TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Girls! Please come and get me out of here! Im in the hairdressers having my roots-grey- done and highlights, and from what I can see, theres not a lot of blonde going on and an awful lot of dark brown. Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhh!

Love to you all, and group hugs in order!
Girls! Please come and get me out of here! Im in the hairdressers having my roots-grey- done and highlights, and from what I can see, theres not a lot of blonde going on and an awful lot of dark brown. Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhh!

Love to you all, and group hugs in order!
Ladies - I do see women give advice in journals all the time. My advice was obviously bad timing. The girl and I resolved it there and it really did not need to be over analyzed here in my opinion. However, I understand why HA wanted to clarify it. After I wrote the comment (because I felt stupid and bad) here, the girl and I resolved it in her journal so the need to bring it up again here just felt a bit unnecessary but I know and understand why HA wanted to give another perspective.

I don't like drama at all! Life is too short. We are all dealing with life/death issues, hardly any of us on these threads are free from the challenges of infertility. Not one of us has it any better or worse (imho). We all have challenges/struggles. In addition, we all need to work, pay bills, go to our doctors appointments etc. I believe drama like this just take away from more important stuff. We all need support during these challenging times. I was wrong, and the girl let me know it right away and I learned real quickly and it was done. When someone says something I find inappropriate, I don't always feel the need to point it out in front of the whole crowd but maybe a private message, or just keep it to myself, or let it go, because in the end...does it really matter? I don't have to be "right" and have a lot to learn in life and about others etc. I am open to listening to others.

My DH had Hodgkins Lymphoma and so did a few other children in his community (his dad blames the disease on playing football??) but other kids got it too and they did not play football. It is in my personal opinion, it was something environmental. I used to do environmental inspections and I am not even going to go into the stuff I saw. People always blame their bodies on why they can't get pregnant but have a more difficult time (because others are getting pregnant) thinking it could be something environmental etc. Every body responds to toxins differently (everyone's bodies respond to drugs differently, food differently, etc.). Having an open mind to what could be the cause of not getting pregnant is very important to getting to the bottom of the issue.

Like I said, I did not feel hurt your comment, HA. I just really don't like drama and needed to focus on work and taking care of myself. I understand where you are coming from and I am sorry if I overstepped my boundaries.

However, I do know what my intentions were and how someone chooses to respond it is their choice. How we choose to respond to anything when we are in pain, suffering, hormonal is ultimately our choice. Fighting, yelling, divisive discussions don't solve anything usually from my experience, even though that is completely what we want to do a lot of the time when we are going through the challenges. I have a lot of compassion for everyone here. I have to live with my DH not being completely excited for our child. Not having the excitement a normal DH would have. Our situation is not any better/worse, it's just different. However, I refuse to be a victim of my circumstances. I will grieve, go through the pain, etc. but come out stronger, and find a way to solve the issue and come to a solution so I can move forward.

I do wish everyone here would get pregnant and I pray/meditate about it everyday!! Seriously. Maybe it helps, maybe not, but I know I am sending it out there for whatever it's worth. We will all be stronger for this, more open minded, compassionate, kind, loving, sensitive, and hopefully softer to one another and most importantly to OURSELVES! Have a good weekend. I have to do lots of cleaning. Sister and BIL are coming for a visit next weekend.

:hugs: :hugs: xoxo
Frol - I agree - we all have our battles/challenges and life is WAY too short to waste it on misunderstandings and drama... You take care of yourself - you keep that beany happy!:flower:

I also wish EVERY single person who ever desires to have a child - to be granted that wish and SOON!!!! It totally sucks what we have to endure. Like I said before I feel like you are my sisters and we have a special bond. We have been brought together to support and encourage and I pray for you all that you will be holding your little ones very soon.:hugs:

Have a great day ladies!

Girls! Please come and get me out of here! Im in the hairdressers having my roots-grey- done and highlights, and from what I can see, theres not a lot of blonde going on and an awful lot of dark brown. Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhh!

Love to you all, and group hugs in order!

Dwrgi - how does the hair look now?? Are you ready to kill someone?:gun::grr::grr::grr:
Hope it looks better.... :hugs:
I have a computer virus from He!!. Ouch. Can't goole anything, it will take me to some strange website. It's like the twilight zone. Lol!
Well, I am at home and the hair is definitely dark brown with a few wispy strands of blonde in it. I went in blonde. HTF can a 'T-section highights and some brown to cover my roots, please!' be construed as 'colour me brown all over'????

