TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hi Smelen-I think that stress can affect us in all sorts of ways. I don't think that the ONE time I got PG with my OH was when I was enjoying the school summer holidays... (I'm a teacher). Something to do with cortisol.... Good luck, and hope that you have Od! :thumbup:

Welcome Kat! There is a school of thought that DHEA is good for egg quality. Might be worth a try...:shrug:

LW-yes, poking your boobies constantly, would make them sore! Silly billy!!! Good luck though, you just never know!! :thumbup:

Hi guys! Hope you're all okay! :flower::flower:
Hi everyone... Can I join? I'm 37 and ttc #1. We have been ttc for almost 3 years. We got a BFP in November but suffered a mc on November 12th....
Hi, guys...

Long story short, been trying for a year now and am 41 years old with no health issues except low egg quantity and quality (expected at my age). On Day 3 of my cycle and starting my Bravelle injections tonight. This will be for IUI #5. Had one miscarriage in January: not sure what went wrong. Doc recommended acupuncture for increased blood flow, but that's not covered by insurance (neither are my $$$$ meds), so I read on the internet that many acupuncturists recommend castor oil packs to aid in blood flow, so I ordered a kit on We'll see...

Hi Kat - welcome and best of luck to you!!

Have you researched the castor oil pack in pregnancy? I know I saw castor oil used to bring on labor once for one of the ladies on the US Teen Mom series. I think she took it internally though but still it seems to me that even if it's used in pregnancy externally, it's usually close to the end of the pregnancy. I don't know for sure but I feel like I would have questions about it in pregnancy. I know blood thinners like Lovenox and Heparin are used for better blood flow in pregnancy. Take care.

Hi, thanks! I was researching how to increase blood flow to my uterus, and I saw that several acupuncturists recommended the castor oil packs to help when trying to conceive. If it increases blood flow, makes sense that people would want to use it during labor, too! Either way, it can't hurt and I feel like I need to be proactive and DO something. Ha! Like all the blood draws, invasive ultrasounds, surgeries, and injections isn't doing something :wacko: I'm also taking low-dose aspirin, drinking more water, and applying a heating pad to my abdomen for 20 min a day. I'll look into that Lovenox or Heparin, but I promise I won't take that AND the aspirin!
Welcome Kat! There is a school of thought that DHEA is good for egg quality. Might be worth a try...:shrug:

I'm taking prenatal vitamins with DHA and folic acid. Is that what you mean or is that something else?
Hi Kat and Carybear, welcome, good luck and sorry to you both for your losses :flower:
Hi, Kat and Cary! You've found the best group of ladies on the internet. :thumbup:

I'm stealing from Lil's journal here:

• Omega 3’s w/EPA 2500-3000mg (was already on this too; both of these helped in getting my AMH from .84 to 1.5 when retested in August – now considered normal?! Although FSH creeped up to 13 )
• DHEA – micronized, high-quality – 75mg Fertinatal 25mg, 3x/day. Very $$$, but it was my Hail Mary & was featured in the Center for Human Reproductive Studies (CHR) article/studies: Here’s a link to the Fertinatal website: You don’t have to go with that kind, just be sure its micronized & has good reviews. Another lady found Micron 5 DHEA at

So, no--DHA and DHEA are not the same. The full description of Lil's Four Month Egg Challenge is here, along with her amazing story:

Hope all are doing well! :hugs:
Hi Ladies!

I was wondering if I could join you on here. I've read a lot of your posts and have a lot in common with a lot of you. I really wish I knew more about age and how much it really affects ttc before I decided to wait until I was 36 to start trying! Oh well, can't do much about that now. After a miscarriage and a chemical all within a 5 month period I decided to start some new supplements. I have done a lot of research on coq10 and it's affects on egg quality. There is also something called PQQ that if taken along with coq10 helps repair "old cells". A lot of women over 35 and even well into their 40s are having great success with it. I really hope it works for me because I don't think we will be doing IVF because of the cost. Another girl mentioned I get tested for MTHFR because of my two losses. I am going to call today to try to set that up. It is so nice to see threads like this for us girls all in the same situation. It's hard to talk to your friends about this because at this age all of them have kids (some fully grown!) and they just don't get it. They say "just relax and it will happen" . I'm just so excited about this coq10 though. I feel like all I need at this point is "younger eggs" so if this gives em to me that would be great. lol Does anyone else on here take it or thinking about taking it? Hope to hear from you guys and hear some success stories soon!!! :)
Hi lovely ladies,

Just got back from vacation and wanted to give huge huge hugs to door. I'm so sorry to read your news. :hugs: I hope you are hanging in there honey :hug:

Welcome Kat, Carybear and Suziq :flower:

afm - nothing new from my end regarding TTC and FET. I might gear up for the hysteroscopy once my next cycle starts - will see. Haven't made up my mind yet.

