TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

AFM I had my scan today and all is fine, I could see some little arms and the eyes of bubba so it it looking alltogether more human now not just a heartbeat on the screen. The doctor is happy and doesn't want to see me for another 4 weeks for my 12 week scan so I am happy and relaxed now. I am now going to enjoy pregnancy and my changing shape and get DH to take me out for a meal to celebrate tonight.

Take care all and catch up later :hugs:

So pleased to hear things are going well with your pregnancy and that you are at a stage where you can enjoy it x
I can't remember if I mentioned it last week, but I had some pretty severe anxiety issues that started last Wed morning when I found out I had 4 eggs and really high E2. It got worse throughout the day until I was nearly in a full-blown panic by trigger time. Terrified. Tempted to not trigger (but then realized the eggs would pop out on their own anyway). Tempted to cancel the IUI (until I remembered how much we had already spent on this cycle and I really don't like to waste money). Went through with the IUI wanting it to not work this time (which is just plain nuts) or hoping DH would have a really crappy sample that would negate the outstanding performance of my ovaries this time around. Very seriously questioning whether I wanted kids at all, or if I was even capable of raising a child, and why are we doing this. And truly believing that not wanting kids was the reason for my anxiety. Clearly I was having issues. I was on edge and snappy at DH for days. Then I had a counseling session yesterday morning. (My last session had been before we knew there were 4 eggs.) This saga was the first thing I brought up - I don't think we were even seated yet before my verbal diarrhea started up. My counselor listened patiently, then cocked her head and smiled and said, "So, you saw you had 4 eggs and high E2 and a great SA and you realized this cycle had great potential for success and some hope sprang up and you had to quickly talk yourself out of being hopeful and squash it down as hard as you could because having hope is scary." Ding! Cue the lightbulb over my head! :sad2: So since then I've tried to stop myself from fighting the hope, because whether I fight it or not (whether I like it or not!), my brain knows that this cycle has great potential and I'm going to be really disappointed if it doesn't work (and still be terrified of mc if it does). There's just a very fine line between being hopeful and going overboard on the symptom spotting, so my head is still working out that delicate balance.

Long story short - feeling completely nuts over here for the last several days. :wacko:


Honey you are defiantly not nuts lol, if you are then i think all of us are. I myself have had those exact feelings, even now i think do i really want to do this IVF, do i really want a baby, the answer is yes of course i do, but the thought that your life will change so much is very scary. I also am unsure of doing the IVF also because i am so afraid of going through another m/c, but we just have to have faith that this time it will work for us. As for the 4 eggs, its not likely they will all fertilize and implant, twins maybe, but i know your a strong lady, and you will be overjoyed no matter how many there are. I am sending you super big hugs, and hopefully all of our love will make you feel more calm, relaxed and very happy.:hugs:
Hi girls! :flower: Thank you so much for asking about me. This really is the greatest bunch of women on the web. :hugs: I've tried to unplug a little (tried being the key word!) since Friday to help me manage my tww anxiety. For those of you keeping score, official testing day is next Friday 10/14, but if the past is any indication, I'll know on Wednesday 10/12. I'm having a reallllly hard time not symptom spotting, mostly because I kinda feel like hell - really crampy (so bad I couldn't sleep last night) and bloated and crazy painful boobs - every single one of which can easily be explained by the trigger (which is still in my system), or my crazy high estrogen, or the progesterone supplementation, so I'm kind of going batty over here. :wacko: Still haven't heard back on DH's morphology results from this time, but I expect to today or tomorrow.

I can't remember if I mentioned it last week, but I had some pretty severe anxiety issues that started last Wed morning when I found out I had 4 eggs and really high E2. It got worse throughout the day until I was nearly in a full-blown panic by trigger time. Terrified. Tempted to not trigger (but then realized the eggs would pop out on their own anyway). Tempted to cancel the IUI (until I remembered how much we had already spent on this cycle and I really don't like to waste money). Went through with the IUI wanting it to not work this time (which is just plain nuts) or hoping DH would have a really crappy sample that would negate the outstanding performance of my ovaries this time around. Very seriously questioning whether I wanted kids at all, or if I was even capable of raising a child, and why are we doing this. And truly believing that not wanting kids was the reason for my anxiety. Clearly I was having issues. I was on edge and snappy at DH for days. Then I had a counseling session yesterday morning. (My last session had been before we knew there were 4 eggs.) This saga was the first thing I brought up - I don't think we were even seated yet before my verbal diarrhea started up. My counselor listened patiently, then cocked her head and smiled and said, "So, you saw you had 4 eggs and high E2 and a great SA and you realized this cycle had great potential for success and some hope sprang up and you had to quickly talk yourself out of being hopeful and squash it down as hard as you could because having hope is scary." Ding! Cue the lightbulb over my head! :sad2: So since then I've tried to stop myself from fighting the hope, because whether I fight it or not (whether I like it or not!), my brain knows that this cycle has great potential and I'm going to be really disappointed if it doesn't work (and still be terrified of mc if it does). There's just a very fine line between being hopeful and going overboard on the symptom spotting, so my head is still working out that delicate balance.

