TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

I'm on my phone so apologies for spelling mistakes etc.

Twinkle, :hugs: hope you feel better after bumping into your friend
with a baby. Well done for managing ToysRUs!!!!

HA sorry you had to go through the film experience. I think
people are either on denial of the effects of mc or they just
do not think. Hope your nightmares have gone x

4ever, so so sorry about your AF. I'm still hoping it will turn
out ok.:hugs:

OMM I've got my fingers crossed your appt today goes well x x

Caroleb good luck for your scan (today isn't it?) I sure hope it
will ease your worries. Keeping my FX for twins!

Padropat good luck with your tx! I was on Buserelin and still
Am on cyclogest for now twice daily, but had injectable gonal-f for

Drwgi interesting article! I hope you cought the egg this month!
In regards to your question of ovulation pain post egg collection;
my clinic said it was due to follicles filling up again after being
emptied. I was in agony after my collection.

Butterly follow your heart! TTC might be easier if you were in UK, no?

Skye thanks gor being such a sweetie! I am glad to hear you are
finally taking it easy!
NMG gorgeous pumb you've got there!
LLB congratulations!!!! SO happy you got your Sticky beany!!!

AFM I went against all my instincts and did a hpt on Sunday which
was 8 days post transfer. Tested negative. I thought it would prepare
me for Wed test, but to be honest it just ruined my weekend and
squashed all hope I had for this to work. All my symptoms are gone, so I think I will start my AF any time now. Heartbroken. And stupidly I feel like I've let
Everybody down.
I know there is a theoretical possibility that my hcg wasn't St a level that the test could measure but I just have a bad feeling about this now.
This was our only free cycle, so will have to start saving money gor another I quess.
Sorry for being so negative but I just feel so down at the moment....

Thank hod for you all, I do not know how I would cope without you all!

Honey you did not let anybody down, and please do not give up yet, its only 8 days past transfer, i dont think LLBean's started to show up faint until 10 DPT. Chin up sweetheart and no more negativity allowed lol. I bet you will see that bfp in a couple of days!!
My hamster died :cry: I know she wasn't much of a fur baby- she was only tiny, she bit & she was a bit mad, but she was the only one I had :cry:

Oh honey i am so sorry, and yes she was your furbaby, awwwwww im sending you big hugs :hugs:
Hi guys and so sorry to be doom and gloom! Have just spoken to IVF Wales, and they refuse to even meet for a consultation before January. I explained all the usual stuff, age, amh, etc. but no budging at all. I have to phone back in January to organise a consult and then treatment would begin a few months after that.

What I found so frustrating is that I said that I felt time was slipping by, that I just wanted a consult at this stage, etc. but no can do. What is wrong with these people???

The only other option is Cardiff Spire and London's Women Clinic in Cardiff and they are both about £2000 dearer than IVF Wales and CRGW.

I could scream-once again!

Sorry for the vent, needed to get it out...

Love to you all,

Oh how frustrating!!!!! I understand that they might be good, but dang, they wont even talk to you, now that sucks, ugh, i am frustrated for you, why is it that we have to suffer and suffer and then oh wait , yes suffer some more, and then on top of that, we have to WAIT for everything!! No need to be sorry for the vent hun, i am right with you on that one!!
oh padbrat - that's really soon!! I will be rooting for you and sending positive thoughts and all my hopes your way xxxx
Awww thanks Purps... It seems to have crept up on me and now I am truly petrified.... gonna go and check out flights to calm myself down... how you doing chick?

AFM, my drugs arrived this morning and I'm supposed to start stimming this evening. The movie incident still had me pretty shaken up so I called and spoke to my counselor yesterday - my concern was, does my reaction to the movie incident indicate I'm not ready to start treatment again so soon after a mc, that I need more time to heal? Or is it just that a really upsetting scene got me all worked up for a while because it hit so close to home? She told me to just go with my gut today, and if the thought of shooting up this evening still seemed upsetting then don't do it - sitting out one more month isn't going to mean anything bad. So I still haven't decided what to do.... :shrug: I definitely felt better yesterday than I did Sunday. I'm kind of ambivalent today. Maybe I'll just toss a coin at 9p tonight and let it decide for me!

In the meantime, I'll be busy reading all day - a new neighborhood book club is starting up tonight, and my book just arrived in the mail a few minutes ago! I have to go tear through a couple chapters so I'm ready for this evening. :wacko: Have a lovely day, ladies, and I'll check in later to see what's happened....


