TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Purple-I never test, I just wait for AF. When I WAS pregnant, and my AF was late, it took seven days for it to show on the hpt. On hindsight, I think this was because the hcg levels were so low, and the pregnancy proved ultimately 'unviable.' I really hope that you get a BFP hun, and am sending you positive vibes to make that happen! :dust::dust::dust:

Lady H-so sorry for your BFN. It is pants, isn't it? Lots of pampering today. xx

Hi to everybody!!

Am having loads of uncomfortable twinges in my ovaries-who knows if this is down to the norethisterone or testo gel. All I know is that I want to tell my OH to F off because he is being an absolute pig. There's definitely something in the water, girls!

Hope you all enjoy your weekend!
Good morning ladies!!!

Yes I think Lilsluz is right - Mercury must be in 'retrograde' or something????@!!!#@#%
I ALSO got mad at DH last night .... we didn't have a full on fight (we never do) but I definitely said some stuff and then went to bed early still mad... (I know I should never do this)... He said some stuff too (but what he wouldn't say is what hurt me more). What the heck is going on this week? I've never been this moody this early in my cycle... The moodiness seemed to start a day or two after OV... and I still have it... I'm 9 DPO today... the backache is better but have sore Bbs and very gassy (TMI)...

Purple - I have my fx for you!!! Yes you can definitely still be in the game even it you get a BFN early...

Lady H - it's still early for you isn't it? Fx for you!

Ipen - sorry to hear about the clinic mess... that is horrible... I hope you can get something quickly when dr. returns? Don't give up.... :)

Frolicky - good luck with AF coming and getting back on your regular cycle - must be so hard for you.... Someone on another thread said that you are more fertile after a M/C... is that true? She had a m/c and then month after got preg again and is almost finished her 1st trimester.

Missy - hope you are well!!! and hope Bandit is feeling better?

Lilsluz - my goodness you have been through so much girl!!! so many surgeries/doctors for your back etc.... The stories about your DH doing your hair before work made me smile.... so cute!!! :) What a sweet guy.... So glad to hear that you are much better. What a scary experience you had to go through.

Dwrgi - hope you are feeling better - wow you are strong for not testing at all!!

Hello - to all the other ladies I missed!!!
xoxo Have a great weekend.... It's Family Day here on Monday!
Hi Ladies

Not been on for a few days, will catch up with all your news soon.

We have made a difficult decision but one we think it right.

After 3 MCs trying for our first baby and we are not getting any younger (me 38 dh 46). We have given ourselves till the end of next month to get our BFP and then we are giving up.

We are sad at the thought of no baby ever but feel its the right thing to do.

I am currently 14DPO, AF due Monday ish...I tested yesterday and got BFN. We BD at the right time, but other than some spotting on 5DPO I think I am out as no symptoms at all and the 3 BFP I had I did have symptoms.

Sorry a bit of a moan there.

Happy Saturday.....

Penny, I am so sorry to hear this, but I do understand completely. It is heartbreaking to endure a MC, and to cope with three is just horrendous. You need a lot of courage to put yourself through another potential MC. I know of a few women on here who have done just that, and to date there are two who have got beyond the dreaded 12 week stage (and had three MCs previously) and are sailing through their PGs (fingers crossed that things continue going well for them-I am hopeful for both).

It's hard to set a time limit as, in a way, it makes the whole process even more stressful. If you don't achieve a BFP by your time limit, you will feel bereft, particularly as you have proven that you CAN get pregnant.

I know what my NHS FS would tell me if I were you-she would say that you know that you can get pregnant, and that for women our age, it takes on average two years to get pregnant anyway.

Have you had recurrent miscarriage testing? This may pick up on something that is causing you to miscarry, and it might just take a pill or medical observation to get you through. Perhaps you are progesterone deficient which may lead to the miscarriages.

I read somewhere that as long as you are still ovulating, you can still have a child. You are 'only' 38, you have time. I always thought that I didn't want to give up on my chance of having a child, as I knew I would regret it forever. I would hate it if you did the same, and always wondered 'what if.'

I'm sorry if I have spoken out of turn-I don't want to undermine your position, but just trying to help. This is a hard business and needs a lot of strength and courage. We are here to help each other and support each other, and it makes the TTC journey that much easier.