Long story short - feeling completely nuts over here for the last several days. :wacko:

Welcome to Ali and Sunny! :hi: I'm glad you found us.

Dwrgi, :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:. I'm glad you're asking for help. That was the hardest part for me, admitting that trying to work through it on my own wasn't working. Second hardest part was actually taking that first pill once I filled the Rx. I was really nervous that an anti-depressant would change me, sort of the "who" I am intrinsically. I didn't like the idea of taking a pill to make me feel better - I've been through two bouts of major depression before in my life (once in HS and once in college) and worked through it with the help of counseling and I wanted it to work the same way this time (though after several months of counseling I knew it wasn't improving because no matter what I did, I could not escape or resolve the underlying issue - infertility - causing my depression). Mostly I just felt like a huge failure. I had already failed at pregnancy twice, and now I was failing at the most basic thing there is, being myself.

My dr consulted with my RE before prescribing anything to make extra certain he agreed it was safe (which it is). I'm taking Bupropion XL (brand name over here is Wellbutrin) 450mg/day for depression, and Buspirone (brand name over here is Buspar) 15 mg 3x/day for anxiety. The process of finding the right dosage was frustrating for me because once I decided to take a pill, I wanted it to work immediately, and it didn't. It usually doesn't in most people. But after a few weeks I started to notice things... I didn't feel any different intrinsically at all, which had been one of my biggest fears. But I realized that there had been certain situations recently that I took in stride, and that surprised me because I know that pre-drugs those same things would have sent me overboard with stress/anxiety/I can't handle this, etc. So I know the drugs are working. They don't stop me from being sad when sad things happen, and they don't dull the enthusiasm or fun of fun things. They just kind of help even out my mood, so the lows aren't quite so low and they pass sooner. And they've improved my emotional stamina for working through treatments - pre-drugs I really felt like a 3rd mc would be the end of me, that I wouldn't be able to continue trying if that happened. But here I am, doing an IUI just a month later. I guess because I don't have to work so hard every single day to just get through the day, I have more reserves left for dealing with the big stuff. (And I didn't even realize how hard I was working to get through every single day until I didn't have to - I just thought how I felt was normal. It was MY normal, but I didn't know it didn't have to be.)

I'm sorry I've rambled. (It's that damned verbal diarrhea!) I tend to take advocacy very strongly, with regards to miscarriage AND depression. I don't want someone else to have to struggle through like I have and think they're the only one who's ever felt that way, that they're all alone. So I talk about both a lot, even irl. I may know someone irl who's struggling with similar issues in private, and if I am willing to talk about it, even if she doesn't respond, she'll hear me and know inside that she's not alone.

Now I've gone on so long I can't remember what I wanted to say to the rest of you! :dohh: So I'll just say I love you all and I hope you are having a great day. :flower: We're having spectacular weather here in the midwest - sunny and warm in the day, cool and clear at night - perfect. And the leaves are just about to hit their peak color around here! DH wants to head to a state park this weekend and do some hiking to just soak it all in. :flower:


Thanks so much for taking the time to explain yourself like this; it really helps to know that somebody else is in the same situation and has advice to give. Like FM said, I knew what you were doing re. panicking about the IUI. A BFP is a scary prospect if it has lead to sadness and disappointment in the past, but somehow or other, you have to find the strength to get through the fear, and I guess it is just a matter of one day at a time.

We hope so hard for a BFP, be it naturally or through assisted conception. We TRY so hard to do everything to make it work. We are in control of all of those things, it's the bit that we are not in control of that is the killer. How many follicles, quality of sperm samples, will fertilization occur, will implanatation occur, will it make it to one month, two months, into its second trimester. It is one long journey of stress, but we can only do it one day at a time. This time, all is looking good, but now of course, it's down to good old Mother Nature and she can be a pesky thing who doesn't always play ball. This is the hard part, you can do nothing other than wait, and keep yourself busy, and ride the Whatever Wagon, or put sore boobs down to the trigger shot, etc.

