bit more we may get to have a 3D better picture of her in 4 weeks time. If only she would cooperate. :haha:
So glad you got such lovely news at your last set appt & YAY!!! for the upcoming scan. When is your shower? Are you planning your sweet surprise?

Thank you so much for your sympathetic post. I know you understand what my friend is going through. She has been so gracious during everything and has let me stay in close contact & support her. But, I need to stop anticipating the worst. My worrying is not going to prevent whatever is meant to happen to these babies, good or bad. You are right. I hope you and your husband are doing alright, healing slowly but surely, and gathering your strength for your next step towards motherhood. You are in my heart and I pray that many blessings come your way.
Shower is the 1st wk of Sept. The grandma's are planning it along with Doug and a friend from church. Was very sweet of them but it feels funny to be the center of attention. I like to plan and put on parties when I'm not the center. I keep reminding myself I'm not the's Amelia. :rofl:

The scary part is that one of the girls in the IC thread mentioned she had her shower at 34wks and that night her water broke...WITH THE STITCH STILL IN. ((FAINT)) Thank God the baby was a healthy 5lbs but that's exactly when my shower will be. So I'm slightly nervous! I'm also nervous that the wedding is at 32wks. I keep freaking out about the what if's. What if my water breaks in the church while everyone is waiting for the bride?? What if we get to the castle another hour away and I go into labor?? :rofl:

When the peri said I could go, Doug started panicking. :haha: Now he's got me second guessing myself. Being prone to Preterm labor and IC there's no guaranteeing WHEN I'll go into labor. Nothing about me or my body is EVER predictable. :wacko::haha:
OMM...glad you talked and have now decided to do another IUI :thumbup: the new pic...when do you see your doctor for your results?

Butterfly...hope the rain eases and your paintings are ok and being sold too :thumbup:

Dwrgi...finished marking yet? How are things?

Twinkle, HA, Padbrat, missyT, gingerbread, purplelou, macwooly, FM and everyone else that I have forgotten :wacko:..:hugs:

AFM, had a coulple of pieces of bad news over the last couple of days that have completely thrown me. My friend went for a scan at nine weeks and she has lost both of her twins :cry: another friend has 10cm cysts attached to both ovaries and everything else there and has been told her blood results are abnormal. Please have my friends in your thoughts.

On a positive note...I went for my scan for possible cysts today, pregnancy is in uterus, there was a yolk sac too and I'm measuring right where I should be. Hopefully, little Furry will continue to grow.

Love, :hugs: and :dust:


This is brilliant news for you Never! You must be so relieved. It is all such a worry. So sad for your friends-let's hope they can get the cysts sorted, and huge hugs to the friend who lost her tweenies. Absolutely devastating. I am sure you are being a brilliant friend to both!

I'm okay, thanks for asking! We have five days to go of term-can't wait for Friday! How are you enjoying your time off?? Im dead jealous! Our Years 7s are all involved in a production of 'Midsummer Night's Dream', performance is tomorrow night! I have two Year 7 groups, so it has been hectic. I can now see how exactly my work affects me, as it is NON STOP, and I'm always stressed. Saw doc on Friday about this malingering cold and constant fatigue I've had since April-she says I'm stressed. No sh*t sherlock! Advised getting away once school hols starts. Don't you worry, doc, I'm on to it, I thought! We now have to use condoms when having sex-the irony of it!!!! Will start my norestherone in 7 days, so my period for August starts when clinic wants it to start. Gulp. Have to pay for the drugs this week-£940! Gulp double gulp....

Anyway, big hugs to you-:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:, and so pleased all going well with your little bean!
Hi ladies! :hi:

Twinks, Holy CATS! They are gorging you all for money. I'm wondering if you can just get it through a website here in the states and it would be cheaper with shipping. :shrug:

Wegmans has always carried food from Scotland, England, Italy, Germany, etc. I LOVE my Aero bars, fizzy pop and spotted dick. :haha: I CAN live without marmite. I don't know how some of you eat that horrifying salty stuff on toast. ((FAINT))

We also have a specialty european market here so I get my stuff there.

FM, I understand darlin. :hugs: I DO hope you are blessed with child sometime soon. Love you to pieces sweetheart! :hug:

Update on our appointment for anyone that wants to know:

FINALLY got some good news. While I'm still funneling above the stitch it's nothing too harsh. I actually GAINED length from 2cm's to 2.5. :happydance: Amelia still isn't cooperating with positioning. She's bum up face down in breach position however everything they could get looks very good. She weight 2.5 lbs and measurements are on track.

