TTC Bonfire babies

Hello Ladies

Thank you for making me sooooooo welcome!!!

I reckon I am 2 dpo??? I am definitely on CD 16. I have started to get almost a burning sensation in my nipples,but I now know after a few months of ss, that this is a post ovulation thing!!

Today I checked my predicted periods for the rest of the year, assuming I do not get regnant and they all come on time...and great news...if I miss this one, I have 3 more attempts.....woooooooooo and my last poas opportunity would be news years eve. Hopefully I wont have to wait that long, but if I do.....I wll be ok with it.....would love to be pregnant before the end of the year!!! PMA - BFP!!!!
is there room for lil old me? i am going to test on bonfire night :happydance: af due the 7th but thought what the heck if i get my :bfp: then it would make bonfire night extra special and if :bfn: i can wallow in self pity and go watch the fireworks to cheer myself up.

got a + opk yesterday am expecting to get another today so hopefully oving today/tomorow. anyone one else ovulating now? x
I have weird feeling in my it feels heavy. Feels like I need to pee, but nudda when I go. I had this last month, but about 2 days before af showed....kinda feel like she is going to come now. anyone else get this...I am about 2dpo.
I have really really sensitive nipples today. Think i Ov early last week. Could be Ov symptons but dont normally have sore boobies or anything. dont know how any DPO i am maybe about 3/4?

fingers crossed xx
yeh snap i think i might be about 5 dpo mine were like that yesterday and boobs huge and sore, today im having like cramps in my stomach but not like af cramps i cant decide whether i just have a tummy bug as i felt a bit nauseous :/ xx

Edit offically a bug, brother is poorly with same and offically vomitting!
got i have been have a head fuck today ( sorry for swaering) but i put my temp in today n it said on ff that i ov on tue that only cd 8"!!!! very negative opk and ok i did have more cm wed but we had sex tue night

FF has just put me on dpo 3 which would have meant Ov'd CD 9 (was cd16 last month) Can this be right??? :wacko:

AArrghghhg - had all my BD sesions planned out too, now it turns out we DTD the day before and the day after only. Gonna keep temping and checking CM to see if it hopefully all changes ... and gonna keep my DH in the bedroom lol. :winkwink:

About that -this is our first real month of ttc and he sems to have lost interest already -I could see the point if we'd been going at it like rabbits :bunny: for a few months but really come on DH - that's how babies are made !!!!

Said last night -he felt a bit under pressure to perform. Well WTF??? AND - I haven't mentioned ovualtion, CM or anything -its just cos he knows I know!!Stupid men sometimes!!:grr:

Anywya seems I may have joined the 2ww YAY :wohoo:

So hello ladies KittyKatBabe, Rogue, Gossipgirly, Jaytee and muncho and charmed , oh and just noticed MrsLQ too, -C'mon PMA BFP all round please!!!

Welcome to babytots - sorry this post has been very self indulgent - c'mon get ov'ing haha join us in the dreaded 2ww
How are you all this fine (really wet n cold here lol :cold::rain:) morning /afternoon/evening??


you know what im really excited about the next 2 weeks and hearing about everyones symptoms and BFP's!!!!!
my nipples are ok now...i did not like that at all ..was so sensitive. even thou ov has happened we are going to carry on bd every other day for about a week...

girls i have read lots of things about putting feet against the wall after. I have done it this cycle..who knows if it works but its worth a shot

have a nice off to buy a new settee xxx

p.s are we all in the UK? nice and sunny here today xx
Hi ladies

Hope you are all having a nice weekend :flower:

Welcome to Thatgirl :wave: Hi- and in the 2ww also -YAY - we're gonna get lots of Bonfire babies !!

