TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Yay for purple. My sister (who has a healthy 4.5 month old) got very faint BFP a full 2 weeks after AF was due. Not sure what is with the tests, but don't let it worry you. Praying for an awesome end result.

Drsquid--I hope all is well with your eye.

LadyH--glad to see the running around guy for excitement over the next cycle.

AFM--tested this morning and BFN--still only 9 DPO so too early to test really. woke up this morning thinking maybe i want off this coaster. i would love to be a mommy. adoption is a viable route for our family and one we have been considering heavily. maybe take a two months off and get in good physical shape and then try one last round. i don't think we are a lost cause. i just know we have other choices and i want to consider them all.
Neversaynever - Thanks!! You give us hope.

HA. & Penny - :hugs: stay strong!

Ipen - Adoption is an option for some. Good luck & hopefully things work out for you. A BFP would be great though. Toasting for that with my coffee.

I went for a bike ride this morning and my hypothesis is that my doctor inseminated too late. I ovulate early. When she did my last insemination eggs were gone. Depending on how long it takes for sperm to get to egg, my egg quality was diminishing before iui. I am hoping to do one earlier and hoping I don't ovulate at 4 a.m. It's tough because doctor can't work at midnight.
Do not be alarmed. It is I who switched from creepy eye to adorable nieces. The two on the left are adopted and the one on the right is miracle baby. Sweet, sweet, sweet.

LMK if the baby pic bothers anyone. I want to be sensitive to sensibilities.
never - thank you for the tip!!!!!

Ipen - your nieces are beautiful :)
ipen - gorgeous kids and not offended. I find the avatars with BFP's on harder!
Purplep-I am cautiously excited for you! You made me laugh with your description of the squiting eyes and the looking at the stick from all angles! Gosh, we've all been THERE!!!! Anyway, you've had a good feeling about this, and hopefully, those lines will continue to get darker, so huge tons of good luck to you!!! Interesting what Never said about the Tesco own brand-this is the one I used when my period was 5 days late, and it showed a BFN. I tested again three days later with another brand and got a BFP. The things we learn on here!! Fingers crossed for you hun! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hey Never-how are you feeling? Are you starting to get excited now that Oopsie most definitely is here to stay? So pleased for you! :hugs:

Ipen-glad you got the progesterone, and so sorry about the sore boobs. 9DPO is defo too early, so don't give up on yourself just yet! Hang on in there, although I know it's really hard. Always a good idea to keep options open re. adoption. Your nieces are really beautiful! xxx

Frolicky-bike ride sounds good. I too think that I ovulated too early last year during my ICSI. There are so many variables that can go wrong with this whole business, and we torture ourselves, going over what could have gone wrong. Anyway, hang on in there! :hugs:

HA-you have my sympathies, I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. And surely the 1WW is worst than the 2WW. When do you test hun? Try to remain positive, although I know it is really hard. Do you remember what Skye and I used to discuss-to watch as many comedies as you can, just to try and remain upbeat. I realise that this sounds quite trivial and petty in comparison with what you're experiencing, but it can't harm, surely? I am thinking of you, and sending you huge hugs! :hugs::hugs:

Lady H-sorry that you think AF is imminent, but good news that your cycle is getting back to normal. Lots of pampering now then, just to sweeten the pill a little bit. Thinking of you, Axxx

Butterfly-how are you hun? When do you return from Dubai? Are you in the middle of your 9 night work marathon yet?? Thinking of you and sending lots of love, Axxxxx

Carole-how are things with you hun? Hope that things have calmed down a little bit-you've had some stressful times to deal with. Thinking of you and big hugs to you and Z! xxx

Missy-how is your weekend shaping up?? Have you got any plans for today? Hope that you and DH are friends again and that Bandit is doing better. Big :hugs: hun! xxx

Asry-your posts are always so sweet. Glad that your OH is feeling better after his SA results. Hope the temperature with you is a bit milder than of late! Lots of love hun, Axxx

Hello to everybody-FM, Skye and Lava if you're lurking, Manuiti (where have you gone again??), Twinkle, NS, Luv, and anybody else I might have missed. :hi::hi::hi::hi:

AFM-still taking the testo gel. Feeling very anxious, and am very irritable. OH and I are not speaking today-due to his appalling behaviour yesterday. He just does not get the pressure that I am under, and it is always about him, him, him. Grr, men and their egos, particularly men who have been allowed to believe that they are little princes by their adoring mothers (who just happen to live across the road so can constantly drip feed ego boosts and thus prevent little princes from facing up to themselves). :grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr::grr: least she lives across the road...unlike my MIL who lives NEXT DOOR :shock:

I could give you a low down on what tests to use and not use in the UK :winkwink:
I'm sorry DH is being a twonk...these things don't physically affect them so they don;t know what we got through at any point...I still don't think they get a smidgen of it in all honesty :hugs:

I am doing ok...had a spotting scare after DTD on Valentines day so he is now on a ban :rofl: not sure if I told you ladies on here but the silly bugger had me propose to him after I opened his Valentine's yeah...I get to choose my own ring and we gett married some point hsi year...just the three of us and some random witnesses so it doesn't become a circus of politics :haha:

