TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

I got my boyf to tell mum and dad and work and my mum told my still emotional about talking about it to amyone other than mum and boyf.x

Sorry ladies, life has been busy.

Nessaw, just popped in to say hi and give you a hug. I hope the birthday situation goes ok. Make sure you make some time for yourself ok? x

AFM - Will try and catch up with you all soon! Hope you are all OK x
:hi: ladies! Been lurking, not posting for a bit due to time constraints. And work will be busy this week so catching up…

Pad – you are a poet, girl! DH is starting to think I’m a “temporary alcoholic”. But I tell him, it’s NOT FOR ME silly, jeez. :loopy: I gotta have one for Pad, one for LadyH, one for Purps, one for Asry, one for Fro, and of course, one for me, so really I have only had 1! :haha:

Purple - :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: More in your journal.

Never – thank you for being a good journal babysitter & information super-highway! :thumbup:

Dwrgi – I’m with you on not thinking about it. You can maybe keep your mind occupied & have a really busy schedule, but you can’t help what you see/feel when you wipe or what you feel in your body when it’s O & AF time. And the thing is unless you have a very healthy sex life & better yet, have the time & stamina for it, the odds of it “just happening” at our age are so slim. Especially when you think about the problems we tend to have – anovulation, lack of progesterone, hostile or dry EWCM, lower egg quality, lower sperm quality & those are just the normal-for-our-age ones. Add specific problems to that list & your odds just go through the floor. I’m sorry for the ignorant comments you got as well. People don’t get it unless they’ve been here, so I really chalk it up to ignorance. Just like if I complained about my leg hurting & there I’m standing next to a veteran who has no leg… Its still hurtful, but I do my best to realize they just “don’t know” what they are saying.:shrug:L You are a lovely person & always so caring & concerned for others, and you make me feel better, thank you my beautiful Welsh friend :friends:. Btw, child abduction & kidnapping are very WRONG – just in case certain individuals have been thinking about that lately, I’ll throw that out there! :winkwink::haha:

Chicken – I can’t see you ever making bad comments either! And as far as GP :grr::grr::grr:, seriously? And it’s one thing if they don’t know something – fine we are all human & no one can memorize everything – but don’t bullsh%$ your way through someone’s health concerns & questions, just say “I have to look it up” & do so on the spot, FFS! :growlmad: I hope you can do what Nessaw suggested. :hugs:

Helen – that’s what we do each month when :witch arrives. Think of something new or some way we can improve ourselves for the better (all the way around too, not just for TTC) & that helps us a lot. GL :flower:

Pebble –Yay for REAL :witch:!!! :happydance: I can’t believe you’ve been doing this since JULY :shock::nope: You poor thing. :hugs: I’m glad you have a Plan B. Its good to think ahead a little & talk over options ahead of time “just in case”. Everyone is different & having you & DH on the same page is huge :thumbup:.

BF – Sounds like you had a great birthday.:dance: I posted in your journal but didn’t get to post here, sorry. :cake: :hugs:

Dashka – WOW, that’s the most cusswords I think I’ve ever seen you type, so those hormones must have been raging :haha:. If I ever need a bodyguard… :bodyb: Aw, thanks for taking up for me & wielding that heavy club :grr: & not one but TWO guns :gun:! :shock: :haha: Yes, progesterone is evil – unless its helps us get pregnant! So glad the cupuncture balanced you out & got you to relax :sleep::coffee:.

Nessaw – People don’t realize a mc isn’t just a 10-second thing when you go to the toilet (I always thought that from movies?) & that it takes days & sometimes weeks. And then the emotional/mental issues take even longer. You are right, those things will pop up here & there. All you can do is get through them the best you can, and if something upsets you, like a friend’s baby shower, you can always politely avoid the situation & explain it to them or just plain lie – have a stomach bug or something. Painkillers often numb not just the pain, but emotions too, so coming off of them may have triggered the emotions that you’ve been storing up. I hope you feel better soon, we are all thinking of you. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Mirium – So sorry for the BFN :growlmad: :hugs:

Owl – thank, hun :hugs:. At least it’s nice that we have couch, wine, movies & yoga to go to when we are down. I happen to like those weekends when DH is away once in a while.