Muncho -I am also in UK, but Scotland -so no sun shine here :rofl: :rain:Rain rain rain -so much rain :rain:that my son's footie game has been cancelled as the pitch is water-logged :rain: - and so cold lol :haha::cold: - I have relatives up from London and they are frozen!! -every year they come, and every year they cannot believe how cold it is :haha: My bro -in -law didn't even bring a jacket:shrug: -had to go to a football game yesterday with 2 t-shirts and 2 jumpers on, in the rain lol.

charmed -how's things? Hope evrything is okay? :hugs: x

Zoezo -have you ov'd yet -are you joining us in the 2ww wait yet?? x

Bubbles - Everything okay?- we haven't heard from you for a while! x

Gossipgirly -hope you are feeling better soon -and at least you got the bug after you ov'd -would't want to be DTD when feeling ill. Take care xx

Anyways going out with my dog (lovely springer spaniel) to Loch Lomond Country Park (with secret garden and castle and lovely play areas for kids) - nice walk in the rain :rain: .At least I do genuinly like the rain lol - 'sings' ''We're singing in the rain, just signing in the rain, what a wonderful feeling, we're happy again''. not so keen on the cold though brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

So speak to you all later xx
No-one here knows we are ttc -so if my relatives come and stay here then I may not be on for a few days :ninja::ninja:

let#s get those :bfp:'s ladies, and for Zoezo -get that eggy girl :spermy::spermy:

Thanks wannabubba feeling a better today, no sickness anymore its oh's turn now and well I think he drew the short straw its coming out from both ends.
Muncho im also in the UK in newcastle, its not sunny but its a lovely autumn day, no rain yet but yesterday was terrible!
Im not feeling very positive this month I think I may have Ov'd later than I thought just a niggly feeling in the back of my head, defo gonna temp next month and use ff! I really need to catch an eggy in the next cycle as I get married next august so will have to move to wtt for a few months so I can fit into my dress cos I dont think at 8/9 month preg I will get into nmy gorgeous gown :(!

ah well u never know time will tell eh...

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend :D xx
Hi Gossipgirly :wave:

Glad you are feeling better and so happy to hear of your wedding news!!!

Are you sure of your dates though - If I get my BFP (like I am really hoping :dust:) in november then my due date would be 20th July, next cycle would be 17th Aug. When is your wedding planned for?? If you are out this month (and I really hope not - pma and baby dust :dust:to you) then would next cycle not put your due date and wedding at about the same time?

Just a thought -if you've already bought your dress!! :flower:

xx :hugs:
hi wannabubba my wedding is 29th august and my dress is corset style so can be pulled in, not if there is a bump in the way tho xxx
ladies today i have had an ache in my uterus ( i think) with a few sharp pains...anyone else?

gossipgirly , how exciting with all the weddign plans. I got maiired 16th Aug last year. LOVED the whole process but was glad when all the stress was over

It will fly by xx
Hey Girlies!!! Soz haven't been around loads have had mega busy weekend, well, maybe just yest. Met with the family to go see a few venues for my wedding and fell in love with this place in Leamington Spa - think its the one so putting a deposit down next week...Ooo exciting!lol! GossipGirl i feel like i'm in same boat as you, totally planning wed for next yr prob august but then also TTC (?) Can't decide whether it is a good idea to keep TTC whilst planning wedding but i guess i wont mind too much if im preggers in wedding piccies....

So anyway, Wannabubba i think i took your PMA signals a little too litterally, spent a large proportion of today trying to track down some kind of mega sensitive HPT - seriously i was desperate just to know either way, this waiting is terrible....i am on such an emotional rollercoaster right now, i keep getting the PMA vibe so im ultra upbeat and planning baby stuff like crazy but then i remember that i don't have any symptoms like the other girlies....i noticed that MrsLQ has cramping and Muncho you have and aches....i don't have anything is that normal? Not even the sore boobs which i normally do get before AF, O gosh. don't listen to me people...i'm rambling!!

Back on the PMA - Babytots i'll be testing same night as you! well thats if i don't give in before hand, o no wait i think i need to test on the 2nd actually!doh!

