TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

dwrgi - I am also a big fan of "wispas" - heaven!!

I take a salad to work and several pieces of fruit and tend to keep no money with me, that way I am hungry and will eat all the fruit and salad so I know Ive had at least 4-5 portions a day. I also buy Del Monte orange juice/pineapple juice ice lollies - they are pure fruit juice but delicious!!! and Ill have one for pudding at night time - theu count as one of your 5 a day (they also do smoothie lollies - yummy)
ps. re the above - sorry if that's advertising, I do not work for that company - I just enjoy their products!
I do sound much unhealthier than I actually am!! I've just been having a bad week - although I remembered I had carrot soup on Wednesday so that counts! Dwrgi - the thought of you drinking cider through a spira made me laugh out loud!!
Purple I agree with you on your particular brand of ice lolly :thumbup:

Ladies I am so sorry so many of you are dealing with insensitive people at the moment :hugs: also got a good laugh at Dwrgi's Spira cider :rofl:

My favourite is Twirl, and I like the Ripples as well.

This week I'm going to get a special edition Cadbury "Screme Egg" quite excited about that, I have a love hate relationship with creme eggs, they are both awesome and disgusting, haven't had one in months as it's the "off season" for creme eggs. also got a good laugh at Dwrgi's Spira cider :rofl:

My favourite is Twirl, and I like the Ripples as well.

This week I'm going to get a special edition Cadbury "Screme Egg" quite excited about that, I have a love hate relationship with creme eggs, they are both awesome and disgusting, haven't had one in months as it's the "off season" for creme eggs.

Oo-let us know how you get on! A scream egg-for Halloween?? Ych, I can't stand Creme Eggs......... My brother loves them. I love Twirl too. Alas, I don't think they make Spiras any longer, otherwise, believe you me, I'd be drinking cider out of them every weekend!!!! :thumbup:
Nope Spira's are no more, but maybe they will bring them back, one day, like they did with Whispa's - my OH was so very excited when they brought back Whispa's a couple of years back.
Dwrgi, thanks for advice. I agree that IVF isn't sounding so bad now that I'm more familiar with the protocol. I've already told myself not to expect much from the first round. I know of a few girls that went to the same clinic and one got twins on the 2nd round and the other only did one with no results. I heard after that she regretted not doing the program I'm doing. This clinic does do monitoring often during stimming. I also went to an injection class last week and they went over all the meds which made me feel a lot better. One thing I'm worried about is that they did this AHM test that is supposed to test my ovarian reserve. I haven't gotten the result back becaus they take 2 weeks and its only been week. My nurse told me not to panic about it don't tell a woman who has bee TTC for a long time not to panic when it comes to her numbers. Do you know anything about this test and what the results mean? I'm sorry you had to go through that with your BF too. I'm trying to be supportive but deep down inside I'm depressed about it and I keep saying why not me and why couldn't she have waited to tell me until after this IVF cycle. I was and still am so stressed out about the news that I'm going to acupuncture today, to Yin Yoga tonight and I have a massage booked tomorrow. I meditated last night and I'm trying to hard to calm myself down and feel positive. So did they end up freezing any of your eggs? What medication were you on? I'm getting my meds delivered today. On thing I am holding onto is that the RE said that based on my numbers, my chances are 41% with IVF.

Northstar, I know how you feel when you say that women who already have children somehow think they are better than us. I hate those people that say, wait until you have kids, when they are having a difficult time with theirs. Its such a slap in the face. So many people don't realize the what ignorant, ridiculous things they say and I don't even want to talk to anyone about unless I know they've had fertility issues as well. I went off my brother last night, who I'm close to, when he told me I should be happy for my BF that is pregnant. I told him I was happy for her but he doesn't understand what I'm going through because he has 3 beautiful children and I shouldn't have even talked to him about this. I know he feels bad for making me upset but I just need to stop talking to people about it. Especially people who don't get and will never get it. That includes my husband. I'm not too happy with him right now. He doesn't understand either because he has a kid.
Amanda it just breaks my heart to read this, it makes me so angry that ladies like you have to suffer so much. Please know that its ok to get a bit obsessive, to be honest its part of the reason why i have not been posting much, i feel like i am not offering anybody any support, and only worrying about all of my stuff, but thats ok for us to do that, sometimes we just have to deal with us. I am glad you got the pills to help, i used to be in your shoes at one point, and thankfully got myself out of that, not totaly, but to some extent. I guess for me the worst thing is if this IVF does not work, we are done, and to be honest i dont quite know how to stop TTC, its been a part of my life for so long, its like an addiction. We all go through our times of "It will never happen" i am in that right now, as much as people support me, i just do not believe this IVF will work, oh i think i will get follies, and they will fertilize i just dont believe they will stick and grow, that unfortunatly comes from my past 4 m/c. But its ok, i am trying to focus on other things, like vacations, and my wonderful husband that i adore. I guess what i am trying to say is its ok to feel the way you feel, dont try and cover it up, it only comes back to the surface at the worst times, and dont feel bad for losing it with the DR. you need that, we all do. Just remember you are loved, and we are all here for you, whenever you need us.