Bloody bloody bloody hairdressers!!!

On a lighter note, how is everybody?

I completely agree with your comment, Frolicky, about each and every one of us being mindful of how our comments come across, and how, sometimes, if we really feel the need, and that is a heavily emphasised IF, it is more sensitive to do that in a private message. I would hate to be 'publically' told off, and would be inclined to deliver a two fingered salute in return. However immature that may be. You are completely right, too, that we have enough to deal with by coping with the shi&e that is infertility, not to mention then having to deal with confrontation here too. It's just not acceptable in a supportive forum.

I have said this before and I shall say it again, we have to be mindful of each other and each other's feelings, and I think we do need to think carefully sometimes about how our words can affect others, particularly if there is a whiff of controversy about them. I know of dear friends who have stopped posting on here as they felt that some others' comments towards them were inappropriate. I don't think that is what this forum is about.

I would add smilies here, but my laptop is playing up and won't let me. Grrr.

Anyway, shall we close the lid on this now? Just not good to have negativity like this on here.

For my own MIA, I just needed to get away for a while as I was getting more and more upset about my own situation and comparing it to others. It is VERY hard indeed to soldier on, day after day, when you are not thrown many breaks. It WILL have an effect in the end, and I certainly needed a few days away. And now I'm back!!!!!!!! (You may think to yourself, 'Kerrist, it's her again. Think I'll log off now!').

My consult went well, and my OH and I came out of it feeling far more positive than we did last summer (when I was completely heartbroken and given not a lot of hope). Consultant said that my body responds well to drugs, stimms, good womb lining, loads of follies, etc.; a textbook cycle, apart from the BFN, of course. My body SOOOOOOO wants to get pregnant, and that's what breaks my heart. She is pretty certain that I don't have immune issues, and is certain that my inability to conceive is due to old eggs, but we all knew she'd say this. In my ovaries each month, there are fewer good eggs being thrown out, and more duds, which either don't fertilize or don't implant. It is sheer luck that somebody else with a lower amh than me can get pregnant, that's all it boils down to, in her humble opinion, but I'm not sure that I buy that.

So, we discussed various things: lower dose of stimms to produce less follicles and better eggs (possible suggestion I threw in which she said may be worth a shot, but don't really know how I feel about this) and using intralipids and steroids to counter any 'possible' immune issues. Or, of course, donor eggs, which we discussed.

Lots to think about. I'm not planning on doing another cycle until July, anyway, (school holidays) so have got time to get my head around this. It's essentially head over heart: head says donor eggs (better stats, and as she said, it's only a 'couple of cells' essentially) and heart (own eggs, but more chance of failure). Ho hum......

Or give up, which is quite tempting to me, at times, close the door, move on, it was not meant to be, I have no fight left..... yada yada.

Sorry for selfish post.

Big loves to everybody, and hope you're all enjoying a great weekend!
Yay, dwrgi is back :happydance::happydance::kiss:

Hmm, bummer about the hair but I am sure it looks great anyway :hugs::hugs:

Good that you have plenty of time to think about what to do next. I really hope that you do another cycle whether it be DE or your own. In any case it would be lucky to have you as mummy :hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM the :witch: is circling as we speak.... :growlmad:
Pad- your DNA made you who you are, and for that, we are all glad :hugs:

Dwrgi - can we see pictures of the hair maybe? I am glad you are feeling more positive after soeaking to your doctor, and it's also good that you have time to decide what you want to do next. It is good that there are options and I agree 100% with butterfly, how you have you baby he or she will be lucky to have a mummy like you (Bowen or blonde) :hugs:

I hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
We are doing major sorting out. We have cleared our little spare room , well it's a box room really and it's going to be a room to store all our DVDs and paperwork etc etc. it's pretty much ready for painting to spruce it up then we can feel really organised (probably for the first time ever lol!)
Butterfly, you are ace, so sweet and thoughtful, always! :flower::flower::flower: The real bummer is to have that nasty pesky witch hovering. But, it ain't over till she sings hun, so hang on in there! :hugs::hugs:

Purple=glad you got your room cleared. Always good to get on with jobs that you've been meaning to do! I'll have a wine for you later, for your efforts! As for the camera, I'm avoiding all mirrors at the moment, so the prospect of having my piccie take with this old woman's barnet on my head is pretty grim! You'll just have to imagine it! It is VERY dark. xxx

Love to everybody, :thumbup:
Have a look-for fun only!!! May make you laugh (Lord knows we could do with one!).
Drwgi, thanks for this: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Best laugh I've had for ages! Thank you SO much.