Honey i think only you will know if its right, to start trying again, i dont think the movie means you are not ready, heck i still cry sometimes when i see those things, the loss of your little one is not an easy thing to deal with. I do think that once you start the cycle you will feel better, like you on the road to getting what you want, your doing something you know what i mean. Its never easy, even for me, we have this one shot at this IVF, and i am SCARED TO DEATH that we will get pg and lose this one too, but i have to give it this last shot, i refuse to let this beat me down, i will win!!!! And so will you. I say go for it honey, and we will all be right here with you!! :hugs:
Hi Ladies -

It's been a while but I am back. DH and I hit an early wall with ttc and decided to take a break...needless to say it was a good thing but it can also drive you a bit batty with all the "what if's?" This month is our first try at a fresh start & have to admit I'm a little scared & cautiously optimistic:wacko: Today my CBEFM said it was egg time :happydance: So we all know what that means :winkwink: Get busy time! I lurked a bit last week & someone (I'm sorry but don't know who, I was only on for a second) had predictions...among them was one that said: babylove....I don't know if that was meant for me or if there is another "babylove" here but it REALLY lit my heart with hope....silly I know :blush: but I have to say Thank You!

Good luck to us all & welcome to the newbies. :flower:
pad Im doing ok, dh is keeping me calm, Ive convinced myself that what the sonographer saw was a mistake, and then I won't be so sad when I go back and it WAS a mistake, lol - it's a crappy coping strategy.
Hi bblve - welcome back :flower:and good luck, hope you catch the eggy!!
Are you a breast cancer survivor and I missed that info somewhere along the line?? WOW. My hat is off to you, Keekee. :howdy:

I sure am...and thank you! :blush: Next month is my 40th and it'll also be my 2 year cancerversary :happydance:. I was told Dec 2010 that the treatment had possibly made me menopausal, as you can imagine I was pretty upset and ended up coming off my treatment in April 2011. Well AF came back with a bang a month later to my surprise and delight (I've never been so happy to see the :witch:) and now I'm just trying to get used to my new cycle and don't know if I'm able to conceive naturally just yet but we're first cycle TTC so who knows? Not sure what we'll do if it doesn't happen naturally. And weirdly, it feels more stressful than being diagnosed and treated for breast I also take my hat off to all you lovely ladies who've been trying for a long time and those who are going through assisted conception/IVF. This place never fails to make me smile!

Oh wow honey thats amazing, :howdy::howdy: you are a true inspiration!!! Congrats
Ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry it has taken me a while to post, but i talked to the high risk doctor and he has given me the ALL CLEAR to go ahead with the IVF!!!!! I am so excited, one more hurdle down, now i have tomorrow for b/w and u/s and saturday is the mammogram, and then next week sometime will be the HSG test to check my uterus, then i have to get DH in for his b/w and SA. Ugh i am just freaking out here though, i so want this to happen this year, and i am afraid that it will take so long that we will go into next year, i was really hoping to be able to do it in november, but i dont know, ugh...... i hate waiting!!!!! Thank you to all you lovely ladies for your prayers and well wishes, please keep them comming and eventually we might get to the IVF process, PadBrad i am so jealous of you, i know its scary but at least you are on your way to making your baby!!!!
hi biblio and welcome! I hope your stay here is short , I have a cbfm but havent had a chance to try it yet but I know there are ladies here who are using theirs already and rave about them
Hello Ladies!

I am new here - this is my very first post - and relatively new to TTC as well.

A little background on me: my husband and I have been married for 12 years. We decided back in 2005 to have a baby so I went off the pill. And nothing happened. We both went and got checked out and my systems were clear while his showed lower than average mobility/motility but nothing major. We never really pursued TTC aggressively - I guess you'd say we were not trying but not doing anything to stop it - until earlier this summer. We have both lost a significant amount of weight in the past couple of years (100+ pounds each) and have adopted healthier lifestyles. We decided that if we didn't try, that potentially we would look back in five or ten years and have regrets - but that if we tried, even if we don't have a baby, then at least we'll know we tried.

So, I went back to my doctor.

Last month was my first round of Clomid - and my first time tracking my cycle and temping. Unfortunately while tests indicated that I ovulated, AF showed up on CD33. I actually found B&B while doing a search for Softcups for AF - but then a thread from here was one of the first results. So now I am planning to use those Softcups this month! I've also started taking Royal Jelly and Pollen, and have ordered some preseed for BDing.

