TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

HA, we discussed the beta tests but I have to travel a long way for blood tests and since Id have to back for the scan either way since they need to see what the scan is doing, I thought Id wait. The staff were really kind, and also really surprised with the results

I wonder, if this is a pregnancy (and I realise this is a BIG if) can it be viable being so low down in the uterus????

Hoping and praying for u Hun that u have that little bean ,love always :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Morning Ladies,

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend, I am back to work today after a really chilled out couple of days.

Onmymind hope things start moving for you soon, it was always like that for me when doing the IVF. Everything depended on AF showing and normally she was like clockwork but when you needed her to be she would play games and hold out a bit longer.

Purple I am so super excited for you YAY. You have to remain positive and believe that this will be all ok, your bean is fighting to stay with you and I will pray that it holds on tight. I have the same fears after my MC and what I do each night in bed I have my hands on my tummy and I tell it to hold on so tight and how much DH and I love it and want to meet it when the time is ready. I know it sounds silly but it does make me feel a little better. Hang on in there, I know the waiting time till your scan will be difficult but just believe that this is your time honey:hugs:

Twinkle hope things are good with you and I am praying that you get your BFP real soon:hugs:

Butterfly YAY for cheap flights and another chance of getting your BFP, I have everything crossed for you as want to see more BFP's for all you lovely ladies.:hugs:

Pradbrat it is totally understandable to be excited and nervous all at the same time but try to just focus on it being your chance of a sticky BFP, you have no problem at all with getting pregnant but it was the gene issue that caused you problems in the past so now they are removing that problem so there is no reason at all that you shouldn't get pregnant from this attempt and it stick. I will be willing it to happen for you honey, just believe that this is your time and we will all be right here with you every step of the way:hugs:

Dwrgi sounds like fun meeting up with a BnBer hope you have fun, wish I could do the same but not sure if anyone else is from Bahrain. Butterfly are you from Bahrain as I see you put you are from the sandpit, which is what we call it here?

AFM I have a lovely weekend chilling with the DH, pregnancy seems to be going fine although I am a little surprised as I have started showing already. I am only supposed to be 5 1/2 weeks but I have quite an obvious bump. I had to buy some different work clothes yesterday to hide it as we are not telling anyone yet but I did have someone come and say to me congrats you are pregnant. I feel really bad as I made them embarrassed by saying no that I had just eaten too much rice on holiday in Thailand. Poor soul they looked mortified. I am now wondering if it could be twins as my beta's were quite high, does anyone know anything about this or did Lava put what her betas were?

Sending big hugs and love to you all and hope to hear of loads more BFP's soon :hugs:

Carole - very exciting that the betas are high and the possibility of twins, I guess you have a few weeks before you find out, am keeping my fingers crossed though :hugs:
Hey Butterfly completely understand where you are coming from and really hope that you get your BFP soon x x
Hello guys! How are you all? I hope that you are all :thumbup:??

Hi Pad-what brilliant news about your test results, and that only two more days to go before the scan! Fabulous!! I am keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you hun! :hugs:

OMG Carole, showing already??? And the numbers are high!!! Phew-it could be twins!!! How exciting!! How are you feeling in yourself?? (What an expression!). I hope that you are okay-I am soooooooo very happy for you!! :hugs:

ForeverYoung-I like that, too. That we start from now, we're in the right place! Good luck to you for Tuesday-it all looks very promising! :hugs:

Chris, it is completely flipping typical that AF hasn't showed. Grr, I hate that witch. But, fingers crossed she'll make her for once welcome appearance, and you can start your treatment! Hope you're having a good weekend, hun. :hugs:

Hey Desperado, how are you hun? I can't make out on your picture what the dark thing behind the melon is... it LOOKS cute....!! :hugs:

Hi Butterfly, don't worry at all about saying where you are. I understand that you have to be cautious. Good luck with the cheap flights hun! And fingers crossed this cycle will be the one for you! :hugs:

Hello Skye, Purple, LLBean, Bearlake, HA, North Star, Keekeesaurus, Manuiti, and everybody else on here! Hope you're all having a great weekend!

Can I ask a really stupid question, probably directed at Keekeesaurus? What does having a really thick endometrium mean? Does it correlate with oestrogen levels in the ovaries, which suggests eggs?? Or not??