I am soooooo keeping everything crossed for you, and so hope that you get your long awaited BFP. And, with everything looking so good so far, I bet it won't be long before you'll be holding your own bb! I so hope so. :hugs:

I've said I would seek out anti-depressants before, but have battled on. I know that I have to think positively, but it's hard to change conditioned behaviour. I need to feel a bit more hopeful myself, and actually BELIEVE it before I can adopt a more permanent positive outlook. At the moment, I don't believe it will ever happen, and no matter how hard I tell myself that it WILL happen, it's very half-hearted.

Anyway, something's got to give, and despite being the most unsympathetic female doctor known to mankind, she did give me a prescription for a low dose anti-depressant. She didn't need to be told my symptoms as I really lost it with her, so fed up with the NHS and its pillar to post attitude. I think she thought I was loopy but I really don't care, because until she walks in my shoes, she doesn't know what this feels like. She's given me citalopram, but I don't know anything about it, although she did say they give it to pregnant ladies. I shall research it before I take one tablet!

It means a lot to know that you guys are all hear, but I am aware that I have become rather obsessional of late. I do need to sort that out, and know that here I am safe to write my thoughts down, and hope that somebody can have some input that will help. My greatest fear is the very loud ticking clock, and how much time I have realistically got left to try. I can't stand it, so I hope that these pills will help me cope with this a little bit better.

Thank you everybody and thanks HA, especially for taking the time to write and to help!

Lots and lots of love to you all,
Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :flower::flower::flower::flower::flower::flower::flower:

Amanda it just breaks my heart to read this, it makes me so angry that ladies like you have to suffer so much. Please know that its ok to get a bit obsessive, to be honest its part of the reason why i have not been posting much, i feel like i am not offering anybody any support, and only worrying about all of my stuff, but thats ok for us to do that, sometimes we just have to deal with us. I am glad you got the pills to help, i used to be in your shoes at one point, and thankfully got myself out of that, not totaly, but to some extent. I guess for me the worst thing is if this IVF does not work, we are done, and to be honest i dont quite know how to stop TTC, its been a part of my life for so long, its like an addiction. We all go through our times of "It will never happen" i am in that right now, as much as people support me, i just do not believe this IVF will work, oh i think i will get follies, and they will fertilize i just dont believe they will stick and grow, that unfortunatly comes from my past 4 m/c. But its ok, i am trying to focus on other things, like vacations, and my wonderful husband that i adore. I guess what i am trying to say is its ok to feel the way you feel, dont try and cover it up, it only comes back to the surface at the worst times, and dont feel bad for losing it with the DR. you need that, we all do. Just remember you are loved, and we are all here for you, whenever you need us.
Hey all!!

For those that have asked... I am off to Cyprus on the 20th Oct..... am feeling increasingly nervous....

Like you said HA... it is that bloody hope stuff that buggers it all up... if I didn't have a tiny spark of that stuff I would care... and if I didn't care I wouldn't be nervous... and if I wasn't nervous I would be looking forward to my trip abroad....

Yep HA you are right chick... hope... hmmmm tricky stuff... but I wish lots of love to us all xx

FM!! Heya .... how are you chick??

How cool Lava.. you feeling the twins... Skye are you feeling your lovely girl yet?

Dwrgi... I know how much it took for you to go to the Drs. Like M/C depression is still a taboo... well done hun x

OMM watch out... when Twinks rolls her sleeves up someone is definatley in for it!!!

Hey new ladies... welcome
Mac, Purps, Never, North, Bear, Carole and everyother gorgeous ladies... mucho loves x

LOL, i sure wish i could get her over here, i have been told that i am supposed to go to different departments and offer to help them, i feel like a hooker standing on a street corner offering my services, and today i get to have a meeting with that bitch to discuss what i can help her with, which will be her whole freaking job so she can sit on her fat ass and goof off. Man i really would love to just tell her what i think, its a good thing we dont have those little bubbles over our heads with what we are thinking i would so be in trouble lol.

Oh i am so excited for you, its ok to try and squish the hope, i have enough for you!!! I really think this is going to work!!! I am sending all the baby dust i have, and lots and lots of prayers, both that it will work, and that you will be able to relax and enjoy your road trip, i love road trips!!!
Carole thats wonderful news, i am so happy for you!!

Mommy's Angel, Amelia is just adorable, you bake a beautiful baby thats for sure, congrats momma!!