Thank you so much for this Chris, and I so know what you mean. It does become a way of life. I've been reading more and more about this idea that we present blocks to pregnancy, that our life will change dramatically, fear of conception considering risk of miscarriage and loss. I really believe there is something to this. I think we have to remain positive until the time comes (and hopefully it won't) where we have to accept that it hasn't happened, and then find ways of dealing with it. In my mind, I'm already at this stage, but this is so wrong, as we must still be in there fighting! Positive thinking! So, until that point, whose to say that it won't happen? Who's to say that it's impossible? It's not, and we have to believe that! So, young lady, it CAN happen and you have to make sure that you are completely 100% positive that you are going to get yourself into a frame of mind to accept the prospect of having a baby growing inside you, and being born to you!

How's that boss of yours today? Want me to come over and slap her too? I've got two younger brothers, and know how to fight hard if I need to!!! Give me a shout, and I'll be right over!!!

Lots of love to you hun, and VISUALISE yourself pregnant and as a mother!

Awwww honey, here i try and offer you some support, and you end up making me feel better, thanks so much for this honey, i really appreciate it, and your right, i do have to try and think positive, i guess like HA, you just prepare yourself for the worst in the hopes that it wont hurt so much, but it still does. There is always hope though right? OK, i am going to visualise a little one growing and that i will be a mother one day!! Thanks again Amanda, i honestly dont know what i would do without you ladies.

And yes please could you come and slap her, ugh i found out yesterday not only do i have to work with her now, but she will be putting in her 2 cents for my review in March, ugh i just cant get a break, although i have to say for now she is being really nice to me, the biggest thing that sucks is now i have to move my desk next to her!! Thankfully there is a divider in between, eesh.:hugs:
missy, I don't think anyone can understand unless they have been there. :hugs: it doesn't mean you are crazy or over sensitive or selfish or not happy for your friend etc etc. (cos I think we have all heard those comments before) they just don't "get it"

Big Loves xx
Twinkle - I am with you!! I can be scary if I need to be, I'll whoop-ass with you, where shall we start, - I think HA's rude neigh bours, then OMM's airhead work colleagues!!

Whoo hoo i am all for this, we can all get together and :gun::gun::grr::grr::grr::grr: all the idiots out there!!!! We can call ourselves the Whatever Wagon Whoopass Women lol
missy, I don't think anyone can understand unless they have been there. :hugs: it doesn't mean you are crazy or over sensitive or selfish or not happy for your friend etc etc. (cos I think we have all heard those comments before) they just don't "get it"

Big Loves xx

Missyt i agree with this totaly, they really dont get it, and nothing we can say or do will change that, all we can do it live our lives, and just know that they are stupid lol. Good to have you back honey, i will be starting my IVF soon, your just a bit ahead of me. Dont be afraid, just think of all of us holding your hand and giving you hugs whenever you get scared. We can do this, and like Amanda said we have to think positive, 41% chance is fantastic, according to my doctor i have a 2% chance of it working but hey 2% is better than 0, my AMH was low, but all my other levels are normal, so i think our chances are better than they say.
Dwrgi, thanks for advice. I agree that IVF isn't sounding so bad now that I'm more familiar with the protocol. I've already told myself not to expect much from the first round. I know of a few girls that went to the same clinic and one got twins on the 2nd round and the other only did one with no results. I heard after that she regretted not doing the program I'm doing. This clinic does do monitoring often during stimming. I also went to an injection class last week and they went over all the meds which made me feel a lot better. One thing I'm worried about is that they did this AHM test that is supposed to test my ovarian reserve. I haven't gotten the result back becaus they take 2 weeks and its only been week. My nurse told me not to panic about it don't tell a woman who has bee TTC for a long time not to panic when it comes to her numbers. Do you know anything about this test and what the results mean? I'm sorry you had to go through that with your BF too. I'm trying to be supportive but deep down inside I'm depressed about it and I keep saying why not me and why couldn't she have waited to tell me until after this IVF cycle. I was and still am so stressed out about the news that I'm going to acupuncture today, to Yin Yoga tonight and I have a massage booked tomorrow. I meditated last night and I'm trying to hard to calm myself down and feel positive. So did they end up freezing any of your eggs? What medication were you on? I'm getting my meds delivered today. On thing I am holding onto is that the RE said that based on my numbers, my chances are 41% with IVF.