Also, another general question, I have those really cheapie ovulation match strips, and they never seem to work for me (ran out of the ClearBlue stuff on Friday). I'm on day 16 and no sign of ovulation yet, although I had some twinges in my right ovary yesterday. Is it possible not to ovulate on the first cycle after IVF?? Also, I have a pathetic bladder, and need to pee A LOT! Does this mean that the hsg concentration never reaches a point where it can be detected?? Ho hummmm and bums, just for some normality please!! (I.e, ovulation!).

Thanks guys, and love to you all!
Can I ask a really stupid question, probably directed at Keekeesaurus? What does having a really thick endometrium mean? Does it correlate with oestrogen levels in the ovaries, which suggests eggs?? Or not??

Hey Dwrgi! Hope you're having a great weekend too :thumbup:.
It's not a stupid question at all! The appearance of the endometrium varies with the normal menstrual cycle. So CDs # 1-4 the endometrium will be thin, CDs # 5-14 it will be intermediate and then CDs # 15-28 it will appear thick. So the mean endometrial thickness in the last stage will typically be about 14-16mm. If post-menopausal or taking BCP then the endometrium appears thin (less than 5mm.) Sometimes in very early pregnancy (less than 4 weeks) you can see a decidual reaction where the uterus appears thick and 'fluffy' but you can't always detect this.
As for the hormone side of things it's a combination of hormones that causes the uterus to thicken in preparation for ov and afterwards. I think this diagram describes it pretty well ...better than I ever could!

Hope this helps!

Can I ask a really stupid question, probably directed at Keekeesaurus? What does having a really thick endometrium mean? Does it correlate with oestrogen levels in the ovaries, which suggests eggs?? Or not??

Hey Dwrgi! Hope you're having a great weekend too :thumbup:.
It's not a stupid question at all! The appearance of the endometrium varies with the normal menstrual cycle. So CDs # 1-4 the endometrium will be thin, CDs # 5-14 it will be intermediate and then CDs # 15-28 it will appear thick. So the mean endometrial thickness in the last stage will typically be about 14-16mm. If post-menopausal or taking BCP then the endometrium appears thin (less than 5mm.) Sometimes in very early pregnancy (less than 4 weeks) you can see a decidual reaction where the uterus appears thick and 'fluffy' but you can't always detect this.
As for the hormone side of things it's a combination of hormones that causes the uterus to thicken in preparation for ov and afterwards. I think this diagram describes it pretty well ...better than I ever could!

Hope this helps!

View attachment 267010

So in effect a thick womb lining, suggests raised progesterone and oestrogen (more progesterone??). Thanks for this, it's really helpful!

I love the space cat, by the way! I have the same picture on my classroom wall!

So in effect a thick womb lining, suggests raised progesterone and oestrogen (more progesterone??). Thanks for this, it's really helpful!

I love the space cat, by the way! I have the same picture on my classroom wall!

Yep, that's it! I guess you could say oestrogen helps the lining to thicken and progesterone keeps it that way (until the :witch: witch bitch comes along to spoil things.)
And you're welcome!

The cat is great isn't he? He looks a bit like mine. Minus the watermelon hat though :haha:.

Carole - very exciting that the betas are high and the possibility of twins, I guess you have a few weeks before you find out, am keeping my fingers crossed though :hugs:

Hey Butterfly I am having my first scan on Thursday due to my previous MC they will check me early I think more so to put my mind at ease. The doctor seems very happy with my numbers and I am happy now I have a bump showing as it means it is real and not a dream.
I'm on holiday with DH until tomorrow night, but will check my betas as soon as I get home & post. I have them written in my journal. I remember posting them around June 4th or so on this board too b/c at least one person predicted twins from my numbers. So. excited for you about this natural pregnancy. I am praying for your lovely sticky bean.

I have my cell here at the beach so I've only been lurking but will catch up with y'all soon. We have had a very relaxing trip, but it seems I've caught DH's cold. Drinking some hot tea with lemon & honey should help. ;) Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend.

Carole - very exciting that the betas are high and the possibility of twins, I guess you have a few weeks before you find out, am keeping my fingers crossed though :hugs:

Hey Butterfly I am having my first scan on Thursday due to my previous MC they will check me early I think more so to put my mind at ease. The doctor seems very happy with my numbers and I am happy now I have a bump showing as it means it is real and not a dream.

