Oooooo!!! i am so excited! i should have my own little sparkly thing now! Thanks for all the welcomes, thank you so much Wanna# for the code! Feelin optimistic again (last night before i foudn you guys i was feelin liek there was no hope) but from reading your stories, i think that i did everything right, BD at right times etc - so i gave it my, o, sorry i mean "we" (sometimes i forget that there is two people involved in this process, lol!) gave it our best shot and what will be will be - but how amazing would it be to tell our blokes on Bonfire night that we are preggers and then go out an watch the fire works. I can't think of a better time to find out... O and LauraJay i totally think that this 2ww might as well be the 2nd world war as it is the worst part, waiting, hoping praying! at least when you are waiting to OV it is more of a proactive wait, checking CM and looking for signs, afterwards is just a total waiting game! What do you Girlies do to keep your mind off babies whilst you are waiting for BFP? By the sounds of things most of you aren't on your first cycle TTC, so i am very much the noob which lots of enthusiasm, i hoping i can keep this up and help others keep their morale up too, hehee, PMA! K, ladies, hope your all have a fabulous day, thanks for the thanks Charmed. Lv Rogue -x-