TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hi ladies:

I've only read the last page at the moment, but wanted to say hi and congrats to Asreyellah AND Froliky AND Madeline? Is that all true? I haven't been doing any posting or much viewing because my life is a madhouse at the moment, but I'm so happy to all of you. And my prayers and thoughts for the rest of us to get our BFP!
Hi ladies!

Butterfly - so sorry sweetie that the witch showed her ugly little face.... That woman needs to take a long vacation man... Big hugs to you today and hope you can induldge in something that bring comfort!:hugs:

HitJackpot - welcome to the best thread ever! good luck on your IUI!:thumbup:

Madeline - congrats again :flower: and thanks for the Vit.D info... I just checked my results from last summer and they were 90... it's probably higher now cause I've been taking about 1400 IU/day, but maybe I should increase it... I hear people take 2000-3000 now but I always have this fear because Vit D is a fat soluble vitamin so you don't pee it out like others (A, D, E, K are fat soluble) and too much of those is harmful... maybe I'll increase to 2,400 for a short while. Thanks!

Frolicky - nice to see you back here! hope you get that computer fixed!

Asry - my oh my - sounds like you work with a pleasant gal! NOT! good luck!

AFM - CD10 today...and opk tests look like I'm getting close to ov. already WTF I was hoping for longer follicular phase but oh well... we'll see this time cause I'm now temping so may pinpoint it better.... Hopefully will hold out until at least day 12..
Can't believe the weather here... it is wet snow today and cold!! after such a beautiful March (ofcourse when I was sick) that I'm better finally the weather sucks! We are expecting 2-4 cm snow tonight (possibly 10cm) and this is unheard of for almost end of April!:dohh:

Hello to everyone and hope you are all doing ok.. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Amanda, I'm sure your hair looks fab are you sure you don't want to share it with us :winkwink: you need to atleast after next weekend if you get it re-blonded :hugs: And good that you are planning ahead to find out whats next :hugs:
ps. thanks for the link :haha: it was funny for the part I understood :haha: I blame it on language barriers if I dont :rofl: (not the fact I'm blonde..)
:haha::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Me too!! :haha:
Purplelou - Thanks so much! Glad to be here :) It's ok... while it would have been nice to get the sticky bean on try #1, I wasn't expecting it would be that easy! HA! But on that try, right after the IUI appointment, I had to go straight back to work and it was one crazy week at the job. :wacko: With that in mind, I promised I would take it easy and not stress out this month, and that is working much better! :thumbup: And this time, we know what to expect where as last month I had no clue what was going on! hehe. :haha:

Frolicy - Ohh congratulations! How WONDERFUL!! :hugs: And that is encouraging to me!! :D And thank you! I can use all the help I can get with sanity retention! Our donor is anonymous, from a sperm bank in Georgia. I had a few people offer ... assistance, but I just decided that it would be too uncomfortable to use someone I knew. :blush: It is a great option, just not one that I chose to excercise, though I was touched by the offers!

Thank you, Asryellah! The welcomes have been so warm and genuine! I appreciate you all! xoxo

DP has been so funny throughout this process. She said she wanted to install a GPS in my uterus and put a "Bang head here" ](*,) sign on my egg :haha: After the IUI, while I was still on the doc's table, she started talking to my tummy chanting "Stroke, little guys! STROKE!" and then played the song "Bang Your Head". We were laughing so hard the nurse came into be sure we were ok! HAHA! :headspin:

Also, she's Danish so we chose a donor of Danish heritage ... she was encouraging the "little vikings" to get their helmets on and pillage and plunder :grr: I haven't laughed so hard in ages! It felt good ... and if we conceive this time, she said that our baby will have been created in laughter!

So silly :blush:\\:D/
Jackpot - brilliant that you can laugh with your partner during all this! Keep your sense of humour always xx

Dashka good luck catching that eggy!!!