Awesome, can't wait to hear about Thursday! :hugs::hugs:
I'm on holiday with DH until tomorrow night, but will check my betas as soon as I get home & post. I have them written in my journal. I remember posting them around June 4th or so on this board too b/c at least one person predicted twins from my numbers. So. excited for you about this natural pregnancy. I am praying for your lovely sticky bean.

I have my cell here at the beach so I've only been lurking but will catch up with y'all soon. We have had a very relaxing trip, but it seems I've caught DH's cold. Drinking some hot tea with lemon & honey should help. ;) Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend.

Thanks Lava giving me the approx date of posting helped. I looked back and your beta at 4 weeks was 277 mine at 4 weeks 1 day was 505. I am now dying to know how many I have in here. When did your tummy start to show a bump as mine has started already? I may be reading too much into it but the suspense is driving me insane now.:wacko:

Hope you are enjoying your break with DH and relaxing :hugs:
Carole - oh my - I am very excited about the prospect of twins for you. I will keep everything crossed for you that your scan goes smoothly and all the news is good!

Dwrgi - did you have have fun on your visit? your husky sounds very snuggly, although I am glad our dogs are not as big as that or we'd have nowhere to sit or sleep hehehe.

twinkle - you contribute plenty! - bug :hugs:

wooly- are you around hun?? how are you doing??

Pad - good luck with the scan, and then onto treatment. I will be excited for you. It sounds like your doctors have everything covered. I just want this to be your time!!

forever - that is such a lovely way of looking at things, that you are right where you need to be. It does feel very calming when you think about it. Im still keeping everything crossed for you next week.

OMM yay that your pap and tests so far are all good, thats more things you can tick off that list, so more steps closer to that BFP!

lava - Im glad you are having a nice time away, sorry about your cold though, hope you feel better xx

bearlake - stll crossing everything for you! is it this wednesday for testing?? good luck!!

Butterfly - that great news that you can get flights that are reasonable, so it's all go for the next cycle then? yay!!

keekee - you are such a useful person to know (and so kind to share your expertise with us) thank you xxx I love that cat in the melon hat lol! he looks so cross!

skye - I hope you are managing some rest! how is your mom doing?? Its such a worry when they are not so good and so far away isn't it? - my dad has been a poorly with one thing and another and its difficult as they are the other side of the country, so another county is even worse! :hugs:

HA, Northstar, FM, never :hugs: :hugs: and :hugs: for you ladies.

I hope you are all having a good weekend.

afm - well, I thought about what you all said and discussed with DH (about the betas) I think I am too scared. I think I can accept this if its not meant to be, but my worry is that if the betas are not rising, then Ill be waiting 2 weeks worrying about what the little sac is, if you kwim?
so, I think I am happiest living in blissful ignorance till the scan, then we'll find out. I actually feel calm and happy with this choice. I am currently completing my degree and working on my last essay, so I have plenty to keep my mind busy the next two weeks. I absolutely love you ladies and I am so grateful for all the advice though! (so please don't think I have ignored what you have said. oh and I did speak to the heamatologist and my tests are not complete yet, he is trying to hurry them (I think they are quite complicated though from what I remember) and will contact me as needed.
Purple--You're such a great responder! You always remember everyone. So thoughtful! Thanks :0)
Hi ladies -

I'm really sorry I can't comment on all the exciting things going on in here right now (we're on our way out the door) but I needed to share another movie warning with you all -

DH and I saw The Help last night, and there's a character in the film who's had recurrent mc and she has a pretty graphic mc shown in the film. I had not read the book and had NO idea it was coming, and I went into a full-blown panic attack in the theater. I'm kind of pissed off that of all my friends and family who've read and/or seen it, NONE of them thought to mention that to me. I'd even talked with lots of people (who all know about our losses) in recent weeks about how I was dying to go see it and hadn't yet! So, if you're prone to being upset over pregnancy/infertility/loss surprises in movies, save The Help for a rental so you can fall apart in the privacy of your own home.


Honestly, it was so bad that my nightmares returned last night - I had finally gotten back to sleeping well again after this last mc until then.

Enjoy your Sunday, everyone. :flower:
So in effect a thick womb lining, suggests raised progesterone and oestrogen (more progesterone??). Thanks for this, it's really helpful!

I love the space cat, by the way! I have the same picture on my classroom wall!

Yep, that's it! I guess you could say oestrogen helps the lining to thicken and progesterone keeps it that way (until the :witch: witch bitch comes along to spoil things.)
And you're welcome!