I do feel for you in regards to your hair; it happened to me several years ago (tried to even out my sunbleached hair and darker roots) and it took awhile to grow out. Just thinking now, can you go back and say you're not happy with it? I've also had a 'green hair episode' and went back to the hairdresser who fixed it for me...

Butterfly -Why do you think the :witch: is lurking? You'r chart looks fab ??!! How long is your cycle usually?

Pad - :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I wish I was clever geneologist who could fix your genes xxxx

Purple - Could you come and do a bit of sorting out in my house as well please? I need to get truck loads to charity shop... :hugs::hugs:

LilS -how are you doing? :wave: :hugs::hugs:

Dashka - I love the fact you're so knowledgeable on nutrition xxxxx

Coastdreams - Sorry hon, I don't have any experience on using Metformin or Clomid. Hope you'll have succesfull weekend xxxx

Frolicky - Hope you'll get rid of the computer virus soon!!!

:hi: for everyone else, hope you're enjoying your weekend!

AFM My head is full of questions about what might be stopping us getting pregnant. I'm starting to think it's either poor embryo quality (and what can one do about that?) or a problem with implantation. Could be my aging eggs as well. It's just frustrating when in 2 IVF's things have gone 'well' (plenty of eggs, good lining, good SA, okish fertilization rate and 1 out of 13 developed into a good blastocyst ) until the implantation.
Also, does any of you know how to translate information you have learned from IVF into unmedicated cycle? I got 20 eggs but only one of them developed into a blastocyst. Does this mean that in unmedicated cycle I may only produce a 'good enough' egg in 20 months?
Sorry for the long blurb, just got a lot on my mind...
AFM My head is full of questions about what might be stopping us getting pregnant. I'm starting to think it's either poor embryo quality (and what can one do about that?) or a problem with implantation. Could be my aging eggs as well. It's just frustrating when in 2 IVF's things have gone 'well' (plenty of eggs, good lining, good SA, okish fertilization rate and 1 out of 13 developed into a good blastocyst ) until the implantation.
Also, does any of you know how to translate information you have learned from IVF into unmedicated cycle? I got 20 eggs but only one of them developed into a blastocyst. Does this mean that in unmedicated cycle I may only produce a 'good enough' egg in 20 months?
Sorry for the long blurb, just got a lot on my mind...

Hey Bearlake, I'm so sorry to hear that you've got a lot on your mind. It is completely natural after what you've been through. It's a good idea to do as much research as you can so you can come up with a plan of action, and get some answers.

From my research, this is what I've learnt! Good embryos generally come from good eggs. Sperm is generated every 3 months so aren't in the frame as much. Typical. Despite popilar opinion, there are things that you can do to improve egg quality. You can take 75 mg of DHEA per day-but word to the wise, micronised from America is best. Best results are seen after 6 months of use. It improves quality and quantity. Omega 3 is also good, look for those with DHA and EPA. Paradox is recommended- see Amazon. Acupuncture is believed to encourage blood flow to the ovaries and so improve egg quality. Lots of green veg. and protein, etc. Minimal alcohol and caffeine. A good pre conception multi vit is a must. Some advocate Royal Jelly too.

As for IVF, there is a belief that a supply of eggs will always contain the same amount of 'good' eggs i.e. if you had 20 eggs from EC and only 2 were good, then only 2 would have been good if you retrieved only 5 eggs. So, aim for lower doses if you yielded 20 eggs. Some clinicd now aim for 6-8 eggs because of this.

Also, to do everything possible, intralipids are recommended fot older women with two IVF failures-they are supposef to help with implantation. Youd need at least two shots during a treatment cycle, at @ £250 per shot.