XxX least she lives across the road...unlike my MIL who lives NEXT DOOR :shock:

I could give you a low down on what tests to use and not use in the UK :winkwink:
I'm sorry DH is being a twonk...these things don't physically affect them so they don;t know what we got through at any point...I still don't think they get a smidgen of it in all honesty :hugs:

I am doing ok...had a spotting scare after DTD on Valentines day so he is now on a ban :rofl: not sure if I told you ladies on here but the silly bugger had me propose to him after I opened his Valentine's yeah...I get to choose my own ring and we gett married some point hsi year...just the three of us and some random witnesses so it doesn't become a circus of politics :haha:


A ban sounds like a very good idea, for the time being at least! You must have been beside yourself with worry. I have high hopes for Oopsie, and know that the little bean is here to stay! I didn't realise he'd got you to propose-what a monkey he is!!! But, at least you get to choose the ring-fabulouso, I would say! The biggest in the shop, I'd go for!! Also good idea to just be the three of you for your wedding-family politics, oh my, don't even get me started (considering the MIL who lives across the road, and makes comments like 'Oo, I saw that your light was on late last night'. However, you are also right-it could be worse!! She could be living with us. OMG-I would officially have to leave :nope:).

Big loves to you and Little O and thanks for the sentiments with regards to Mr Twonk. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
Just popping by to say a huge "WOOOOHOOOOO" to Purple!! Keeping everything crossed for you, hun!!

Hello and big :hugs: to all you gorgeous ladies!

C xx
Have a look at this girls. Interesting. xxxxxxx:flower:
dwrgi and never--sending my deepest sympathy for your mother in law proximity syndrome. :flower::flower::flower::flower::flower:
we used to be in the same town with MIL, but had to move. i walked in the kitchen during a sunday afternoon nap because someone was ringing our phones like crazy. my FIL was in the kitchen and there i was in my t shirt alone. he was ringing the phones off the hook because he wanted to come over and when no one answered, he came right over. then saw our cars and came right in. i hope he enjoyed the show :happydance:
Hi Ladies!!

Purple - OMG - I have my fingers crossed for you and hope those lines get darker fast!!! you go girl!!! :)

Dwrgi and Never - you made me laugh with the MIL stories.... I actually have to live with mine Mon-Fri as she watches our 3 yr old (adopted) daughter in our home (her house is too far to drive to and from each night) She isn't so bad -but I have to bite my tongue a lot and ofcourse if I wait until the weekend to discuss with DH -then he thinks I'm unappreciative of her help etc.... But it's little things like when she flushes the toilet while I'm in the shower -massive HOT HOT water! ouch ouch

HA and Penny - Hang in there and lots of hugs....

Ipen - glad you got your progesterone... don't give up!!! Love the photo of your nieces.... I am a big fan of adoption (our 3 yr. old daughter is adopted)... It's a big step and has it's own stresses in the process but totally worth it. I still feel like I want to have the experience of pregnancy and childbirth though and want her to have a sibling.

Dr.Squid - hope your eye is okay??.... wow what a story...

AFM - today I'm 10 DPO.... feeling very tired and a bit nauseous but could be from not enough sleep last night.... I am still in my jammies and robe at 4:09pm!!! this never happens! Bb's are sore and bit swollen, feeling bloated etc.... DH had a big big talk yesterday morning and got stuff out in the open about my feelings, MIL, fertility stuff etc.. and feeling better today -so not so moody... Not sleeping well this past week -but usually happens week before AF. Not going to test until Tuesday.

Missy, Lilsluz, Asry - hope you're well!!

Big hello to everyone else!!! Big hugs...
thanks guys. got my eye checked and all is fine. now i just have to work on why i get so crazy angry. it is never with family always random people doing rude things and it gets my goat. i need to learn to walk away particularly if im looking to have a kid.

frolicky= so happy to hear you are doing well and on to the next cycle. *fingers crossed* march is a lucky month!!
Hi Ladies, sorry to be MIA yesterday

Ive just caught up...

Dwrgi - hope your tummy is feeling better, and that you haven't strangled your dh! I would think the testo gel is having that effect!

LadyH - so sorry about your bfn :hugs: hope it's just too early!

Ipen - so glad the clinic got your meds sorted out!

Penny - I can understand :hugs: dh and I have had that conversation too, dh actually said something along the lines long should we keep trying until the disappointment becomes too great. I hope you get that bfp so that you never have to know!

big loves to everyone else :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

afm.... this is sort of 50/50 news, so Ill put it in a spoiler because I don't want anyone to be upset or suprised

ok, so I tested yesterday (internet cheapie) and both me and dh could see 2 lines - but only in a good light/squinty eye sort of way, I tried a different brand (also an internet type but in a casing) and couldn't see anything. I have read on the "gallery pages" about people taking the casing I did, and again - very faint line is there. today I tested and the line is even fainter, you can barely see it. Im not sure if it's a bfp, whether I just had a lot to drink before bedtime so my urine is dilute, or whether this is a chemical :wacko:
we are not getting our hopes up though, because then we have to start dealing with the worries of MC . I have decided to wait a couple of days and test again, yesterday we went an got a CB digi and some tesco's own brand tests, so the wait begins again.
fingers crossed!