All my other ladies i love you!!!!
Hi Girls,

I know its been awhile but I needed to take my break over the summer and not be so obsessive. I guess I hoped that would work and get me pregnant. Well it didn't. I started down regging for IVF and I'll start my injectibles the week of the 20th. I'm nervous but trying not to get my hopes up the first time. I signed up for a shared risk program where we pay a flat fee for 6 IVF cycles. If I don't have a live birth after 6 tries then we get our money back. I guess if it doesn't work then we'll use that money towards adoption. I'm kind of an emotional wreck right now because last night I found out my best friend is pregnant. I guessed I freaked her out so much over my infertility issues that she went off the pill and got pregnant within 2 months. I really wish she would've waited until after this IVF cycle as I'm trying to stay calm, relaxed and stress free. I promise to catch up on what is going on with the rest of you. Thanks to FM, HA, Skye and Gingerbread for checking on me. You girls are the best!
Dwrgi-We are here for you to sort through whatever you need to sort through. I can totally relate to the ticking time clock, mine is ticking REALLY loud right now! It seems like the dr would exhaust every avenue to help you get pg but when it comes to this it seems like we are the ones who have to do all the research and then advocate to get them to listen to us. Don't give up! you are going to be a Mom and a darn good one at that!

Pad- Hey!!!!!! Fx for you!!!!!!!

HA- LOL! I'm lactose intolorant too, it happend when I turned 38....ugggh.....well aren't we a farty bunch?:rofl: I guess when you are going through this and emotions are raging it easier to look for the outside and see what you don't see! I'm not in a good place all the time, you know I get knocked down, I'm just not ready to give up yet! I'm am rooting so hard for you and I just know that your bfp is coming!

Sunny- sending :hugs::hugs:

MA- love the profile pic....such a precious moment! Seeing your pic makes me hopeful!

Carole- Yay for a good scan!

Thanks to all of you that have asked, we have decided to wait until Jan to have the scar tissue removed. I have to meet my deductible for my insurance and since we are at the end of the year I might as well wait.
Hey all...

Aww HA... you have me on your calender... really??? Ooooo thanks.. you are such a dear! x

Twinks... thanks hun... yes you can all be excited and if OMM you can squish all my hope out for me I would be very grateful lol!!

So sorry Sunny.... it is disgraceful that we have to suffer 3 losses before we have any kind of investigation... I would say help, but I think most of us in the UK would say help is not the word to use, unless you go private. Be gentle on yourself.

MA it is so lovely to see you holding Amelia.... gorgoeus... and soon Skye and Lava will be posting piccys too of their babies! x

Missy.. welcome back hun... we are all still here x

Dwrgi how are the meds treating you?

Carole - such fantastic news... roll on 12 weeks!!!

Mac, North, Bear, Never, Purps, Butterfly, FM and all you lovely ladies... mucho hugs xx
(if I had any baby dust I would throw it around too... but we know my baby dust just aint no good)!!
Missyt good to see you back and that sounds a great option on the package but sorry that the timing is bad with your best friend :hugs::hugs:
Welcome back! We missed you, but understand taking a break. I'm glad you are starting IVF soon. Hopefully your friend will be gentle with you and sensitive to how you are feeling, give you space or support ... whichever you prefer. You never know though ... several of my friends & co-workers got PG on their first IVF. We are all here and rooting for you.

My fingers are crossed and I'm saying prayers for you, hun!
Missyt so glad your back but so sorry no BFP yet and dealing with the news from your friend :hugs:

Sending lots of :dust: to all waiting on their BFPs :dust:
Hi Girls,

I know its been awhile but I needed to take my break over the summer and not be so obsessive. I guess I hoped that would work and get me pregnant. Well it didn't. I started down regging for IVF and I'll start my injectibles the week of the 20th. I'm nervous but trying not to get my hopes up the first time. I signed up for a shared risk program where we pay a flat fee for 6 IVF cycles. If I don't have a live birth after 6 tries then we get our money back. I guess if it doesn't work then we'll use that money towards adoption. I'm kind of an emotional wreck right now because last night I found out my best friend is pregnant. I guessed I freaked her out so much over my infertility issues that she went off the pill and got pregnant within 2 months. I really wish she would've waited until after this IVF cycle as I'm trying to stay calm, relaxed and stress free. I promise to catch up on what is going on with the rest of you. Thanks to FM, HA, Skye and Gingerbread for checking on me. You girls are the best!