The cat is great isn't he? He looks a bit like mine. Minus the watermelon hat though :haha:.

He is sooooooooo cute!!! I have a picture of a line of police alsatians all lined up and on a lead, and then a cat is calmly walking in front of them with the quote underneath-Though you walk through the valley of death, you will fear no evil!!! It is brilliant!!

Next question-where does the oestrogen come from??? Is it related to ovarian eggs?? If an egg is produced, the lining thickens???? In IVF-the more eggs, the thicker the lining???? Is this correct or no??

Hmm, hope you don't mind all the questions. You can send me a bill if you like!!! :rofl:!!!!

Hope you're having a great day!
Purple, that sounds like a good plan. You have got to follow your instincts! Keeping yourself busy is also a very good idea, because the constant waiting is enough to send anybody doolaly!! Whatever the result, we are here for you!! Big :hugs: hun!

Thanks again Keekee, for your help. It's good to have these things explained to us by somebody who knows what they're talking about!

HA-oh, I'm so sorry that happened with the film. Honestly, I really don't think that people 'get' how upset this whole business is, of infertility and miscarriages, etc. They just think it happens, and you move on. NO!!! It doesn't work like that. You poor thing-I would have felt exactly the same. I hope that you can work through how you are feeling so that you can get back your equilibrium. So very sorry hun!

Carole-that is really amazing!!! I am sooooooooo keeping all my fingers crossed that there are twins, and if not, so what??? A happy healthy bb whose betas are multiplying nicely!! We'll have that! Absolutely brilliant news hun! :hugs::hugs:

HI everybody!!! Oh, I also wanted to ask about Macwooly. If you're there, how are you lovely? I hope that you are feeling a little bit better. I think of you often, and we are here for you when you need us!

Lava, you minx, a beach!!!! I am soooooooooooooooooooo jealous, it is awful weather here in the UK. Really heavy hail shower yesterday morning, and on and off showers all day today. Dreadful. It's going to be a loooooooong winter. So, what I'm trying to say is that I'm very jealous! Hope you've had a good break hun. Lots of love to you!

AFM, met Jo yesterday, and had a lovely day. We yakked and yakked for three and a half hours and in the end, the waiter in Cafe Rouge was hovering very obviously! It was really lovely. She is about to embark on IUI. I'll try and get her back on The Dump. Fingers crossed.

Oh, and at last I got a double line on my ovulation stick so He and Me are going to be doing the business later, although he doesn't know this yet.:rofl:

On a negative note though, almost had my own meltdown in M&S today, when a man and his little daughter (2 ish?) were in front of me in the queue, and the girl was being sooooooo cute and he was laughing with her. Honestly, the tears were there and I had to bite my lips hard to stop them falling there and then. This is truly truly pants, isn't it???

Hope you're all ok and having a good weekend. Love to you all,
HA and Dwrgi - just wanted to send you a ton of extra :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs::hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs::hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:becasue you sound like you need them!

and HA - My hope is that your next sleep and all the ones after are peaceful and nightmare free and unbroken (until you get you LO's of course and then your nights may be disturbed, but I am guessing you really won't mind that)
Next question-where does the oestrogen come from??? Is it related to ovarian eggs?? If an egg is produced, the lining thickens???? In IVF-the more eggs, the thicker the lining???? Is this correct or no??

Hmm, hope you don't mind all the questions. You can send me a bill if you like!!! :rofl:!!!!

Hope you're having a great day!

Hey! No bill, this one's on me :winkwink:. But I'll have to dredge my old bag memory to see if I can get the hormone side of it right.

Basically, at the start of a cycle the pituitary gland secretes Follicle Stimulating Hormone/FSH so that the egg will mature within the ovary and the ovary will start to produce oestrogen - so the oestrogen actually comes from the ovary itself. Oestrogen then stops FSH so only one egg matures (you can see mature follicles on ultrasound, usually one of the ovaries has a bigger follicle - the dominant follicle) and then also stimulates the pituitary to release LH/Luteinising Hormone as well as causing the endometrium to start thickening up. LH causes the dominant follicle to release the egg.
LH causes the corpus luteum to develop from the ruptured follicle which then produces progesterone to support the thickening endometrium.
I think that's right...feel free to correct me anyone!

Hope that helps Dwrgi! :hugs::flower:

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