I have a couple of questions for you:

- is a CB Fertility Monitor worth the cost, do you think, if I am tracking my temp and CM?

- do any of you have your SOs on fertility supplements and if so, which brand? I want my DH to start taking some but unsure as to which is the better option.

Thanks very much and I look forward to getting to know you all better and hopefully doing a lot of celebrating, too!

Hello Bibliochick! Welcome to the loveliest and friendliest group of ladies on the web.

My OH had low count and poor motility and he has been using vit c, zinc and selenium for it. Also a multivitamin for men for conception (Wellman Conception in the UK). Things have improved and recent results have been much better. Your DH must also avoid sitting with his laptop in his lap, keeping those parts cool if exercising, cola, too much alcohol, etc.

Good luck hun! Nice to meet you!
omm woohoo!!! So happy that it went well xxx that's another thing to cross off the list xxx
Just saw the post about your hamster. I am so sorry. Pets aren't just animals ... they are part of the family so I know how distraught you must feel. Hugs.

Just got back from the doctor. All is well. We are officially on Team Blue and Team Pink. :happydance:

Any news on Purple's scan today?

You are getting close to treatment time. So excited for you! I know that your time is right around the corner.

That is amazing news that you got the All Clear! Congrats. You are one step closer to baby. I'm looking forward to going on this IVF journey with you!

I saw The Help and cried through the whole thing. That scene is very sad as is the one where she is planting her trees. I'm sorry that you had to go into that unprepared. Even if you had braced yourself and watched it in the privacy of your own home, that would have been so painful. One thing that I liked about her character was her determined and hopeful spirit. I know some days you feel more hopeful than others, but I am hopeful for you and know that you will have your sticky bean and precious baby to hold.

Where are you with your treatment? So excited for you, too. I feel the same way that you do about DE. We were seriously considering that as an option and it is true that while it may take some awhile to wrap their head around, it will be your baby that you nourish in the womb and out.

Big hugs! Have faith, honey!

Sounds like you have a big move on the horizon. Will you be closer to your bf/friend in London?

Drwgi, Northstar, LLBean, NMG, Skye, Bblve, Desperado, KeeKee, Never, Missyt, Ginger and all the other ladies who may be lurking or that I may have missed.
Chris,:dance::headspin::juggle::bodyb::bodyb::wohoo::loopy:you are at the start of your journey now my lovely,this dream will come true ,so happy for you lovely,love always ,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry it has taken me a while to post, but i talked to the high risk doctor and he has given me the ALL CLEAR to go ahead with the IVF!!!!! I am so excited, one more hurdle down, now i have tomorrow for b/w and u/s and saturday is the mammogram, and then next week sometime will be the HSG test to check my uterus, then i have to get DH in for his b/w and SA. Ugh i am just freaking out here though, i so want this to happen this year, and i am afraid that it will take so long that we will go into next year, i was really hoping to be able to do it in november, but i dont know, ugh...... i hate waiting!!!!! Thank you to all you lovely ladies for your prayers and well wishes, please keep them comming and eventually we might get to the IVF process, PadBrad i am so jealous of you, i know its scary but at least you are on your way to making your baby!!!!

Oh how absolutely wonderful, I am so very pleased for you. I am sure that you will get your BFP-you soooooo deserve it and will get there!! Yes, you are right, it's all about the waiting, but your wait will be worth it just to make sure everything is in its place and good to go!!

I am soooo very excited for you hun, well done!

Lots of love,
Wow, lots of posting this evening so now I have to try and remember it all :dohh:

Welcome bibliochick and welcome back bblve :hi:

padbrat, exciting that it is so early, would love to be back and meet with bumps :hugs:

purple, cope however you need to, I think I would be the same :hugs:

Twinkle, my nephews have a hamster and it is the cutest thing, I can understand that you would be upset :hugs:

HA, yes, go with what you feel, it is not the end of the world if you wait a month and feel better for it :hugs:

FM :hi:

OMM, did you have your appointment today? Did I miss it somewhere, just trying to catch up :flower:

KeeKee, hoping you caught that egg :thumbup:

dwrgi, this clinic must be good if they are full so yes, maybe take the time to still try naturally but also have a bit of a break if you can :hugs:

I will have missed some of you I know, I've just got a cr*p memory, sorry but I do read all your posts and am rooting for everyone :flower:

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