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TTC for Baby #1 - Looking for Buddies

welcome back smileymiley88! I'm thinking I should at least get a bbt to know when I'm ovulating b/c it seems that one's cycle fluctuates.
welcome back smileymiley88! I'm thinking I should at least get a bbt to know when I'm ovulating b/c it seems that one's cycle fluctuates.

I agree! I know a lotta people say either one is good, but the thing with just BBT is that your temps only elevate, when you are ovulate. So no warning on if you have or if you will ovulate. Hence why I prefer both :) Yes it's burning a very LARGE hole in my wallet, but well worth it.

Update for today - 3 BFNs on the internet cheapies, I don't feel too bad because they are a dollar a piece.. So what the heck right? I took them at different times of the day and then sat around with them trying to see if I can see a second line. it got so bad that I set my cam on "negative" mode to see if I can detect something. Still natta!

So found a new distraction. Hindi Soap Shows!! I dont know a word of the language, but saw it on cable and got hooked since its got subtitles.. So I had to track back to when the show started, find episodes with subs and started watching it. The main characters are exceptionally good looking. Specially the male lead.. Hubs thinks I'm crazy. Don't get me wrong, we're both south asian, but raised without knowing much about our cultures. So imagine how intrigued I was about this!!

It's about 2 people that refuse to admit that they are in love. Lots of comedy and lots of long eye locks and romantic background music. Very mills and boons. I got to a point where I started yelling at the characters. lol,. they have 5 episodes a week and the show started back in July. So lots of catching up to do. I am very very intrigued to see how this story unfolds. I did watch the most recent episode as well and tomorrow, a love triangle starts!!!! Woot Woot!!

So this is what I've been doing to forget about tomorrows results. I am telling you ladies, although I don't understand a word they say to each other, it's so very romantic how they go at each other like cats and dogs. DH just gives me strange looks every hour or so!!

Anyways - Here's to healthy obsessions!!! :happydance::dohh::happydance: :blush:

Hugs to all of you and I will update everyone tomorrow.

Good morning ladies.

I think AF just got me. I had a few drops of fresh red blood! ugh. I guess the upside is that I'm getting my first real period after stopping bcp's last month and it was right on time :) Round 2 now. I think I will buy a thermometer, do you guys really think I should also use an OPK? Good luck to everyone else.

Oh Ladies I am so sorry that AF got you, but on the upside, you've still got another month to try :) I still have 2 days to go, so waiting patiently. So last night was a little insane for me. After I logged off the site, I started feeling dizzzy..

But it was a weird dizzy and I have gotten it before when my blood pressure dropped (no reason to drop really given that I eat a crap load of salt). So had to turn everything off and go to bed. Hubby was trying to finish a project at home so he had an all nighter and I know he didn't come to bed until like 2.

Anyways, going back to feeling dizzy.. I laid down on my bed, shut my eyes and felt like my whole world was spinning!! Felt like i just got off the teacup ride at disney land :wacko:

Well finally got to sleep. And then woke up at 4 am to vivid dreams (my dreams are insane, i feel like i get no rest because they are so damn "action packed". It's like a crazy Tom Cruise action movie minus Tom Cruise). Needed to pee, but didnt want to get out of bed because still felt dizzy. So went to sleep and woke up again at 8. Still dizzy. Had some trouble with BBT and finally got an accurate reading. Temp is highest it's been this month. Fell asleep and woke up at around 10. Still dizzy, so hubs has set up my work laptop in our bed room.

I honestly feel like crap when I get this dizzy. I think i'm crazy, but I swear to you, I feel like I'm going to fall or something. So another day spent in bed :(

With all this going on, my mom called yesterday. She knows we're trying and when I told her I'm 10 dpo and started throwing statistics at her she got all "let it happen naturally" and blah blah. I work 60 hours a week and so does DH. I had to explain that for us to BD that frequently, we need to know what's happening when and make room for it in our day. Sad huh? lol. She's mad. She thinks I shouldn't temp or OPK. I think she's old fashioned and crazy. She did get knocked up during her honeymoon.. So blah! Just trying to explain that all of these things is important to keep me sane is tough with mother dearest. So I do what any good daughter does. Avoid her until I am calm and in my right mind!!

Ok sorry about the long post. A lot happened and I'm feeling a lot of things and wanted to get it all out!!

Hope you ladies are doing well and stay strong my lovelies


Sorry learning life and baby Feva for AF coming but a whole new year approaches and those BFP will be coming thick and fast :happydance:.

Wow Bezinga that all sounds promising especially the temp being high. The waiting can drive you :wacko: You know you have lots of support here.

Well I have had no real symptoms and i'll be around 8/9 DPO. I had an argument the My Partner yesterday over something so silly. He drives me :wacko: sometimes. So I have been emotional because of that. Not even feeling hopeful at this point. I hope to cheer up for New year’s Eve.