I hope everybody is doing well! :kiss:

I'm 36 and have been ttc my first for 6 months. I know it's early days for me but I'm already feeling disheartened. I'm an acupuncturist and have regular acupuncture & chinese herbs but haven't had any western tests done yet - apart from fsh & progesterone levels (which was low - 10)

My hubby is away for a month and feeling a bit lonely and worried I may have left it too late. Just wanted to say hi & see if I can find some friendly support. Most of my friends have babies & my sister has 3.

Hi jazzbird! I know how ya feel. you start to wonder if maybe you waited too long to ttc. That's how I felt at first until I started doing some research and got some tests done to rule some stuff out. My first appointment to my doc we had only been trying for like 3 months but I lied and said it was 8 so they would take me seriously lol. But I know my body and I kinda had a feeling there might be something going on so she agreed to do an ultrasound to see if there was anything preventing us from getting preg. And there was a big polyp in my uterus. After that was out we got preg pretty quickly but unfortunately lost it and have had another loss since then. It does get harder as you get older but you just have to be proactive and get answers! Even if you have to lie to have them take you seriously lol
Hi suziq

Thanks for your message. I think you're right - perhaps time to push for some tests. I'm sorry you've had two losses - that must be so hard.

I can recommend acupuncture to prevent loss. I'm in no way here to plug acupuncture but I've seen it work for so many fertility issues through my training and can't help telling people about it :)

Hope this is the year for us all.

Thanks again for welcoming me into the ttc #1 over 35. It's weirdly nice to be part of the club!

Welcome Kat, Suzy, jazz and Cary. This is the best forum on the net!!

Hi to all. Hope ur all doing well.xx
Thanks Nessaw!
Jazzbird: I would love to do acupuncture as I know how helpful it can be. It's just a little pricey for me right now. But I'm definitely going to think about it more. So for now just sticking to the supps that are listed in my signature, all help with something different but the Coq10, PQQ and Royal Jelly are supposed to help with egg quality which is what I think my problem is, although still going for more testing to rule other stuff out.
Hi Kat, Cary, Suziq and Jazz!!!!

And Owl and Nessaw - so great to see you both again. Hope you're doing well
Welcome, ladies!

Owl, good to see you! No need to rush into the FET--just take baby steps when you're ready. :hugs:

:hi: to everyone else! :hugs:
Ok ladies ,last night at 10dpoi got some brown tinged cm , temp went up this am unlike other months when AF Watson its way ........ Waiting till Wednesday to test as LP is 14-15 days . Could just be AF coming early . Only time will tell :) I hate not knowing errrr
Thanks Nessaw!
Jazzbird: I would love to do acupuncture as I know how helpful it can be. It's just a little pricey for me right now. But I'm definitely going to think about it more. So for now just sticking to the supps that are listed in my signature, all help with something different but the Coq10, PQQ and Royal Jelly are supposed to help with egg quality which is what I think my problem is, although still going for more testing to rule other stuff out.

I hear ya! It is sadly very expensive.
Welcome to the new members :hi:

Moon... :hugs: so glad to see you back hun xx

Owl... how was the vacation? Do share with us 'holiday deprived' worker-bees :haha:

Ness... :kiss::kiss: miss you!

8 weeks today! All good here :) Had a few days of MS early on but nothing since. I have, however, developed horrid reflux so that is pretty uncomfortable and my reading tells me it's unlikely to resolve until Bing is born.
Hey everyone!

Had an ultrasound today to check my follicle progress on the new dosage of injectables. She counted 7 follicles in all but said it's hard to tell and there might be a couple more. They are all about the same size at this point, but I'm only Day 6 of my cycle, so it's early yet. Praying every single second that 2 or more of them mature next week.

So I tried that castor oil pack kit last night. Man, is that complicated and messy!! I suppose it'll get less complicated now that I've done it once and already soaked the wool flannel. I was icky sticky afterwards and had to jump in the shower. Not sure I'm going to like doing that for an hour every single night before bed, but I'll do it as often as I can.

Hope everyone is keeping their spirits up. I know it can be hard. Hey, at least it's Friday and the weekend is only hours away, right? :flower:

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