OMM – long time, no “see” :flower: Yup, some of us are still here… I am glad that you have moved on & are looking forward to traveling. I am sure that had to take a long time to wrap your head around that after 4 years & 6 mc’s. I’m sorry about your losses – I’ve had 4 mc & one I tried to ignore as well. Just snuck up on me later, like you said. Happy travels – how exciting! I’ve always said if I can’t get pregs, I’ll reward myself with travel & adventures, and perhaps volunteering. Good to have a back-up plan.:flow:

La Bergere - :hi:

:hi: to everyone else! I can't name names anymore - hard enough just keeping up.

AFM – so luteal cyst delays period because it sits there & keeps producing progesterone. So, I guess I can take comfort that my body can produce so much prog. that it delayed my period? Silver lining. So, :witch: came yesterday at 18DPO. I also have a painful UTI that actually started – guess when? Friday afternoon, of course, when all of the things that need urgent attention happen! I’m so sick of cranberry & yogurt but my Dr. called in Cipro for me, God Bless him – didn’t even have to go see him & he’s putting a refill on it for “future use” :dance:. Oh yeah, and I found out that you can pee on a stick for a UTI - so I got a +UTI over the weekend :yipee: :haha: (Hey, its something! Not even my OPK's give me a +!)

Hi Ladies Thank you all for your kind words, I'm feeling much better today. I don't mind having the tests and neither does DH I just wish they would get themselves sorted and decide what they need us to do. As for the referral DH is going to book into see the same Dr to get the paper work for his tests so he is going to talk to her about getting the referral started and us having the tests while we wait. Thanks for the suggestion. DH is much more rational than me and can talk it through with her. I just hope it doesn't take to long for him to get an appointment.
[/QUOTE]thanks dwrgus.this codeine is lush-i loves it i do!!

nope no school tom.teacher guilt is well and truly embedded.[/QUOTE]

Hey lovely, have only just seen this! If it's THAT lush, I want some!!!! :haha::haha:

Sod the teachers guilt-that comes from ambitious managers who have forgotten what it's like in the classroom. They can s*d off! You put yourself first, and don't even THINK aboout returning until you feel able to cope with it. Guilt-bad. Putting yourself first-good! :thumbup::thumbup::hugs:
AFM – so luteal cyst delays period because it sits there & keeps producing progesterone. So, I guess I can take comfort that my body can produce so much prog. that it delayed my period? Silver lining. So, :witch: came yesterday at 18DPO. I also have a painful UTI that actually started – guess when? Friday afternoon, of course, when all of the things that need urgent attention happen! I’m so sick of cranberry & yogurt but my Dr. called in Cipro for me, God Bless him – didn’t even have to go see him & he’s putting a refill on it for “future use” :dance:. Oh yeah, and I found out that you can pee on a stick for a UTI - so I got a +UTI over the weekend :yipee: :haha: (Hey, its something! Not even my OPK's give me a +!)


I love your positivity Flo Rida (mwoah mwoah). Yay for producing lost of progesterone, and yay for getting a + on a stick, even if it was for a vile, evil UTI! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: I bet you're sick of that stuff, but you gotta take your medicine, young lady!!! And good for Doc to call in Cipro (whatever that is-like a repeat prescription, or something??? :dohh:). Hope you feel better soon, and that you're getting ready for the Triple Lindy assault in a week or so's time! I'm egging you on :)haha::haha:) big time, this cycle, young lady! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Lots of love and mwoahs, :kiss::kiss::kiss::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi Ladies Thank you all for your kind words, I'm feeling much better today. I don't mind having the tests and neither does DH I just wish they would get themselves sorted and decide what they need us to do. As for the referral DH is going to book into see the same Dr to get the paper work for his tests so he is going to talk to her about getting the referral started and us having the tests while we wait. Thanks for the suggestion. DH is much more rational than me and can talk it through with her. I just hope it doesn't take to long for him to get an appointment.

Hey, this is brilliant news! And I think your DH should get this month's "Husband of the Month" award for being the one to go and talk to your doctor :awww::awww::awww:! Mine would NEVER do that, so am very impressed! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: Let's hope that chatting to her will speed the whole process up! Don't worry, though, you still have loads of time on your side (although I know you'll think that you don't have :nope:). Big :hugs::hugs:, xxx
Hi Ladies Thank you all for your kind words, I'm feeling much better today. I don't mind having the tests and neither does DH I just wish they would get themselves sorted and decide what they need us to do. As for the referral DH is going to book into see the same Dr to get the paper work for his tests so he is going to talk to her about getting the referral started and us having the tests while we wait. Thanks for the suggestion. DH is much more rational than me and can talk it through with her. I just hope it doesn't take to long for him to get an appointment.