Mel- I love to sometimes watch Hindi shows because they're hilarious! You should try Korean dramas, those are addicting too! I'm half Korean but I have to use subtitles:/

I'm so excited for you to test today, I will have my FX'd for you! Afm- I'm so confused right now. Yesterday AF was due and all i had was like 2 drops of blood then only a light smear of brown blood on my pantyliner yesterday. This morning I checked my cp and it's so high up i could barely reach it. I saw brown discharge but that's it. I'm confused because I dont' know if this is my period and do I count from yesterday?? Do you think I have an out of whack cycle because I just got off of bcp's last month? I'm lost. I'm pretty sure I ovulated around the 15th because I had ewcm a few days before that with ovary pain and sore nipples. ugh

Learninglife- I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Thanks lotus womb. currently waiting for my doc and its driving me nuts. I am so sure we are out so just want to get the pap smear over with... Thought I would check in with you guys :)

Julia - I read through your post and I really dont think you are out yet until AF hits you with full force.

I have my fxd for all of you and looking forward to some 2012 bfps ladies!!!!!

I am typing this on my phone and have I ever mentioned how much I hate auto correct???????
So, I think that AF is here for sure. Red blood. I have a question tho- do I count yesterday as CD1 or today?
So, I think that AF is here for sure. Red blood. I have a question tho- do I count yesterday as CD1 or today?

Hi babyfeva - When I got of bcp's I had spotting (brown) for 1-2 days prior to getting my periods. My nipples are sensitive, pms, mood swings, + bloated just before and cramps on red blood day one.

DAY ONE is the day you first see red blood...so it would be today for you. I'm sorry that AF got you too! At least we can all go forward from here, together into the new year.

Wishing us all bfp's and for 2012 :dust:

Happy New Year!
Thanks lotus womb. currently waiting for my doc and its driving me nuts. I am so sure we are out so just want to get the pap smear over with... Thought I would check in with you guys :)

Julia - I read through your post and I really dont think you are out yet until AF hits you with full force.

I have my fxd for all of you and looking forward to some 2012 bfps ladies!!!!!

I am typing this on my phone and have I ever mentioned how much I hate auto correct???????

Waiting to hear what the result was...holding breath!!!
Mel- where are you??

Learninglife- thank you so much for that info. I feel much better. How long were your periods like that?
Hey Ladies,

Just wanted to let you know that you are the COOLEST :) Btw, I'm from South Asia too and watch Bollywood here and there. I grew up in India for 17 yrs. of my life and have lived in the USofA for about 10.5 yrs now. I also have gotten sucked into Korean drama :) I don't know Korean but learned a few words here and there just by watching Kdrama! Luckily I do know Hindi :) My DH is American (white). ~ so hopefully our blended babies will turn out cute ;)

We are on a jet plane tomorrow, Dec. 31st to see my folks, relatives, friends and be back on Jan 27. Too bad we don't have "GOOD news" to share with them but they'll never know we "tried". Knowing our culture, no doubt, the BIG ques. will be, you've been married for 3.5 yrs., where are the kids...blah blah...I'll tell them that 2012 will be a good year.

Not sure how often I'll be on BnB d/t internet reception plus nosy parkers :)

Wishing you all a prosperous, and Happy New Year - keep us updated!

Like you Learninglife- I'm so happy to be sharing my experiences with you girls. I don't know what I would do without you guys. I wish a safe and happy trip. Hopefully you can sneak onto bnb sometimes. I can't believe you'll be gone for so long- we'll miss you. :)

Happy New years! 2012 will be a great year for us all
Mel- where are you??

Learninglife- thank you so much for that info. I feel much better. How long were your periods like that?

I got off bcp's October 2010, and didn't have spotting the first and second month. Spotting began the third month (January 2011) and has continued ever since (Dec. 2011).

I also have had irregular cycles pre and post bcp's. Unfortunately this month got messed up as stupid af arrived even later :(

Better go pack before DH sees me on here again :) Hope to sneak on to BnB at some point myself :hugs:
Ladies!! I just got home!!! It was a BFN but I am not too worried. Afterwards we decided to run some errands and watch Tin Tin!! Excellent movie btw :)

And then decided to meet DHs childhood friend whom he has not met since he was in 8th grade!! It was lovely catching up with him and learning how DH was like back in the good old days.. He even told me about the little "accident" that DH had in second grade and the pink cargo pants he had to wear because he need to change his pants!!! Cheered my right up. :haha:

Followed that up with a quick b'day surprise for DH at dinner and spent the night laughing and talking with good company. Poor man is so bummed about getting old!! He's all "what have I accomplished blah blah blah" and I told him he bagged a wife like me, so what more does he need to accomplish. Besides, I know for a fact that once we do get a BFP and the baby comes along, raising that child will be the biggest accomplishment in the world. He being a man does not get my point and I don't think he will until the baby is actually physically present with us. Also, he was a lot more bummed than I was about the BFN which surprised me. It's funny, when I met him he didn't want to get married or have kids or anything.. Now he wants it all. Goes to show how powerful we women are don't you think :winkwink: I think all our DHs are better versions of themselves thanks to us and vice versa!!

Thank you soo much for all your support.. Honestly I am not too bummed :) I always wanted an x'mas baby since DHs b'day is on new year's eve, so maybe next x'mas that' what will happen!!