Nikki - lovely to see you xx how's everything with you ?
Crap crap crap. 2.3cm cyst on one side and a small one on the other. So no stims for me. I am going to Philly at the end of may so I'd have to miss 2 cycles which I don't want to do. New plan, us Monday to see if I'm growing a follicle despite the cysts then do an unmedicated cycle. If that doesn't work I'd have to skip a cycle anyway for ivf so... Now if I don't grow a follicle... And I have to skip this cycle entirely.. I'm pondering skipping the trip home. Tickets were pretty cheap and al though I know my parents would be sad, I think id just stress the whole time about how I should be cycling etc. I'm 39, I don't have time to step back and just take months off.
Hi everyone

Hi Nikki thks:) best wishes to you too for a safe and healthy 9 mths

Hi Hitthejackpot that all sounds very exciting:) I have a gay friend who went through exactly the same thing and she had a wonderful baby boy:) My fingers are crossed for you:)

Drsquid sorry to hear about the set is stressful when you can't be in the same place at the right time. i think I would make the same decsn if I were in your place. I hope next month will be the lucky one:)

DAshka - yeh I would definitely get your numbers over 100 for the Vit D.

I hope everyone else is doing well:)

Madeline xxx
Oh DrS - I am sorry about the cyst :hugs: hopefully there will be follicles anyway, big loves xxx
Hi wonderful ladies!

How is everyone doing?

Dr. S- oh RATS for cysts... You do what you have to girl... FX for follicles anyway (and going unmedicated)... You never know now that you have Grade AAA sperm!

Hit Jackpot - love your sense of humour... I think that is so great and helps keep you sane. I need to do more of that (laughing!) FX for you!

Manu - can't wait to hear your results!

AFM - CD11 -OPK shows 2 dark lines (positive) today... so may end up ovulating as per usual tomorrow on Day 12... we'll see now that I'm temping/charting...if it actually happens the day after as I've always suspected or later....(or nothing?) I haven't temped in like 7-8 years but I am having fun using FF... :thumbup: Eating grapefruit and drinking GF juice !! :winkwink:

Big hello and HUGS to everyone!
Bonjour lovely ladies!

Sorry my transatlantic friends... I keep confusing you guys... it wasn't the tacos that gave me a hangover.... it was the German schnapps and my Aussie friends who kept pouring the S. African vino! How multicultural am I!!! LMAO

Nikki chick! I had no idea you were preggers!! WOW 18 weeks! Awesome news!

Dwrgi I am dying to see your brunette barnet! LOL... just one piccy... pleaaaassee!

Purps if only your wishes would come true..... I would love to see you take your message off your siggie one day! Mwahhh snogs to you and bump! Yup I am a Hampshire Hog... but am on the move AGAIN soon... to Glocs.

Hey Fros and Asry and Mads our other preggers ladies and your lovely sticky bubs!!

Dash how are ya? I had also heard about the vit D thing.... I am a real sun lover however I am also taking vit D supplements 400 iu x 1 a day, Omega 3 1000 mg x 1 a day, 75mg aspirin, pregnacare, 5 mg folic acid... which I have been told by my consultant supposedly helps conceptions... but ladies in the UK you need a prescription for 5mg.

Butterfly! I have started FF... have even got it as an app on my phone lol.... bloody hag got me too am on CD 2 now. Hey, you never know we could be bump buds one day!

Urghh bad news Drs... at least you sound like you have a plan.

hey Bear and Man!

AFM....well... will figure out how to add my FF chart so those more knowledgeable than I can have a stalk! LOL

.............. even if it does mean that my angels vs dreams siggie changes, maybe I need to think positively about the future? Even now I feel all my angels have left their shadows on my soul and it makes it hard to see the light I hope is ahead...
thanks everyone for being so supportive and helpful especially you dashka, you always have something nice to say and it is super appreciated. i am just super down again, stuck in that stupid vortex. i want to give up but that is pointless too because that wouldnt stop the waiting, just the chance of anything happening (im single so.. no chance of a natural pregnancy). getting let down left and right by people irl. got talked into trying to go on a date.. he was over an hour late.. in general im poor about waiting, for me ontime is 5 min early. i ended up leaving and he was all pissed that i made him rush for nothing (umm be on time and id still be there, hell i waited an hour, be only an hour late id still be there). so now i feel worse about myself cause we are trained to be polite etc etc. but if i cant rely on me (and my body) to do what i need, then cant expect anyone else to
Hey DrS. I know what you mean.... although I am not single and I appreciate that brings challenges of its own... our bodies are just meant to get on with getting pregnant and then that baby is meant to grow and be born prefect right?

Only it has never worked for me.... I get pregnant.... quite randomly with no apparent pattern ... see a lovely sac and fetal pole... then a fast HB then at about 11 - 12 weeks... no HB the baby has died.... it is like someone is ripping your heart out.... the grief is overwhelming.