Hey, this is brilliant news! And I think your DH should get this month's "Husband of the Month" award for being the one to go and talk to your doctor :awww::awww::awww:! Mine would NEVER do that, so am very impressed! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: Let's hope that chatting to her will speed the whole process up! Don't worry, though, you still have loads of time on your side (although I know you'll think that you don't have :nope:). Big :hugs::hugs:, xxx

Thanks hun I will tell him this. He tells me every day that he is the best hubby ever. :haha: I agree but I don't always tell him that. :haha: I also agree with ever word you have just said to Nessaw. Nessaw first school/job second:hugs:
Hi all - sorry I've been MIA for a while. I didn't want to be a total downer so I took a few days and read the posts but wanted to wait to reply. :flower:

Froliky -
I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, but it is so wonderful to hear you're naming your boy after him. Your father would be SO proud!!! You are getting so close now!! Hope you're having fun decorating the baby room/area, buying clothes and fun stuff!!! :flower::cloud9:

Nessaw - hope you're doing ok. I'm so sorry for what you're going through, but glad to hear that you think it's nearing the end of the bleeding. A while back you asked about upset stomach... as soon as I started bleeding heavily, I got *really* dizzy (really got worried I was going to pass out), and then my stomach cramped and I went poo - it was a LOT... it was like my body was letting go of everything. I bled for about a week, but it was lighter than AF. I had cramps, and they were worse when I was standing and walking around. I know it's so hard... I'm so glad to hear that you got a scan pic and have that to hold on to. Let yourself grieve. I still haven't really told many people at all - just DH, and 2 of my friends. I just can't talk about it too much. Huge huge hugs to you :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Owl - I'm so so sorry about the BFN. Hope you are ok and big hug to you :hugs::hugs: Couch, wine, movies and yoga sounds LOVELY!! :flower:

Lils - Oh I am soooooo sorry about the UTI!!! Those are awful!!!! Hope the meds help and pain goes away soon. But, um, glad to hear you got a +UTI??? LOL...?? :wacko::haha: And sorry about nasty ugly AF!!!!! But you are definitely right that producing lots of progesterone is good!!! Get well soon... I've also read that lovely buttermilk helps with UTI's!!! I actually kinda like it, but I know most people can't stand it. Hope you have a good work week... it's only 4 days this week, and since you're in FL, Tuesday is almost done, so 3 to go. :hugs:

Dash - Oooo everything sounds sooooo positive and exciting!!!! You're having all sorts of mood swings (YAY anger and crying!! :haha: ) and cramps and wonderful symptoms!!! I'm keeping my FX big time for you!!!! :happydance::hugs:And so glad to hear that acupuncture was relaxing and calming. I may have to try that some time!!!!

Chicken - I'm so SO sorry about your doctor's appt- argh!! I would be so angry too!!!! I'm sure the SA will be great to have, and when you go to get that done I'll keep my FX that you can convince her for a referral!!! And that's WONDERFUL that your husband will help do some talking/convincing!!! Huge hug :hugs:

Smallhelen - So sorry about AF arriving. Hope that she's gone now!! Yoga is definitely great for stress relief. I love it!! And I am a total CoQ10 believer. I really think that was a big factor in my BFP.

DrH - how are you doing??

Want2 -
hope you are doing well and enjoyng some symptoms!! So glad to hear the betas are going up, up, up!!!

Tiger - So sorry to hear that you lost your dad. Hope you are doing ok. :hugs: I'll cross all my fingers for you that you'll be able to try IVF again next year!!! :hugs::kiss:

Kismet - wow, sounds like the FS vampires got you with lots of tests. I'm so sorry it was so overwhelming. But so glad to hear you'll be getting lots of information that will help you. :hugs::kiss::hugs:

Pad -
sounds like everything is coming along so well!!! Hope the baby does some posing for you next week!!! How is everything else going for you?