If your RE said that IVF success is 41%, I'd be very happy with that! My likelihood of success at the clinic I just had treatment is 10%!!!!

An amh test is a gauge of ovarian reserve, i.e. how many eggs you will have left. The US use a different scale to us Brits-we use p/mol. Mine is 2.9 which is at the bottom end of low fertility! Ha ha ha!! Here's a table I've cut and pasted from elsewhere.

Ovarian Fertility Potential pmol/L ng/mL

Optimal Fertility 28.6 - 48.5 4.0 - 6.8
Satisfactory Fertility 15.7 - 28.6 2.2 - 4.0
Low Fertility 2.2 - 15.7 0.3 - 2.2
Very Low / undetectable 0.0 - 2.2 0.0 - 0.3
High Level > 48.5 >6.8

It measures the NUMBER of eggs left in the ovaries, as opposed to the quality. If you have a low number, like mine, they will give you max drugs and short protocol. They really want to avoid OHSS, which can be avoided by drinking lots of water! Skye is the expert on this. Her advice, and it is what I have read elsewhere, is that you need to adopt a high protein regimen throughout stimming-at least 75mg of protein per day (equivalent to one chicken breast)-milk, cheese, chicken, etc. etc. etc. Also, to drink at least 2 litress of water per day, and more if you can. No alcohol, etc., and try to relax as much as you can. Yeah, right!

Although I had twelve folicles in the scan two days before egg collection, with the biggest measuring 20mm and 18mm, on the day of EC, only two eggs were collected. Neither fertilized overnight, so none to freeze to transfer! It was and is a nightmare, as I am sure that I ovulated before my trigger shot. That's why they must monitor you closely, and not let those eggs get too big. They didn't take my oestrogen levels either, which suggests a good supply of eggs! They said my eggs were 'old' and to come back after three months of taking DHEA or have donor eggs. Apparently, this is the stock response with clinics if they can't explain what happened!

Try to relax with regard to your amh level-it's a guide for the specialists to know what dosage of meds to give you. You hear of people with barely discernible amhs get a BFP!!

Good luck to you! And start digging out the 1001 ways with chicken cook books-you will need them!!
HA- I totally get how you felt about that conversation, I get that questions all the time, usually in the form of " you don't have any kids yet?" sometimes I just want to say " I can't have kids" just to make them feel horrible and hope they don't ask anyone else that question but I guess that would just be mean! Sometimes I just say " no no kids yet" or I might say " no still waiting on my time" Usually they just smile and say well your time will come. You are all right that talking about infertility seems to be taboo, if it were talked about more I think it would greatly reduce the amount of people that ask that question. Sometimes we just get tired of educating people, it is totally ok to be pissed.

Missyt- so happy you are back and I am so excited that you are about to begin ivf, I hope you will keep us updated so we can cheer you on as you go thru your ivf cycle.

Dwrgi- Sending hugs your way!!!!!

Purple, Omm, skye, Twinks! lava, Pad Love you guys!

AFM- nothing really going on except this never ending AF I stopped taking the bc since IVF is on hold until the scar tissue is addressed, AF showed last friday and I am still bleeding.....uggh, I wonder how long this will last????? Anyways, I feel useless right now, there is nothing to do ttc wise but wait and that totally sucks but I guess I've done all I can for now. also got a good laugh at Dwrgi's Spira cider :rofl:

My favourite is Twirl, and I like the Ripples as well.

This week I'm going to get a special edition Cadbury "Screme Egg" quite excited about that, I have a love hate relationship with creme eggs, they are both awesome and disgusting, haven't had one in months as it's the "off season" for creme eggs.