I am so grateful to all of you as well. I was telling DH about all of you and he's glad that I'm finally "discussing" this with you lovely ladies vs. keeping it all inside.

Oh LearningLife - Ignore the comments. Lady I had little baby booties couriered to me via mother dearest 6 months into our marriage all the way from back home. And the questions have come up with us too. I tell them "Buy us a house, pay off our car and we will have a baby" Shuts them up lol Aggh and I know what you mean about the nosey parkers. Pffft!! But the thing is, since you are married, maybe you can get away?? Or book a room in a 5 star hotel (cheaper than it is here) and get pampered and BD. That's what DH and I do when we go back. 3 days to ourselves by the beach enjoying ourselves.. Can be tricky to pull off, but well worth it.. Either way, take a good book and enjoy your trip!! Eat lots and lots of yummy food, shop till you drop and have a good time. Also - if the net is decent hopefully, please do check in with us!!! We will dearly miss you and I hope you come back with a cute little "desi" sticky bean!!

Babyfeva - I would say today since you did get the full blown AF today. And i am so excited to be taking thing journey with all of you!! I feel like we're on a private adventure of our own :happydance:

LotusWomb - Ok I have a Korean channel (I went through the guide and found it :blush: ) No subs on them though, so you gotta tell me which ones are good so I can keep and eye out on them :D Ohhhhh I am so excited!! Maybe if I watch it once i get a BFP, my kid might be multilingual!! Lol. ok kidding although that would be super duper cool!!

Anyways ladies, i've attached a picture of tonight's celebrations just for kicks! If you notice DHs cake has no candles due to his old age woes - he's a very silly man, but I love him dearly.

Again sorry about the long post, but I had a LOT to say as always! :wacko:

I will be online for a bit longer and will be checking in tomorrow with all of you!



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Mel- It's so great that you had a wonderful time with DH. I love your picture btw :) I'm sorry about the BFN but I'm excited for us to try again this next cycle. Although, AF is still pretty light (we had to dtd in order for it to show some red) I will take it. I ordered a bbt & opk's from Amazon yesterday and also signed up with Fertility Friend so I'm excited for round 2. FX'd for all of us!
@Bezinga your positiveness is infective I love it!!!!!:wohoo:

@Learning Life...my cycles are soo screwy to...only since we started trying....

BTW my AF is like 5 days late....I am too nervous to test.....maybe I'll do it before NYE...I don't want to see the :bfn:...I know its silly I may test when I'm a week late....its happened before where it's a week after and then the :witch: shows up....we'll see...where are the rest of the girls at...
Ladies I am still in the waiting game till 5th. just wanting to wish you all a Happy New Year.
Hey Ladies,

Probably my last (semi-last) post on here before we leave. DH has gone to do laundry at the laundromat so first thing I did was log in :) He has asked me not to "mess things up" while he is gone and better yet, "tidy up" instead...he helped me pack everything last night - so sweet ;-)

Don't know how we are going to get around with two checked bags, two carry on's, and our "personal" bags. Bezinga - wish we had time to go check ourselves out of our family for a bit in India, however, that won't be possible as most of the itinerary has been made and our parents won't let us leave anywhere...lol

I <3 the "desi" sticky bean comment :) Wishing you a "desi," multilingual one too hehehe
You guys are a lovely couple. So glad you got to party, live, laugh, and you watched TINTIN...YAY =)
Re: boots being couriered hahaha...my parents gave us "how to raise your child" book during our engagement celebration!!!!! And my aunts and g'ma and everyone has already been asking via skype - so again, number one question....probably going to get sick of it haha...but I intend to EAT LOTS, shop, and LOVE being home with family and friends :)

Don't watch tv, but hence lots of hulu so was addicted to Kdrama for a while. Can't believe how much they eat, and always some noodles, or a full table dinner! Can't remember the names of the two series I watched - one was a rich boy, poor girl story and the other one was vice-versa....ahaha...but lots of fun!

babyfeva - so happy to be on the journey with you :) I also am taking along my opk's, and starting bbt'ing the last two days (while on af) - it's hard to get up, open my eyes, wait for the one minute beep which seems to take forever, and lethargically write down the number...ah well, we'll get through it :)

praeyrs4bebe - yea, I'm with you - thought until this month that sex was supposed to help 'regulate' cycles - but it completely screwed me up!

LotusWomb - will be thinking of you! Please update stat and try to enjoy your NYE. FX'd for you.

To all of us for 2012

LearningLife, I've been at my BILs for the last few days without access to a laptop (been following along on this thread and the other, but it's tough to type long messages on an iPhone). Sorry AF got all of you, but I know 2012 will be a wonderful year and I know we will all have BFPs soon and hopefully babies in our arms this time next year!!! Have a fabulous trip and a Happy New Year to everyone!!!
hello hope you dont think im intrude but i would like to be friends im too ttc got my period xmas day:nope:so time to try again got a phone app that lets you know when your most likely to be fertile not worked yet but its still early daysx i am very impatient though but would love to have some people to share my experience with and be supportive back x

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