Mirium - I'm totally with you on wanting to exercise and lose some weight!!! I'd really love to lose at least 5 lbs, maybe 8 or more... it is always so hard to get it off!! But, I had yogurt and some Kashi Go Lean cereal for lunch, and will work out tonight, so I hope to lose something here soon... ugh!!! It sounds like you're doing so well!! :hugs::kiss: Stay strong. Lots of hugs!

Pebble - you are always so positive - your positive attitude is so, so inspiring to me. Wishing wishing wishing for a good AF for you!!!!!! :hugs::kiss::hugs:

Butterfly - hope you're doing well and that the exercises are going well! And Happy belated Birthday!!!!

Purps -
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! She is beautiful!!!!!! Hope you are recovering!!! Lots of love!!!! :cloud9::baby::cloud9:

Greenleaf - hope you're feeling better, and so sorry about wicked witch showing up. Take care and hugs :hugs:

LaBergere - hi and hope you're doing well.

Onmymind - I don't think I've met you on here before, but the traveling sounds wonderful!!!! The camper will be great - where are you planning on going? Grand canyon, painted desert, historical east coast, yummy food in the deep south??

LadyH - Remember that risk is just a probability, and nothing more. It isn't definite at all. Hope you are doing well and are enjoying your time in Antigua, and letting all your worries wash away!!! Soak up some sun and enjoy that wonderful warm ocean water and fruit juices!!!

Dwrgi - So glad to hear you are not giving up!!! It's impossible not to when we have been wanting this for so long!!!! Lots and lots of love and hugs to you!!! :hugs::hugs: I remember a while back (maybe it was in your journal??) you were talking about Vitamin D - I read somewhere (probably online... LOL... sigh...) that Vitamin D supplementation can be a big fertility boost. I haven't started supplementing with that yet, but I've considered it too. Oh, and as you asked earlier - we're preventing this month (and probably next month), so condoms for us this month.... I feel like I'm throwing away an opportunity but I haven't even had AF yet after the m/c so I would probably be more worried if we'd tried. (even though, I do feel like I was probably more fertile... grumble)

Hi to all the other ladies here - hope you're having a good week!

AFM - I had my HCG blood test last Monday and the results came back as less than 5, so that's "good" news that the hormones went back down and hopefully things are back on track. Still kindof sad news as it closes the chapter on my PG, but I was glad to know things were normal. I do think I ovulated a week ago, as I had TONS of EWCM (of course, whenever I'm *not* TTC, I get lots of it!!). In happy news, last weekend DH and I went to the hotel (that is set up like a Tuscan village) where we had our wedding and stayed for the weekend... it was soooo nice and relaxing. We had wine, yummy dinners, a whirlpool/hot tub in the room, and a fireplace. It was so relaxing!!! We went in the tub both nights, and although I know that's bad for his swimmers, we both needed the time together. I'm hoping AF will come this weekend... I'm having cramps so I guess that means it's on the way. I'm definitely looking forward to getting it so I can start the next cycle. Hugs to you all!!!
Lils - oh yay re: your silver lining..... :thumbup:You always find the good sides of things! And yes you are absolutely right my friend! Ouch re: your UTI.... glad you were able to get meds pronto pronto....hope they work just as fast!:thumbup::hugs::kiss:

Chicken - yay about DH - sometimes they just see things that we can't right? Hope things go smoothly and you can get all the tests/app'ts in quickly...:thumbup::hugs::hugs:

Dr. H - how are you hun? haven't heard from you in a while?
Moon - sorry we cross posted!

oh I'm glad that your levels went down so you can get back to normal but it must be still so hard for you....:hugs: I'm glad that you and DH got away and that hotel sounds amazing!!! A Tuscan village??? OMG do you know it's my biggest travel dream to go to Tuscany?

Sounds like a great place... so nice you got away.... take care of yourself:hugs::hugs:
Oooooh, Butterfly, I missed your birthday! :cake: :cake: Hope it was a good one!

Nessaw -- :hugs:, sweetie. It’s a rough road, but you’re already through the worst of it. I hope you can find ways to pamper yourself. I put OH in charge of talking to family, too. It helped to not have to talk through it and answer questions unless I really wanted to.

Mirium, sorry for :bfn:. Hope you’re taking care of yourself, too, lovely.

Owl – Oooooh a weekend all to yourself! Sounds lovely! Are you doing another IUI cycle or waiting until 2013? I think I heard the latter, but I'm having a hard time keeping it all straight. :wacko: Sorry!