OMG Purple! PRAYERS & FX FOR YOU!!!!!! [-o<[-o<[-o< Please let us know as soon as you :test: again! :hugs::hugs::hugs: This wait has to be even worse than 2ww!
Pennyb – I’m so sorry about everything you’ve gone thru. I had 2 major M/C’s & suspected chem as well. TTC is so much work & then when you actually do get preg, you are scared to death for another 3 mos. If it lasts that long. Whatever decision you make is yours – and hey, you never know. You may just catch a “give-up” preg?

LadyH – sorry for BFN

Dwrgi – FX for you that this is your month too! Sorry about fighting with “Prince DH”. That would drive me mad w/the MIL. I think we all seem to have MIL nightmare stories in here. Mine is only 3 streets down so I get a good dose of her every week (but not as bad as some of you!). Great article, too

Frolicky – wow, you have been through a lot – very sorry for your recent loss! I, too, have heard that you have a great chance in getting preg after a M/C (after the 1 month wait). OBGYN told me this. Maybe b/c your body already got “all geared up” for it &is in that mode or something. But that’s just a guess. FX for you -

Ipen – love the new avatar. Yeah, better than the “creepy eye” (LOL). You are def still in the game, girl

Never – what a wonderful year you’ve had – oreg & now engaged! (or semi-engaged?) Funny he made you propose on VDay. I would place a ban on that too, if I were you!

Dashka – boy, I really feel bad for MIL living w/you! Grrrr. My FX for you – not too long now til you can test – hang in there w/sore bb’s & everything! You have some willpower, girl. I guess Family Day & President’s Day fell on the same day. So glad we’re off – needed this real badly.

Drsquid – wow, hope the eye heals well

HA - hang in there & keep us posted

Hi Missy & Asry – hope you are both doing well!
Hi to everyone else & hope you all had a great weekend!:hi::hi:
Morning all, :witch: got me this morning, I knew she was coming. So the 35 days cycle from last month has been replaced with a 25 day one this month?! It's nearer to the 26/27 I had before so happier with that. That gave me a 12 day Luteal phase, is that long enough??

Hope you all have a wonderful week, I have the day off today so will keep one eye on here for news!

#EDIT# Also is it worth purchasing the VIP membership of Fertility Friend - I like the extra features but do I pay for 90 days or a year?? Any thoughts?
Good luck Louise! Hoping that the second line gets darker today!!!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
Just a quick pop in whilst my boss is out at a meeting.

Purple I am thinking of you and hoping that line gets darker :hugs:

HA how are you doing honey? You have been in my thoughts constantly. It can't be that much longer till you test, I know this is an incredibly emotional and stressful time and wanted you to know that I am with you in spirit willing this to be your sticky BFP. Come on blasty you can do it :hugs:

Dwrgi thanks for posting the article, very interesting. It is good to know that there are some credible and cheaper alternatives to the blood transfusion treatment that some clinics push.

Never I thknk the ban is a good idea, to be honest DH and I did not have sex at all during the first tri as we were both too scared just in case something bad happened. I know everyone tells you it is fine to DTD but when you have suffered a previous loss everything scares you. Even now we don't DTD that much as my bump is huge and gets in the way or I am not as flexible for some positions hahaha he is right but he gives me loads of cuddles and affection so it doesn't bother me too much. Hang on in there you will be fine and it will all be worth it in the end :hugs:

Lady H sorry that the witch got you but good news on the cycle length. Hoping that the hormones are balancing and the BFP is just around the corner:hugs:

Daksha hoping those symptoms are good ones for you and you get your BFP.

AFM things personally have settled down with in-laws backing off completely, think they sensed the lioness coming out in me and thought better of it hahaha. We have given up hope of finding our little dog but are focusing on the positive that we still have one adorable dog that we love very much and are blessed to own. As for pregnancy I am starting to get really tired again and seem to be in bed by 9pm latest and just about manage at work. Not sure if I told you guys but Zara is measuring 2weeks 3 days bigger than her gestational age and was 1.4kg at 27 weeks so I am on target for a big baby. They reckon about 9-10 pounds. I think that has something to do with the fact I am getting so tired already and not as mobile. That said I know I am blessed and count my blessings every day. Now all I want is for all you ladies to join me in the "fat club" (this is what my bosses wife calls it).

Take care all and sending you all my love hope and prayers :hugs:
ipen - Cute neices!! Not offended at all!!

Dashka - :dust: :dust:

LadyH- Sorry AF got you! :hugs:

drsquid- Glad to hear you're taking it easy. Not worth letting strangers upset you especially when you have 'bigger fish to fry'. :hugs:

AFM - Well I am only spotting and my temperature is still high. I have a feeling the progesterone is still lingering even though I went off it a week ago Tuesday. Ugh. I heard it can take 7-10 days. Trying to find patience and peace with the wait. I finished the baby quilt last night. The stitching is meditative and peaceful. The nursery will be a "Tree" theme since our family tree is unique. :sadangel: (this icon made me laugh at myself)


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