TTC Bonfire babies

Hi Rogue, I am in the 2ww (I think). It's pretty nerve racking, but exciting at the same time! x
Hey JustMarried! Nerve racking i think is an understatment!lol! i feel like i am constantly on the edge of my seat - i guess thats what happens when its your first time TTC instead of NTNP, When are you testing honey?? -X-
I think I'm due to test on 13th November...but still not 100% sure of my cycle...only been off the pill since August so still learning! My period is due on 9th Nov but fertility friend says I should test on 13th...seems ages away so not sure I'll be able to wait that long! Only used a test once, first month after coming off the pill....thought it had happened straight away, but was just a long cycle before my first real period! How long have you been trying hun? When are you due to test? xxxx
Hey again girls.
Need some advice (sorry if this is mentioned somewhere else....I'm not too good on computers!)...:wacko:
So, I think I ov'd on Sat (according to OPK). Since Friday I have had very itchy breasts and the left one feel bruised and sore. Are these signs of ovulation? This is my first month of being fully aware that I am trying instead of NTNP, so don't know if I am over analysing things. :shrug: I was on the BCP for 9 years until August, so don't remember what the signs of ovulating are! Feel tired too, but think it's because I'm off work and relaxing....arrrggh please help! Just need advice on signs of ovulating / pregnancy and the diff between them!
Many many thanks and hugs
I think I'm due to test on 13th November...but still not 100% sure of my cycle...only been off the pill since August so still learning! My period is due on 9th Nov but fertility friend says I should test on 13th...seems ages away so not sure I'll be able to wait that long! Only used a test once, first month after coming off the pill....thought it had happened straight away, but was just a long cycle before my first real period! How long have you been trying hun? When are you due to test? xxxx

LOL! Justmarried i know exactly what you mean abt waiting, FF confuses me, and why would you have to wait till 4 days past you due date for AF???? I say text on 9th and get your BFP! Whoop! We have been NTNP (not trying not protecting) for a while now, altho hubby was being extra careful! This is our first cycle of really TTC and looking at dates, BDing at the right time etc etc. I haven't come off the pill we were using barrier and so i have been able to read my body for sometime now and understand (and feel the pain) when i'm ovulating. I know statistically its quite a slim chance first time round BUT i am 99.9% hopeful and a tiny weeny bit completely doubtful! I'm due on on 2nd but plan to test on 1st me thinks or i may try and persuade myself to actually wait till bonfire night.:shrug: What have you been doing to keep your mind off things??? Have you started cruising baby shops yet seeing what is available?? Ooo, you should totally get one of the sparkly things to put in your signature, Charmed & WannaBaba#4 were some kind of geniuses and created the code - find it on page 11 i think and then you copy and past it into the Signature part of your "Customize Profile" page. I think that it would be amazing if we could all have BONFIRE BABIES!!!:cloud9::cloud9:\\:D/

:hug: and baby dust to all!!! Love R.
Hey girls- hope you all had a great weekend. :flower:

I have had a nice but hectic one, visiting my new nephew -he's so cute and gorgeous and cuddly. He was premature and is only just home. He is now 2 months old and just under 7lb in weight, was only 3ib 11oz at birth so he's doing great. My sis -in-law is up from London too with her family -gorgeous wee niece age 14 months and my nephew who is 4. So busy but fun!! :happydance:

Gossipgirly -hope you get your BFP this month then, that would be lovely having your LO there at your wedding -you could even make it a joint christening /wedding.:hugs:

Rogue - I see your getting married too. When is you big day?? I got married June 2008 -and it was one of the best days of my life. We got married abroad with 30 family members there with us- it was so brill, I wish I could do it all again. :cloud9:

And for both of you Gossipgirly and Rogue - I have ahd lots of friends who have been pg and not had any symptoms- i think we all get a bit obsessed on here with SS lol -I know I do!!

Muncho -What dpo are you on? It must be about the same as me - well what ff has put me on ; which is dpo5 -I am kinda thinking that possibly my one day af ddin't count as af and therefore I am actually CD 42, dpo 5; either that or its just all messed up. Oh F*ck I dont know!! Anyway back to the point, i had terrible lower abdo cramps yesterday and a sore pelvis and painful hips mmmmmmmmm SS gone mad again :dohh: I had Symphis Pubis Dysfunction previously too, so I thought mmmmm I wonder?? -but a bit achy tday only and nothing else. When are you gonna test? - I originally was going to wait until 12th November which in my estimation would have been CD31 AND dpo 15 -fed up of all the bfn' s last month lol -but if FF is correct then bonfire night will be dpo 15 instead, but could only be CD24. Aaaaaaarrghh! I just dont know what to believe now.

charmed -Sending lots of love to your lil nephew -hope he is doing okay. My lil nephew had 2 collapsed lungs 2 months ago and had 2 chest drins in and was ventilated for 3 weeks so I understand how distressing it is to watch and how useless you can feel not being able to physically do anything. Hope you are okay?? :hugs:

Justmarried24 -Hi and welcome. :thumbup:

Hope all us ladies get out bfp' s this month :hugs:
Hey again girls.
Need some advice (sorry if this is mentioned somewhere else....I'm not too good on computers!)...:wacko:
So, I think I ov'd on Sat (according to OPK). Since Friday I have had very itchy breasts and the left one feel bruised and sore. Are these signs of ovulation? This is my first month of being fully aware that I am trying instead of NTNP, so don't know if I am over analysing things. :shrug: I was on the BCP for 9 years until August, so don't remember what the signs of ovulating are! Feel tired too, but think it's because I'm off work and relaxing....arrrggh please help! Just need advice on signs of ovulating / pregnancy and the diff between them!
Many many thanks and hugs

Hey sweetie, i've been reading my body for a while now and i get v emotional, alot of bloating, usually very hot the night before and then on day of OV i get cramps on either my right or left side. I have learnt that i OV mainly from my right side, or at least it feels like that. The pain sometimes can be really bad but it never lasts, and i know some other people just expereince a slight twinge if anything at all. Have you checked Fertility Friend for tips on how to read your CM?? It is actually v handy and for me totally on the mark! Good Luck xx:thumbup:
Hi Wannabubba, thanks for the welcome! New to this whole thing and it can be a bit scary when you don't know what to expect!
We're not telling friends or family that we're TTC yet either, so can't even share with them what I'm feeling! My husband is great, but I don;t want to get on his nerves with the obsessing about symptoms!
Breasts are still a bit sore (not as itchy tho) and I have a little pain on left side but not much! Rogue, you def have the right attitude to being positive - lots of people get BFP in their first month of trying! So fingers crossed!!!
I'm on half term hols at the moment so trying to keep busy, but I have little motivation! Been marking and tidying classroom this morning and then trying to tidy house this afternoon but can't STOP thinking about being pregnant!! Feel stupid that I've become obsessed so early after OV but cant help it!! aarrgghh!
Wannabubba -FF has me down to test on 13th Nov, but says AF is due on 9th - very confusing!!
hi thanks for all the supportive words about neph.. i know he will be ok stuff scary
im at uni pt doing degree in homeopathy.. v intestering, may have find something for fertility if no luck this month...
welcome again to our ever growing group.... just married im same as u due to ov any time i think - pains, wetness just negative blood opk.. :( starting to stress sure it just cos ic tests but have 40 so no gonna waste,,, if no luck this round ill get some for nov cycle, im due on on the 10th so will be testing same as u hun

any gossip or tips anyone xxxxx
Hey sweetie, i've been reading my body for a while now and i get v emotional, alot of bloating, usually very hot the night before and then on day of OV i get cramps on either my right or left side. I have learnt that i OV mainly from my right side, or at least it feels like that. The pain sometimes can be really bad but it never lasts, and i know some other people just expereince a slight twinge if anything at all. Have you checked Fertility Friend for tips on how to read your CM?? It is actually v handy and for me totally on the mark! Good Luck xx:thumbup:

Oh Rogue - you sound like the kind of expert I need just now then -- please help!!

Here's my situation

Last month FF had me ovualte on CD16 due to my temps, but I also had fertile CM later on in the month that confused matters - so it was only a dottted line . my temps are prob not too accurate due to shiftwork.
My cycle was 28 days, normally 27-30 so pretty much what I expected.I had spotting on CD28, Heavy af next day, really heavy as in soaked through tampon, undies and jeans on two occassions (marked in as CD1) but then nothing the next day(???????? -wtf???) My af normally lasts 4-5 days and medium to light flow- sorry tmi, but really would like some advice if you know rogue.

This month FF has put my ovulaton, bold crosshairs - at CD9 -Surely this is too early -do you think that the bleed I had on CD29 wasn't af and that I am now CD42?? or do you think I have still to ovulate? -or have ovualted but really early?? I had EWCM on CD9 but it was brown tinged. And tbh I cant remembr the last time I had EWCM, I have PCOS too, so prob do have more anovulatory cycles than most.

Shit -that was all a bit of A jumble- hope you can understand it.
Just testing signature

Hey justmarried24 - you need to put both of the line stogether with no gaps -I had to put it this way to stop the bonfire babies logo appearing

And wish I hadnt started FF - its making me a maniac lol :wacko:
I had three kids befor without temping, charting or obsessing over when i ov'd lol madness i tell you , but I love it -kinda exciting at times too :haha:

Hey charmed. Nice to meet you.
Well I got 2 pos OPK on Friday, then neg on Sat with EWCM so guessing I ovulated over that time. Still did the BD yesterday and planning on it again tonight just incase! Been trying to do it every other day since AF left just to be on safe side!
It's a scary process isnt it??? Think it's cos we want it so bad, and we want it hopefully before fingers crossed!!
If I get any tips Charmed, I'll def post them on here. Think it's just playing the waiting game for me now....gonna try not to SS too much!! It's very hard tho!!
Wannabubba, what made you chart, temp etc this time hun? Just curious as this is my first TTC experience and I would have loved to have just allowed it to happen without using OPK etc, but I am too impatient!!!! Did it happen quickly for you the first 3 times?
Justmarried24 - Hi

It never even crossed my mind to look for forum's like these before -I fell pg within first month of ttc with last 3.