Gingerbread hasn't been on since late June, I think, but she was going to start IVF this fall as well - hopefully she'll check in with us one day and let us know how she's getting on. We miss you, Gingie! :hugs:

AFM, I almost blew a gasket today. I was at a ladies' luncheon (after living here for 2 years I thought it was about time I joined the local newcomers' club to meet some new people! :haha:). All in all I had a lovely time except for one woman who still has my blood boiling.... For some reason, everyone under the sun starts every first-time-meeting-you conversation with, "So, do you have any kids?" :nope: I know you've all been there. Every time it happens I have to decide, do I tell this person or do I just say no and leave it at that? More often than not, I tell them I've had three mcs -most people are able to offer appropriate sympathy and maybe even share their own story. But given the setting today, at a table full of women I've never met before, I decided to just say no. The woman then proceeded to lecture me on how easy I had it and how childless people have no idea how hard life is!!! :saywhat: I really wanted to give her a big F*CK YOU and tell her SHE was the one with no idea how hard life is until SHE'S lost three babies, too!! :growlmad: I was so angry/hurt I couldn't compose myself enough to respond politely and "educate" her (which would make her feel awkward and therefor hopefully make her shut up), though, so I just held my tongue. I really couldn't even bring myself to look at her for the rest of the lunch because I was so angry.

And the thing is, I get why people ask that when they're getting to know you. I really do. Your family is a big part of who you are. But why can't they just ask, "So, tell me about your family!"?? Most people have no idea that the kids question is painful for SO MANY PEOPLE. I believe the vast majority of people on earth have no desire to hurt others and if they knew how painful that question can be for 1 in 8 people, they wouldn't ask it. That's why I do my best to talk about it as much as I can - even if my telling them makes them feel awkward, at least they'll never ask another woman. I just didn't have it in me today. And I'm not even upset with myself for that - no one can be a warrior woman all the time - I'm just still angry at that b*tch. :growlmad:

Sorry, I just needed to vent. If there was an angry smiley with steam coming out its ears, I'd be all over that today! :gun:
Hi Girls,

I know its been awhile but I needed to take my break over the summer and not be so obsessive. I guess I hoped that would work and get me pregnant. Well it didn't. I started down regging for IVF and I'll start my injectibles the week of the 20th. I'm nervous but trying not to get my hopes up the first time. I signed up for a shared risk program where we pay a flat fee for 6 IVF cycles. If I don't have a live birth after 6 tries then we get our money back. I guess if it doesn't work then we'll use that money towards adoption. I'm kind of an emotional wreck right now because last night I found out my best friend is pregnant. I guessed I freaked her out so much over my infertility issues that she went off the pill and got pregnant within 2 months. I really wish she would've waited until after this IVF cycle as I'm trying to stay calm, relaxed and stress free. I promise to catch up on what is going on with the rest of you. Thanks to FM, HA, Skye and Gingerbread for checking on me. You girls are the best!

Gingerbread hasn't been on since late June, I think, but she was going to start IVF this fall as well - hopefully she'll check in with us one day and let us know how she's getting on. We miss you, Gingie! :hugs:

AFM, I almost blew a gasket today. I was at a ladies' luncheon (after living here for 2 years I thought it was about time I joined the local newcomers' club to meet some new people! :haha:). All in all I had a lovely time except for one woman who still has my blood boiling.... For some reason, everyone under the sun starts every first-time-meeting-you conversation with, "So, do you have any kids?" :nope: I know you've all been there. Every time it happens I have to decide, do I tell this person or do I just say no and leave it at that? More often than not, I tell them I've had three mcs -most people are able to offer appropriate sympathy and maybe even share their own story. But given the setting today, at a table full of women I've never met before, I decided to just say no. The woman then proceeded to lecture me on how easy I had it and how childless people have no idea how hard life is!!! :saywhat: I really wanted to give her a big F*CK YOU and tell her SHE was the one with no idea how hard life is until SHE'S lost three babies, too!! :growlmad: I was so angry/hurt I couldn't compose myself enough to respond politely and "educate" her (which would make her feel awkward and therefor hopefully make her shut up), though, so I just held my tongue. I really couldn't even bring myself to look at her for the rest of the lunch because I was so angry.