Hi OMM! OH and I are big campers and backpackers. The travel sounds great! Where will you go first????

Chicken, sorry that the GP is so unhelpful. :nope: Since I’m in the US, I don’t know what to tell you, but that sounds pretty bad. It has certainly been educational to compare different health care systems through BnB! …Just read the second post and it seems like it’s getting sorted out. Yay for good husbands!!! :thumbup: Good luck!!!

Dwrgi – you’re always so good with being sweet and supportive!!! :hugs: :kiss: :hugs: :kiss: :hugs: :kiss: It is soooooooooooo appreciated! Thanks, Lady!

Tiger, I don’t think I knew about your dad. So sorry to hear. No wonder you’re feeling “Crappy.” Does your avatar reliably make you laugh? Because it does for me! I think there’s a universe somewhere in which I’m a crazy cat lady. Have you seen this?

Ya’ll can send me one of those anytime you want. :haha:

Pad, I’m betting things are going super well for you! No news is good news! When is the gender scan??

OMG, I CAN’T WAIT FOR MORE PICS FROM PURPS!!!! OK, had to get that off my chest.

Dash, glad to hear you’re feeling better. I’m sure this is such a scary, scary time! Hope the acupuncture has helped the little ones snuggle in!!! :hugs:

Lils, UGH. I hate UTIs. I’ve gotten them countless times, but I finally got better at prevention. (The advantages of being an old woman! :jo:)Lots of cranberry products in my life, in addition to luuuuuuuuuuuuuube :haha: and lots of water to drink. I’m jealous that you have a Dr who will give you a prescription for your NEXT UTI. I’ve never had that! :saywhat: But I do keep a stash of those dye-your-pee-orange pills that help with the pain. :haha: Do we need a POAS intervention for you????

La Berg, when are you going to :test:????

Kismet, have you heard anything yet from all your tests?? :hugs:

Moon, your travels sound lovely! It’s such a blessing and a curse when the levels hit 0, isn’t it? :hugs: :thumbup: I think the extra CM is an indicator of that supposed increased fertility we have post-mc. Might be wishful thinking, but I’ll take it! And thanks for your kind words. I definitely haven’t felt like a positive person recently, so I’m glad I’m managing to fake it!!!! :fool:

No news here. :coffee: Either 10 or 13 dpo, depending on whether I trust CM or temps. :shrug: I can't believe we're already to Thanksgiving next week! OH and I have been planning on taking the opportunity to install a hardwood floor in a couple of rooms, but it may not happen. For one thing, we were hoping the supplier would have another 18 months same as cash deal, and that hasn't happened. For another thing, the poor pup doesn't like hardwood floors, and this would be in "his" room. OH think we should visit my family, but that's 13 hours away and they stress me out. I think we should visit his, but he thinks that's unfair since we just saw them. If we don't do either, I might convince him to go to Toronto! :happydance: We shall see.

Sorry if I've missed anyone! :hugs: and :kiss: to all!
Owl 35- Sorry for the BFN. I burst into tears last month when I came on and I’m only on cycle 5. I can’t imagine how that must feel. But tomorrow is another day and us ladies will win the fight to be the best Mum’s in the world! Thinking of you. x

Smallhelen – I’m on the Coq10 thing too, but it goes through me like a frickin’ fright train! (TMI) sorry. Anyway, hopefully we’ll be able to join cycles again soon so we can be waiting buddies!!

LilSluz – re: comments at dinner party. Wow. That’s all I can say. Some people really don’t get it do they? So yes, some things aren’t meant to happen, but on another note, some things are really worth effort, fighting and trying for. I spoke to my Mother about us TTC a few months back. Her comment was, well you’ve left it a bit late, let’s hope you have something still there. She said it in jest, but I felt like I’d been punched in the stomach! Talk about feeling guilty about waiting to get married, own a house and get my career sorted before I dared to think about becoming a Mum. Sheesh!

As for rules for giving up, I don’t think you ever do. This was my month of ‘seeing how it went’. This actually meant I didn’t speak to hubby about it, but kept my feelings to myself. However once I got my cross hairs I went in to full-on… “could I could I?” mode!
One of my friends, (who is now top of my Christmas card list) said, it may not be this month or next month Laura, but view each month as a new opportunity to try, you will get your month, and after ‘your’ month you’ll have 8 months of preparing to be the best Mum ever, don’t give up hope. Which made me cry like an eejit especially as it took her 18 months to conceive. So that’s my mantra from now on!

