TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Small - You may want to get it checked out if its happened before? It "could" be a deficiency of some sort, like progesterone or something else a bit off or could be annovulatory cycle if just this once (which wouldn't kick off much progesterone). (but don't be alarmed as apparently 1 annov cycle per year is normal for us ladies, if it is even that). :flower:
Lils - thanks for the advice. I'll see if I can get to the doctor's next week. Also...
I can't believe you're at 27 weeks! :thumbup: Take care of yourself.
Well ladies looks like ov is just around the corner , got my + Opk just now :) lots of b'ding for me over the next 2 days :) come on egg n sperm lets make a baby !!!
Hello ladies. For those that have had an extended weekend, I hope you have had a good one. :happydance:

Quick update, I have started spotting today so the :witch: is just around the corner for me, right on cue. :growlmad: I cant say I'm any bit surprised, I totally knew it was a lost cause, but its still a kick in the teeth all the same, it was my last chance. I now need to pull myself together and try to work out what happens next. Do we look at adoption :shrug: Donor Egg :shrug: a life without children :shrug:

I dont know which way to turn at the moment. I guess we need to get over this and then look forward. I find it easier to deal with things if there is a plan in place and I know whats happening next. My DH is the total opposite, so I honestly have no idea what the next installment will be.

I do know whichever road we take, I will have you ladies with me, supporting me and willing me on which is a God send to me so thank you one and all. You're a very special group of women. :kiss:
Door no matter what I say it can't make things easier for you now, but please know there are a lot of people out there sending you loads of love and hugs right now, me just being one of them. Hang in there honey and have faith XXX
Door, I'm so sorry. :cry: We will be here for you, no matter what. I can't imagine what you're going through right now, and just want you to know how much I hope you achieve your dreams. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Door not sure now is the right time to tell you the amazing story of my sisters journey tcc but when you feel ready I'm happy to share it with you xxxxx

Offering lots of hugs for now xxxxxxxxxx
Thanks ladies.

:witch: has arrived in full force so no injections or hoo haa bullets for me this evening. Every cloud and all that :winkwink: I feel surprisingly ok today. I had accepted 2 weeks ago it wasnt going to work so I guess the disappointment is a bit easier to deal with.

Left Wonderin, I always love a good miracle story so feel free to share :flower:

Pebble, you made me :cry:, such a sweet message, thank you. I hope you dont need your lap this month :winkwink:, but if you do, at least they are getting to the bottom of things for you and you can move forward.

Butterfly, how is the jabbing going?
I'm so sorry door :hugs::hugs::hugs: I hope that some (hmm, I was just about to say some other door opens for you :dohh:) and that your path becomes clear :flower:

Jab done, lucky I only had to have one, now just waiting on AF before I start more meds :coffee: thanks for asking hon :hugs:
Door hugs and thoughts for you.

This sucks. It is desperately unfair.
Oh Door, I am sooooo very sorry. I know you didn't think it had worked, but you always hope that you are wrong, right up to the last minute. It sucks donkey balls, as Lovely Lils would say.
I am so with you on being able to move on if there is a plan in place, but there is NO hurry now- DE, adoption, whatever. Take your time, remember what you're about, have fun with OH, and take HUGE care of yourself!
Big loves and hugs to you, and please PM me if you need to vent..
Door ... I heard about your news and wanted to come on to send some Giant hugs our way... It is sooo devastating even though you thought it might not work... I know it's easier with a plan but take your time to grieve and get angry, sad whatever makes u feel better , because you have to for your sanity.
You may feel fine one day and then out the blue have a terrible one but just know that the sun will come out and things do get better with time speaking from experience. Just take your time and if your DH asks what he can do to help you through it just say hugs daily and to understand that it is going to take some time... That helped my DH to know 'how to help'.
Take care of yourself Hun and I hope the path becomes clear to you soon...
Door I'm so sorry :cry: Take gentle care :hugs::kiss:

Hi to everyone else. I'm still reading but not really able to respond at the moment as I'm not feeling great. Take care y'all.
Thanks ladies. :flower:

And Dash, thanks so much for coming on again and thinking of me. You really are so sweet. :kiss:

And some very good advice from a few of you. I need some time to work out our next step. I spoke to DH and told him to have a good think about the options we have and what he wants instead of him saying what he thinks I want to hear. :dohh:

I'm trying not to get too down, its not like I havent been here before so I just need to keep looking forward. :thumbup:

I hope everyone else is ok, you all have your own stuggles and worries to contend with. This journey is not for the faint hearted :roll:
It sure isn't Door !! Not to try cheer you up as I think you have the right to be sad but thought it might help to share my story .

My sister got married with the one wish to have children . She married at 23 , after 11years of unexplained infertility 4 attempts of Ivf and icksy without success and untold heartache she and her DH decided to stop trying and look at other options . They ended up adopting 3 siblings aged 5, 2 and 12 months all at once !!! They settled into family life which was a big adjustment . Anyway fast forward 5 years and they decided that they would give Ivf one more go when all the children were in school. This time Ivf worked and they had a little boy after 16 years of trying . There were also two frozen blastocyst which couldn't be used due to the restrictions in how many can be implanted . Ok again fast-forward 3 years and a letter from the clinic advising they were " disposing" of the blastocyst as their time was up and my sis had 3 options 1) let them defrost and be discarded, 2 ) have them injected into her system to be re absorbed 3) have them transferred . My sis now with 4 children thought long and hard and finally decided on the transfer as she felt it was the right thing to do . She was advised that there was only a 10 % chance they would come through the defrosting process and smaller chance they would implant . So two survived against the odds and ..... Two implanted !! Meet Niamh and camomile twins !!! So the count went from 0 to 6 !!!!!!! And a full house ! But the story does not end there . One night when my sister was 42 she woke up in the middle of the night , she hadn't been feeling great but suddenly it dawned on her the feeling was a familiar one ...... She asked oh to go to the 24 hour store for a pg test .. He thought she was dreaming and speaking in her sleep ! Well he wouldn't go so she got up and went ...... Aged 42 ........19 years of unexplained infertility ..... BFP aged 42.5 ..... SHOCK ! They didn't even talk about it for the first month as it was so unbelievable !! Well AOIFE is now 5 and my sister just celebrated her 48th birthday !
So from 0-7 !!!!! She now has a family ranging in ages from 22-5 .

I so clearly remember her after the 4th failed IVF being so broken , I have a clear image of her having drank a bottle of red wine sobbing about her broken body :( .....

Whenever I think there is no hope I think of her , her story is my inspiration and tells me anything is possible and never to give up hope xxxx life throws us some curveballs but sometimes ya have to throw them right back . She fully believes it all happens for a reason and without the beginning of her journey she would not have her three oldest children whom she loves more than life .

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