And the thing is, I get why people ask that when they're getting to know you. I really do. Your family is a big part of who you are. But why can't they just ask, "So, tell me about your family!"?? Most people have no idea that the kids question is painful for SO MANY PEOPLE. I believe the vast majority of people on earth have no desire to hurt others and if they knew how painful that question can be for 1 in 8 people, they wouldn't ask it. That's why I do my best to talk about it as much as I can - even if my telling them makes them feel awkward, at least they'll never ask another woman. I just didn't have it in me today. And I'm not even upset with myself for that - no one can be a warrior woman all the time - I'm just still angry at that b*tch. :growlmad:

Sorry, I just needed to vent. If there was an angry smiley with steam coming out its ears, I'd be all over that today! :gun:

HA, I know how you feel. I started a new position within my company a little over a month ago. Everyone was asking me if I have kids. I do have a stepson so that's what I say. I think its rude too and they don't realize how hurtful it can be. I was having lunch today with two female coworkers who have 3 kids each. One was going off about her grown son. The other looked at me and said, "see what its like if you have kids". I said to her that I go through the same thing myself with my stepson but it hurts me because he isn't mine. I know I said it a little sternly because they kind of changed the subject and didn't know what to say. When you have kids so easily you just don't get it. My brother and I are close and I sent him a text that I found out my best friend is pregnant (wasn't even really trying) and I guess God doesn't want me to be a mom. Well he responded with that I should be happy for her and with my new treatment it may work out for me. First of all, I was happy for her because she's 30 and I freaked her out so much about my fertility issues that she decided not to wait anymore and 2nd of all my brother had 3 kids no problem. I'm sick of it too, HA.
Yeah I think it is really difficult for people who haven't been in that situation to know that it affects so many. I certainly didn't realise that so many mcs happened behind closed doors until I came on this forum and now I wonder how many of my friends have had them and struggled to conceive. I think it is natural for people to ask if you have kids as that is one conversation starter if you don't know someone at all. Living where I do I also get 'what does your husband do?' which I also find upsetting as I have a bit of a thing about never having been married at the age of 43 and that there surely must be something wrong with me (even my last short term boyfriend said it was suspicious!). And last year I was helping out at an event when I had such bad period pains that I had to leave and I told my team leader and she just said - you should have a hysterectomy - well my mouth just dropped open...

Anyway, like you say HA, I think the more people talk about infertility/ mcs then the more people might realise what they say is hurtful. But sometimes we just have to suck it up and seethe
Hi Girls,

I know its been awhile but I needed to take my break over the summer and not be so obsessive. I guess I hoped that would work and get me pregnant. Well it didn't. I started down regging for IVF and I'll start my injectibles the week of the 20th. I'm nervous but trying not to get my hopes up the first time. I signed up for a shared risk program where we pay a flat fee for 6 IVF cycles. If I don't have a live birth after 6 tries then we get our money back. I guess if it doesn't work then we'll use that money towards adoption. I'm kind of an emotional wreck right now because last night I found out my best friend is pregnant. I guessed I freaked her out so much over my infertility issues that she went off the pill and got pregnant within 2 months. I really wish she would've waited until after this IVF cycle as I'm trying to stay calm, relaxed and stress free. I promise to catch up on what is going on with the rest of you. Thanks to FM, HA, Skye and Gingerbread for checking on me. You girls are the best!

Gingerbread hasn't been on since late June, I think, but she was going to start IVF this fall as well - hopefully she'll check in with us one day and let us know how she's getting on. We miss you, Gingie! :hugs:

AFM, I almost blew a gasket today. I was at a ladies' luncheon (after living here for 2 years I thought it was about time I joined the local newcomers' club to meet some new people! :haha:). All in all I had a lovely time except for one woman who still has my blood boiling.... For some reason, everyone under the sun starts every first-time-meeting-you conversation with, "So, do you have any kids?" :nope: I know you've all been there. Every time it happens I have to decide, do I tell this person or do I just say no and leave it at that? More often than not, I tell them I've had three mcs -most people are able to offer appropriate sympathy and maybe even share their own story. But given the setting today, at a table full of women I've never met before, I decided to just say no. The woman then proceeded to lecture me on how easy I had it and how childless people have no idea how hard life is!!! :saywhat: I really wanted to give her a big F*CK YOU and tell her SHE was the one with no idea how hard life is until SHE'S lost three babies, too!! :growlmad: I was so angry/hurt I couldn't compose myself enough to respond politely and "educate" her (which would make her feel awkward and therefor hopefully make her shut up), though, so I just held my tongue. I really couldn't even bring myself to look at her for the rest of the lunch because I was so angry.