Chickenchaser – sorry for the f8ck up with the doctors. It must be so frustrating when you are literally handing the control of your fertility over to someone who seems a bit out of touch. I hope you push to get what you want and need!! You pay for it – demand it!! A year seems a long time IMO – could you go for a second opinion elsewhere? Glad you can get some other tests done in the meantime. Your hubby sounds ace :thumbup:

Pbl-ge – I have my fingers crossed for you!! I tested with an internet cheapie and nothing showed up. Guess AF is just late. If still nothing by 18 dpo, I'll buy a more expensive test.

Anyone heard from Kismet??

OnMyMind, Dashka, Dwrgi – hello!! I’m rubbish at this catching up thing… I’ve just had to write my post on a Word doc!! So I apologise if I have left anyone out.

AFM – (I use this acronym with no idea as to what it means!! Ha ha!)
I’m 16 dpo today and still no sign of AF, but pretty sure she’s on her way as I got all sweaty in the night last night (nice!!), which usually means she’s coming. Really strange as I’m usually a clockwork 14/15dpo. My temp dropped a bit today, so guess I’m just late. The next month is hectic with work and socialising for Christmas, which becomes a real pain when you’re trying not to drink too much. I hardly ever drink, but for a period in December I’m out nearly every night for 4 days!! Yikes!
Anyway, that was a post of epic proportions from me!

Hugs and babydust to you all

L xxxx
AFM – (I use this acronym with no idea as to what it means!! Ha ha!)
I’m 16 dpo today and still no sign of AF, but pretty sure she’s on her way as I got all sweaty in the night last night (nice!!), which usually means she’s coming. Really strange as I’m usually a clockwork 14/15dpo. My temp dropped a bit today, so guess I’m just late. The next month is hectic with work and socialising for Christmas, which becomes a real pain when you’re trying not to drink too much. I hardly ever drink, but for a period in December I’m out nearly every night for 4 days!! Yikes!
Anyway, that was a post of epic proportions from me!

Hugs and babydust to you all

L xxxx

AFM-As For Me!

Hope AF doesn't show. I like your friend's words, hope you take solace from them! Good luck, and sod the worrying about Xmas drinks. I know of loads who've got pregnant following a really good knees-up (one of our crew on here, is one shining example, no names mentioned!!!).

Onmymind - I don't think I've met you on here before, but the traveling sounds wonderful!!!! The camper will be great - where are you planning on going? Grand canyon, painted desert, historical east coast, yummy food in the deep south??

Nice to meet you, yeah i have been on here for a long time now, but i have just been lurking for a while, it was part of the process of getting my mind around we would not be having any children, but i am good now lol. As for the camping yes to all of them lol, i dont know where we will travel, most of the time it will be short trips to WI or MI somewhere close that you could do in a couple of days, but then vacation time the sky is the limit lol. I really want to go to the Smokey Mountains TN, i have driven through there a couple times on my way to FL and absolutly love it. The camper will be so nice too, no more freezing, or dying of heat and an actual bathroom will be right there lol.
Hi OMM! OH and I are big campers and backpackers. The travel sounds great! Where will you go first????

Yeah for camping and backpacking, when i was a kid we went camping all the time, now my husband and i have started going tent camping, we like it but we keep running into crazy weather lol. The first time we went it was in the 90's, second time we went it was in the 40's you could see your breath in the tent lol, the thrid time we went it was 85 the first two days then a front came in and the thrid day was only in the middle 50's and it dropped to 40 that night lol. So a camper would be wonderful. Unfortunatly its going to take us 3 years before we can get it, so in between we will keep going tent camping, and this year we are going to bring our dog with, he is a 65lb fur ball, and hopefully he will enjoy it lol. I think we will probably go to either TN or the east coast, like NC or SC, i have never been to the east coast and hear its wonderful, it would make a great first trip with the camper, although we may end up going tent camping in between that way lol.
Hi OMM! OH and I are big campers and backpackers. The travel sounds great! Where will you go first????