However I was diagnosed with PCOS 8 years ago and with my advanced age (I am 36) and waiting to try for several months (waiting to sweet talk DH lol) I started googling and came across this site, I joined FF shorly after to see if I was actually ovualting. TBH - I just presumed that because I had a monthly period that I definately ovulated.

Anyway thats it really. Now B&B fever has gotten hold of me tight and I am totally addicted lol


p.s Never once POAS before my period was due -in fact always tested after several days late before; and since joining here I have POAS at 6dpo, 7dpo lol --total madness xxxxxx
Hope your all well :D

Got EWCM yesterday and today! OH was too tired/unwell over the weekend to BD :( but seems now would be the perfect time!

Oh Rogue - you sound like the kind of expert I need just now then -- please help!!
Here's my situation
Last month FF had me ovualte on CD16 due to my temps, but I also had fertile CM later on in the month that confused matters - so it was only a dottted line . my temps are prob not too accurate due to shiftwork.
My cycle was 28 days, normally 27-30 so pretty much what I expected.I had spotting on CD28, Heavy af next day, really heavy as in soaked through tampon, undies and jeans on two occassions (marked in as CD1) but then nothing the next day(???????? -wtf???) My af normally lasts 4-5 days and medium to light flow- sorry tmi, but really would like some advice if you know rogue.

This month FF has put my ovulaton, bold crosshairs - at CD9 -Surely this is too early -do you think that the bleed I had on CD29 wasn't af and that I am now CD42?? or do you think I have still to ovulate? -or have ovualted but really early?? I had EWCM on CD9 but it was brown tinged. And tbh I cant remembr the last time I had EWCM, I have PCOS too, so prob do have more anovulatory cycles than most.

Shit -that was all a bit of A jumble- hope you can understand it.

Hey Hon!!! lol! i'm no expert, i find it impossible to read those FF charts and i haven't ever temp' before. i really think that being in tune with your body is the best indicator - however, i may try those OPK thingies if i'm not pg this time round.Hmmmm, thinking abt what FF said due to temps but then conflicting CM, i'd go with your CM, your temps could have been under the influence of anything ranging from unkowingly fighting off a cold (it is cold season) or being a bit stressed, restless night sleep (presume u temp on waking?) and i am sure there are other factors that could alter a reading. Your CM is your bodys way of telling you when to BD so stick to that. Also, i noticed that you sounded a bit worried about your cycle tbh, mine is the same, mine starts light and then on day 2-4 i change medium tampon every 2hrs (sorry if too much sharing!!) heavy and quick is mine and i count light spotting as day 1. I honestly to do not know about PCOS. I do thiNK it was AF and don't think your on CD42, what i do think was weird is the EWCM with brown tinge, to me that sounds like implantation bleeding.......i've never been pregnant before but when i have been researching that is how implantation bleeding has been described.......(HPT?????:shrug:) k, so the moral of my story is: in my very humble opinion i think charts should be back up and reading your body is key, i record on my blackberry when i feel certain pains in certain areas and my cycles and whenever i start to feel abnormally hot in the night i know that i will ovulate the next day and feel hot and restless all morning followed by pain either side for a few hours, The charts are ace for giving a bit of notice but then you also have to look at your CM and see what that is telling you. lol, i may experiment on myself and get an OPK and see whether i'm just sprouting a whole load of crap or whether its right......either way i guess we just have to go with the flow - which as we all know is loads easier said than done!! Lv. R -X-:kiss: ps sorry if anything i have said doesnt help x x x
Ahhh, yes and now a question for anyone out there, something i haven't wanted to admit or question myself yet is......i have a retroverted uterus - does anyone know whether this could decrease the possibility of me getting preggers??? anyone know of anyone else?? My mom has 1 but i can't ask her as no one knows that we are TTC (actually everyone thinks i am way too much of a career girl to have kids and seem to enjoy telling me that i'll never have hurts sometimes:cry:) so i only have you ladies to ask, google doesn't really have that many answers for me either...Lv R. -X-:hug:

P.S Zoe, was in same predicament last week, i told my OH to suck it up, get himself ready and impregnate me!!lol! i had to half abuse my hubby, but he thought it was funny the next day!! No excuses, we want BONFIRE BABIES!
Hello everyone

hi to newly married and welcome..
Charmed @ hope the nephew is better now - how stressful

Wannabubba - i think i must be about 5 DPO . No symptoms today though..

girls who are charting, i am not charting so i will apologise in advance for not being able to help you in that area, I find that whole thing V V confusing..

gotta go make dinner :)

have a nice evening xx

p.s when does implantation occur??

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