Thinking of you and sending you big :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:


I have had all the mc tests and all came back clear. Whilst I know I can get preganant to see a heartbeat in 3 or 4 scans and then to lose the baby is too hard. I don't think I can keep enduring that sort of torture.

If they had found something in my tests it would of been easier as I would of felt more positive but it's another chance of a MC.

Penny - I am 38 yro too and my DH is 46 (47 in March). I guess my hope is that I have a baby by 2014. I am trying not to put too much pressure on myself though. I truly hope it happens for you though by next month so that all this hard work pays off and your dreams of becoming a mother come true. :hugs:

Lady H - Hang in there!

Dashka - Not sure about being more fertile after a mc. I do know a few women that got pregnant after one though. Hang in there..your tww is almost over. Symptoms sound hopeful.

AFM - So glad that AF finally showed up today. I am lucky to report mercury is not affecting DH and I. Maybe it's also because I am handling the mc so well and going about my normal routine. I guess I feel strong today. Hopefully it stays that way.
I remember though because my DH has azoospermia we struggled for a while as we dealt with the infertility and how to proceed in the future. Now that he knows my BFNs and mc are not his fault I think it really takes the pressure off of him. When the male has the fertility challenges that could really add stress because if you get a BFN they may blame themselves. :hugs: Definitely a time for more love, compassion, understanding and patience.
Looks like DH was a lucky man to have me NOT at home last night. :thumbup: All of this crankiness going around. Do you think our cycles are starting to synchronize?

Penny--so sorry to hear about your losses. That would be so heartbreaking. Good luck to you and DH settling into your decision.

Purple--There is a girl on my clomid thread that is pregnant with twins and got BFN until 16 DPO. It does look like that type of test is a huge factor in when you see it. The Wonfo sticks are the earliest and the store brand ones seem to be the latest (except Target).

I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

AFM--My DH called the clinic Friday as soon as they opened and got my progesterone and brought it to me at work so I was only 12 hours behind. Just makes me upset that they call and worry you and then dont follow through. My breasts have been hurting since 4 DPO, but with this progesterone, they are terribly sore. Now I can just attribute all symptoms to the progesterone and not pregnancy. For some reason, this helps me relax. :coffee:
purple - I'm here to check on YOU girl, your chart looks wonderful and really hope you get your BFP this morning :thumbup::test:
lots and lots of ladies get their BFPs dpo14 and later. Like all my friends, they have never even THOUGHT of testing before dpo14...:shrug: can you believe it :haha: but they are the ones who have gotten preggo pretty easy and " i tested when my period were 1 week late..why hurry you'll find out for sure.."
But I'm into testing early nowadays, as IF there is even possible chemical going on I want to know. Few times I've had Clearblue +/- test + showing but what I've read it gives lots of false +. So dunno.

You have a good point there froliky about men and their stressing out, they don't show it so "easy" I believe like we women do. Like my OH, he totally has changed his beliefs about us having a baby now when he found out about his perfect results (for 1/2 yr he didnt want to get tested cos he thought his spermies were just picking their nose..) like yesterday he was telling our puppy how he is going to get a little sis or brother after we do some IUI..aww..Had to tell him after that that the % of pregnancies after one IUI is lik 15% so that he doesnt expect too much, and we still dont know where the problem lies.

Hows HA doing? Taking it easy :hugs:

I hope you all lovely ladies have a great sunday :flower:

I think I'll start on some cookie baking :cake: and got some laundry to do :hangwashing:
Hi Ladies, sorry to be MIA yesterday

Ive just caught up...

Dwrgi - hope your tummy is feeling better, and that you haven't strangled your dh! I would think the testo gel is having that effect!

LadyH - so sorry about your bfn :hugs: hope it's just too early!

Ipen - so glad the clinic got your meds sorted out!