I was given permission to do MORE now though not straining too much. :happydance: The stitch combined with 17P is working quite well. Though I could go at any time now...according to the sonogram, the perinatologist is guessing from 34 wks to term. Anyones guess, but she has a high rate of mortality now.

Such good news I could DANCE! :happydance:

Now we wait for the pediatric cardiologist appointment on the 26th where we HOPE they will finally clear here of VSD.

Also wanted to say that the perinatologist put in an order for a facial 3D scan at the office for the next appointment at 32wks. :happydance: This of course is IF she cooperates. So far all her photo's have been fuzzy because she just likes the position she's in. When they try to move her, she kicks back. :haha: Has a little temper our little Amelia. Sorry about the attatchment coming out of the spoiler but I can't figure out how to move it.

Love and :hug: to you all.


Such brilliant news about Amelia and it must be such a relief for you Rebekah. She is gorgeous and so cute that she already has her own little personality!!!! I'm sending huge hugs to you and so pleased that all is going well.

As it goes, I can't stand Marmite either. It is disgusting.
Hi ladies! :hi:

Twinks, Holy CATS! They are gorging you all for money. I'm wondering if you can just get it through a website here in the states and it would be cheaper with shipping. :shrug:

Wegmans has always carried food from Scotland, England, Italy, Germany, etc. I LOVE my Aero bars, fizzy pop and spotted dick. :haha: I CAN live without marmite. I don't know how some of you eat that horrifying salty stuff on toast. ((FAINT))

We also have a specialty european market here so I get my stuff there.

FM, I understand darlin. :hugs: I DO hope you are blessed with child sometime soon. Love you to pieces sweetheart! :hug:

Update on our appointment for anyone that wants to know:

FINALLY got some good news. While I'm still funneling above the stitch it's nothing too harsh. I actually GAINED length from 2cm's to 2.5. :happydance: Amelia still isn't cooperating with positioning. She's bum up face down in breach position however everything they could get looks very good. She weight 2.5 lbs and measurements are on track.

I was given permission to do MORE now though not straining too much. :happydance: The stitch combined with 17P is working quite well. Though I could go at any time now...according to the sonogram, the perinatologist is guessing from 34 wks to term. Anyones guess, but she has a high rate of mortality now.

Such good news I could DANCE! :happydance:

Now we wait for the pediatric cardiologist appointment on the 26th where we HOPE they will finally clear here of VSD.

Also wanted to say that the perinatologist put in an order for a facial 3D scan at the office for the next appointment at 32wks. :happydance: This of course is IF she cooperates. So far all her photo's have been fuzzy because she just likes the position she's in. When they try to move her, she kicks back. :haha: Has a little temper our little Amelia. Sorry about the attatchment coming out of the spoiler but I can't figure out how to move it.

Love and :hug: to you all.


Also forgot to say 'thank you' for your constant sensitivity with regard to Amelia. It is VERY hard indeed to hear of others' pregnancies, and with the spoiler we can decide if we are strong enough to read what you have written. I don't always feel that I can cope with reading the posts, and I am so grateful to you for always being thoughtful about the issue. I'm sure others would agree too. Today I did read the post and I felt so happy for you. Alas, it all depends on where I (we) are with our cycles and our treatments...

Anyway, just wanted you to know that I appreciate your sensitivity! :flower:
So glad you got such lovely news at your last set appt & YAY!!! for the upcoming scan. When is your shower? Are you planning your sweet surprise?

Thank you so much for your sympathetic post. I know you understand what my friend is going through. She has been so gracious during everything and has let me stay in close contact & support her. But, I need to stop anticipating the worst. My worrying is not going to prevent whatever is meant to happen to these babies, good or bad. You are right. I hope you and your husband are doing alright, healing slowly but surely, and gathering your strength for your next step towards motherhood. You are in my heart and I pray that many blessings come your way.

Lava, your friend is still your friend and even though it will be hard for you both a good friend remains a good friend regardless of life's hardships...:hugs: I know it is so hard not to worry, but I have learnt that it can never help, although it is completely natural xx

Me and Hubby are having our ups and downs, but hey, that is bound to happen. We will go and have one go abroad with PGD as the specialists say they can isolate my translocation and only give us back normal eggs. One last chance, but a chance non the less:flower:

You are a such a luv, thinking of me when you have so much on your mind. Thanks Lava:flower:
Big hugs to you Padbrat
Rebekah - thank you for the picture of Amelia - it made me smile! I'm praying that she stays warm & safe inside for as long as possible! I'm a Marmite hater too - bleugh!!
Dwrgi - watch out for end-of-term-itis - I always came down with it at the end of the school year when I was a teacher - your body keeps going til the end of July & then gives out!
Hi Ladies,

this thread moves so quickly, if I miss a day or two it takes me a while to catch up.

never - glad your scan went well, that's good news.

