Morning ladies ( or afternoon, evening lol -depending on where you are I s'pos)
Hope everyone is well today.
... haven't a clue when i ovulate even tho i've been trying for 6 months and been temping, i'm just all over the place,
I know what you mean, I've only been temping this past month but because I work shifts its really hard to follow; last month FF said day 16 so reckon BD from day 9 though to 18 should be enough ,if us oldies can handle that lol
but have a 28 day cycle so try all month long, nearly every day.
You go girl -get that eggy!!

That's where being young and a first time ttc really has it's benefits lol -Those three 12 hour shifts I just worked were so busy and by the time I got home and saw to the boys homework and baths and housework etc, I am afraid on one of the nights, it was just an early night for me lol

Which is the worst part for you girlies, is it the two week wait or waiting to ovulate (looking for signs) i think if i knew i was ovulating each month i would feel happier, not so stressed.
2ww definately -I have only had one but I SS'd like a maniac the whole time lol -had every pg symptom under the sun too

However if I dont fall preggers soon, I know I am gonna start obsessing about whether I actually ovulate too. I have PCOS so there is a possibility that I have anovulatory cycles more frequently.
So want to be pregnant for christmas... what a lovely pressie x
Me too xx
Welcome to Rogue:wave: I am no expert in any of this yet either- but as far as I am aware the most important CM changes are to be noted prior to ovualtion, dry at first -just after AF, then sticky, creamy (leading up to time of O) through to wet and if you are lucky egg white cerrvical mucus (if you dont get ewcm then fertilty friend states that wet is the next best thing but not quite) and this is the best fluid for transporting

up to the egg. Not quite sure post ovulation -whetherit means anything or not.
PMA PMA Bonfire Babies YAY Go Get those spermies ladies

Baby dust to everyone