And the thing is, I get why people ask that when they're getting to know you. I really do. Your family is a big part of who you are. But why can't they just ask, "So, tell me about your family!"?? Most people have no idea that the kids question is painful for SO MANY PEOPLE. I believe the vast majority of people on earth have no desire to hurt others and if they knew how painful that question can be for 1 in 8 people, they wouldn't ask it. That's why I do my best to talk about it as much as I can - even if my telling them makes them feel awkward, at least they'll never ask another woman. I just didn't have it in me today. And I'm not even upset with myself for that - no one can be a warrior woman all the time - I'm just still angry at that b*tch. :growlmad:

Sorry, I just needed to vent. If there was an angry smiley with steam coming out its ears, I'd be all over that today! :gun:

Oh HA,this is absolutely dreadful. You poor thing. This woman sounds completely dreadful, and I have to say that you held yourself together with complete dignity. How dare she make judgements on you and your life? It makes me boil, and I see other people's complete ignorance every day. I think you did really well to keep it together because if you were to lose it, I think it's worth losing it for somebody who wasn't mean and petty minded. This woman isn't worthy of your contempt, let alone your anger. The thing is, she hit at your Achilles heel and she couldn't possibly have known, but still, she blundered on. It is so very difficult. I don't know, because you live in her neighbourhood you did the right thing in responding the way you did. She sounds like a loud-mouth who would judge you for your reaction, andyou don't need people whispering, as that is what they would do. I applaud you for holding it together, considering the circumstances, and I think you are a marvellous person for rising above this woman. YOU have integrity, as you could have shut her up with one withering remark, but you decided to rise above it. She is just not worth it.

I so wish that we lived in a society where infertility wasn't such a taboo, and where the question of having or not having children isn't important. It is the first thing that people ask, and now I am going to say, 'I'm trying for a child, but it's taking longer than I thought' so they can shut up. They don't need to know that I've been trying for almost four years, or what I've been through, but it satisfies them.

When I came to work today, I immediately felt my heart sink as soon as I drove through the gates, as there are pregnant women here evrywhere. AT home, I feel safe, I can protect myself from it, but wherever I go here, I am confronted with an army of bumps. As if that wasn't bad enough, a colleague who just had her baby, send a breezy email to everybody announcing her new baby to the world. Honestly, even in my own classroom I am not safe. I just wanted to write back and say 'F**k off!' but what's the point?

As it goes, trying to hold myself together, I ran into my Headmaster who was looking for me! He's heard about me being upset the other day and he was on his way to see how I was. Well, there he had it, me in tears over this pigging email. He was fab and sympathetic, but he must have thought that I was losing the plot. Maybe I need time away from here to get stronger....

Incidentally, I have the box of anti-depressants in my bag, but I haven't taken one as there ARE still risks with it for the unborn baby-potential for heart defects. I just can't bring myself to take one, and find out that I am PG and then, you betcha, my child would be affected. Isn't there a natural way of raising serotonin????

Chocolate, surely???!

Anyway, I've waffled on about me, but really, HA, I think you did a marvellous job in coping with this vile, ignorant woman. You are a strong woman and coped so well with such a dreadful incident.

Lost and lots of love to you! And go easy on the symptom spotting!!!
Hi Girls,

I know its been awhile but I needed to take my break over the summer and not be so obsessive. I guess I hoped that would work and get me pregnant. Well it didn't. I started down regging for IVF and I'll start my injectibles the week of the 20th. I'm nervous but trying not to get my hopes up the first time. I signed up for a shared risk program where we pay a flat fee for 6 IVF cycles. If I don't have a live birth after 6 tries then we get our money back. I guess if it doesn't work then we'll use that money towards adoption. I'm kind of an emotional wreck right now because last night I found out my best friend is pregnant. I guessed I freaked her out so much over my infertility issues that she went off the pill and got pregnant within 2 months. I really wish she would've waited until after this IVF cycle as I'm trying to stay calm, relaxed and stress free. I promise to catch up on what is going on with the rest of you. Thanks to FM, HA, Skye and Gingerbread for checking on me. You girls are the best!

HA, I know how you feel. I started a new position within my company a little over a month ago. Everyone was asking me if I have kids. I do have a stepson so that's what I say. I think its rude too and they don't realize how hurtful it can be. I was having lunch today with two female coworkers who have 3 kids each. One was going off about her grown son. The other looked at me and said, "see what its like if you have kids". I said to her that I go through the same thing myself with my stepson but it hurts me because he isn't mine. I know I said it a little sternly because they kind of changed the subject and didn't know what to say. When you have kids so easily you just don't get it. My brother and I are close and I sent him a text that I found out my best friend is pregnant (wasn't even really trying) and I guess God doesn't want me to be a mom. Well he responded with that I should be happy for her and with my new treatment it may work out for me. First of all, I was happy for her because she's 30 and I freaked her out so much about my fertility issues that she decided not to wait anymore and 2nd of all my brother had 3 kids no problem. I'm sick of it too, HA.