Welcome to all the noobs, i love it in here! to all those not in 2nd world war mode BD like crazy!! and we'll all have our Bonfire Babies!! WHOOP!!
aww how exciting!! we have everything booked up now, the less fun bit is paying for it all haha.. I'm not fussed about being pregnant iv estimated that I will still fit into my dress at about 6 months haha I wouldnt of had it yet but my mam bought it for me and wanted to get it early so she could pay it off in installments...

if it makes u feel any better rouge, your not the only one with no symtoms, iv resigned myself to the fact iv missed o this month so not going to get all hopes up just to be dissapointed!! :( its only my first month ttc although ntnp for 6 months (but secretly hoping) kinda makes me feel more sad than if it was just my first month not using contreception if u get me (is that daft?)

Well iv had a mega disneython day me and oh have been in pj's watching disney film after disney film and eating junk food..its what sundays are made for! and has kinda helped me to chill out about it all xxx
Rogue~ i know friends that have been pg and NEVER had any symptoms. Its really an indiviual thing. Also i think when you are in the 2ww you tend to look out for anything and everything.
so dont loose hope if yu have not got any symptoms. Mine could be nothing, we will find out soon

fingers crossed
morning girlies, sorry not posted for a few days, been a busy one.
well im still very confused over ov this month, still defo no postive on opk and temps still low, so hoping morro they peak right up and stay high, i have been feeling like oving, ive been emontional, v bad tummy pains in ov area, fair bit of cm and very horny, seems like bodies know what todo best so rolling with than, still hoping the ov they put on ff for tue was a mistake with my temps as been bdin every over day and yest so will have lots sperms in there, how long they live?
been using concieve plus so hope that gives them bit more vitaily! funny low not much runny stuff has been coming out me when stand up after sex, norm dribbles but noticed hardly none so hope its been sucked in high!!!

WELCOME all newbies, sorry cannot remeber all your names, im sooo happy this post is growing and everyone doing well, wanna join 2ww asap, if ov last tue we didnt have sex til that evening so not hopeful i really think it still to happen cos would have only been 8days lol, normal 15days.

have fabbie day

oh update for you who know, my bro little boy is still very ill :( and he has a chest drain in and in special baby hospital, worrying cos he been in all week now and even after 10 hour open heart op they let him home after 4 days, im really worried.
got uni work finished, but fearing done it wrong. also exam on sat n done no revision so pma for that too xxxxx
what do you do at uni? you should have spoke to them about extenuating circumstances, your mind will obv be on other things... hope he gets better soon, im a student childrens nurse and its suprising how quickly the little ones fight back and made a speedy recovering xxxx
Happy Monday Morning Girlies!!! Everyone glad to be back at work after the weekend???!!! I'm not, sat in a cold office as the boiler is broke! ah well!

Thank you so much GossipyGirl & Muncho, it was v nice of you to try and raise my morale - think it worked!! And yeah GossipGirl i know exactly what you mean, i too have been in the NTNP stage for abt 3 months on and off so i had half convinced myself that now i was charting and watching dates it would happen.....lets not lose hope tho honey, like Muncho said some people don't experience any symptoms......when will you be testing??

Charmed, sorry to hear about your brother, sounds like you have a lot on your plate at the minute....As for those OPK's i've never used them before and think that your own body is the best indicator, so go with that, you have all the OV signs, might as well put that horniess to good use!

And how about everyone else???? Who is currently in 2nd World War mode (2ww)???? when is everyone testing? How was everyones weekends???? -X-
Hi girls. I just wanted to say hello. I am new to all of this. TTC #1. Just got married in August and we decided to start straight away. Tried for 2 months without monitoring ovulation etc, but now a bit impatient and started to use OPK. I had positive OPK on 23rd October, at CD10, so think I ovulated around CD12 but cant be 100% sure. I have sore breasts and a bit of pain in tummy, but nothing else. We did the BD every other day last week and over the weekend, so fingers crossed! Baby dust to you all xxx

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