MA - what an amazing pic of amelia, thank you for sharing!

Dwrgi - I bet you are looking forwards to your holidays, and the stress relief that it brings!

butterfly - big :hugs: I hope you are feeling better, we will be your rock to lean upon whenever you need it.

padbrat - sending you big cyber :hugs: ups and downs are a part of life, and I think with all you and your DH have been though, it is to be expected. I will be keeping every part of me that is crossable, crossed, when you have your next treatment xx Also - I don't think Ive said it before, but you =r wedding picture (in your avatar is just beautiful!)

Skye - are you having fun with your mum? My mum lives quite a distance away (at the moment) although they have announced recently that they are planning to move up near to us which we are very happy with) so I know it's lovely to see them when they visit (although we have our own little ups and downs!)

lava - I really hope you can avoid worrying too much, although I can understand it is soooo hard. I love reading your ticker to see what your tiny babies are up to.

FM - if you are lurking - :hugs: hope you are doing ok.

twinkle, macwooly, OMM, missy, NMG, northstar - huge hugs for you ladies! how are you doing?

AFM - I admit to doing a really stoopid thing - I tested this morning (11DPO) and of course it was negative. I had sort of talked myself into there being a chance of bfp - because yesterday I had a sudden rush of fatigue, you know the kind where you just have to have a nap. my temps are not indicating bpf is likely (except today - but the bedroom was very hot this morning) and then I felt all sad and dissappointed. if someone wants to give me a kick up the behind - please feel free.
Purplelou, here I'm holding out a hand for you, please get back on the wagon quick :flower: Temping can be elusive; please don't rely on it fully. 11 DPO is still early anyway :hugs::hugs:

Padbrat, I'm glad to see you here :kiss: PGD is a big chance :) Have you had time to find and watch that documentary. It was very sweet and positive :)

Dwrgi wooow! You are so close to starting the tx. So many many many good luck for you bb. I really wish that you would be successful in your first attempt. How was the play btw. It is one of my favourite plays :))) Just love all the characters in it :) So funny and full of themselves :))) Did you ask if they sell daily doses in your clinic? If not and you need to buy the bulk, shop around cause the prices differ. The girls here found a big Asda pharmacy cheapest but there are not many that sell them . Worth asking your local pharmacy or even gp if they can suggest a cheaper pharmacy. Also some gp's actually pay for your meds. Mine didn't but some girls got it so worth asking.

MA "Yeeeeeaaah" absolutely great news finally. U can't tell who Amelia will look like from the picture but I know who :winkwink: Hahahahhahahaha!!!!!! BTW I must agree on marmite. Really what's the point of that? Also the beans on toast is a good idea but why are they sugary?

Never never I'm really sorry about your friend. How sad is that :( :hugs: I'm glad that you're bb is right on track. :hugs::hugs: Hope you feel a lttle more confidant and relaxed about it. Wanna see u in graduates more often xx

Beautiful photo Tigerlily :)

Chris sorry i was a bit late to respond to your crisis but what you go through is very common. TTC bedding takes its toll on all of us including DH's unfortunately. We had the same issue with DH too. I'm glad you talked it through. :hugs: Lot's of good luck and sticky dust for your IUI cycle. Hope you find a good clinic. Please ask the fs about the asprin, progestrone and blood thinners. I'm weaned off from steroids but will continue with the rest untill 32 weeks.

FM :hugs::hugs: Good luck with the break bb. Hope you keep lurking and at least drop a few sentences here and there. I'll miss u.

Lava I'm so sorry for your friend sweetie. :hugs: Please try not to identify yourself with every bad story. I know it's hard but hopefully you will feel more confidant after 12 week scan which is very soon. xx

Butterfly, shall I dare ask how did it go? Hope it wasn't an open air fair. London's been showering this weekend both on Sat and Sun.

NMG sorry about your job hon. What a bad timing in terms of finding a new job. But maybe it is better for you. At least you can have a physically more relaxed pregnancy.

Luvy, Macwooly, Missy, HA if u r lurking ,:) hello girls.

AFM, I am feeling quite low at the moment. Mom had a strop on my birthday and left without saying goodbye. She claimed I didn't look after her well and left her alone when she was ill. I did do quite a bit of going back and forths while my dad was ill and while she had serious hospital etc visits. It just isn't physically possible for me to be with her every time she has a high temp which can be very often. I told her she should get someone to help her back home which made her even more angry. I had it with everyone nowadays. Feel like going on a holiday to Norway to see the glaciers. Australia is even a better option cause it's so far. :shrug:

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