Penny - I can understand :hugs: dh and I have had that conversation too, dh actually said something along the lines long should we keep trying until the disappointment becomes too great. I hope you get that bfp so that you never have to know!

big loves to everyone else :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

afm.... this is sort of 50/50 news, so Ill put it in a spoiler because I don't want anyone to be upset or suprised

ok, so I tested yesterday (internet cheapie) and both me and dh could see 2 lines - but only in a good light/squinty eye sort of way, I tried a different brand (also an internet type but in a casing) and couldn't see anything. I have read on the "gallery pages" about people taking the casing I did, and again - very faint line is there. today I tested and the line is even fainter, you can barely see it. Im not sure if it's a bfp, whether I just had a lot to drink before bedtime so my urine is dilute, or whether this is a chemical :wacko:
we are not getting our hopes up though, because then we have to start dealing with the worries of MC . I have decided to wait a couple of days and test again, yesterday we went an got a CB digi and some tesco's own brand tests, so the wait begins again.
fingers crossed!
something must be up. i got in an arguement with 3 girls over cabs and ended up getting punched in the eye (yeah i started the verbal part but..) sigh i hate that i get so angry. and of course given that my eyes are my job im all scared cause i have new floaters etc.. coulndt cope wiht more people tonight but may go by the er tomorrow., of course it is a holiday weekend
PURPLE!! What great news you have :yipee::wohoo: Sorry I can't help it, I really do hope and pray this is a sticky one :thumbup: Hopefully the lines get darker, you are in early days still. Oh my... :hugs::hugs: I really really hope everything turns out good! We need some good news to this thread :flower:
take it easy now luv :hugs:

Purple just dropping in as I read your news and I am hoping and praying those lines get stronger and you get your BFP. Everything is crossed for you honey :hugs::hugs::hugs:
something must be up. i got in an arguement with 3 girls over cabs and ended up getting punched in the eye (yeah i started the verbal part but..) sigh i hate that i get so angry. and of course given that my eyes are my job im all scared cause i have new floaters etc.. coulndt cope wiht more people tonight but may go by the er tomorrow., of course it is a holiday weekend

ouch!! hope you're ok!!
Purple - That's wonderful!!! I hope all goes well!! Great news!

Urchin - I hope you don't have a temper like that with your child. ;) Take it easy. People can be so immature. A girlfriend blocked me on facebook and linkedin after I told her via text I did not know if I could make it to her birthday party due to pregnancy and followed up with not going due to mc and she told me texting that was low class and a slap in the face. I told her I did not feel like we were very close and very different too. As far as I am concerned infinitely not my loss. Who needs that when mc after ttc this way. Drama queens not needed.
Purple - ditto what BF said - praying hard for you

DrSquid - hope you are OK and no side effects :hugs:

Asry - any way to get Cookies over to the UK :winkwink:

Froliky - glad AF showed and glad you are feeling strong. :kiss:

iPen - glad DH got your Progesterone and that it was only a 12 hour delay in the end - still super frustrating and stress you don't need :hugs:

Love and dust to all the other lovely Ladies on here.

AFM some very light brown CM today(sorry tmi) so classing that as prelude to the Witch arriving tomorrow (no cramps and I don't usually spot but it's too far in at 12 DPO to be ib). That and my temp seems to be dipping. That would put my cycle back to 26 days which is a bit of a relief after the weird 35 days cycle last month so I'm taking that as my silver lining. :wohoo:
Hi ladies - I'm here, just lurking and trying to hold on to what's left of my sanity. It's like I'm chained to the scariest roller coaster ever invented and I can't get off even though I want to (and I usually like roller coasters). My mood is all over the place, and when I read everyone's updates over here I can't keep my thoughts straight enough to post anything in reply. So I'm still here and reading, just laying low for the time being....

But I had to pop up in reply to Purple's post - I wouldn't read too much into the fact that the line seems fainter this morning, hon - it's going to vary from one test to the next, even within the same brand. Getting a digi is a good idea. :thumbup:

Grr...just lost a big fat post :hissy:

Try and remember what I put.....

Purple...congrats and :dust: please don't use the Tesco own brand...not senstitive, think it's a 50/100miu. Asda or Morrissons own brands are fab and sensitive...wishing you lots of luck :hugs:

HA...hang in there :hugs:

Frolicky...sorry about your loss :hugs: I am one of those people that caught straight after a loss and fingers crossed...all is ok so far :flower:

Penny...I am sorry for your three is hard enough. I am one of those people that Drwgi was on about earlier and if you want to talk or ask any questions...feel free to PM me :hugs: long until the IVF gets under way? Nevrous and exciting all rolled in to one :hugs:

Lady H...sorry for the blank white space :hugs:

:hi: and :hugs: to everyone


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