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TTC After Loss Buddy Wanted :-)

That's a good plan Brooke. I am lucky enough to work from home so thankfully it's one less stress to worry about.
Kate - good for you! you don't need to use opk's just trust your body :) I think it will be good for you to take the stressful parts out of trying. Wish you the best with getting your debt paid down - I think that is really smart. I work full time at my own business, but since it is unpredictable and not steady income I also work part time seasonally and it helps to stock up in savings for slower times.

What's frustrating me right now is how expensive all my Dr. bills are getting even though I have good health insurance. The thing that sucks is for as much as I'll end up paying toward the deductible this year I probably won't meet it and will end up starting from scratch again next year anyways. If only all of this could be contained within 1 year instead of bridging two!!! I hate that it all ends up basically being out of pocket anyways!

I'm trying not to let our debt get me down either - I figure if we were waiting to be financially perfect first, then we'd never have kids! lol.

Daisy- I've gotten my positives as early as CD24 (but my cycle can vary from 24-28 days).

Mon - I love your wedding pic, very pretty!

Welcome Ayclobes!

Brooke- you should be Oing soon! Good luck!

As the day has worn on I'm feeling really weird again - sort of like I have previous times before I've gotten my bfp's - trying not to think about it yet and get my hopes up, but I just feel pg today.
That's great that your opk's are getting darker!

and i agree future - if we ever waited until we were financially "ready" we would be in our 50s! Hah, just try to take everything day by day.

I bet dh will be happy when i tell him my revelation, he wants to have a baby really bad, but he will be happy that im taking some of the stress off of him, and he knows its for the best, still hoping to get my 2011 bfp anyways :)
Kate ur better than i am..i cant wait any longer..my baby is 3 and im gettin no younger...and HUBBY will be 30 the 2nd of August...so we are ready...Good luck future hope u get a BFP....
30 is still very young!! and trust me, im not better than you, or anyone, im probably just in much more debt lol. (without a mortgage!)
Ronnie believes hes gettin very old...so he wants to conceive in the next year...
Brooke - my DH is 31 (I'm 27) and we're just getting started for #1. You've got lots of time still!!
Yup, still lots of time. I just turned 35 and it's the first time I have felt pressured by the ole time clock lol!

By the way, thanks for the sweet comment Futurephotos. = )
Awww, thanks. That was actually taken when I got married 9 years ago but I do still look a lot like that, just about 15 lbs. heavier :blush: lol!
I got married in october and im 15 lbs heavier lol. damn weight, :)
LOL, TTC is not good for your weight I think. I just finished a small bowl of ice cream with chocolate syrup and it was yummmmmy!
I was overweight when I got married I've not really changed.. I'm hoping to lose some though
You know what works great? The Dukan diet. Basically no carbs. Even if you just do it for 4 days you can lose like 4 lbs. Very fast and effective! Just make sure to only do it once in a while, your body needs carbs to stay healthy. A few days without it every now and then is ok though. Of course, as always, as your dr. first. = )
My baby is at her dads so me n Rae r having a girls night just me n her
Kate, I didn't use opks when I got pregnant the 2nd and 3rd time. I was much more relaxed about it but also just guessed at when I should o based on timing and cm. I didn't start opks back up til after the 2nd miscarriage and thats just cause the 2nd miscarriage made me a bit crazy :wacko: LOL

I am a sahm and am lucky dh works long hours(not under hiscontrol) and earns enough that I can. I don't plan to return to work til after a baby # 2 is out of newborn stage.

As for the age.... Dh just turned 36 and I m 32. he's not feeling like a spring chicken anymore!
Lol dh really is afraid of being the" old parent" so he's really wantin to get preggo asap.. I work as a nurse my hubby wants me to stay home but nursing is my passion so I feel need to help others n this is my way of doin it.. Sounds corny huh lol
Doesn't sound corny at all. I am a daycare provider and feel the same. I love it. I had a very tough pregnancy with Megan. I have borderline high bp which I've had forever and it runs in my family. Well they didn't want to give me meds for it. I was advised to stop working mid pregnancy. I was induced at 37 weeks. She was a high needs baby and it would have been exhausting and not fair to anyone if I would have worked during those first 6 months. Then when I was ready to start up again we decided get pregnant and to move to a different town. We decided it would be silly to start up again when I assume I would be only working a few months- it's not fair to the kids or the parents. I miscarried the day before we moved. So then miscarriage number 2. I miss daycare and if not for wanting another baby so soon I would be working.

So in other news I got a faint bfp this morning! It was so faint though. It was on one of my frer's. Even though I wasn't going to use them yet- I couldn't hold out! So now I'm still in the waiting game. It did come up within the timeframe and was for sure pink. So now I have to wait and see if it gets darker by the weekend.
I've missed so much! I got freakn job now so I cant stalk the cite anymore...lol..

Hows everyone?! Me, i'm trying 2 figure out these opks! Saturday I had a faint line then sunday I had a line that came out of nowhere!! I think it was pretty dark, but im not "suppose" 2 O until 2day! Now its back 2 faint, but i'm just now getting my usual O symptoms 2day! Me & dh started bd'ing on thursday so hopefully something sticks!
May after my miscarriage I had only faint lines then bam a strong line one day..... No progression at all. Sounds like you should be covered!

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