You can also try ICSI, and the new thing, IMSI. This is where a really strong magnifier is used to select the VERY best moving sperm, as opposed to any old motile sperm.

And there is immune testing.

I hope this helps. Emma Cannon's book, 'The Baby Making Bible' is really good. As are the Zita West books.

If I have got anything wrong , please anybody, feel free to correct me. I'm writing this on my phone, and its driving me crackers, so Im signing off. Hang on in there hun. There is always hope!

hi dwrgi, butterfly, purpleou and everyone

I have been mia lately posted a few times on another thread but had an early cycle last month and felt pretty low about the whole thing.

I just wanted to share some unexpectedly good news that I got my first BFP last night Desperado was kind enough to look at it for me to make sure it was in fact positive. Personally I find the non digital tests very confusing particularly teaselling the difference between an evaporation line and positive result.

My partner and I are very excited and all I can think of is all the lovely people I have met here who are still waiting and hoping for their BFP and I really hope that there are more BFP's to come soon:)

Madeline xxxx
Congrats again Madeline, yes that was definitely a line, very happy for you :happydance::happydance::hugs::hugs:
thks Butterfly:) just as well I mentioned it to desperado lol I thought it was an evaporation line!

Madeline xx

PS Hi Bearlake I am still in novice territory but as part of my down time I did read about CoQ10 perhaps it would be worth giving that a try? Before I got the BFP I was going to start taking 1200mg a day. Otherwise the changes i made leading up to this were no caffeine at all, 3 litres of water a day, 1 B6 tablet a day and I changed pre conception brands to Elevit from Swisse. We also started doing it 2 days before ovulation and did it twice a day every day that week. I hope this might be of some help. I will have my fingers crossed for you:)
hey all!

Dwrgi... photo please of new barnet!!!! Must see! I laughed my bloomin head off at that Amazon thingy!!!

awww Bear... it all confuses me... as previously mentioned I am a complete dufus at fertility!

hey Butterfly!

Purps you are a love... aww you made me smile!

I am feeling a little hungover today... had a taco night last night and over did it.... urghhh sod it. I can't be good all the time .... in fact, I can't be good most of the time! mwahaha
Me and dh are crying with laughter after reading the amazon thing, my face hurts!!!!! Thank you A for sharing, I may never recover lol!!!
I bet you hair looks beautiful! It's just different for you is all :hugs:

Madeleine. Oh congratulations lovely, that's fab news! You must be so happy xxxxxxx

Big huge loves to everyone, I hope you are all having a fab weekend!
We are still doing the organising , it may take quite some time. Amazing how much junk you can accumulate when you are not paying attention isn't it!!!
Hey Purps-glad to know that you're getting stuck in. You'll feel much better when it's all done and dusted! Can't believe you're 13 weeks along! OMG, where does the time go??? So excited for you, Axxx :flower::flower:

Bearlake-how are you feeling now? Glad that the Veet ad made you laugh! I loved the 'gentleman's log cabin' reference!!!!! Big :hugs::hugs:

Madeline-am delighted for you. Often wondered where you'd got to! x

Pad-hope that hangoever has cleared! Mine get worse as I get older! No way am I taking a photo let alone letting anybody else see it! I look like a Bank manager's wife (no offence if anybody on here IS a bank manager!). Next Saturday, I'm going back to blonde, no messing, have already booked in, and THEY are paying for it! :growlmad::growlmad:

Hey Dashka, Dr S, Frolicky, Lil, Asry, Agape Love, Coastdreams, Carole, Missy, HA, FM, Manuiti, Twinks, Never: big :hi::hi::hi::hi::hi: to you all!

Butterfly, I take it from your chart that the evil witch (biatch) arrived today. I am sooooooo sorry hun; have loads of chocs and drink a few glasses of wine, and just say 'sod it'! Am sending you extra special :hugs::hugs::hugs: and :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:

Talking of chocs, guess who couldn't get into a pair of jeans this morning? Although I'd like to say they've shrunk in the wash, my protein IVF diet and subsequent chocolate staple diet have taken their toll. I have cellulite on my cellulite, so tomorrow, I'm back to low fat, and sensible eating. Boring but necessary! :nope::nope::nope:

Love to you all,
For those with an interest in DE:


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