It is NOT FAIR!!!

Feel free to rant Dr s.... I do .... frequently!
Welcome HittheJackpot-can I call you Jack (for short)? I hope you have a short visit and hit the jackpot fairly soon! It's good to keep a sense of humour through all this! :hugs:

Butterfly-:hugs::hugs::hugs: and :kiss::kiss:

Dr S-I am so sorry about the cysts that have developed, and I'm sorry for not responding to you sooner. Hmm, always good to have a plan. To my reckoning, and I don't wish to depress you, but you're in the good side of the 38-42 age bracket, and I don't think that missing a couple of months would make that much difference to you, considering the wider picture. I guess it's whether you want to lose two months, when you're on a roll. Good luck with what you decide, and hope you get lucky very soon! x

Purps-how are you hun? You're always so thoughtful, you deserve a big :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Carole-what's happened to you? Haven't seen or heard from you in a while. Hope you're okay hun, Axxxx :hugs::hugs:

Asry, Man, Frol and Madeline-hope you're all doing well. Exciting times for you. Enjoy it! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Lil-are you feeling a bit better? I'm thinking of you, Axxxx :hugs::hugs:

Pad-I'm so sorry that hag bag face came to stay. If I remember correctly you have a habit of getting preggers when you're completely out of your tree, so my advice, loads more taco nights!!! It amazes me that you have the resilience to carry on after what you have been through, but you have to chase your dream, and not give up. You are one strong lady and I so admire you! You deserve a big, squishy, :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Dashka-so glad that you're enjoying FF, and isn't it amazing to learn so much about your body. So 12 days is too short as a follicular phase? Bear in mind that ovulation occurs about 36 hours after the surge, then you'd be CD13 or 14, surely, which is far more promising? Or am I being a DOOOOO FUSSSSS?! Good luck anyway with catching that eggy! :thumbup::thumbup:

HA, Missy, OMM, Luv, Twinkle-where ARE you girls? Hope you're all okay? Big :hugs:

Coast-how are you getting on?

Bearlake-how are you feeling now hun? Hope you're okay-be kind to yourself and look to the next plan. Big :hugs: xxx

Nothing to report here apart from I think Im on CD28, but I haven't been counting. I've actually been throwing around the idea of just letting nature take its course, and what will be will be. Perhaps, at a push, one more natural cycle in the summer, and then that's it, but I'm so fed up with it all, so exhausted by the struggle, it's actually quite a liberating idea just to let it go. Question is, how woud I get over seeing babies and pregnant women everywhere (my work is like a breeding ground. Fecundity City!)? Hmmm, still thinking about all the options..... Am in no hurry to do anything, and that's a fact. However, I did do a LITTLE thing and that was to buy some vit D from Amazon. It can't hurt. I'm also knocking back 10 folic acids a day (at 400 iu) and getting more from my other vits to bring me up to 5mg. I literally rattle!!!

Love to you all, A :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

P.S. Why do I always find a spelling mistake after I've posted? Grrrrrr!
Pad – OMG hun I can’t imagine how you feel…. And I’m so sorry that the witch got you again… Good that you are taking 5mg of Folic acid now… I upped mine as well…. Are you taking the body-ready form? Have you been tested for the MTHFR thing? I can’t remember if you were posting with us back with Lils and I were chatting about the importance of taking the MTHFR form as some people can’t convert regular Folic acid (and can result in m/c if deficient)… Even if you are taking the 5mg of regular and your body isn’t converting it –it doesn’t help much…. Anyway you probably already know this but wanted to post again for you. I take FolaPro (by Metagenics). I hope your angels can somehow give you a little hope to see a glimmer of light I know is ahead of you…. big hugs:hugs:

Dr. S – sorry you are down…. :hugs:That’s what we’re here for! Your date was 1 hour late!! “No soup for him”!:growlmad: (anyone remember that Seinfeld eps)…. The nerve of him that HE was upset you didn’t wait…How rude!