OMG Cadbury creme eggs are one of my favorite things on earth! No, the caramel eggs are. No, Crunchies are. No, the mini-eggs are. No, Flakes are. AARGH! I love Cadbury!!!! I haven't seen the Screme eggs over here - I'm so jealous!

Dwrgi, yes, there are some risks. But those risks are CRAZY low. Here are two good, relatively easy to understand :)wacko:) articles about anti-d use during pregnancy:
This one is from the Mayo Clinic and includes a chart of the most common anti-d's and their relative risks.
This one is a good summary of the most comprehensive study to date.

When making the decision for myself, the key points for me were these:
- untreated depression during pregnancy poses known risks to the baby, including increased risk of premature birth, low birth weight, developmental delays and a much higher risk of post-partum depression.
- some anti-d's are linked to a higher risk of some birth defects, but the absolute risk for the defects in question is still ridiculously low. That study summarized in the second link above was a study of over 15,000 babies born to mothers who used SSRIs during pregnancy, and the rate of the defects in question in that group was still less than 0.05%. So even taking the drugs, fewer than 5 in 10,000 babies had the birth defects in question. The only reason it makes the news is because that is double the risk of the defects in babies whose mothers were not taking SSRIs during pregnancy, but clearly, even on SSRIs the odds are exceedingly small.
- knowing that treating the depression has risks and not treating the depression has risks, I'm going to treat the depression. Plus, it helps me that my sister took sertraline (Zoloft) during her 2nd pregnancy 5 years ago, and my nephew is 100% normal - there is absolutely nothing wrong with him.

If you're truly uncomfortable with it, talk to your dr again and discuss the risks and ask her your questions. Or, since she is a cold-hearted unfeeling woman :)haha:), talk to some other dr about it, preferably an OB or RE or psychiatrist, since they are the ones with true expertise in the field.

Missy, AMH can be a squirrely test. One thing to remember for sure when comparing your results to others on here is that different labs use different scales. It seems to me that the norm in the US is a 1-5 scale and in the UK is a 1-15 scale. My RE uses a 1-5, and he said anything over 2 is great, 1-2 is still good but the clock is ticking, and under 1 is definite cause for concern. (He also said that FSH is a more short-term indicator of how well your ovaries should respond to stims and AMH is more of a long-term indicator.) That said, though, everything I've read about AMH says that the test is so relatively new that there really aren't any well-defined standard in the industry as for what is good and what is low - those cutoffs vary from one lab to the next and from one dr to the next.

And I'm sorry to say it because I know it's hard to hear, but I agree with your nurse - don't panic over the result. At this point, knowing that number will be a good thing no matter what the result is - that number will help your dr create the best possible protocol for you to make sure he gives you the best treatment tailored to your body. 41% is awesome!! And you have already paid for 6 rounds! You are well on your way to meeting your baby. :hugs:

OMM, I can't believe she's going to have a say in your review now! :growlmad::growlmad: If the Whatever Wagon Whoopass Women got our own website, we could be www. wwww. com! :haha: (I had to space our new url funny so BnB would stop automatically making it a live link!)

Thank you all for having my back on the rant over the rude woman yesterday. I feel better knowing I wasn't being completely irrational. And Butterfly, thank you for the steaming ears smiley!! :haha: Love you ladies. Have a great day. :flower:
HA, the "Screme Eggs" are a hallowe'en special :thumbup:

This is just for you Cadbury ladies out there - I love this website they make GIANT versions of your favourites.
Ladies I live 6 miles from Cadbury World and have yet to visit it. I love my chocolate but can't talk DH into taking me and to be honest I need him there to prevent me being like Augustus Gloop in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory :)

NS - that site is amazing :)
Ladies I live 6 miles from Cadbury World and have yet to visit it. I love my chocolate but can't talk DH into taking me and to be honest I need him there to prevent me being like Augustus Gloop in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory :)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I've have been to the Cadbury factories in NZ and Australia, but not the one in the UK, the smell is absolutely wonderful.

Much as I love choccie I have my limitations they are throwing the free samples at you but after a few I felt a bit sick and had to stop :rofl::rofl:

But Macwooly I knew you'd enjoy that website, did you see the giant Thorntons' Alpini, I was quite excited about that one.

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