Yeah for camping and backpacking, when i was a kid we went camping all the time, now my husband and i have started going tent camping, we like it but we keep running into crazy weather lol. The first time we went it was in the 90's, second time we went it was in the 40's you could see your breath in the tent lol, the thrid time we went it was 85 the first two days then a front came in and the thrid day was only in the middle 50's and it dropped to 40 that night lol. So a camper would be wonderful. Unfortunatly its going to take us 3 years before we can get it, so in between we will keep going tent camping, and this year we are going to bring our dog with, he is a 65lb fur ball, and hopefully he will enjoy it lol. I think we will probably go to either TN or the east coast, like NC or SC, i have never been to the east coast and hear its wonderful, it would make a great first trip with the camper, although we may end up going tent camping in between that way lol.

OMG. You totally have to go to one of my favorite places in the world: The combined wilderness area of Joyce Kilmer, Slickrock Creek, and Citigo Creek. It's due south of the SMNP. (I'm born and raised in Chattanooga, TN, so this is home for me.) There's a small memorial forest for Joyce Kilmer (he's a WW1 vet who wrote that "poem as lovely as a tree" thing. Not my cup of tea, personally.) with some of the most amazing virgin forest in the Eastern US. It's called the "Miracle mile." A must see, best in spring when the wildflowers are in bloom. I went there a lot more often than to the Smokies, but I can make some recommendations for there, too. What do you like? Solitude? Views? Hiking? Easy or hard? Etc.

Caveat: I haven't been there is a few years (~5), and it's my understanding that the wooly adelgids epidemic is wreaking havoc on the Southeastern forests. There may be substantial numbers of "miraculous" hemlock trees downed because of this.

Thanks for the morning reminder of one of my favorites places!
Here I am. Big temp drop today, so it looks like AF is on her way. :cry: I still have a second bucket of blood tests to do, which require a full food and water fast for 12 hours! Food I can do without, but water? DH is dragging his feet a bit on doing the SA, but I'm sure he'll do it.

I'm turning 39 a week from today. I'm not pregnant, my LP is back down to 9 days despite the initial bump up from B6. I feel old and broken and fed up.

Sorry to be such a downer.

Aww Kismet. I'm so sorry you feel that way. Don't give up hope. 39 is no age!!!
Fingers crossed that the blood tests give you something to go on that's positive. Keep up with the B Vitamins ok?
Sending you big hugs xxxxx
La Bergere - I hope the witch stays away.... 16DPO??? I think you need to:test: again!!!!:thumbup: Your chart is still looking good!:thumbup: good luck!

Kismet - I'm sorry to hear you are feeling down... :hugs:We all feel like that sometimes (old,broken etc)... but remember if AF is coming that is partly to blame for your emotions... I hope the witch stays away but I hope you won't give up :hugs:- and I hope you won't have as long a journey as me (almost 11 years!) And 39 is not old!! (I'm 40) It's just a number - I was worried before my 40th b-day but it really is just a number. The tests are nothing - you CAN DO IT!!! Trust me -it's better you do them now. Fasting for 12 hrs just means don't eat anything after dinner and in the morning.... (you can go first thing in AM for test) What kind of tests require no water??? I have never heard of that??:shrug: (usually it's just no juice,sweet drinks etc) HANG IN THERE - YOU CAN DO IT!!:thumbup:

Pebble - crazy cat lady!!:haha::haha: I'd like to cuddle those kittens ....but don't think I could handle them all..:haha: hope you figure out Thanksgiving plans soon - but a trip to Toronto sounds nice too...(hey that's my city!:haha:) Have you been up here before? :hugs::hugs:

Lils - hope you are feeling a little better today hun....:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:

Dwrgi - noticed AF hasn't arrived yet for you - HMMMMM.....:winkwink: have you tested there young lady??? (I only ask because your original ov was much earlier before FF changed it) Hope you are feeling better too...:hugs::hugs::kiss:

Nessaw and Moon - :hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:

Pad and Dr. H, Lady H, Froliky, Asry - how are you ladies??:hugs::kiss:

Butterfly - :flower::hugs::kiss:

And everyone I missed!!:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:

AFM - so I realized today that my allergies must be actually a COLD... so crazy sneezing, congestion and blowing my nose a lot... I am hoping it's a good TWW sign but trying to take it day by day as I am driving myself silly with the symptom checking. Still holding out til Saturday.

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