Dwrgi – Oh sweetie - Big hugs to you hun…:hugs: Hopefully with a little time you will be your normal self… You’ll get there I know it – one way or another!:thumbup: I can’t imagine what it’s like to see them around you all day (baby bumps)… I had that at work a few years ago but now nobody that goodness) Re: Follicular phase – yeah I think the longer it is the better as the egg has more time to develop…. But I think 12 days is ok –but under not great (similar to luteal phase)… I remember when I was doing cycle monitoring 7-8 years ago (one of my IUIs) the Dr. said I ovulated at day 10 and that meant poor egg….usually I ov. At 12-13 days… I think the ovulation happens anywhere from 12-36 hrs after true LH surge… so hopefully will get me to Day 13 – we’ll see tomorrow.

Lils – thinking about you and hoping you are okay hun…. Big hugs:hugs::hugs:
Pad, I'm glad to see some of your fun self coming out although there will always be the shadows of your angels hanging over - I remember just how desperate you were on your last loss and I just thank god that you have been able to get back to a place where you can try again. I do believe that you will get your :baby: in the end but just pray that you don't have to go through any more heartache before you do :hugs::hugs::hugs: and yes it woudl be great if we can be bump buddies (just have to be cycle buddies for now!) xx

DrS, I know exactly what you mean about the being single thing. I think I will have to go down the SD route in the next few months but unfortunately I can't afford a regular sperm bank so I will have to find a local volunteer donor I think. I can also sympathise on the date thing - I haven't had a date in 2 years :blush: - it is so hard at this age :nope:

dashka, I have been thinking about the follicular phase thing - I got pg on a cycle when I O'd on cd 11 and I can't help thinking that contributed to the blighted ovum - at the end of the day the egg was not mature enough? Last month though it was cd19 so I am hoping that maybe it will at least be later than cd11 on a more regular basis :thumbup:

dwrgi, glad that you are able to chill out a bit but I need to throw this in - I don't think you should give up. I think that if you get to 45 and realise that you didn't do all that you could then you might regret it. :hugs::hugs::hugs: Maybe you don't have to go at it full throttle but make sure you give yourself a chance hon :hugs::kiss:

Am also wondering how Carole is :wacko::baby::pink:

And sending :hug: to lilS

Plus :dust: and :hugs::hugs::hugs: to all the other ladies who are now getting too numerous for my poor little brain to remember :haha:
Pad- it's not freaking fair at all. But as heartwrenching as it is, I am amazed at how we manage to survive and soldier on.

I think it says alot about the kind of amazing woman you are that you are still standing. I hope that your siggie of yours gets a radical update with your beautiful forever baby soon. xxxx
Dwrgi - I don't have the answer for you about you manage those things, but I wanted to give you a ton of :hugs: and say that I am still hoping and wishing for you!

Pad - Butterfly and Titi are so right - you are Amazing!! I think Id struggle to get out of bed after what you have been through, and it's no fair!! because you are fab and you deserve this! ps - you make me laugh too :haha:

Lils - big loves chick :hugs:

asry and Manu, and Frols and Madelaine - loves and :hugs:

Dashka - I was wondering - has that rotton illness completely cleared now?? I meant to ask yesterday and then forgot :dohh:

Carole - I hope you are ok!! hopefully resting after the busy weekend :hugs:

Butterfly - just be careful with local volunteers - you don't want the neighbours talking when they are queuing up outside your door :winkwink:

DrS - :hugs: :hugs::hugs: lovely, I hope you are ok xx

big loves to Titi, and HA, coast and nicker and OMM and LadyH and Tiger (in case you are peeping in) and anyone Im missing

afm - nothing new to report - it's so blinking wet and nasty out today :( where is Spring????
the house clearing is going well at home - but still tons to do! and we are looking forwards t our little holiday - going Sunday to norway on a boat for a week and cannot wait :)
Good morning ladies!!

Butterfly... Big hugs and hope the Volunteer SD is successful! Xo

Purple - wow a trip to Norway for a week sounds amazing!! Have fun!!

AFM - I need help with FF ... So today is probably the most important temp to put in and now not sure if accurate... I had to get up too pee at 2:15am so took it then (after sleeping 3.5 hrs and it was 36.54 (on the lower side for me but could be the ov dip) and thought ok I'll take again when I wake up again and average...but I couldn't fall back asleep for 2 hours and then when I did AD woke me up screaming twice so had to go see her at 4 and 5 am ... Then fell asleep for probably a little over an hour... When I took it again it was 36.90 but I don't thin I can use that one so should I just use the first one even though it was so early??
Sorry for the long winded question .... And and from my phone too so excuse any typos :)

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