MissyT! How the devil are you??? I missed you! I asked about you loads of times, and worried that something had happened to you. It is so typical that not obsessing still led to a BFN. I am so glad that you are going for IVF and the financial package that you have got sounds like a no-brainer!!!! Go girl, and we shall keep all our fingers crossed for you, for Luv, for FM and anybody else who gets on the IVF wagon. From my own experience, IVF isn't that bad once you get over the mental obstacle that it is. Hopefully, you will get lucky first time, but from my own experience, docs often use the first cycle to test how the body responds to meds, as no two people will respond the same. Make sure you find a clinic that takes scans and bloods throughout the stimming, so that they know exactly what's going on in there. Anyway, when the time comes, we will be here for you!

I'm so sorry that you had to go through what HA had to go through-other people just don't get it. My youngest brother said to me 'At least you're doing something about it!' re. IVF but I thought how superficial. But we want them to behave in a certain way, and when they don't (as they've never been in our shoes), we get frustrated.

Your situation with your friend sounds so much like mine. My BF got pregnant first month of trying 6 years ago and has a TERRIBLE relationship with her hubby. She wanted a second child so that her daughter would have a sibling. Hubby didn't want to, cos of the state of their relationship. I was telling her that she was older now and it might take her longer, and, laugh laugh, look at me! She takes this to heart, and in the very first month of trying with her 40th birthday the next month, she gets pregnant! Honestly, you couldn't make it up. As it goes, I distanced myself from her, although I did explain that I couldn't be there for her, and now she had blanked me, even though she knows I've been through IVF. As HA said to North Star a while back, you really find out who your friends are at times like this, and I know the ones that have stood by me, who are real friends.

I hope that you and your BF can get through this; my advice to you would be to be completely uprfront with her about how you feel, happy for her but sad and upset for yourself. That it's bittersweet. That it just makes you feel even more stressed about TTC, etc. , or whatever you are feeling..

Lovely to have you back with us, and good luck MissyT with everything!!!
And Ginger, if you are lurking, which I know that you do,

come back to us, we miss you!!!
Amanda it just breaks my heart to read this, it makes me so angry that ladies like you have to suffer so much. Please know that its ok to get a bit obsessive, to be honest its part of the reason why i have not been posting much, i feel like i am not offering anybody any support, and only worrying about all of my stuff, but thats ok for us to do that, sometimes we just have to deal with us. I am glad you got the pills to help, i used to be in your shoes at one point, and thankfully got myself out of that, not totaly, but to some extent. I guess for me the worst thing is if this IVF does not work, we are done, and to be honest i dont quite know how to stop TTC, its been a part of my life for so long, its like an addiction. We all go through our times of "It will never happen" i am in that right now, as much as people support me, i just do not believe this IVF will work, oh i think i will get follies, and they will fertilize i just dont believe they will stick and grow, that unfortunatly comes from my past 4 m/c. But its ok, i am trying to focus on other things, like vacations, and my wonderful husband that i adore. I guess what i am trying to say is its ok to feel the way you feel, dont try and cover it up, it only comes back to the surface at the worst times, and dont feel bad for losing it with the DR. you need that, we all do. Just remember you are loved, and we are all here for you, whenever you need us.

Thank you so much for this Chris, and I so know what you mean. It does become a way of life. I've been reading more and more about this idea that we present blocks to pregnancy, that our life will change dramatically, fear of conception considering risk of miscarriage and loss. I really believe there is something to this. I think we have to remain positive until the time comes (and hopefully it won't) where we have to accept that it hasn't happened, and then find ways of dealing with it. In my mind, I'm already at this stage, but this is so wrong, as we must still be in there fighting! Positive thinking! So, until that point, whose to say that it won't happen? Who's to say that it's impossible? It's not, and we have to believe that! So, young lady, it CAN happen and you have to make sure that you are completely 100% positive that you are going to get yourself into a frame of mind to accept the prospect of having a baby growing inside you, and being born to you!

How's that boss of yours today? Want me to come over and slap her too? I've got two younger brothers, and know how to fight hard if I need to!!! Give me a shout, and I'll be right over!!!

Lots of love to you hun, and VISUALISE yourself pregnant and as a mother!

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